Start with a colossus riding a face

Chapter 19 The Bee Colony Extensive

Chapter 19 The Bee Colony Extensive
"This is how to do?"

Lu Entropy closed his eyes and connected to the swarm network. Through the sensory organs of planetary creatures, he observed the interstellar battlefield on Kayo planet, where fierce battles took place not long ago.

There are many space debris wrecks floating in the battlefield, and the most numerous are the planetary debris that is like fireworks, moving in a scattered splash trajectory, and turning into a molten state.

There is actually nothing to investigate in this space battlefield, because the enemy has announced what Lu Entropy wants to the public, and then Lu Entropy learned about it through the intelligence network.

Many planetary creatures reside here only because they did not receive the evacuation order from Lu Entropy.

Lu Entropy is now thinking about how to defend against the Galaxy Alliance's weapon that can induce the formation of microscopic black holes.

Black holes are the most extreme substances in the universe. There is no one. No amount of spiritual energy can destroy such horrible things. At least planetary creatures can't do it.

In fact, if the fleet of the Galaxy Alliance only throws a small amount of microscopic black holes, Lu Entropy is actually not very afraid. The big deal is to let the microscopic black holes swallow the planetary matter with psionic energy to throw away the microscopic black holes.

Microscopic black holes can't devour matter, so they will evaporate and disappear naturally.

However, the weapons of the Galaxy Alliance fleet seem to be able to continuously bombard microscopic black holes near stars, and coupled with the salvo of the entire fleet, this is very fatal.

"Why don't you go to the new master of the bee colony and ask for a brain template? I remember that master said that the new master can display twelfth-level psionic abilities..."

Lu Entropy muttered like this, then shook his head and rejected the idea.

"No, it doesn't work at all. This is a temporary solution, not the root cause. Level up only extends the distance of the influence of the psychic power. Although the twelfth level of psychic power can affect farther, the effective distance is still limited. The enemy fleet can be stretched farther. The distance to implement the induction of microscopic black holes."

The scope of action of the twelfth-level psionic ability must be larger than that of the tenth-level psionic ability.

But it's just bigger. The twelfth-level psychic brain also has the limit of its range of action. The fleet of the Galaxy Alliance can hide farther away and continuously induce the formation of microscopic black holes.

At most, a level [-] psychic brain can use a larger range of action than a tenth level psychic brain in a battle to catch the enemy by surprise, and then...

Then there is no more, the enemy is not brainless.

After thinking for a long time, he didn't think of a feasible direction, so Lu Entropy asked in the swarm network.

"...What do you think about this black hole-inducing weapon of the Galaxy Alliance?"

Under the leadership and command of Lu Entropy, these swarm creatures who were still busy suddenly paused collectively, and then a lot of information was replied in the psionic network.

"Look quietly."

"No, no, you should look closer, so you can see it more clearly."

"When you are close to danger, you have to look at it from a distance."


Lu Entropy slapped his forehead, and said angrily and amusedly: "I'm asking you, what is the best way to deal with the black hole attack of the Galaxy Alliance, not how to observe the enemy's weapons."

"I need you to use your own brains and give me some ideas."

After this explanation, the response trend in the swarm network suddenly changed.

"Stack a thicker carapace."

Lu Entropy is speechless, isn't the carapace of the planet's crust thicker than your body?
He rubbed his forehead and said, "This IQ owes money, next one."

"Add a lot of spikes."

The corners of Lu Entropy's eyes twitched slightly: "The meaning is unknown, next."

"We could try to eat the black hole."

After thinking about it for a while, Lu Entropy kindly offered a suggestion to the hive creature: "Your brain probably had something wrong when it hatched. I suggest you go to a nearby hive to check, next one."


I don't know which individual in the bee colony answered Lu Entropy's question, but when he was about to feel numb, an individual suddenly answered.

"Expand perception."

In an instant, Lu Entropy felt that the fog that troubled him in his mind dissipated.

Lu Entropy immediately hammered the palm of his hand and said, "Yes, this is the direction! If the perception is not enough, expand the perception!"

"We need to have the ability to perceive beyond the speed of light. In this way, all light-speed strikes will be completely abolished."

Those light-speed strike weapons of the Galaxy Alliance are nothing more than relying on the perception ability of the bee colony to be limited to the speed of light, so there is no way to know the arrival of the strike earlier and defend it.

According to the memory of the swarm, the highest speed hit of the Galaxy Alliance is only the speed of light. If the swarm can expand its perception beyond the speed of light, it will be a dimensionality reduction blow for all civilizations of the Galaxy Alliance!
What to do, Lu Entropy already had an idea, and without delay, he immediately gave orders to the bee colony.

"All hives, gene editing, I need you to design a creature."

"There is only one condition for the design of this creature, and that is to be very small, the smaller the better. Other than that, there are no requirements."

The hives of the various planets that were still engaged in incubating other bee colony individuals began to be busy designing and incubating new ones of the same kind...

Banner complex star field, red dwarf system.

After the fleet commanded by Berndt returned from the fallen star field of the Dias Empire in a heroic manner, he received orders from his superiors to carry out overhaul and remodeling here.

The fleet commanded by Berndt is a trial model, and the safety and reliability of the system operation have yet to be improved.

In addition to determining the mode of engagement with the mutated bee swarm in the occupied area, this Kayoxing battle also has the function of collecting battlefield data.

Around the red dwarf star is a circle of man-made machines revolving around it. These machines continuously extract stellar matter from the red dwarf star and introduce it into a huge group of man-made machines. After a series of complicated rough processing and finishing, the last ship Like cans in a canning factory, a huge battleship is being pushed out by flowing water in an orderly manner.

The Galaxy Alliance has determined the effective strike capability of the new equipment, and the rest is to continuously plunder the star material, and then increase the number in the shortest time.

There are countless star factories like this, and they are all over the galaxy.

When the Starship Alliance needs it, it will quickly expand its explosive troops, and then overwhelm the alliance's enemies with an absolutely superior number.

Speaking of which, the strategic thinking of the Starship Alliance is still influenced by the bee colony of the Tower of Babel.

In the past on the battlefield, countless bee colonies outnumbered their own, which really made the military generals of the Galaxy Alliance feel desperate.

If it weren't for industrial innovation and technological progress, the member forces of the Galaxy Alliance would have perished long ago.

Berndt, who had some free time to rest, walked on the viewing platform with the supervisor of the war machinery group. From their position, they could clearly see the countless warships neatly arranged in the space warehouse, densely connected into one piece, and it was impressive. dazzled.

The supervisor opened the projected blueprint of the warship and introduced to Berndt as a visitor: "We have made some improvements to the internal structure of the new warship, which has been optimized for kinetic energy defense, especially the gravitational disruptor. The reactor has also undergone structural adjustments, so that even if it suffers penetrating damage at the speed of sublight, it will no longer be as easy to die as in the Battle of Kayo Star."

"It won't be long before all the alliance's fleets will be able to use these high-performance weapons."

(End of this chapter)

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