Start with a colossus riding a face

Chapter 350 The Restless Pulan People

Chapter 350 The Restless Pulan People
In the beginning, after the complete silence, the civilization of the Pulan people still had a lingering prestige, and most of the old rulers did not dare to be too presumptuous, causing trouble everywhere, for fear of kicking the iron plate and causing death.

But as time went by, those civilizations that mastered the technology of crossing stars continued to grow and expand, and many old rulers were dragged out of their hiding places by these very curious civilizations.

These curious civilizations were naturally destroyed by the wrath of the Outer Gods.

The technology in the psychic network universe, like the technology outside the universe, needs to rely on matter to be able to manifest, and the outer gods can directly exercise absolute control over the matter in the psychic network universe through divine words, which naturally divides the universe The technological civilization within is directly underfoot.

Unless there is a civilization that can do it like the Pulan people, start from the root, use some method to deceive the cornerstone life, and deprive the qualifications of the ruler of the outer gods.

After the Outer Gods who destroyed these civilizations calmed down their anger, they unexpectedly discovered that, not only since when, exposure seems to be no longer a big problem, and the universe has become a lot more "peaceful".

The original maelstrom structure of the universe was torn apart and reorganized into three maelstrom structures today, but the terrifying existence that tore the cosmic structure apart seems to have no intention of continuing to transform the universe. Submerged in the long river of time, without a trace.

The small group of outer gods who were the first to discover this were overjoyed, and gradually wandered in the three vortexes with confidence and boldness.

This kind of behavior made those Outer Gods who peeped in the hiding place join in one after another. As a result, the wandering team became bigger and bigger.

And this is doomsday for the civilization of the psychic network universe. Their technology cannot reach the height of the Pulan people, that is, they discovered that everything in the universe is a living thing.

The civilizations in the psychic network universe, the highly gifted races can naturally see the existence of the three major whirlpools in the universe structure, but as long as they think that there are lifeless forms in the universe, it is impossible to correctly understand the root of the power of the outer gods ——Cornerstone life.

Therefore, those space civilizations with advanced technology have no resistance in front of the Outer Gods, and are easily abolished with all technological products, heading for destruction.

Due to the large-scale roaming of the outer gods, the entire universe has set off a series of doomsday civilizations.

In the wandering team, many Outer Gods are keen to destroy these fragile civilizations in their eyes.

It's not how evil they are, the main thing is that they still remember the whispers of the great and supreme being at the center of the maelstrom. Chaos is the main direction of the universe. Things like civilization will continue to expand and affect the chaos of the universe, and then move towards order. , can be reduced as much as possible.

Of course, these are not necessarily the fate of destruction. For those civilizations that are lucky and willing to become dependents of the Outer Gods, there are some existences in the Outer Gods who are willing to accept them as dependents.

As the outer gods wandered deeper in the three vortexes, they once again heard the chaotic whispers of the supreme being.

The whispers were indistinct and vague, and none of the Outer Gods could hear them clearly, but it was enough to make the Outer Gods lose their thinking crazily.

The countless Outer Gods in the three vortexes rushed towards the center of the vortex with madness, like predators who saw their prey after starving for a long time.

Countless outer gods crowded, trampled, and tore each other, just to make themselves the first beings to listen to the great and supreme existence.

The weak outer gods were crushed and fell in this frenzy, and countless races suffered directly or indirectly. Time and space were in turmoil, and hundreds of thousands of galaxies were swept across hundreds of thousands of galaxies and turned into pieces of nebula dust due to the rage caused by the words of the gods.

Those powerful outer gods are not much better, they are torn and entangled with each other, but they are too powerful to be fatally injured, and the long-term entanglement makes them tend to merge!

When these Outer Gods discovered the fusion, it was too late, they panicked and wanted to break free, but this was just a futile struggle. The ruler born from their fusion intensified the tension among the Outer Gods. Fusion, completely devoured these entangled outer gods.

As a result, the chaos and turmoil of the Outer Gods ceased, and the centers of the three vortexes were occupied by three extremely terrifying Outer Gods.

Like other Outer Gods, they are rulers who can use divine words, but their strength is not ordinary rulers at all.

If the outer gods are gods compared to ordinary intelligent species, then these three old rulers are also gods compared to the outer gods. The three existences at the center of the three major vortexes in the universe have already become so powerful that they only need to A thought can arbitrarily affect any corner of the universe.

The moment each of them was born, the entire psionic network universe boiled along with it!
The stable and chaotic era of the past has returned to the Psionic Cyberverse!
The three vortexes that were originally separated were reconnected by these three terrifying existences. They were not only split, but also merged into one big vortex. The great vortex surrounds the entire universe with chaotic and distorted music.

The Outer Gods of the Heavens were overwhelmed by the power of the newborn ruler entrenched in the center, and without any thought, they surrounded the chaotic ensemble of the three existences, playing a series of muddy accompaniment sounds in a weird and twisted way.

Madness and chaos have thus once again become the theme of the universe. Time and space are distorting, and order is collapsing. Even those civilizations that have reached beyond the stars can only flee for their lives in a hurry.

Destruction is the fate of most civilizations in this era, and only a small number of civilizations have encountered the Outer Gods who have the willingness to take in their families, and thus obtained their asylum.

Everything that is happening in the universe is naturally known to the Pulan people, either because of the sense of crisis inspired by the death of the rabbit or the fox, or because they don’t want to see the stable order of the universe go to a complete collapse. A trend of thought to eliminate the outer gods was set off.

It didn't take long for such a trend of thought to appear, and it affected the decision-making level of the Pulan civilization.

"They've gone too far! Is this all we can do?"

A high-ranking Pulan person privately approached his good friend, a Purlanian chosen by the swarm as a medium, to discuss the proposal of the Purangian fleet to attack the Outer Gods and stabilize order.

The power structure of the Pulan civilization is seriously affected by the bee colony. With the development of civilization, those Pulan people who can directly obtain the information conveyed by the bee colony and peek into the medium of the universe as a bee colony from the perspective of native organisms have become the masters of the Pulan civilization. The group of people with the highest power.

After all, the god of bee colonies really exists, and the establishment of theocracy within civilization naturally means that whoever is closer to the god has greater power.

(End of this chapter)

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