Chapter 347

Lu Entropy, who was following Fuerte, didn't know that at this moment, the oracle Fuerte with "mental illness" wanted to strangle himself to death.

He was far away just now, and he didn't see it clearly. He didn't realize until after he landed that the person who came to the main entrance of their church to make trouble was a junior oracle who didn't know the rules.

Everything close to this "thing", even his body, was screaming in terror, as if seeing the coming of death, urging Fuerte to flee quickly.

To make everything feel fear, this is not something that the oracle can do, this is already an outer god!
Yes, this is an Outer God disguised as a Pulan!

Fuerte insisted on his own judgment in his heart, so as to cheer himself up and prevent himself from continuing to fall towards the indescribable fear.

The coming of the foreign gods is a terrible event. As long as the other party is slightly dissatisfied, the Pulan people may die. Fuerte encouraged himself over and over again in his heart, for the sake of the mother civilization, he must stand up.

After these years of development, the Qiuqiu Church has developed into a large organization that integrates the oracles of the Pulan civilization. Naturally, Fuerte is not the only oracle in the church.

Not long after entering the church, Fuerte saw an acquaintance of the oracle.

"Fuerte, you..."

The other party just wanted to say hello, but when he glanced behind Fuerte, his entire expression and body froze, completely frozen there.

How could Fuerte dare to let the other party stimulate the "outer god" behind him, and he woke up the dull acquaintance with a brisk walk, and then solemnly said: "Hall, this is a guest who came to visit the head teacher, please go immediately Prepare the highest standard for reception."

"Okay, okay."

Watching the two leave in horror, until the figure was no longer visible, Hall's held breath dared to relax a bit.

What the hell is that?
How scary!


The news of the foreign gods descending on their home planet was quickly conveyed to the upper echelons of the Pulan civilization through Hall.

Except for the young people who were born in modern times, the older generation of oracles who witnessed the battle between the gods 200 years ago all know that even the weakest Outer God, as long as the other party is willing, can destroy the Pulan civilization in an instant.

Only Outer Gods can deal with Outer Gods!

Therefore, their hopes can only be pinned on the head coach of the ball, Steele, hoping that he can call the god of the ball to come.

Stiyl was praying for the last time in the ritual formation. After a while, he came out of the ritual formation somewhat disappointed after not receiving any information.

"I don't know if the gods will hear my prayer. What happened at that time? Who is that voice? Who is Lu Entropy?"

After a while, Steele couldn't help but shook his head mockingly, "Sure enough, it's better to rely on yourself than anyone else."

Since the true gods are unreliable, they can only rely on themselves.

Turning on the communicator, Steele asked, "Where is the fleet anchored in orbit now?"

"It is already located directly above the church. The weapon of the word of God has been warmed up and the main cannon can be fired at any time." The communicator reported meticulously.

Stil, who had seen how terrifying the Outer Gods were, and the sudden departure of the planetary creature, strengthened Stiir to lead civilization to develop weapons capable of threatening the Outer Gods.

Since only the Outer God can threaten the Outer God, then imitate the Outer God, so as to unleash the divine word attack that only the Outer God can release—this is the original intention of the design of the Divine Word weapon.

After 200 years of development, weapons have been developed, and they are very powerful, but no one can say whether they can threaten the Outer Gods. When the planetary creatures tore up the maelstrom, the Outer Gods dared not show up again. Those who are less timid are even more self-sealed, and the distorted outer gods that filled the universe in the past can never be encountered even if they think about it.

With the determination to die, Stiyl walked towards the parlor of the church.

Walking to the door of the living room, Steele stopped, and then said to the communicator: "Stay alert, if there is any abnormality, open fire directly, don't care about any casualties, including me."

"As ordered!"

After getting the response, Stiyl's expression lessened a bit.

Outer God?
Just let us Pulan people come and meet you for a while... Fuck! ?

Steele pushed open the door of the living room, and saw Lu Entropy sitting on the sofa, his legs became weak at the first sight, and his mind was full of question marks.

what happened?

Didn’t those oracles say that the one who came to the church was an outer god?

Stiier, who had been in contact with planetary creatures, had an intuitive feeling for Lu Entropy, as if he had once again met the true god he believed in.

This can't help but make Stiyl wonder, is this the incarnation of a god?

"Fleet, don't act rashly, do you understand! Don't act rashly!"

Orbital Fleet: ? ? ?
The Orbital Fleet, who had just received an order to fire recklessly if there were any abnormalities, did not expect that Steele would suddenly give the opposite order.

Steele sat down across from Lu Entropy with a bit of restraint and fear, and asked with a smile: "Are you satisfied with the hospitality here? If there is anything unsatisfactory, we will actively improve it."

Since the other party asked this question, Lu Entropy thought about it and gave his evaluation.

"It feels good, you guys are so hospitable, I'm happy, it's just that on the track, pointing at me with those non-threatening things, I'm not very happy."

Stile's heart trembled, and he hurriedly said, "I'm very sorry, I'll tell them to get out of here immediately!"

"Don't be nervous. I'm not the kind of unreasonable person. It's normal to scare you by visiting suddenly without communicating with you. Otherwise, with my style of behavior, you wouldn't be alive today." Lu Entropy laughed. .

Although Lu Entropy expressed kindness, Stiyl could feel a spontaneous chill.

In addition to the chill, Stiyl also felt a difference from the true god back then, who was friendly and spoke nonsense, while the one in front of him felt very similar, but spoke clearly, and at the same time had a murderous feeling. The decisive coldness, such a difference, made Stiyl doubt whether the other party was the incarnation of the true god.

"Uh... I have a question, can I ask it?" Stiyl asked carefully.

"Yes, but I don't promise to give you an answer." Lu Entropy nodded casually.

Taking a deep breath, Stiyl asked the question in his heart: "What is your relationship with the true god of our Qiuqiu sect?"

"Is it? It's complicated to answer this question, so go ahead and ask it."

After finishing speaking, Lu Entropy waved towards the room, and the entire living room was immediately submerged in darkness, and there was no more light to be seen, but at the same time, what surprised Stiles was that his sight was not affected at all, and they sat The sofa and the tea table in front of him can be clearly seen.

Against this pitch-black background, under Stiyl's horrified and slightly excited eyes, a huge spherical object gradually appeared completely.

It is the god that Qiuqiu has believed in for 200 years!

(End of this chapter)

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