Ultraman's serious talents become light

Chapter 182 My Happiness You Can't Imagine

Chapter 182 My Happiness You Can't Imagine (Please Subscribe)

Dagu, who was looking at the bright galaxy outside the tent, didn't know what he was thinking. He might be looking at those bright stars, or he might be thinking about the phenomenon of the Cheerios monster, or he might just be in a daze.

"Tirino, I didn't expect you to really know Director Sawai!"

"Director Sawai greeted Kirino first, that's amazing!"

"Yeah, yeah, you guys haven't seen it, Director Sawai saw Kirino's appearance, just like seeing his own grandson."

God damn grandson!
Mufu Kirino's smile froze, and he stopped the increasingly outrageous people around him.

"I'm just an ordinary person, everyone, don't care, don't take my identity to heart."

"Just treat me as before, otherwise, my disguise will be in vain."

"Don't spread this matter to the outside world. I believe that you brothers told you. Otherwise, you would never have met Director Sawai."

Kirino Mufu had the cheek to put Sawai's reason for going up the mountain on himself. He learned from Takano Jun.

Everyone patted their chests.

"We will never tell it. This is a little secret between us. Everyone must keep it a secret."

"Know, know."

"It goes without saying that Tongye is my half-brother."

"You can pull it off, you can say such a thing with a shy old face, you are five years older than Kirino."

"Why, we're dating each other. He's the big brother, and I'm the second brother."

"Do you really understand the meaning of Wangnianjiao?"

Amidst the noise of the crowd, Mufu Kirino sat beside Dagu.

"Dagu, did you see, Director Sawai and I are... bah, I was almost led into a ditch by those people."

Makio Kirino said with a smile: "My identity is indeed special. Once again, I solemnly invite you to join my TPC special operations and security team and become a glorious team member."

Dagu came back to his senses.

"Why did you invite me?"

He glanced back at his team members and said, "There are a lot of talents in TPC, and the members of the G agency are even more so. I'm just an ordinary transporter, without any merit."

"Because you look pleasing to the eye."

Kirino Mufu said: "After spending so many days together, I have experienced your personal charm that makes people feel like a spring breeze. Although your body is not strong, your brain is not smart, and your personality is still simple..."

The more Dagu heard it, the more something was wrong. Why doesn't this sound like a good thing?
After talking about a long list of shortcomings, Mufu Kirino took a breath and patted Dagu on the shoulder: "But these shortcomings of yours are nothing. You have a lot of room for improvement and you have a lot of potential."

The corner of Dagu's mouth twitched.

He is stupid, but he is not stupid.

The meaning of Mufu Kirino's words is that he has poor foundation and can't do anything.

Seeing that Dagu's expression was still not very good, Mufu Kirino smiled awkwardly.

"There are still advantages in you, such as...such as...such as being warm-hearted, kind-hearted, serious and focused in doing things, which can make people feel at ease and trustworthy."

Dagu didn't speak.

But the transport personnel who eavesdropped behind shouted playfully.

"Tirino, look at me, look at me, I am warm-hearted and kind-hearted, responsible and down-to-earth."

Kirino Mufu glanced at him and said, "But you won't make people feel trustworthy at first glance."

The man froze for a moment and asked, "Why?"

"Long and ugly!"

Suddenly, the surroundings fell silent.

A second later, the other team members roared with laughter.

"Fuck, it makes sense to be ugly."

"I never dreamed that it would be the reason."

"Pig heart with shrimp, pig heart with shrimp! Hahaha..."

Dagu was also amused by Mufu Kirino's words, he said, "I'll think about it first."

"Okay, it's a bit sudden to ask you to change jobs. You must think carefully." After thinking about it, Kirino Makio added: "TPC special operations and guards are very free, and you can go anywhere... wandering around."


Compared with the laughter of Makio Kirino and Dako, the tent of TPC researchers was full of tension.

The researchers are wearing white clothing, watching the display screen all the time, and taking measurements.

Director Sawai sat silently on the chair, quietly waiting for the result.

"I'm looking for Director Sawai."

"He's in the tent, please come in."

Summoned temporarily, Junhui walked into the tent, followed by Takano Jun who looked around curiously.

Noticing Ju Jianhui approaching, Sawai's serious face relaxed, and then smiled.

"Xiaohui, you're here."

"Director, as soon as I heard from you, I rushed over immediately."

"Who is this?" Sawai looked behind Junjian Hui.

Ju Jianhui immediately pulled Takano Jun over and asked him to show his face in front of Sawai.

"I know my godbrother, Takano Jun."

"Oh, so it's Takano!"

Sawai had heard Takano Jun's name from Megumi Megumi a long time ago, but he had never met him.

Sitting in front of Zejing, Jujianhui said in a low voice, "I brought Xiaochun here this time to make an impression in front of you."


Sawai's face changed a little, he smiled and said: "In my memory, Xiaohui is not such a sudden person, tell me, what problem did you encounter, do you need me to solve it?"

Kicking Takano Jun who was distracted with the shin, Megumi said in a voice that only she and Sawai could hear, "My brother is not an ordinary person."

Sawai froze for a moment, his lips moved slightly: "A person with super powers?"


It's hard for Ju Jianhui to say that Takano is pure from the universe, so he played a sloppy eye.

"You want him to join TPC?"

Ju Jianhui nodded, but his tone was very tactful: "This brat is a lazy pig and doesn't want to find a job, so I hope you can give him a idle job in private, and let him contribute when there are important events, and just leave him alone .”

Sawai hesitated.

Not long ago, he was brought into TPC by Kirino Makio, and he was questioned by many high-level executives. This time, he was called over by Kirino Makio, hoping that he can perform well.

Now that there is another Jun Takano, the other high-level officials may not be happy.

He asked: "What is Takano's ability? Is it better than Kirino, or worse?"

Wheaton paused in the middle.

The ability of Takano Jun she knows is to become a monster and Ultraman, but such ability is shocking to the world, even if she believes in Sawai very much, she dare not say it.

He glanced at Takano Jun hesitantly, she was going to make up a random ability.

Just when she was about to speak, Takano Jun spoke.

"Tirino? That brat is no match for me."

Takano Jun said: "His superpower is about the mind, and my superpower..."

With a little force on the fingers, a corner of the table was crushed flat.

Sawai was very surprised. Although this table is ordinary, its quality is outstanding.

Ju Jianhui was also surprised, but on the surface he still pretended to be calm.

Sawai looked at Junjian Hui: "Xiaohui, you are really my lucky star."

Two superpowers, one mind, one body.

If Sawai had been more arrogant and domineering, he would have been able to take Takano Jun and Kirino Shepherd to slap their faces right now.

Next, Sawai and Junjian wanted to say some important things, and it was inconvenient for Jun Takano to listen.

Jun Takano walked out of the tent and found Shepherd Kirino who was hiding cowhide.

"Do you know what is missing in the 21st century?"

"Talent, talent, talent!"

Kirino Makio asked: "Do you think being a talent is happy?"

"Of course I'm happy." A person replied subconsciously: "Talents are popular everywhere, and some can make money while lying down. How cool it is."

"You may feel that talents are very happy now, but after you have come into contact with many talents, you will find..."

"Talents are not happy?"

"You will find that talents are different from talents. Hard-working talents will be immersed in struggle, and gifted talents will sway their talents wantonly."

Kirino Mufu coughed: "For example, I am a gifted talent."

The crowd laughed.

Kirino Mufu held his head high and pouted his buttocks: "And my happiness is beyond your imagination."

"Talent? I think you are a personal stream."

Mufu Tongye's face changed suddenly, he turned around immediately, and said with a smile: "Mr. Gaoye, you are here."

Takano Jun glanced at the crowd, and paused for a moment on Dagu's handsome face.

If it was the previous life, he would have to stay away even when he saw Dagu.

But it's different now, he's awesome, he's handsome.

"I have something to do with you."

Takano Jun called Kirino Shepherd away.

After the two walked to an empty corner, Takano Jun asked, "A crop circle, you just called me over?"

Shepherd Kirino scratched his head.

"Isn't it for fear of accidents? I'm also just in case."

"But Mr. Takano, the situation is indeed different this time. My superpowers don't feel very good to me."

Takano Jun said: "If you predict the future, don't you know the situation?"

"The superpowers endowed by genes are uncontrollable!" Even if Mufu Kirino has mastered some cosmic magic, he still cannot control his own superpowers.

According to the Plesher Stars, the genes in Mufu Kirino's body are ancient and special. If they cannot be perfected, superpowers cannot be controlled at all.

And the only way to perfect it is... Evolve!
Takano Jun curled his lips: "You have studied cosmic magic for so long, and you can't even control a superpower. Old things can't do it."

Mufu Kirino suddenly opened his mouth: "Teacher!"

Jun Takano's figure flashed immediately, and he hid behind Mufu Kirino.

Wherever he looked, there was no one.

Takano Jun gritted his teeth: "Stinky boy!"

Shepherd Kirino waved the wooden stick in his hand, and then it became as fast as the wind, and the distance between Mufu Kirino was opened in an instant.

"Mr. Gao Ye is so afraid of the teacher, so don't say bad things behind people's backs, or you will be hammered by the teacher."

"The old man hit me, so he has to come back, now I should hit you!"

Jun Takano stepped out and caught up with Mufu Kirino.

……… Off-topic…………

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(End of this chapter)

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