Start with a colossus riding a face

Chapter 9 Space war is too brutal

Chapter 9 Space war is too brutal
The spores spread smoothly. Although there are many Dias on the planet who resist being infected by the swarm spores, they are mortals and need to breathe to live. Facing the swarm spores in the air, they finally even If you don't want to be infected, you can only be infected.

After the spore spreading was completed, the Behemoth Behemoth Behemoths were able to warp away, but the solid planet that blocked the star's light did not warp away. It was still in the star system, but it did not block the light of Hate Star.

After Hate Star rotated for the third time, the fleet of the Dias Empire finally arrived.

Inside the bridge of the Dias Empire Fleet, the subordinates reported neatly.

"It has been detected that two planets have extremely high psionic responses!"

"Send a request for help to the nearest mobile star city of the empire!" The commander gave an order to his subordinates, and then added an order: "The fleet will be divided into two, and the other will be commanded by the deputy commander! The power of the gravitational disruptor is fully activated! We cannot let these bees The planet controlled by the group of creatures leaves this star system!"

The entire fleet was divided into two, and the artillery fire locked on the agricultural star Hart of the empire, as well as the solid planet controlled by Lu Entropy, and launched a fierce bombardment.

The terrifying orbital fire brought a shock wave, and destroyed a large city with a population of 1000 million on Hart in an instant. Hundreds of millions of acres of fertile land were turned into a sea of ​​flames under the fire, and millions of infected bee colonies The Dias of Spore died in this round of artillery fire from the Imperial fleet.

Just when the soldiers of the Dias Empire Fleet were happy to avenge the death of their compatriots on Miro, something unexpected happened.

The artillery fire fired by their ships, whether it was live ammunition, high-energy plasma, or missiles, all inexplicably changed their trajectory and directly deviated from the locked target.

Even the high-energy lasers turned like noodles in space in an arc shape, and some even turned 180 degrees and hit the ships of the same fleet.

The Dias people on the ship were all shocked by the absurd scene in front of them.

"what happened?"

"do not know!"

When the two temporary Diaz fleets were confused by this inexplicable scene, Lu Entropy nodded in satisfaction. Needless to say, these visions are naturally due to spiritual power.

The principle is not complicated, it is to deflect the trajectory of material movement through spiritual energy.

"This psionic deflection is pretty good."

Lu Entropy rubbed his chin, and asked the solid planet to try to create superluminal warp bubbles to perform short-distance warp, and to achieve momentum displacement purely with psionic energy.

As a result, the bubble of space-time surrounding the planet could not form, but objects with psionic momentum could move normally.

"Sure enough, what the special ship interferes with is only the formation of space-time bubbles, thereby preventing displacement in the form of momentum beyond the speed of light. These ships cannot interfere."

This is the same as the fact that the Bechymos behemoth cannot jump directly on the planet.

Lu Entropy did not command the solid planet to counterattack, but relied on psionic energy to deflect all the attacks released by the imperial fleet.

The two are not on the same level at all. Lu Entropy feels like he is dealing with a brat who has a temper. No matter how the brat shakes his fist, he feels weak and powerless.

The two imperial fleets also felt an extremely obvious gap, but they themselves were not seriously injured, and the main goal was to hold the enemy and prevent the enemy from leaping away at super-light speed.

Although it is not clear whether the enemy has no means of attack or is brewing something, they are all happy to see this stalemate.

Two weeks after Hart rotated, the Imperial fleet waited for the reinforcements they wanted.

"Unknown spatial fluctuations have been detected nearby!" The subordinate calmly reported to the main commander.

Turning on the shipboard radar detection signal, the Imperial Fleet quickly identified the opponent's identity - six Imperial Fleets!
"Great, they're finally here." The Commander, who was originally anxious, suddenly became at ease because of the surge in his own strength, and his four eyes stared excitedly at the friendly troops who came.

However, before he was happy, he heard his subordinates report to him again.

"A large number of unknown spatial fluctuations have been detected!"

"My God! That's too much!"

Following the horrified words of the subordinates, solid planets and fleets continued to break away from the superluminal speed and appeared in the star system.

From the signal identification, the Imperial Fleet quickly identified the identities of these fleets—the interception fleet directly under the Starship Alliance!
Thirty alliance fleets gathered in this star system!
Coincidentally, at the same time, Lu Entropy and Patton, commander of the interceptor fleet, said the same sentence.

"Very good, it's surrounded like this!"


This is a mutual encirclement battle. Lu Entropy deliberately guides the pursued solid planet to point to one place, and lures the pursuit of the Galaxy Alliance to also point to one place.

No matter how resourceful the fleet commander of the Starship Alliance is, such an opportunity to encircle him cannot be missed, and he will naturally choose to accept this bait.

As a result, the star system of Hate star became the battlefield chosen by both sides.

Lu Entropy did not let the solid planet exceed the speed of light after spreading the spores.

It's not enough just to kill the fleets pursued by the Galaxy Alliance. He wants to lure all the armed forces of the star fields near the Galaxy Alliance to one place, and then annihilate them all!
When the battle broke out, the Starship Alliance's fleet immediately activated the gravitational disruptor ship at full power, and the bursts of gravitational waves emitted prevented any possibility of space-time warp bubbles forming.

Then comes a barrage of artillery fire, live ammunition, plasma beams, lasers, and more.

These attacks seem ferocious, but in fact, except for lasers, none of them can cross the planetary defense line constructed by psionic deflection.

Since the laser strike speed is the speed of light, it can be faster than the reaction of the psionic brain on the planet, but when the psionic brain reacts, subsequent laser strikes will also be deflected.

Without the sustained damage, it is really difficult for laser weapons to penetrate the planet's thick strata and damage the spiritual brains under the planet.

Lu Entropy commanded the solid planet to fight back.

"All in place, psionic acceleration, throwing at sub-light speed!"

The stones on the solid planet flew into the universe one after another, and they moved in a high-speed circle around the planet. As the follow-up speed increased, it was difficult for the radar of the Starship Fleet to capture these stones.

Just a few minutes later, a large number of warships were destroyed in an instant, and more than 1000 million warships were lost in just a few minutes!
Among them, Lu Entropy focused on letting the bee swarms attack the gravitational disruptors of the Galaxy Alliance.

The sub-light-speed kinetic energy live ammunition easily penetrates these huge ships that constantly release gravitational waves to hinder the formation of space-time warp bubbles.

Their armor is even more fragile than tofu, and they can't exert the slightest defensive ability.

After one round of blows, all the gravitational disruptors in the Starship Alliance fleet were completely destroyed!
Then came the second round of blows, and all the colossi following the fleet were destroyed!

(End of this chapter)

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