Start with a colossus riding a face

Chapter 39 This world is too dreamy

Chapter 39 This world is too dreamy
If you have the opportunity to go to a world without exploitation, oppression and class, would you like to go?

If there is such a world, when you get there, you will become a "god" who can achieve whatever you want, and you will no longer have to worry about poverty, food, clothing, shelter, transportation, fear of disease, or work. The person who is stepped on by others is a servant, you can do whatever you want, are you willing to leave everything behind and go?
If there is such a choice, you can get the happy life you really want without having to struggle with endless struggle every day and face fierce competition. How are you going to choose?

In the past, if someone asked such a question, the Banners on Bratan would only think that the other party's brain was more or less wrong.

But now, such a thing is truly placed in front of them, allowing them to choose.

All this is because of the 'Love and Dream' proposed by the Hive of Babel.

Through biological technology to achieve brain docking, using hormones, hormones and other chemical substances to regulate and affect the five senses, bee colony creatures can construct one or more illusion worlds, and in the reality of that illusion, the bee colony can satisfy that person's everything, after all Hallucinations don't require many resources to create.

Of course, what is satisfied is all false, but if that person is immersed in that false reality forever from birth to death, from his personal perspective, it might not be another kind of reality.


At the interstellar airport on Bratan, a group of Banners gathered at the entrance, and opposite them was a group of fully armed soldiers with live ammunition.

The thick armor of individual soldiers, the large firearms with a caliber equivalent to half a human face, everything exudes a dangerous atmosphere, which makes people feel chills.

But the Banners who gathered here were not afraid. The Banner in the front tried to forcefully cross the blockade of the soldiers, but was grabbed by the arm, no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't get out.

"Let me go, let me go! I'm going to be the caller of the Babel swarm!" The Banner angrily beat the metal arm holding his arm.

However, his behavior like this is just a meaningless behavior, and it has no effect other than letting others know that he is very angry.

The soldier in the individual armor tried to persuade: "Be sober! If you go, you will only become food for those swarm creatures!"

"So what? Where is it not being eaten? It's all the same!"

As he said that, the Banner man struggled even more angrily, "Let me go!"

The soldiers wearing individual armor are now caught in a dilemma. They have received orders not to harm this group of people, and to avoid bloody conflicts to the greatest extent.

But in the current situation, even if you don't want bloody conflicts to break out, you can't do it.

If possible, the soldiers would rather go to the battlefield than continue to perform this blocking mission. This mission is too disgusting for them.

In the noisy environment of the Banna people, there was a faint sound of breaking through the air.

As time went by, the breaking sound became more and more obvious, attracting the attention of everyone present.

The eyes converged, and a small spaceship came from a distance. After the small spaceship stopped on the tarmac, a Banner walked out of the small spaceship.

People with a discerning eye could recognize the other party's identity at a glance. This was the general in charge of the planetary defense system they often saw on the news.

Knowing their identities, a group of unscrupulous people consciously gave up an area for the general to pass through.

The general stood opposite the soldiers, and then ordered: "It's already done, let them go."

"Yes! General!"

Not daring to be negligent in the slightest, the soldiers saluted the general in unison, and then cleared away the roadblocks set up at the entrance of the interstellar airport.

Those Banners who had gathered at the entrance and waited for a long time rushed towards the spaceships at the airport like wild horses running wild.

Seeing this crazy scene, the accompanying secretary who accompanied the general showed a hesitant expression.


The accompanying secretary hesitated to speak, but in the end he didn't ask any further.

The general said: "If you have any questions, just ask."

"Is it really okay to let them go like this?" the accompanying secretary asked.

The tower of Babel's bee swarm suddenly changed its nature, preaching "love and dreams", which did not make the accompanying secretary let go of his guard, but made him feel that there was a strong taste of conspiracy in it.

The accompanying secretary couldn't believe that the Babel Swarm did this with good intentions.

Bloodthirsty and brutal swarm creatures, what love and dreams do you talk about with others?
What kind of interstellar joke is this?

"This is what the governor meant." The general replied calmly, watching the large spaceships in the interstellar airport leave the planet.

After leaving the atmosphere, these spacecraft will move towards the planetary creatures left by the swarm creatures in this star system.

Following the general's gaze, the accompanying secretary also looked at the spaceships that took off, and could not help but sighed, "I don't understand why the governor gave such an order."

The general explained: "The reason is not as complicated as you think. No matter who is the governor, in the current situation, there is actually no choice."

There is a swarm of bees on the Tower of Babel. Although the swarm creatures promise that they will never attack the infected planet, who can guarantee that they will never attack in the actual situation?

There are troublemakers at the bottom. After listening to the beautiful illusion world advocated by the Babel swarm, and then thinking of their own suffering in the real world, they naturally want to risk their lives and surrender to the enemy.

With such a pinch attack up and down, can a different governor do better?

The accompanying secretary asked cautiously, "Can you see the purpose of the Babel swarm?"

The general immediately laughed and said, "How can I tell that I'm not a swarm creature, maybe they really do these things for love and dreams."


Lu Entropy asked in the swarm network, "How many people are currently housed?"

"4311, there are not many people." The planetary creature in charge replied.

Lu Entropy was not as dissatisfied as the planetary creatures thought. He said in a good mood: "There is no rush, I expected that there would not be many people willing to accept shelter at the beginning."

"Now that the seeds have been planted, time will make it difficult for them to suppress their impulses," Lu Entropy said.

The planetary creature understood half of it, and couldn't help asking: "And then?"

Lu Entropy looked strange: "Then? What else? Then, when the plan reaches that point, the war between the bee colony and the Galaxy Alliance will be over."

"???" The planetary creature was stunned for a moment, completely ignoring the logic chain that existed here.

"I do not understand."

Lu Entropy said: "As I said before, the more friends you have, the better, and the fewer enemies you have, the better."

"Those aliens who are willing to be contained are naturally friends on our side."

"When 90.00% of a civilization is our friends, does it matter what the attitude of the remaining one percent is?"

What Lu Entropy did was to immerse all civilization subjects of the Galaxy Alliance in beautiful falsehoods.

As long as this is done, the Starship Alliance will no longer pose a threat to the swarm.

Because history is created by the people, the progress of a huge interstellar civilization is naturally inseparable from the dedication of each individual to the collective civilization.

So, what if Lu Entropy uses technical means to hold the "people" of the Galaxy Alliance in his hands?
(End of this chapter)

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