Chapter 351
"Calm down, Titiru."

"I know that you are very dissatisfied because the civilization you have observed for a long time was suddenly destroyed by the outer gods, but not to interfere is the instruction of the true gods, and you can only accept it."

The friend's calm attitude is in stark contrast to Titiru's excitement.

It is related to the arrangement of the bee colony for the Pulan civilization. This is not a question of the depth of friendship, but a question of the future of countless Pulan people in the civilization.

No matter how deep the friendship is, friends cannot ignore the future of civilization.

Titilu wanted to fight again, he argued: "The great true gods are so benevolent, why are they not willing to protect other weak civilizations? It shouldn't be!"

The friend did not argue with Titilu, he said bluntly: "You are not the first to ask similar questions. Long before you, someone asked similar questions to the true gods."

"There can only be one civilization in this universe that the true gods are willing to protect. If we want the true gods to protect other civilizations, we must give up our position. I don't think you should have such stupid goodwill."

Titiru is not stupid, he naturally knows that the Pulan people cannot accept losing the protection of the true god from top to bottom, even if the current technology of the Pulan civilization is enough to be unparalleled in this chaotic universe.

The protection of the true God is to Purang people what Jerusalem is to Bible believers. No Bible believer is willing to hand over Jerusalem to heretics.

However, after the reminder of what his friend said just now, Titilu suddenly realized something.

His mood suddenly became extremely complicated, and he asked his friend with some sadness: "...In the eyes of the true god, what are we?"

The friend's face suddenly changed, cloudy and sunny, and it took a while to calm down, and his voice turned cold.

"This is not something you should consider. From the standpoint of a friend, I can pretend that I didn't hear your disrespect to the true gods just now."

"Titiru, you can leave now."

Rather than saying it was an order to evict the guest, it was better to say it was a forced eviction. From then on, Titilu knew that the friendship between him and this friend was completely broken from today.

Titiru, who couldn't get what he wanted from his friends, didn't give up.

With his own prestige, he gathered a group of Pulan people who were willing to follow within the civilization to leave the mother civilization, and raised the banner of resistance to the countless outer gods in the three vortexes.

In the beginning, Titiru and his fleet simply drove or killed the old rulers who were destroying civilization, and then absorbed other Purans in the universe who also betrayed their mother civilization.

However, as the number of saved civilizations increased, more and more weak civilizations joined the camp ruled by the Pulan people Titiru in an alliance, and then Titiru served him.

The territory and scale of Titilu's dominion are doubling almost every once in a while, and the strength is getting stronger and stronger. Naturally, it is impossible to escape the prying eyes of the outer gods.

Even though Titilu was very inconspicuous at the beginning, it was difficult for the Outer Gods to notice, but as more and more weak civilizations were taken in later, the Outer Gods would know as long as their eyes were not blind, that there was such a force in the universe that was similar to them. The opposing forces are preventing the universe from going into chaos and distortion.

This is obviously unacceptable to the Outer Gods. It is the Outer Gods' mission to return the universe to chaos and distortion. How can it be affected by these little things that are not even Outer Gods.

Since then, the war between the rebel alliance led by Titiru and the Outer Gods has completely started.


The Civilization Alliance led by Titiru launched a protracted war with the Outer Gods, which affected the entire universe, and the movement was so large that it was unique in the history of the Pulan civilization.

Because Titiru and the others have the technology that can threaten the outer gods, the weak civilizations that later joined the Great Alliance of Civilizations will consciously regard Titiru and the Pulan people as their leaders and serve them loyally.

It is also because of this that Titilu and other Pulan people who betrayed their mother civilization performed extremely prominently and brilliantly in this cosmic war.

But Titilu and the others didn't know that the more dazzling achievements they made, the more sleepless and restless the high-level people on the Pulan civilization side would be.

The upper echelons of the Pulan civilization couldn't imagine what the true gods would think when they saw those active Pulan people in the space battlefield.

What if the true gods regard this as their Pulan people actively disobeying the arrangement of the true gods, openly disobeying the instructions of the true gods, and completely abandoning the civilization of the Pulan people?
However, due to the arrangements made by the true gods, the Pulan civilization cannot take any action. It can only hide in the dark and observe the universe quietly. Naturally, it is impossible to deal with those civilization traitors active in the universe and the betrayers of the true god. them.

Under such tangled pressure, the Pulan civilization took the initiative to plead guilty to the swarm, hoping to allow them to send a fleet to destroy the civilization alliance headed by Titiru.

However, what the Pulan people didn't expect was that the great true gods showed a high tolerance for these Pulan people who rebelled and left civilization, and they didn't even want to pursue the betrayal.

"Great God, you really don't plan to punish those traitors who betrayed you?" the Pulan people who were the medium of the hive swarm asked incomprehensibly.

"Why should you be punished? Your question is very strange." The swarm creatures outside the universe replied.

The main person in charge of the Pulan civilization didn't even think about it, and directly said a lot of crimes.

"The sinner Titilu and his subordinates do not cherish the protection of the true gods, no longer serve the true gods, and have completely failed the benevolence of the true gods. They have also tarnished the most devout belief in the great true gods of our Pulan civilization. It is our The shame that civilization most desires to eradicate..."

Before the main person in charge of the Pulan civilization finished speaking, the bee colony stopped him from speaking.

"We are very happy that you are so loyal to us, but we hope that you will not be so excited and be calm enough to follow our arrangements."

I don't know if it is based on the fear of losing the protection of the true gods, or because of the devotion to the true gods, the main person in charge of the Pulan civilization gritted his teeth and said: "I'm sorry, the great true god, I also want to calm down, but when I think of those who betrayed I can't restrain myself from betraying the true gods, and I can't wait to erase their existence immediately."

The swarm on the other side replied: "Actually, you don't need to be excited at all. Even if they choose to leave, they are still serving us, but the way of serving is different."

The entire psychic network universe came into being under the plan of the swarm. It can be said that all life in the entire universe is either actively or passively serving the plan of the swarm.

Those Pulan people who are unwilling to follow the instructions of the bee colony, or even betray their own mother civilization, would never have thought that they actually just jumped from one pit to another, and continued to serve the bee colony. Even more comfortable.

The main person in charge was obviously stunned. After thinking carefully for a while, he asked respectfully: "Great God, we don't understand, please clarify."

"You don't need to understand."

Individuals in the swarm do not want to continue on this topic, and the swarm strictly follows the blockade of information to ensure that the swarm is always in an advantageous position.

Since the swarm was unwilling to mention it, the Pulan people naturally did not dare to ask more questions. They could only accept the current reality.

(End of this chapter)

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