Start with a colossus riding a face

Chapter 10 The Psionic Plug-In Is Too Outrageous

Chapter 10 The Psionic Plug-In Is Too Outrageous
Space warfare is so cruel. There is no bloody charge, only cold physics. If you can't do it, you can't.

At this time, the fleet of the Galaxy Alliance, which realized that its own force was seriously weak, had already tried to withdraw.

But these were also considered by Lu Entropy from the very beginning. A normal person can think of it. If he is defeated, he must run away and try to preserve his vitality.

"Want to run? I have planned for such a long time, what gave you the confidence to run away easily?" Lu Entropy sneered, and then issued an order to all solid planets.

The solid planet immediately used its spiritual energy to interfere with time and space, imitating the gravitational disruptor ship and releasing strands of gravitational waves, cutting off the possibility of space-time warp bubbles forming.

Those ships that want to leave the star system by accelerating are neutralized by the majestic spiritual energy released by the solid planet, and stay in place no matter how they accelerate.

In the star system, the huge battleship group with a number of over [-] million has thus become a turtle in an urn!

Lu Entropy persuaded these captive ships to surrender: "I am the commander of the swarm, Lu Entropy. Anyone who wants to die can die. The swarm will only leave those who want to live. As long as you accept the infection of the swarm spores, we will It will guarantee your right to live."

It's better to die than to live. The Galaxy Alliance has more than [-] million warships, and the vast majority of people want to live.

The few aliens who shouted "Soldiers of the Galaxy Alliance will never surrender to lower creatures", Lu Entropy kindly commanded the psychic brain, and used psychic power to penetrate the armor of the battleship. Squeeze the diehards who are still whimpering into a solid meat ball.

Psychic energy can capture objects in the air, and is not affected by material barriers, which means that the heavy armor of the battleship cannot exert a single bit of defense. Based on this principle, Lu Entropy developed this "spiritual grip" .

As long as you are in the vehicle, no matter how strong your defense is, it is useless.

To be honest, psychic powers are so easy to use, many times Lu Entropy couldn't help but suspect that the former master and mastermind of the Babel swarm was a spy secretly planted by the Galaxy Alliance.


After a battle, Lu Entropy easily obtained a large number of intact warships of the Galaxy Alliance.

For those aliens who are unwilling to leave their battleships, Lu Entropy is very humane and let them choose to leave voluntarily.

The troublesome matter came to an end, and Lu Entropy brought part of the captured starship to the orbit of Hate Star, and once again contacted the governor of Hate Star.

The poor Governor of Hate Star was still in a state of shock until the end of this space battle.

"Governor of Hate Star, what do you think of these starships?" Lu Entropy put on that friendly smile that he thought was very friendly.

"Uh...all good, good."

"Really? Let me just say, my vision is right." Lu Entropy nodded in agreement, and brazenly boasted.

As soon as the topic changed, Lu Entropy looked at the Governor of Hate Star with a playful smile, and asked: "The Governor, do you think that the upper echelon of the empire knows that your agricultural star is all infected with bee spores, what will you do next? "

"This one……"

The Governor of Hate Star hesitated to speak, and did not finish his sentence, but from his four wide eyes, Lu Entropy could see that he was not at peace.

Lu Entropy doesn't care what the other party thinks, as long as such suspicion is planted, that's enough.

"Don't be nervous...what should I call you?" Lu Entropy asked.


Lu Entropy nodded, and continued: "Solander, I said before that I would give you a way to survive. Of course, it is impossible to force you to a dead end. Anyway, our bee colony does not use these things, so I am going to use them to fight with you." You make a deal."

I was reminded by Lu Entropy just now that no matter how strong Soland's nerves are, it is impossible for him to be completely at ease with the top management of the empire.

In addition, the previous imperial fleet bombarded Hart, directly destroying a large city on the planet, killing more than 1000 million people in the sea of ​​flames.

These ships sold by Lu Entropy will be bought even if Hate Star sells iron.

"Then what should we trade with you?" Solander asked tentatively. He didn't expect that there was enough value on the planet to buy this amount of warships.

Lu Entropy was stunned for a moment, he hadn't decided what to buy yet, he just wanted to hand over this part of the battleship to the other party in a reasonable way, so as to confuse the water.

After pondering for a while, Lu Entropy coughed dryly and asked, "Do you... have toilet paper for sale?"



The news of the disastrous defeat in the battle of the Bogu Great Nebula was passed back to the staff of the Galaxy Alliance in a very short time, and then quickly spread among the various member forces of the Galaxy Alliance.

Thirty interceptor fleets directly under the Galaxy Alliance, plus seven garrison fleets of the Dias Empire, ships with a scale of over [-] million, were wiped out without the ability to resist!
This news undoubtedly caused a great sensation in the league.

Such a result can already be said to be a one-sided massacre. For the members of the alliance who are used to the bee colony being easily massacred, it is simply unimaginable.

The records of this battle were highly valued by the top leaders of the Galaxy Alliance, and they repeatedly studied the psychic combat methods that appeared on the battlefield.

To say that after this battle is over, the most restless is the Dias Empire.

Although the two agricultural stars located in the Bogu Nebula are not very important planets, they are also their territory. The two agricultural stars are gone, and they are eager to fight back.

Therefore, at the alliance meeting, the representatives of the Dias Empire always clamored for the alliance to invest more military power to solve the bee colony mutation in the Bogu Nebula.

And to say that the most unlucky people are the staff officers in charge of the Bogu Great Nebula battlefield.

This kind of disastrous failure undoubtedly needs someone to take responsibility in order to quell the anger of the public, and the staff officers in charge of the battlefield have unfortunately become the target of public criticism.

Mistakes in command, misjudgment of the situation, ignorance of the military situation... Anyway, there is always one item in it.

In fact, these staff officers are also very wronged, how do they know that psionic power can still be used like this?In the past, the bee colony of the Tower of Babel was beaten to a big rout and fled, but I have never seen them used like this.

The military court of the Galaxy Alliance, the staff officers in charge of the Bogu Nebula battlefield were brought to the court.

After a series of proofs in court, the judge announced: "You who are in charge of the Bogu Nebula battlefield are all guilty!"

"The misjudgment of the battlefield situation and the serious miscalculation of the combat strength between the enemy and the enemy directly led to the destruction of the alliance's [-] interception fleets and seven Dias Empire fleets."

In court, one of Stan's advisers came forward.

Stan looked around at the judges, and said solemnly: "I won't say much in defense, I did make a serious mistake in strategic decision-making that cannot be shirked."

"However, as one of the makers of the encirclement and suppression plan, I hope that everyone in the alliance can seriously consider my judgment."

"The bee swarm mutation that occurred in the Bogu Nebula will be an unprecedented disaster. It will be the second bee swarm disaster that ravaged the galaxy. I implore the alliance to restart the stopped war machine group as soon as possible, and strive to develop this uneasy factor. Kill it completely before it becomes an irreparable disaster."

(End of this chapter)

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