Start with a colossus riding a face

Chapter 29 The human mastermind is too resentful

Chapter 29 The human mastermind is too resentful
The results of destroying a large number of war machines in the Galaxy Alliance quickly spread to Lu Entropy.

"Master, I always thought that you were the only ones who did things without brains. I never expected..." Lu Entropy said to Juggernaut with complicated emotions.

"Didn't expect what?" The master didn't understand what Lu Entropy wanted to say.

"I didn't expect the Galaxy Alliance to do things as thoughtlessly as you do." Lu Entropy said seriously.


The ruler didn't know how to answer for a while, was this a compliment or a curse?
Regardless of the reaction of the master and other masterminds, Lu Entropy continued on his own: "Normally speaking, if there is no shortage of resources, shouldn't the arsenal be equipped with things like warp speed engines?"

"In this way, even if the arsenal on the stellar orbit encounters any unexpected situation, it can immediately shift its strategy to ensure the integrity of the arsenal. If I knew that the arsenal of the Galaxy Alliance would not be able to run away, I would not have to bother planning for so long, wasting brain cells... "

Lu Entropy babbled a lot, but in the final analysis it was Lu Entropy's own little resentment.

He didn't expect the planetary creatures sent to attack the war machine group of the Galaxy Alliance to come back alive.

In Lu Entropy's vision, the enemy's arsenal must be equipped with superlight engines and the like, and may even have more powerful firepower than the fleet.

Therefore, he was going to let the planetary creature that launched the sneak attack suddenly appear when the enemy's arsenal was about to leap faster than the speed of light, and use psychic power to prevent the arsenal from entering the super-light speed, and use their faces to catch the star explosion together in the style of death.

Although the bee swarms sent in the past are almost [-]% of Lu Entropy's military force except for the Nebula garrison, but if they can take away a large number of war machines from the Galaxy Alliance in one go, the exchange is worthwhile.

Although there are still remaining groups of war machines that continue to manufacture warships, those places are too far away, and the supply line has to be stretched.

As for the bee colony, any solid planet can directly incubate planetary organisms. Without solid planets, it can also incubate planetary organisms by extracting stellar matter, gathering nebula, collecting meteorites, and plundering gaseous planetary matter.

The path of the swarm is much wider than that of the Galaxy Alliance.

In fact, the Galaxy Alliance never expected that Lu Entropy would do such a thing to them.

It is not that the war machine group has not been attacked by the Babel bee swarm in the old master period.

But at that time, the Babel swarms would not blow up the stars. They used spore shells, bee swarm acid, etc., and the war machine swarm relied on heavy armor and fixed turrets to survive.

Moreover, most of the time, the Babel swarm attacks the administrative planets of the various forces of the Galaxy Alliance. The war machine swarm with strong defensive firepower and little meat is really not the first choice for the swarm.

Since there are few attacks, and the defense and firepower are very reliable, is there still a need to install super-light speed engines for the war machinery group?

On the human battlefield, if there are no tanks and all kinds of heavy armor equipment, what is the development of anti-tank weapons and armor-piercing weapons?
Only when there is a need, will it be conceived and manufactured.

After developing the black hole-induced strike, even though some people have realized the insecurity of the stars, they don't have enough time to transform the war machine group.

You must know that the war machine group is a giant man-made object orbiting the stars. To allow this giant man-made object to go faster than the speed of light, the curvature engine must naturally be of star-level, even if there is technology, it is impossible to build it in an instant.

With the support of many factors, the current war myth of 10,000+ planetary creatures destroying 10,000+ war machine groups without damage has been created.

After listening to Lu Entropy finish his grievances, the master couldn't help asking: "Next, how will the bee colony act?"

Destroying 10,000+ war machine clusters in one go, although the bee colony has gained a great strategic advantage in the nearby star field, this does not mean that the bee colony has an absolute strategic advantage to win the war.

The Galaxy Alliance is just like its name, an alliance that spreads across the entire galaxy, and the number of war machine groups is as many as several million. If the bee swarm wants to gain an absolute advantage in war, at least all of these millions of war machine groups must be defeated.

"Naturally, we will continue to fight. Obviously, the war is not over yet." Lu Entropy said.

"Arsenal again? I don't think this time it will be as smooth as the previous one, and there will be a lot of losses."

Judging by the feedback from individual scouting swarms, the Galaxy Alliance's strategy for the swarm has shifted from offense to defense. If the Galaxy Alliance continues to adopt the previous mutual support strategy, it is absolutely impossible for the swarm to continue destroying the enemy's war machines without loss. group.

Lu Entropy rolled his eyes and said, "Whatever you can think of, they can naturally think of it, and so can I."

"This time, we're going to attack their administrative star."


Another executive star of the Banner Federation has been infected by all under the coercion and lure of the Babel swarm!

And with the passage of time, the star field near the bee colony of Babel, whether it is the Diaz Empire or the Banner Consortium, the speed of the fall of the star field is actually getting faster and faster? !
In fact, after knowing the tragic situation of Mi Luoxing, no administrative star has the courage not to accept the infection.

The governor of the planet who dares not to accept the infection will be betrayed by his subordinates in the next second, and then support the new superior to accept the infection.

After all, those who are not afraid of death are always a minority, and those who are not afraid of the death of people who care about themselves are even a minority of the minority.

Since the Galaxy Alliance adopted a strategy of focusing on defense against war machine groups, the strength of the fleet guarding the administrative star would naturally decline. When the swarms attacked, the star system where the administrative star was located would not be able to exert even a shred of resistance.

In addition, the bee colony is very trustworthy, as long as they are willing to accept the infection, they will never kill them, and the body can get better and better after being infected, which has a huge mass base. The swarm came to infect them.

Yes, reality is so magical.

In the eyes of these administrative stars, if they are infected by bee colonies as soon as possible, they can get out of the quagmire of war as soon as possible.

Infected planets will no longer be attacked by the swarms of the Tower of Babel, nor will they be attacked by the fleet of the Starship Alliance, and the health of the people will become more and more healthy.

When the master of the bee colony and other masterminds heard the news, they thought that there was something wrong with their brains, and they actively begged to be infected, something that they never dared to imagine before.

The only ones who feel anxious are the decision-makers of the Galaxy Alliance.

"We must do something! A bee swarm raging across the galaxy is gradually brewing!"

At the meeting of the Galaxy Alliance, representatives of many forces called out loudly, among which the representatives of the Dias Empire and the Banner Federation made the loudest calls.

(End of this chapter)

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