Start with a colossus riding a face

Chapter 3 The planet's run is too outrageous

Chapter 3 The planet's run is too outrageous
On the flagship bridge of the Galaxy Alliance Fleet, the fleet commander seated on the main seat asked, "How much is it charged?"

"84% has been completed, and it will take some time to complete the launch preparations." The subordinates reported concisely and quickly.

The commander nodded, leaned on the seat in a relaxed manner, rubbed the tentacles on his face with his tentacles, and muttered depressingly: "The Star Destroyer Colossus is good for everything, but the preparation period for recharging before use is too long."

"Actually, that's not bad. All the swarm creatures that can escape on this lair planet have already escaped, and there is no resistance. Our defense mission is basically zero. We can regard this as a short vacation." The deputy commander seated next to him Said, he also leaned on the back of the chair very relaxedly.

There are too many high-intensity battles in the galaxy, and these commanders have been engaged in high-intensity mental work in a state of mental tension, and now they finally have time to take a short break.

"Resist? Huh." The fleet commander sneered disdainfully, and then said: "How can those low-level creatures resist now? They don't even have as many as us. The lava planet is too hot, and the frozen planet is too cold. , The density of gas giants is too low, and we have been able to mine stars, and the stellar material is pumped directly like flowing water. There are as many as one million star mine alliances like this, and I can’t figure out how they can resist.”

The deputy commander nodded in agreement. Matter is the foundation of everything. Whoever can make better use of matter will be stronger. There is no disagreement between the two on the point that the bee colony has no chance of winning.

However, they still have some differences in concept.

"You can't say that, just because the swarm creatures are rubbish, and our soldiers are human beings, with family, friends, and lovers, so it's sad to go to the battlefield and lose their lives fighting these rubbish? There's no sense of honor. It can be said." The deputy commander shook the mucus on his body, and then said: "As commanders, since we have a choice, we should die less people if we can die less."

The fleet commander thought for a while, and replied in agreement: "You are right."

Suddenly, the subordinate's report interrupted their communication.

"Report! Received a radio message from Nest Star!" The paper-like flat creature reported to the fleet commander.


The chief conductor and deputy conductor looked at each other, and they could see each other's confusion.

"Access connection." Commander ordered.


Soon, a creature completely different from their previous cognition appeared on the holographic projection of the bridge.

The hair on the whole body is sparse, only the head and the parts above the eyes are full of hair, two feet and two arms, covered with dry fiber braid... In short, it doesn't look like a beast at all, but like an intelligent creature.

This deviates from the Starship Alliance's previous cognition of the Babel swarm.

"Hello, everyone in the Starship Alliance Fleet, all understand what I'm saying?"

Lu Entropy, who originally wanted to say hello, saw all kinds of aliens who had lost their san value, and his words paused. He was a little worried about whether the Galaxy Alliance language translated by Babel Bee Swarm could be understood by everyone on the opposite side. .

"Who are you?" asked the chief conductor.

This is not only an inquiry, but also an answer to Lu Entropy's question just now, so there is no barrier to communication!

"I am the swarm commander on this nest star, Lu Entropy." Lu Entropy introduced himself.

Lu Entropy said sincerely: "The strength of the Starship Alliance Fleet has already been fully understood by the bee swarm on this nest star, so we decided to split with the Babel bee swarm and do not want to have any armed conflict with you. "

To be honest, Lu Entropy really didn't want to get involved in the bad things about the bee colony in the Tower of Babel. Why didn't he get any of the benefits of the war, and he should let him take all the troubles of the war?

It doesn't make sense!
People in the Galaxy Alliance don't know what Lu Entropy thinks, because Lu Entropy's remarks caused quite a commotion.

"Do you want peace talks?" the chief conductor asked.

Lu Entropy nodded and replied: "Yes, I am sending you a request for peace talks on behalf of the bee colony on this nest star..."

Before he could finish speaking, Lu Entropy was interrupted by an emotional flat-shaped alien in the bridge.

"What qualifications do you have to negotiate peace with us? When you destroyed so many civilizations and races, did you give them a chance to negotiate peace? What about your bloodthirsty brutality? What about your ruthlessness? Now that you are weak, you know peace talks? I Tell you that this is impossible! You Babel bee colony is destined to pay the price for your actions!..."

The flat alien was led away from the bridge while cursing, but none of the others on the flagship's bridge seemed to blame them, because the man spoke exactly what they felt.

After a brief exchange of opinions between the chief commander and the deputy commander, he solemnly gave a reply to Lu Entropy: "Unfortunately, swarm creatures, the order we received is 'destroy all of you without leaving behind'."

Lu Entropy was silent, and glanced at the aliens on the bridge, feeling very helpless in his heart. The hatred of war is not so easy to resolve. He obviously didn't want to take the blame, but he had no choice.

"That's really a pity. It seems that you think you have a great chance of winning." Lu Entropy said regretfully.

These words obviously stunned the aliens of the Starship Alliance Fleet for a moment.

The Star Destroyer Colossus is charging and ready to go, a heavily armed interstellar main fleet is watching, and there are not many swarm creatures left on the planet that can enter space and their swarms, and the swarm creatures on this planet swear Where did you say - 'It seems that you think you have a great chance of winning'?
What kind of interstellar joke is this?

The chief commander didn't know what others thought, but he really wanted to laugh anyway. He has been fighting interstellar wars for so many years, and he has never seen such... such a funny swarm creature.

"...What gave you such confidence? Can't you see that with just one order, you and your lair star will turn into dust in the universe?" The chief conductor suppressed his face and wanted to laugh The trembling tentacles asked with a bit of pity in doubt.

He thought about it, the swarm commander of the Babel swarm probably saw the fate of the Babel swarm in the future, and went crazy unacceptably.

This is not a strange thing. Facing countless raging swarm creatures in the galaxy, many fleet commanders in the Galaxy Alliance also collapsed rationally in despair.

"I say this naturally because..." Lu Entropy said, suddenly paused, and then spread his hands with a smile: "Because I was just delaying time."

The next moment, the huge lair star disappeared very abruptly.

The chief conductor was stunned...

The deputy commander was also stunned...

Not only them, but the entire Starship Alliance's main fleet didn't react at once, and even the operator of the Star Destroyer Colossus was stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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