Chapter 346
In a dark corner of the Pulan's home planet, a phantom was squirming strangely.

The stray pets hiding in the rubbish looked in horror at this scene beyond their comprehension, and ran away in fright.

Not long after, the phantom's squirming stopped, and an ordinary-looking Pulan came out of the phantom.

At the beginning, the Pulan man walked in a strange posture, with his arms and thighs raised up and down, like a robot controlled by an artificially retarded person.

But soon, the walking posture of this Pulan man became much more coordinated.

Pulan people are similar to humans, they have two arms, two legs, and a head, so Lu Entropy adapted quickly.

He walked out from the dark corner of the building, and his goal was a series of tall and huge buildings. The buildings were connected to each other, forming bridges as wide as the ground. Countless aircraft shuttled between the buildings in an orderly manner. , like a series of metal rivers floating in the sky and meandering.

People are walking on the bridge as wide as the ground, crowded and bustling. From time to time, many stereoscopic projections and screens flashing with various colors can be seen, advertising to the crowd.

Lu Entropy walked to the edge of the bridge, leaned on the handrails to look out, and when the buildings went up into the sky, they could not see the top at all, surrounded by clouds and mist. When they went down, the buildings went deep into the sea of ​​clouds, and the ground could not be seen at all, as if the buildings were floating In Wonderland in the Clouds.

"This is the civilization you saved back then? It's more prosperous than imagined." Lu Entropy praised.

Beautiful scenery is beautiful scenery, even though Lu Entropy has seen many different wonders and wonders, this still does not prevent him from admiring it at this moment.

"The flow of time is different, and it has been a long time since the last time." Rabbi replied.

"How long has it been?" Lu Entropy asked.

The rabbi replied: "About 200 years."

Lu Entropy nodded slightly, "It's not too long."

"This civilization should still remember the planetary creatures, and it won't be so troublesome to communicate in a while."

Lu Entropy squeezed in the crowd and walked forward. Along the way, he met all kinds of Pulan people, whether poor, rich, young, or old. Each had their own life, which inevitably reminded Lu Entropy of When I haven't been in contact with the Babel swarm.

After walking for a while, the crowd became less and less, and the surrounding architectural decorations became more and more high-end, which was obviously different from the illegal architecture of ordinary houses.

The place Lu Entropy is going to is a place where ordinary Pulan people do not go, or in other words, ordinary Pulan people are not allowed to approach at all.

"How far is it from the core members of this civilization?" Lu Entropy asked.

Kai'Sa, who was watching the psionic network universe, replied: "It's in the building ahead."

Lu Entropy continued to walk forward for a while, and suddenly saw a huge celestial sculpture.

The sculpture is made of seamless metal, so lifelike that Lu Entropy can recognize it at a glance, it is the planetary creature of the bee colony.

The sculpture seems to be highly protected and only allowed to be viewed from a distance. There are several circles of metal fences around the outside, and there are signs that prohibit approaching. There are many monitors installed both openly and secretly.

But it doesn't matter if you don't get close, Lu Entropy can adjust your eyesight.

"Ball God..."

This name is too... Seeing the line written under the sculpture, Lu Entropy didn't know what to say for a while. He couldn't understand how many times the brain circuits of these Pulan people had drifted in order to put the terrifying Planetary creatures are called "ball gods".

But Lu Entropy thought about it again, and the name seemed to be good.

"You were killed by a planetary creature" and "You were killed by the ball god", the latter is undoubtedly more murderous.

Thinking of these, Lu Entropy didn't care too much, and walked straight towards the destination.

Going forward, you will not see those towering buildings. Instead, there is a large platform and a magnificent, palace-like large building.

Just as Lu Entropy was about to walk in while watching, he was stopped by the guard.

"Wait a minute, you can't go in."

Seeing the other party was quite polite, and Lu Entropy didn't intend to make it difficult for the other party, "I want to find someone."

"Who are you looking for?"

The doorman asked meticulously.

"His name seems to be... oh, Steele." Lu Entropy was not familiar with Steele, the Pulan man, so he only heard other hive creatures say that even the name needed to be reminded by the mastermind.

"Please let me know."

Hearing that the unknown person in front of him called the venerable head teacher so directly, the guard suddenly lost his face.

"Please show your ID card, and then go to the front desk to make an appointment." The doorman stretched out his hand as if to show it.

Of course, Lu Entropy doesn't have any identity documents. The bee colony does have the technology to do this kind of thing, but they are too lazy to do it because there is absolutely no need to do it.

"If you are told to notify, hurry up and notify, there is so much nonsense." Lu Entropy said.

Hearing this, the guard just wanted to drive him away as a troublemaker, when he was surprised to find that he nodded obediently.


In response, the guard obediently began to use the communicator to contact the personnel in the church.

This is the divine word?You can say what you say, and you can get what you want. It can't be said to be very powerful, but it is really good to pretend to be coercive, Lu Entropy murmured in his heart.

Just now, Lu Entropy controlled the actions of the guards by commanding the cornerstone life that was assimilated by the bee colony. The principle is the same as the divine words of the outer gods.

Lu Entropy's thinking didn't last long, and someone jumped out to interrupt him, and the controlled guard miraculously got out of control.

Lu Entropy raised his head, and saw a Pulan man falling from above and standing firmly on the ground.

"Little guy, didn't your elders teach you that the Qiuqiu sect prohibits the abuse of divine words... What the hell!?"

Under Lu Entropy's inexplicable gaze, this Pulan man, who looked like an expert in the world, seemed to have seen something horrifying, and he almost sat down on the ground when he couldn't stand still.

Afterwards, the aloof attitude just now disappeared, with a flattering expression on his face, which made even the guard beside him look stupid.

"You, you... You came from a long way to teach us Qiuqiu. What's the matter? My name is Fuerte. If you have any orders, I will do them for you as soon as possible."

"I want to find someone from Steele." Lu Entropy, who didn't understand the situation, didn't think too much, and bluntly stated the purpose of this trip.

"It turned out that I was looking for the head teacher, please come inside, please come inside, I will guide you..."

Nodding again, bowing again, the comparison between the front and back is like changing a different personality, so much so that Lu Entropy feels that the other person is a patient with schizophrenia.

"Why are you so nervous?" Lu Entropy asked.

"I, am I nervous?" With a stiff smile, Fuerte thought for a while before he gave an explanation that he didn't quite believe: "I'm just a little socially handicapped. It's easy to make your heart beat faster, please don't mind."

Seeing that the other party didn't want to talk about it, Lu Entropy didn't ask, and the bee colony didn't have experience in treating mental illness, so it's not good to mess around.

(End of this chapter)

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