Darkness disappears, light remains forever.

Takano Jun is now in such a world.

There is no wind, no soil, no air, only the magma-like fire, like a real heat wave.

In such a world where light lasts forever and burns everything, Takano Jun feels that his heart, liver, spleen and lungs have melted together.

at last!

In the boundless light, some changes appeared, a ray of extreme cold came from afar, and immediately after that, there was the only black spot in this bright world.

Jun Takano wanted to reach out and touch, but he seemed to have no hands, he seemed to have melted.


Takano Jun tried his best to catch that black spot, tried to touch that black spot, and tried to save himself.

Suddenly, red fingers protruded from the burned to transparent Otto cloak.

Jun Takano felt himself reborn.

He felt himself reborn!

During this period of time, he was like the Monkey King in the gossip furnace, accepting the licking of the tongue of fire all the time, but he had no choice but to protect his Otto cloak, he had no power to resist the stars.

At this moment, his consciousness began to blur, and he burst into frantic murmurs.


"Live, I want to live..."



Heroes and warriors are two concepts.

Although most of the Ultra fighters are called heroes by other races, very few of them can really deserve these two words.

The King of Ultra's view on this situation is to stand and watch.

Being a hero is an honor, a responsibility, and a kind of pressure. Ultra fighters need it.

But some people don't need it.

For example, Takano Jun.

The King of Ultra has been paying attention to him for a long time, passionate and indifferent, curious and lazy, rational and impulsive...

This is a complicated person.

Yes, even now the King of Ultra does not regard Takano Jun as an Ultra warrior, but as a human being, an ordinary human being.

Hero, Jun Takano In the eyes of humans in several worlds, he is equivalent to a real guy who implements this term.

Is this really the case?
In addition to Takano Jun's precise layout in the Tiga world, the final decisive battles in several other worlds have exposed his "retreat" mood.

Real heroes are not like this. They love life, are not afraid of powerful enemies, and are not afraid of death.

As for Takano Jun, he loves himself more than other lives, he is afraid of enemies that are much stronger than himself, and he is afraid of his sudden death.

Therefore, the King of Ultra thinks Takano Jun is a human being, and he has always been a human being.

Whether in the past or now.

He wanted to see what kind of power Takano Jun would unleash in the face of a real crisis of death and a real ray of hope, and whether he would grasp the miracle he had been talking about.

Therefore, he brought the star root to the coldest planet in the universe, where there is no life, because no life can survive in such an environment.

It is only in such an extreme environment that Takano Jun inside the star can feel a distinctive chill.

In addition, King Ultra also put the chain made of the core of the planet into the root.

If Takano Jun doesn't catch it before the chain melts, then he will die, really die.

The black dot Takano Jun saw was the chain stretched out in front of him.

Sure enough, Takano Jun burst out with an unprecedented desire to survive. His body melted, but a red arm still condensed, just to grab the last chance of life.

Takano Jun moves very slowly, slow enough to drive people crazy.

But the King of Ultra has plenty of time. As a legend who doesn't care much, what he has the most is time.

If someone watches Takano Jun struggling in the stars, it is very likely that he will also be brought into it. This is an extremely desperate environment, so desperate that most people can't stand it.

Now, let us look at the third "person" present - the root will.

As the will of the stars, the root has always thought that he is a god, and he is indeed the greatest god of the M91 galaxy.

He brought light, brought life, brought hope.

He always thought that he was invincible, but suddenly one day, he felt the will of another planet was born.

As a star, his first reaction is to not care, and his second reaction is disgust.

He doesn't want another planet's will to appear, even if it's just a small planet.

One God is enough for the universe!
So he stared at the earth and sent monsters to invade.

At that time, the resistance of the Rinal civilization was extremely fierce, and it "easily" sealed the monster on the earth.

Originally, Root wanted to pursue the victory, but at that time His believers were busy ruling the M91 galaxy, there was no way, and this matter was temporarily delayed.

When everything was over, He turned his eyes to the earth again, and at that time Agur was reborn, and not long after, Gaia was also born.

Invasion after invasion, failure after failure, to the chagrin of Root.

Finally, in the final decisive battle, he used the special wormhole of the Mokian wormhole for the first time to directly travel to the solar system.

As a "God", He does not want to bring a devastating blow to other galaxies. He shrinks his own gravity and heat, and has a fair confrontation with the earth.

In the end, Earth lost.

And just when he was about to completely wipe out the will of the earth, the King of Ultra appeared. If he is a god, then the King of Ultra gave him the feeling of a universe.

He was easily caught in his hands, and he had no power to resist.

And now, another life seems to be conceived in his body. According to the intelligent life body, he seems to be pregnant.

This surprised and delighted Root.

As a star, the energy in his body is almost infinite, which also caused many beings to be unable to bear his power.

When He knew Gaia and Aguru, He also sent monsters to catch them in order to figure out how to divide the power and give birth to a "life".

Now, this "life" exists.

The root is "in a hurry", just like a pregnant woman with hands and feet. He tried his best to pour his energy into his child bit by bit.

Under such "maternal love", Jun Takano created a miracle. He grabbed the chain and climbed out of the stars bit by bit.

Call ~
This was Takano Jun's first reaction when he came out.

But the next moment, he no longer had this feeling, because his whole body was covered with fire, except for the condensed arms, he was like a transparent person, the stellar flames in his body spread all over his body, extremely turbulent.

The King of Ultra said: "Combine the light in your body to condense your body."

Takano Jun was stunned for a moment, and then began to control the energy in his body. Gradually, a crimson giant appeared on this cold planet.

His body still looks like Ultraman Freya, but the timer on his chest is transparent, with fiery red luster surging inside, and the Ultraman cloak is also integrated with him, turning into silver lines and covering his body .

"This is……"

Takano Juncai felt that the energy in his body seemed very familiar now, it was wool... no, root energy.

The King of Ultra said: "In a sense, your current state is the real life body of light."

Takano Jun raised his head and saw the root in the hands of the King of Ultra, he was relieved, and he asked: "Then after I return to Earth, will I also find a human body?"

"No, the special power in your body seems to have retained your human body."

Jun Takano froze for a moment, then looked at his cheat.

The only pure white card appeared - a human being, and the image on the card was his own appearance.

The root will suddenly became active, and he said: "Son, I named you, Sophie, what do you think, Zolim, Zog, Sophie, it's great, I think..."

After giving birth to a baby, the anger at the root seemed to dissipate, and he was not as active as a ball.

this name...

Takano Jun was speechless.

King Ultra was also speechless.

Takano Jun looked at Gengen, then at Ou Wang.

"How is this going?"

King Ao said: "In a sense, you are now his child, a life form of light conceived by him."


Takano Jun was at a loss.

He wanted to squeeze wool before, but he didn't want to be a son!
Besides, there are so...

Root shouted: "Child, your strength is still too weak. As my child, you should be the strongest in the M91 galaxy. I will give you some more energy to let you..."


Takano Jun had no morals and called out cordially.

If King Ultra wasn't here, he would have fallen into his father's arms.

"Don't spoil the seedlings!"

King Ao immediately stopped the doting behavior of the root, and suddenly possessed incomparable power, and human nature will become more greedy.

Takano Jun stretched out his hand, and it was okay.

Root yelled: "This is my child, I will give him a little insignificance..."

He understands that King Ultra will not destroy him.

"You are insignificant, and it is enough to make many people insignificant in front of him."

The King of Ultra waved his hand and silenced the root of the whispers, and then said to Takano Jun: "Go to other worlds and continue your bond with the Ultra warriors."

After saying that, King Ultra disappeared.

Takano Jun was a little disappointed that his new father just disappeared.

He really wanted to be encouraged by the seedlings.


Takano Jun sighed and used Bruton's space door to go to other worlds.

Outside the cold planet, the King of Ultra watched Takano Jun leave, and said to Gengen: "That kid is the Bruton you are looking for."


Root screamed, and it turned out that his child was the traitor.

King Ultra nodded slightly.

Because of Gao Yejun's shameless act of acknowledging his father, he felt that it was necessary to let Gengen understand that this child is full of traitors.

"So, it seems that he is destined to be my child!"

Hearing this, the King of Ultra trembled while holding Gengen's arm.

Got it!
This "god" is out of his mind.

Root: "I didn't expect to dare to resist me when I was so weak. My child is really talented. He..."

The King of Ultra couldn't stand it anymore.

Holding the root, throw it towards the M91 galaxy.

You'd better go back and be your brainless god!
……… Off-topic…………

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