Start with a colossus riding a face

Chapter 20 This conductor is too chatty

Chapter 20 This conductor is too chatty
Berndt looked at the endless battleship phalanx, then looked at the projected battleship blueprint, then shook his head.

"It's not enough, it's not enough."

The supervisor was startled, and then asked, "Do you think there is a problem with the design? Commander Berndt."

Berndt said: "Your design is very good, and it has greatly improved the fleet under my command."

"It's just that the increase is not big enough. The mutated bee colony will definitely make targeted adjustments again after the Kayo star battle. In the next battle, our battlefield advantage will inevitably be greatly reduced."

The hair on the supervisor's neck is shaking regularly. This is a natural expression of the Banner people when they are joking, just like the smiles on the faces of humans when they are joking. Obviously he does not think what Berndt said is serious. .

The supervisor said: "I think you are completely overwhelmed. Isn't the Babel bee colony just a group of creatures who only know how to play with molecular physics? This is a consensus that has long been known."

"No, the mutated swarms are completely different. I have fought against them on the battlefield."

After speaking, Berndt paused, organized his language, and continued: "They are completely different from the stubborn and old-fashioned way in the past, and they are more... even more unscrupulous."

"Unscrupulous?" The supervisor was taken aback.

In the impression of the supervisor, the bee colony is bloodthirsty, cruel, ruthless, and crazily raging, but if you want to use unscrupulous methods... It’s not that it’s wrong to describe it like this. After all, everyone’s perception of bee colony is different. It’s just that No one had ever described them that way before.

As a result, the supervisor couldn't help but wonder what kind of unscrupulous means Berndt said.

Berndt asked: "In the occupied area of ​​the Dias Empire, these mutated swarms are always more inclined to infect the administrative star of the empire, rather than directly destroying the administrative star, and the infected administrative star of the Dias Empire is generally There will always be one or more fleets of empty ships left by the mutated bee swarms, you know this, right?"

The supervisor nodded.

"Have you ever wondered why?" Berndt asked again.

The supervisor shook his head.

Berndt replied: "Because of thinking, in the past the alliance was able to quickly unite and reach an agreement because the bee colony was bloodthirsty and brutal enough, and if the decision-making was not efficient enough, it meant that civilization would perish. This will invisibly affect the urgency of high-level decision-making."

"And this is just one of the methods that the mutated bee colony is using today. War is not just limited to the battlefield, it is a game behavior of creatures in all aspects and diversification."

The supervisor, who didn't have much contact with military strategy, shook the cilia on his neck in embarrassment.

"Even if you tell me this, I can't understand it. That's not my field of expertise. You know, my area of ​​expertise is making equipment."

As the supervisor spoke, he suddenly remembered something, and asked tentatively: "Commander Berndt, there is something that has troubled me for a long time, and I can't figure it out, can I ask?"

"What's the matter?" Bernd asked.

The manager who got permission was relieved, and asked inexplicably: "Why do you want to keep the new master of the swarm? Shouldn't the swarm master be a serious threat?"

Berndt looked at the supervisor strangely, as if he recognized him again.

"You see it?"

It's no wonder that Berndt was so surprised. He was quite familiar with the supervisor and knew that the supervisor was not interested in military strategy.

Just imagine, an illiterate suddenly solves the problem of a linear equation in two variables in front of a mathematician. This will really surprise the mathematician.

"Although I don't understand military strategy, your logistics is directly related to me." The supervisor explained.

"The new master who attacked the bee swarm four times, although all the fleets going to fight were defeated, there were almost no casualties. Most of the losses were automatic battleships with low flexibility, and the ammunition consumption of the battleships was quite low."

After listening to the supervisor's explanation, Berndt understood it, and he was not stingy in explaining it.

"Actually, the reason for keeping it on purpose is very simple."

"Do you think the Babel bee swarms are running around with psionic leaps, and the alliance fleet's constant search and pursuit is difficult, or is it difficult for the Babel bee swarms to gather in one place and eliminate them?" Bei Ent asked.

The supervisor hesitated for a moment: " should be the former."

"Then let me ask you again, what would a hive creature do if it learned of the birth of a new master after the death of the master?" Berndt asked again.


The answer is self-evident, of course, it is to gather to the new master to accept the command of the master, because the meaning of the existence of any hive creature is to accept the command of the master, including the master brain.

This is the consensus reached by the Starship Alliance all the time.

Suddenly, the supervisor realized that what Berndt said was not good.

If the news leaks out and spreads to the swarm master through various chances and coincidences, won't this plan of the Galaxy Alliance go bankrupt?

If the new master of the swarm knew this, how could he let the alliance's plan go smoothly?
"Is it okay for you to tell me these things directly? It seems... It seems that it is not something that can be said." The supervisor asked.

"Hahaha, it's okay, because this strategy is about to be abandoned." Berndt couldn't hold back his smile when he saw the supervisor's reaction.

The manager was very surprised and said: "Why give up? As long as the swarm leader is under control, it will be very easy to eliminate the Babel swarm."

To be fair, this plan to use the bee colony master as bait is simply flawless in the eyes of the supervisor.

As long as the content of the plan is not spread to the swarm master, the Galaxy Alliance is equivalent to controlling a swarm creature magnet, and can catch all the swarm creatures scattered all over the river system.

Berndt explained: "Of course it's because of the mutated swarms on the Dias Empire. It is impossible to judge what changes will happen to these mutated swarms after they come into contact with the swarm master in terms of strategic decision-making. Before the swarm converges, eliminate the new master of the swarm."

Hearing such an explanation, the supervisor was worried about leaking the secrets, but he finally relaxed.

The supervisor asked: "Since the strategy that is ready to be abandoned, the purpose is to use the swarm master to continuously attract the fleeing swarm creatures, why do you have to attack it four times?"

"Of course it is to stimulate the new master's desire to survive. Except for those mutated bee colonies, the Babel bee colony has always had only one strategic thinking, which is to rely on the continuous proliferation of individuals, coupled with the modification of molecular genes." Bernd replied.

Berndt continued: "And when our fleet wiped out most of the bee colony individuals around the new master, the new master will modify the genes and amplify the bee colony individuals, and the part of the expanded bee colony individuals, except for the hive Apart from breeding, it is calling for the return of other bee colony individuals scattered in the galaxy."

Mentioning this plan, Berndt's mood became complicated. Speaking of which, he was the one who proposed this plan at the beginning, if the plan hadn't been carried out halfway, something like a bee colony mutation had happened.

The Babel swarm must be extinct!
"Unfortunately, if it weren't for the emergence of the mutated bee swarm on the Dias Empire, the fate of the Babel bee swarm would be doomed."

"I'm getting more and more curious now, who is the mastermind directing those mutated bee swarms?"

The manager unexpectedly asked with some astonishment: "Isn't the mastermind of the mutated bee colony a bee colony?"

Bernd shook his head resolutely: "Absolutely not. According to the behavioral logic of those swarm creatures, it is difficult to make such a drastic change in the overall behavior. They are too old-fashioned and old-fashioned."

(End of this chapter)

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