Ultraman's serious talents become light

Chapter 318 The Arrival of Ultra, the End of Gaia

Double day same day.

The well-known sun does not look very big from a distance, but this new sun directly covers the sky.

The surrounding temperature is rising at an extremely fast rate, but not as fast as expected.

Gaia felt that the energy in his body was abnormally abundant, but he was very puzzled.

"It's not normal. If it is really a star, so close to the earth, the earth has already been captured by its gravity."


Aguru, who has experienced several times of thought changes, remembered the name of the root monster to the root, god and lord.

Before, he was still laughing at this ancient and foolish title, but now, he has nothing to say.

Nothing can be called a god more than the stars that bring life and death.

At the same time, he probably understood why the impact of this star on the earth is far lower than what he and Gaia imagined.

"It's the source. He also has a will. Like the earth, he has the will of the planet!"

Aguru stared at the root of the star. He said: "The root has always wanted to invade the earth. Maybe he didn't want to destroy the earth or human beings, but to destroy the will of the earth!"

"He doesn't want another god like him to appear in this universe. He wants to be the only god in the universe."

Gaia said: "Is this kind of guess too forced? You know, the monsters before have been thinking about destroying humans."

"Because they are lives, as long as they are lives, they have the desire to expand their domain, not to mention their gods are eyeing the earth. In their eyes, the human beings who rule the earth are the biggest obstacle."

Aguru calmly looked at the sun above his head, at this moment, he had lost his flustered emotions.

"The next battle should have nothing to do with us, and we can't get involved in it."

As soon as the voice fell, the whole earth, no, the whole earth trembled.

The sky, the earth, the ocean, and all creatures felt an awakening of an indescribably huge will.

In an instant, the sky and the earth were bright and the rays of light condensed.

Takano Jun, Gaia, Aguru, and the earth monsters, the light belonging to the earth in their bodies all flew out involuntarily, and flew towards the sky.

When Aguru dissipated, the picture of the ocean appeared in Fujimiya's field of vision, and the remaining will of Rinal, or the people of Rinal, all belonged to this planet.

Time seems to be reversing, and the world seems to be upside down.

When people opened their eyes again, the sky had turned blue and the earth had returned to its original state.

If it weren't for the huge iron ruins and the huge and broken body of Zog, nothing would have happened.

Renlong's last voice sounded in Takano Jun's mind: "The will of the earth and the will of the root are fighting."

When Jun Takano looked back at those earth monsters, they had disappeared without a trace.

"This is the scariest fight I've ever seen."

Back at the base, Takano Jun said to everyone: "The war that Ultra fighters can't intervene at all, I am afraid that only the legendary existence can stop it."

I dreamed and asked: "What is the legendary existence?"

Jun Takano touched the position of Otto's cloak, but dared not answer.

He was really scared of being struck by lightning last time.

Seeing that Takano Jun didn't answer, I Meng didn't ask any more questions.

Even if he didn't say it, I dreamed that the existence in the legend of the universe would also make other powerful "gods".

"The satellites are all out of contact, and I even suspect that they have all been wiped out."

Shi Shi breathed a sigh of relief, and he said: "This is probably the best result so far, but I don't know how long this mythical battle will end, and whether human beings will perish..."

Fujimiya said: "Treasure the present moment and do what we can, maybe we can seize a chance for human beings."


I dreamed of an idea. He said: "If the earth is transformed into antimatter, maybe you can go to the antimatter world. In that case, the earth will not be destroyed, and human beings will not perish."

Fujimiya rolled his eyes. At this moment, I dreamed of a bad idea.

He said: "The greater possibility is that when the antimatter Earth collides with the material stars, the universe will directly annihilate and return to chaos."

"Live as usual."

Takano Jun said: "If the earth is destroyed, it may...may not appear."

Everyone sighed and scattered.

For the last moment of human beings, try to find a way to survive.


After two years.

XIG's air base is made again, this time it's bigger and stronger.

Because of the world crisis, although there is chaos, there are more people who pursue hope. This has led to the emergence of geniuses who transcended the times one after another in a very short period of time in XIG.

My dream left Team Lightning, and together with Alchemy Star, devoted myself to researching the lifelines of the earth and human beings.

Fujimiya put aside everything, let go of the pressure on her body, and traveled around the world.

During this time, he also meets a woman, reporter Reiko Yoshii, his destined love interest.

Jun Takano is playing with the Bruton card in his hands. For some reason, the four-dimensional space has not been able to be opened in the past two years. He cannot do without the earth, nor can he do without the world of Gaia.

Ishishi came out from behind and said, "I feel life on Earth is recovering, maybe the will of the Earth will win."

Takano Jun said: "It's just that people cherish the planet under their feet more."


Shi Shi nodded, and he said: "I still remember what I said two years ago, maybe the earth will not be destroyed."

"Actually, I feel that it is impossible to be destroyed." Takano Jun smiled, and he said: "This is a world with Ultraman, this is the Ultra world."

Shi Shi didn't quite understand, he asked: "Is the world with Ultraman different?"

"Yes, different."

Suddenly, there was a loud thunder in the sky.

Takano Junhe Ishimuro looked up, and saw the original star source reappeared, and the earth...

"It seems to have lost..."

Shi Shi held his breath, as if once he exhaled, he could no longer hold on.

At this moment, the Otto cloak on Takano Jun's arm shone brightly.

"Otto's cloak!"

"Could it be..."

Takano Jun suddenly realized something, he stretched out his hand, transformed into Ultraman Freya, and rushed to the universe.

Shi Shi clenched his fists: "Come on!"


When Takano Jun came to the universe, the terrible heat of the stars made him feel like he was about to melt.

The body lost control directly, and under the gravitational force that was difficult to contend with, Takano Jun spun and was sucked in by the root.

Otto's cloak was shining, wrapped Takano Jun tightly, and sank into the stars.

The King of Ultra with mysterious purple lines suddenly appeared between the earth and the root. He opened his arms and spread out a terrifying power.

"Root, go back quickly, you should not appear outside the M91 galaxy."

The heat wave at the root of the star is churning, and the fire snake is probing towards the King of Ultra.

The King of Ultra gave a cold cry, spread his five fingers, and a strange burst of golden energy enveloped the root of the star.

King Ultra pinched his fingers, and the huge star shrunk rapidly, turning into a five-meter-sized ball of light, which he held in his hand.

The King of Ultra waved his hand and repaired the solar system disturbed by the will of the two planets. He looked back at the earth and disappeared into the solar system with the root of the stars.

……… Off-topic…………

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