Ultraman's serious talents become light

Chapter 183 They Bully Us, Let's Fight!

Chapter 183 They Bully Us, Let's Fight! (seeking subscription)
Combined with this crop circle incident, many researchers who have participated in the investigation of UFO phenomena can't help but have such a question in their minds.

Now that various UFO phenomena appear so frequently in all corners of the world, it is even more blatant now.

Coupled with the Sunashan incident a year ago, should Tpc continue to classify these abnormal incidents as undisclosed incidents as it did in the past?

"I think, since the actions of the cosmic people have become so rampant now, why do we need to hide from human beings?"

Tetsuji Yoshioka, the representative of Japan Eagle and Sawai’s old friend for many years, said: “It’s better for us to open the skylight and speak out, and directly disclose the existence of aliens to the outside world. This will also benefit TPC’s future actions.”

Tetsuji Yoshioka expressed the aspirations of many passionate young people. They all feel that this kind of thing has reached the point of being unstoppable, so why not just make it public.

But in fact, this is an extremely complicated issue.

The emergence of extraterrestrial civilizations, the existence of monsters, the revival of ghosts and gods... When all these factors are combined, they will definitely be used by some people with intentions to disturb social order.

Another high-level conservative said: "It is because extraterrestrial civilizations are rampant that we cannot disclose such things to the world."

"The power of the TPC and the power of the earth's civilization are not enough to resist the invasion of alien civilization."

"If we make their existence public and anger them, it will be a devastating blow to the civilization of the earth."


Tetsuji Yoshioka raised his head, his eyes sparkling: "Are we humans afraid? What's more, the invasion of alien civilization cannot be just a UFO."

"If we can capture them before angering them, we will be able to thoroughly study their UFOs and quickly increase the technological strength of TPC."

The conservative top slapped the table.



"Do we know how strong they are?"

"We don't know, we only know that they can travel in the universe, under the TPC's satellites, they leave crop circles majestically without leaving any traces."

"It is conceivable that their technological strength is far above that of the earth's technology. We should strive for victory steadily and make all preparations."

The still young Yoshioka Tetsuji sneered, apparently dismissing the ideas of conservatives.

He was about to speak up, but was interrupted by Sawai.

"Indeed, our TPC actions should not be reckless."

Hearing this, Tetsuji Yoshioka glared at his friend. At this time, you are standing on the opposite side of me!

Sawai knows Yoshioka Tetsuji's character perfectly, knowing that although this guy is reckless, he is never aggressive or impulsive.

He said: "This kind of thing can't be settled by just typing. There are 60 billion human beings standing behind the TPC. We can't put their safety aside to fight against alien civilizations at will."

Yoshioka Tetsuji frowned.

He also understands this truth, but the behavior of alien civilization is too rampant, and now this situation is more like a provocation.

If the earth civilization does not counterattack, they will become more and more arrogant.

Sawai said: "But we can't blindly be conservative. I really like a saying in the ancient eastern country. If you fall behind, you will be beaten!"

"In this situation, at this critical moment, we should show the power of human beings to those alien civilizations hidden in the dark."

"We must investigate the phenomenon of crop circles this time, and then give them a heavy counterattack."

Conservatives don't think so.

"It's just too risky to do that."


Zei glanced at the person who spoke, with a serious face, and said in a deep voice, "Wouldn't it be too risky to just be conservative and let them act recklessly?"

"Do they have to hit the earth, do they have to hit our doorstep, do we have to wait until they hurt humans before we can fight back?"

Sawai Soichiro said coldly: "No, we can't wait until then. The purpose of TPC is to make the world peaceful, but the premise of peace is to have the power to promote peace."

"Yes, Sawai is right."

Tetsuji Yoshioka patted the table and stood up. He waved his fist: "An alien civilization wants to bully us, and other alien civilizations are also spying on the earth, so fight!"

At the meeting, everyone insisted on their own opinions and discussed for a long time, but there was no result.

But in terms of recognition, the ideas of Sawai and Tetsuji Yoshioka are more agreeable.

Ultimately, conservatives settled for the next best thing.

"It is impossible to start a war at will. We will never approve or agree with what you call fighting."

"But this time, we can't ignore the provocations of alien civilizations, just let it go, and we agree to disclose abnormal events to the public."

Although the final result did not reach the level that Tetsuji Yoshioka wanted, it can be regarded as a victory for the hawks anyway.

After the meeting, Sawai and Tetsuji Yoshioka walked side by side.

Zei said: "You guys can't change your temper? You are a lot of age, and you still hit things casually when you encounter things. Sooner or later, you will suffer."

"Hmph~ Sorry, I can't change it."

Tetsuji Yoshioka said: "I just can't stand those old tortoises, who stay in their own three-acre land all day long, thinking about eating and dying..."

"What nonsense!"

Sawai hurriedly stopped Tetsuji Yoshioka's mad words, he said: "There is a reason for existence. If everyone is as radical as you, then the essence of TPC will change."

Tetsuji Yoshioka raised his eyebrows: "That's good, offense is the best defense."

Sawai Fu forehead, this old guy.

Tetsuji Yoshioka ransacked Sawai again, he thought of Takano Jun and Kirino Makio, as old friends for many years, Sawai did not hide from him.

"Why don't you hand over Takano Jun and Kirino Mufu to me, their super powers can only be brought into full play in my hands."


Sawai, who has always been refined, couldn't help but swear.

"You bastard, if I hand them two over to you, can I get them back again? They are delicious meat buns, you..."

Sawai shook his head.

Yoshioka Tetsuji was not happy.

"You curse again!"

"You are the dog!"

Sawai said: "The abilities of the two of them will never be wasted. I am going to integrate the G agency again to eliminate the people from various countries and keep the pure human elements of the earth."

Yoshioka Tetsuji's face changed slightly.

"You have offended a lot of people by doing this. I'm really afraid that you will die unexpectedly after you retire."

Zei smiled.

"Have I offended fewer people?"

"If I were afraid, you and I wouldn't be standing here now."

He looked back at the busy TPC members and said, "If possible, I would like to dedicate my life to TPC."

Yoshioka Tetsuji said: "I will always be by your side. If they want to deal with you, I will kill them."

Zei cursed with a smile.


Tetsuji Yoshioka also started laughing. After a while, his smile stopped and he asked, "After integrating the G organization, how do you plan to name the new team?"

"I've already thought about it."

Sawai Soichiro spread his five fingers, as if to grasp the beam of light in the air.

"Global Unlimited Task Squad, GUTS for short."

"But I prefer another name."

"Victory team!"

"The victorious team that carries the hopes and dreams of mankind!"

……… Off-topic…………

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(End of this chapter)

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