Start with a colossus riding a face

Chapter 2 The Colossus Over Your Head Is Too Nightmare

Chapter 2 The Colossus Over Your Head Is Too Nightmare
Without any thought, the first time Lu Entropy saw the worker bee, his perception of it emerged in his mind.

What's more subtle is that Lu Entropy can actually read the other party's meaning directly. This worker bee came here to help Lu Entropy dig his grave, and it probably heard Lu Entropy's crazy rants just now.

"You think I didn't die fast enough, so you came here to piss me off so that you can inherit my money?" Lu Entropy directly pointed the middle finger at the worker bee.

However, Lu Entropy, who had calmed down a little, was stunned for a moment. How could he, a human being, communicate normally with bee creatures? !

After careful study, Lu Entropy understood the reason.

The Psionic Network of Babel Swarm!

It may be because of the infection of the swarm gene, or some modification of his body by the departed master brain, or some other unknown reason, Lu Entropy's brain is now connected to the hive network of the hive star.

"You...can you understand what I'm saying?" Lu Entropy asked tentatively, staring at the worker bee in the cave.

The worker bees didn't move, but Lu Entropy could feel the worker bees' reply naturally in his mind.

it understands...

Is it because my brain is also plugged into this psionic network, so they see me as a member of the hive?
With such doubts in mind, Lu Entropy suppressed his curiosity for the time being. The crisis situation did not allow him to waste any more time, and the Starship Alliance's fleet was still staring at space.

Lu Entropy hurriedly expressed his request to the worker bees: "I need to know the situation outside the nest star now."

Almost at the moment when Lu Entropy made the request, his field of vision was greatly expanded, and the entire lair star could be seen from the inside out.

This kind of God's perspective is very subtle, but there is no way to stay away from the nest star. After studying it, Lu Entropy roughly understood the principle. He connected the senses of all bee colony units on the nest star through the psionic network, and obtained the nest star and the nest through these senses. conditions near the star.

When Lu Entropy saw the huge interstellar fleet that had not known when it was anchored near the lair star, and the star-destroying cannon that had been stored for an unknown time, his face darkened.

The last thing he wanted to see happened!

The main fleet of the Galaxy Alliance has arrived in this star system, and it is impossible for any space unit of the Babel Swarm to escape under the terrifying fire blockade.

In other words, the hope of escape that Lu Entropy had just ignited was completely extinguished in the blink of an eye!

The nest star of this swarm creature is about to explode on the spot!

Lu Entropy sat slumped on the ground with a stiff expression. He was obviously still so young, and he was going to die like this without even finding a girlfriend. He was blasted by alien star-destroying weapons so that not even a single cell was left...

The more Lu Entropy thought about it, the angrier he became, and then he glanced at the worker bee who was dazedly thinking about how to dig his grave.

"What are you looking at? I'm having a hard time, and your bee colony is better off than me? Do you think that the bee colony creatures that leave here can continue the race? Let me tell you, it's wishful thinking!"

【why? 】

The worker bees looked at Lu Entropy suspiciously, and Lu Entropy said angrily: "I don't understand? Then let me ask you, has the bee colony developed after being trapped in its own parent star system for 43 years?"

"For 43 years, the level of technology is still limited to the field of chemical molecules! For 43 years, chemical propulsion is still used without any change! For 43 years, military thinking is still fucking human sea tactics! Only a Void God who came out of nowhere gave you the 'Psychic Hanger' to conquer the galaxy!"

"Look at your opponents again! Facing you, who have super-light speed capabilities and numerical advantages, you can not only preserve the fire of civilization through strategies, but also seek further opportunities for development, struggling with technological explosion step by step, and developing super-light speed technology , and finally the offense and defense are reversed!"

"Can't all of this wake up your muddy minds even a little bit?"

"The development model like yours is deformed, and you still like the waste civilization with teeth and claws all day long. If you escape by relying on psionic energy to escape for a while, it is equivalent to living forever? I'm sure that in a hundred years at most, your enemies will develop A technology that equals or even surpasses psionic power."

"At that time, it will be the moment when the bee colony of the Tower of Babel dies!"

As soon as this remark came out, the bee colony network on the nest star was silent. Compared with before, it was like a turbulent river, suddenly turning into a lake as calm as a mirror.

[What should the bee colony do? 】

The worker bee stared blankly at Lu Entropy, and other bee colony creatures on the nest star also connected the senses of the worker bees through the network, and stared blankly at Lu Entropy.

"What should I do? Salad, do you know how big the gap between the basic science of the Galaxy Alliance and yours is? Your bee colony has been able to fight with others until now, purely because of the 'psychic hang' given to you by the Void God. Why do you rely on it?" Catch up with the enemy's technology gap..."

Lu Entropy, who gave up on himself, was still thinking about continuing to sneer and ridicule, but suddenly froze, his tone became more and more relaxed, and his displeased expression gradually turned into a thinking state.

"Wait, psionic?"

"Psychic energy...if it's psychic energy..." Lu Entropy frowned, groping his chin with his hands.

The Tower of Babel bee swarm uses the characteristics of spiritual energy to affect time and space, and creates space-time warp bubbles that can move faster than the speed of light, spanning long distances on the scale of light years.

Then... There is absolutely no need for him to go to the universe specially!
Why can't we just create a space-time warp bubble on the lair star to escape at super-light speed?
Or, why can’t the whole lair star be wrapped in the space-time warp bubble and escape at the super-light speed?
The more Lu Entropy thought about it, the more he felt that it seemed to work, and there seemed to be no problem in it, so he directly passed the idea to the swarm network.

Soon, the swarm creatures on the hive star fed back through the swarm network.

[Neither is feasible. 】

The former is due to the fragility of space-time warp bubbles and the interference of planetary mass. The space-time warp bubbles created on planets are difficult to exist stably. Therefore, bee colony creatures generally have to use spiritual energy to distort space-time to create an anti-gravity field to escape The planet, after entering the space, creates the space-time warp bubble that wraps itself.

The latter is because the mass and volume of the planet are too large. To create a space-time warp bubble of this celestial scale, an extremely large amount of spiritual energy is required to bend time and space. However, the largest creature in the Babel bee colony, With a body length of about ten kilometers, the most advanced tenth-level psionic creature in the Babel bee colony is required to achieve superluminal speed. The diameter of the lair star is more than 1 kilometers. How many levels of psionic creatures are needed? ?

Now at this time, where can the bee colony find such an unimaginably powerful psychic creature?
"The highest level is only ten?"

Lu Entropy was taken aback for a moment, he had not digested enough memories of the bee colony, and his understanding of the power of psionic energy was still very limited.

After thinking for a while, Lu Entropy frowned again, and turned to look at the worker bee next to him who was still thinking about how to dig his grave.

"Then we'll use level ten."

(End of this chapter)

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