Start with a colossus riding a face

Chapter 4 Appears to be stable, but is panicking

Chapter 4 Appears to be stable, but is panicking
The deputy commander who reacted first immediately took over the authority of the main commander and ordered: "Pursuit! Pursuit! Pursuit! Don't let them escape!"

"The Star Destroyer Colossus has completed the charging stage, and it will be irreversibly damaged if it is forced to terminate the operation!" The operator of the Star Destroyer Colossus reported anxiously.

"Damn it!" The commanding officer, who reacted belatedly, cursed angrily, and then gave the communicator an order: "Contact other fleets immediately, and be sure to intercept that escaped lair star!"

"Listen clearly, it is a must! They must be wiped out in the Bogu Nebula!"

The chief commander's distraught voice echoed in the flagship bridge.

Originally, he was still waiting for the swarm creature that seemed to have gone mad to finish his speech, and then he mercifully gave the Nest Star a burst star to wipe it out.

What a perfect script!

As a result, the entire lair star actually ran away? !

The lair star can run away! ! !


Lu Entropy, who narrowly escaped from the dead, wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, but now is not the time for him to be grateful for the rest of his life, because there is still a very important matter that he must solve.

He walked out of the cave he had never left when he woke up, followed the newly dug tunnel by the worker bees, and walked into a huge cave that the worker bees dug out not long ago.

The Nest Star is a huge lair transformed by the bee colony of the Tower of Babel. The environment on the planet can be imagined. There are acid rivers everywhere, and the air is full of poisonous spores, poisonous gas, etc.

If it weren't for the masterminds of the bee colony to temporarily dig a dry cave full of livable air for Lu Entropy in order to study Lu Entropy's human genes and human physiological characteristics, Lu Entropy would have died long before he woke up.

I don't know whether to thank the mastermind for being hungry for biological genes, or to thank God for this luck.

The rock walls of the cave are covered with fluorescent fungi, and the faint light illuminates the inner space. Lu Entropy can vaguely see a group of hideous-looking creatures gathered with the naked eye.

In addition to worker bees, other types of hive creatures also gather here.

After Lu Entropy arrived at the cave, these creatures gave way tacitly, and Lu Entropy went straight to the granite platform in the center of the huge cave.

Needless to say, this granite platform is naturally the same as this huge cave, and Lu Entropy instructed the worker bees to build it this way.

On the stage, Lu Entropy took a deep breath of the sour-smelling air, and spoke to the swarm creatures below the stage.

"Guys, I kept my promise."

"Now, we are safe for the time being. Although the Galaxy Alliance also possesses superluminal technology, they don't know where our destination is. Whether it is blocking or searching, these will take time to complete. During this time, we Will not be attacked by any Starship Alliance."

"But... this does not mean that we will not be wiped out by the Galaxy Alliance in the future."

"I need your strength, and I need you to recognize me as the mastermind of the hive. This is not only for my survival, but also for the continuation of your hive."

Many people in the Galaxy Alliance are always confused by the fearlessness of the Babel swarm. They take it for granted that apart from the mastermind and master of the swarm, other biological units of the swarm are consumables that are controlled like machines.

In fact, other bee creatures in the Babel bee colony also have the ability to think, but the thinking ability and logic are much weaker than the master brain and the master, because the structure of the brain is simplified.

As for the mastermind’s control over the swarm creatures, the fact is completely opposite to the cybernetics of the Galaxy Alliance. It’s not that the mastermind forcibly dominates the swarm creatures, but instead, the swarm creatures give the mastermind and master absolute control over themselves right.

As for why this is so, it is naturally because their social attributes are like this, just like human society has been a pyramid structure since ancient times, which is justified.

Even if all the masterminds and masters of the swarm are killed, there will still be masters and masterminds who can command the swarm creatures.

Lu Entropy stared at the bee swarm creatures gathered in the audience, and a piece of information was directly transmitted to Lu Entropy's mind from the bee swarm network built by psionic energy.

【Aren't you already the mastermind? 】

The swarm creatures looked at Lu Entropy strangely. When Lu Entropy commanded the swarm creatures on the nest star, how to escape the firepower of the Galaxy Alliance at super-light speed, he was regarded as the mastermind of the command by the swarm creatures on the nest star.

Of course Lu Entropy knew this, but he made such a request for other reasons.

"This is only temporary, and it's the command that you collectively gave me due to the situation, but if after a while, we join other fleeing Babel swarms, will you obey the mastermind's order, or mine? "

"I need you to give me a clear answer."

These swarm creatures were originally dominated by the previous mastermind of Nest Star. If Lu Entropy was a good mastermind and met that mastermind, would these bee swarm creatures listen to him or that mastermind?

This is a question, and it is directly related to the life and death of Lu Entropy. You must know that he is now on the nest planet of the swarm creatures, and even the microorganisms floating in the air are controlled individuals with the swarm genes.

Not long after Lu Entropy's inquiry, he received a collective inquiry from individual bee colonies in the network.

[Can you lead the swarm to win this interstellar war? 】

"I'm not sure about this, because I don't know enough about the Starship Alliance, but I'm sure, I can definitely do better than your previous masterminds."

It's not that Lu Entropy boasted. After digesting more memories of the bee colony in his brain, and learning about the past space battles of the bee colony, Lu Entropy's evaluation of the mastermind of the bee colony dropped again and again.

To be honest, Lu Entropy felt that as long as a human being with a normal IQ could do better than those hive masterminds.

After a while of silence, the collective inquiries from the bee colony individuals in the network continued.

[Then can you guarantee that the bee colony will not be exterminated by the Starship Alliance? 】

"I can guarantee this with my own life. Survival is not like defeating a powerful enemy. There is only one option. I can do things that the masterminds couldn't do before."

Lu Entropy replied affirmatively this time, because even if he couldn't do it, he had to do it, otherwise he wouldn't be able to survive.

Now, the bee colony and Lu Entropy are grasshoppers on the same rope, one prospers and the other loses.

As for surrendering to the Galaxy Alliance?
Who will guarantee his human rights?

How to ensure that he will not be sent to the zoo as a rare animal after surrendering, or how to ensure that he will not be sent to the laboratory for dissection as a test object?
Anyway, there are no human rights, he will die when he dies, and no one in the Galaxy Alliance will care.

If there is any reason to need a few alive and kicking humans, the Galaxy Alliance can directly use the genes extracted from him to clone some humans.

The lower limit of human beings cannot be guaranteed for the time being, and Lu Entropy has no confidence in the lower limit of aliens.

Therefore, he seems to have a choice, but in fact he has no choice, and the demise of the bee colony means that his fate will not be good!

The same is true for bee colonies. Survival and continuation are their first needs. No one, any life, or any material can stop the bee colony's desire for survival and continuation.

If there must be such a life or object blocking, the bee colony will do everything to destroy it, until the last colony cell dies!
Lu Entropy wanted an answer, and tens of thousands of swarm creatures responded—we will obey your orders unconditionally, mastermind Lu Entropy.

"You guys made a wise choice."

A smile appeared on Lu Entropy's tense expression, and his fists clenched by tension slowly relaxed.

After all, he is not a creature born in the hive, whether he can gain the complete trust of the hive, to be honest, Lu Entropy is actually very uncertain.

(End of this chapter)

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