Start with a colossus riding a face

Chapter 30 Magical reality is too popular

Chapter 30 Magical reality is too popular
It's not that the decision-makers of the Galaxy Alliance are stubborn. Many of them have survived the ravages of bee swarms in the old master period, and have grown step by step.

The cognition of the bee swarm is solidified in terror and bloodlust. They are the most difficult group of people to believe that the Babel bee swarm can coexist with the Starship Alliance.

In the eyes of these decision makers, the planets infected by bee swarms, even if no substantial harm has been seen so far, they still firmly believe that they are fallen planets that have escaped control.

In fact, it is true, because many of these infected planets do not want to be involved in interstellar wars, and the earth explodes, and the stars explode, who can bear it?
Therefore, after the administrative stars were infected, they all tacitly agreed that the Galaxy Alliance could not protect them, and most people maintained a neutral attitude.

Anyway, the Babel swarm is no longer bloodthirsty, and it seems to be no different from the bee swarm or the Galaxy Alliance in the eyes of these planets.

"The fleet cannot be mobilized. At present, the war machine group is the most important object to be protected." The representative of the Alliance Army replied.

"Are we just looking at it like this?" The representatives of various forces headed by the Dias Empire asked back.

The representative of the Alliance Army replied: "Pay a little administrative star as the price, and you can get enough strategic time, which is very cost-effective."

"Besides, the infected will not die, they are not contagious, and they are even better than before."

The representatives were dissatisfied: "The Babel swarm is not trustworthy."

The representative of the Alliance army still replied calmly: "It's all the same. The weakness of the war machine group will not always exist. After the Alliance has made sufficient preparations and completely defeated the Babel swarm, it will start investing resources to treat these infected people." .”

"This is a necessary sacrifice, and compared to before, such a price is already very small."

The representatives of the Galaxy Alliance were silent. Compared with the sacrifices in the past, the current spore infection with no one dying, and even healthier health, is like spring wind turning into rain.


"We are willing to accept the spore infection of the Babel swarm and cooperate like the Dias Empire's fallen area. I hope you can let us live."

The Banner Complex sends a radio message to the Behemoth herd in orbit around the planet.

Subsequently, the herd of beasts replied with a message in the same language.

"Knowing the current affairs is a very wise choice. As long as you can keep your own ground and remain neutral like the occupied area of ​​​​the Dias Empire, the swarm will not harm you."

After the reply, the behemoth swarm dispersed, twisted their bodies in space, and released a large number of bee spores invisible to the naked eye to the planet.

The Banners on the planet walked out of the house without resistance, took a deep breath, and actively let the bee spores enter the body to complete the infection.

"Why didn't they resist? Why did they take the initiative to accept the infection? It doesn't make sense, there must be something wrong here."

Neither the Master nor the Masterminds can understand this behavior of actively accepting infection.

In the past, when swarms of bees wanted to infect planets, the aliens on the planets resisted extremely fiercely, and many even lost their lives.

Compared with the current aliens who actively accept the infection, apart from magic, there is really no better adjective.

"In my hometown, there is such a story." Lu Entropy said.

"When the ancient commanders surrounded the enemy in war, even if the enemy was old, weak, sick and disabled, they would deliberately leave a direction to avoid encircling them. Do you know why?"

Lu Entropy's rhetorical question aroused the doubts of the masters and masterminds. They thought for a while and didn't want to understand.

So the Master asked, "Why?"

Lu Entropy replied: "Because the encirclement means that there is no hope of survival. No matter how weak the enemy's soldiers are, they are still soldiers. Holding weapons in their hands can cause damage to the enemy. They will unite as one under the shadow of death, even in the face of death. For death, it is also necessary to inflict damage on the enemy before death."

"But if there is a direction that is not surrounded, there is still hope for survival. Soldiers will continue to flee in the direction that is not surrounded. The ancient commander only needs to lead the soldiers to follow behind and chase the enemy troops behind. Just kill the soldiers one by one."

"The enemy soldiers will not resist, they will only run away desperately, and they don't even have the idea of ​​turning around to help their teammates."

Unbelievably, this situation has never existed in the history of the Babel bee colony.

"I can't understand." A mastermind said.

"What's incomprehensible? It's just for survival." Lu Entropy said naturally.

As he said that, Lu Entropy said meaningfully in the swarm network: "You don't think that the Galaxy Alliance didn't use this trick on the swarm? Don't you think it's strange that in the current swarm, why is the mastermind of the old master Can there be so much left?"

There was silence in the swarm network.

Afterwards, the master asked Lu Entropy hesitantly: "You mean... the masterminds chosen by these old masters are, without exception, traitors who betrayed the swarm?"

Now, the masterminds chosen by the old master were blown away, hysterically defending themselves in the swarm network.

"No, we did not betray, absolutely not! No!"

"Everything we do is for the continuation of the bee colony!"

"Survival and continuation are the first needs of the bee colony, and this is the choice of the bee colony!"

There can be no betrayal, there is no room for betrayal in the swarm of Babel.

At that critical moment before, Cook, the mastermind who did not report the battle situation to the master, lied about the failure of the attack and needed to regroup the bee swarm, but was actually planning to lead the bee swarm under his control to flee, has now been wiped out by the master.

If it was a crisis of genocide, Mastermind Cook's actions were of course correct, but now that the crisis is gone and the situation is stabilizing, the Mastermind will naturally settle accounts after the fall.

"Don't be so nervous, I didn't intend to kill you all, or accuse you of being traitors." Lu Entropy laughed, and then added: "Because there is no need."

The masterminds chosen by the old master were suddenly speechless—this means that they can be accused when necessary? !

Lu Entropy continued: "What I want to talk about is just an objective phenomenon. Water can be obtained by burning with hydrogen and oxygen. The same is true for life. They are all very objective and material things."

"The bee swarm lost before, just because the enemy is better at using these phenomena than the bee swarm. In layman's terms, they have more brains."

"At the moment, what the bee colony needs is to learn how to make better use of the rules." Lu Entropy said seriously.

"The master brought the [-]th-level psychic brain to the bee colony. Now we need to integrate the [-]th-level psychic brain into the war system before the Galaxy Alliance recovers."

(End of this chapter)

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