Start with a colossus riding a face

Chapter 5 The beast brain is too easy to use

Chapter 5 The beast brain is too easy to use
With the approval of the bee swarm creatures on the lair planet, the big rock hanging in Lu Entropy's heart finally fell.

"In the next step, intelligence will be an extremely critical element. I need the hive to breed creatures that can cross the long distances between stars alone. The smaller the size, the better."

The swarm creatures collectively give the answer to Lu Entropy in the network.

[In the swarm, only Behemoth Behemoth can span the long distance between stars, and only the tenth level of psionic ability can distort time and space to complete the construction of space-time warp bubble. 】

There is only one way for Babel swarms to invade other planets, and that is to let the behemoth behemoth carry a large number of swarm creatures, relying on its powerful spiritual power to distort time and space, and create space-time warp bubbles that span light-years.

Like this time, Lu Entropy commanded the bee colony to wrap the entire hive star with a space-time warp velocity bubble, which can be said to be the first in the history of the Babel bee colony.

"Isn't genetic modification of creatures something you are good at?" Lu Entropy asked strangely.

[The task of gene editing is done by the main brain, this is your job. 】

In the bee colony of the Tower of Babel, the bottom layer is responsible for fighting, collecting, and hatching, while the complex and cumbersome mental work, such as strategy and scientific research, is the responsibility of the main brain and master.

Lu Entropy rolled his eyes. He is a scumbag who has never even touched a microscope and failed the biology exam. Let him do genetic modification?
After pondering for a while, Lu Entropy asked again: "We don't carry out complex transformations, but just reduce the size of the Bechymos monster proportionally. Can't the hive do this kind of adjustment?"

The swarm quickly replied to Lu Entropy's inquiry again.

[It can be done, but it will not have the tenth-level spiritual power that spans the light-year scale. 】

"..." Lu Entropy fell silent.

Made!Just change it a little bit?I'm really having a hard time!

Since there is no choice, what else is there to say?Lu Entropy can only choose to hatch Behemoth Behemoth.

"Then to make Bechymos behemoths, at least three are needed. According to the time unit I can understand, how long will it take to reproduce?"

[2 months. 】

2 months is the normal incubation period for a behemoth behemoth, but the lair star has enough chambers to allow multiple behemoth behemoths to hatch at the same time.

After explaining the matter, Lu Entropy dispersed the swarm creatures gathered in the cave, while he sank his mind into the swarm network and connected to the sensory organs of other swarm creatures.

The entire lair star has more than 1 underground giant caves evenly distributed throughout the lair star than when Lu Entropy saw it last time.

Although there is no lighting in these caves, due to the excellent night vision ability of the swarm creatures and the extremely long viewing distance, the entire dim giant cave can be seen by Lu Entropy.

In the center of the cave is a wriggling flesh-colored brain, covering an area similar to the Bird's Nest Stadium in Lu Entropy's impression. This brain is half soaked in shallow organic fluid, in which there are many slender The long, dark creature shaped like a thin tube constantly delivers nutrients to that brain.

Even with the help of the sensory organs of other bee colony creatures, seeing the veins and grooves of the flesh-colored brain wriggling, as well as the tubular creatures wriggling in the mucus, undoubtedly made Lu Entropy feel a little physiologically uncomfortable.

However, Lu Entropy still held back and asked tentatively, "Can you communicate? Hmm... Bechymos Behemoth?"

This is the brain of a Bechymos behemoth, and it is also the spiritual energy source of the Bechymos behemoth.

If a Bechymos behemoth loses its brain, even if its body is kept alive, it will not be able to create space-time warp bubbles, but if the brain of a Bechymos behemoth is taken out separately The activity of the brain, then the brain of this behemoth behemoth can still use psionic energy to bend time and space.

Therefore, Lu Entropy thought, why can't many brains that can use tenth-level psionic energy be created on the lair star to create space-time warp bubbles?
That's right, a tenth-level psychic brain can't make planets wrap space-time warp bubbles, but what about a group of psychic brains?

Each brain only needs to use psionic energy to affect a small area of ​​space near the planet, and the combination of many affected spaces will become a space-time warp bubble that can wrap planetary levels?

What is this called?
This is called unity is strength!

Originally, finding a bunch of full-bodied Behemoth behemoths directly on the planet can achieve the same effect, and by the way, there is a combatable space force.

However, Lu Entropy was in a hurry at the time, and it would take two months to conceive a complete Bechymos. The Starship Alliance's Star Destroyer weapon would wait for him for two months before launching, so the hive could only be ripened with biological hormones. Give priority to ripening a batch of Behemoth's brains to escape with psionic energy.

Facing Lu Entropy's inquiry, the brain squirmed and directly transmitted thoughts in the network.

[You can communicate. 】

"Does this state without a body affect your use of psionic energy to bend time and space?" Lu Entropy asked.

【No effect. 】

"Then besides using psionic energy to create warp bubbles and affect your own movement, can you use psionic energy to do other things? For example, manipulate objects to move or prevent certain objects from moving."

【can do. 】

Lu Entropy nodded clearly, and at the same time, he silently continued to lower the IQ evaluation of the dead master of the bee colony and the masterminds of the bee colony by one level.

After getting the information he needed, Lu Entropy directly ordered the bee colony on the entire lair star: "The fleet of the Galaxy Alliance must be searching for and chasing us now, but we can't just run away, but also increase our own strength while running away. I need you to pass through some lifeless solid planets, and then put worker bees on these planets."

"The worker bees that land should not hatch into a hive right away, but should arrive at the predetermined location without exposing themselves, drill into the ground and then hatch into a hive there."

"After all the beehives are hatched, don't give priority to expanding the individual beehives, but give priority to hatching the brains of Bechymos. Once the brains of all Bechymos on the planet are hatched, if they are not discovered by the Galaxy Alliance, they will all enter the suspended animation State, if you are discovered, run away faster than the speed of light immediately, don't confront the enemy fleet, if you really can't escape, commit suicide collectively, and never leave any clues about our strategy to the Galaxy Alliance, are you clear?"

【OK. 】


Bogu Nebula, industrial star city 'Nosken', the Intercept Fleet commanded by Starship Alliance Commander Barton, has just finished a fierce battle with fleeing space swarm creatures, and is anchoring here to repair the fleet.

"Nest star has escaped?!" Barton's four eyes widened, and the tentacles on his face were all stiffened in astonishment.

(End of this chapter)

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