Start with a colossus riding a face

Chapter 40 The Dependent Race Is Too Arrogant

Chapter 40 The Dependent Race Is Too Arrogant
At the Galaxy Alliance meeting, the representatives of the member states have not been in a good state of mind recently.

They were all physically and mentally exhausted by the abnormal situation caused by the Babel swarm from time to time.

"For love and dreams..."

"I thought that our opponents were only military-wise and became very powerful, but I didn't expect..."

"The alliance is really in big trouble this time. If it is left alone, more and more people will fall to the Babel swarm, and eventually they will even go to destruction."

Illusion has an advantage that reality can never match, that is, you will definitely encounter something that goes wrong in reality, but this is not the case in Illusion.

And if more than [-]% of the population in a civilization is immersed in illusion, then such a civilization will have no hope.

What's even more frightening is that this was created by the bee colony of the Tower of Babel. In connection with the previous strategy of intentionally infecting administrative stars with harmless spores, we finally have the answer.

That is to win the trust of the vast grassroots of the Galaxy Alliance, so as to pave the way for the next "love and dream".

Once the people at the bottom have tasted the sweetness from the Babel swarm, it will inevitably lead to an avalanche of the population of the Starship Alliance rushing towards the Babel swarm.

"The communication channel of the blocked news must be blocked immediately! Can't wait!" A member representative who looks like a slime shouted anxiously.

"Calm down, this news has not been discovered for a long time, and we have plenty of time to prevent this information from leaking out." Representatives of other members dissuaded.

The member representative who looked like a slime said anxiously: "But we can't prevent the Babel bee colony from continuing to infect the administrative star. Contacting the administrative star will inevitably lead to the leakage of information. They will definitely tell the lower levels the truth."

"Then what should we do? Do we want the fleet to burn the planet after the Babel swarm infects the planet?" said a starfish-like member with two eyes.

The proposal of the starfish-like alien caused unanimous dissatisfaction from the representatives of other members.

"Absolutely cannot do this. It is equivalent to pushing all the infected planets to the swarm creatures, and they may even participate in the confrontation with the alliance."

"Then what do you say?"

At this time, a representative finally suggested: "I think it is necessary to install warp speed engines on the administrative stars. As long as the administrative stars are mobile, the enemy will no longer be able to find the administrative stars, and there will be no possibility of infection." , use distance and concealment to build information barriers, and at the same time promote the horror of the Babel bee swarm and the danger of their 'love and dreams' to civilization itself."

"The next step is to enter the voting stage."

After the chairman of the alliance meeting finalized the proposal, the proposal began to enter the voting stage.

"I agree."



Due to the looming crisis, the meeting ended much faster than before.

On the other hand, on the space battlefield, the expansion of the Babel swarm is still continuing. After Lu Entropy finalized the new strategy and tactics, planetary creatures will only face head-to-head with the Starship Alliance fleet in rare cases. field, such as occupying the star system where the administrative star is located.

When encountering them at other times, they just jumped and left without giving the Starship Alliance's fleet any chance to stall.

On the side of the Galaxy Alliance fleet, it is hard to popularize the use of unmanned warships, but it is extremely difficult to find opportunities to compete with planetary creatures. This is undoubtedly very depressing.

As a result, the unmanned fleets of the Galaxy Alliance learned how to behave, knowing that the planetary creatures would definitely rush to the location of the administrative star, so they dispatched a large number of fleets to ambush in various star systems.

Generally speaking, the battle situation is still very fierce, but most of the battles do not need Lu Entropy to worry about, and are left to other masterminds of the bee colony.

Well, it's definitely not that Lu Entropy wants to fish, it's called giving other masterminds a chance to hone their abilities.

If everything is taken care of by Lu Entropy, then why does the bee colony need other masterminds?
Therefore, these tasks are gifts that Lu Entropy deliberately gave to the Masterminds.

Just when Lu Entropy was thinking about what he should do better after the war was over, a mechanical electronic sound suddenly appeared in Lu Entropy's mind.

"Please answer if you receive it... Please reply if you receive it... This is Bahadur..."


Lu Entropy was taken aback, the name was familiar to him, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

He recalled the memory carefully, and finally, in the depths of the bee colony's memory, Lu Entropy found so few fragments of records.

Bahadur, a population of crystalline creatures, a race of the Void God's family, like the Bee Swarm of the Tower of Babel, a race that once wreaked havoc on the galaxy under the leadership of the Void God...

It seems that in addition to the Babel bee colony, there should be other dependent races left in the river system...

Lu Entropy thought this way, and replied to the other party in the swarm network: "Reply, this is the swarm of Babel Tower."

"Search...confirm that the communication partner belongs to the same faction..." Bahadur still continued their voice like an ancient radio.

"Issuing a investigate the location of the Void God's seal...completed..."

Hearing the announcement of the mission, Lu Entropy was a little bit taken aback at first, and then returned to normal.

"Wait, I don't know something, I want to ask." Lu Entropy stopped Bahadun who was about to cut off the psychic connection.

Bahadur said: "Consulting...confirmation...please ask."

Lu Entropy asked: "Why is there no reward for the task you issued? No reward for completing the task?"

Bahadur replied as a matter of course: ""

Lu Entropy's expression was obviously dull for a moment. Not only did this guy want to use him as a coolie, but he also took it for granted?

Is this guy treating me like meat on a chopping board?
What do you mean?
Eat me?

Lu Entropy asked very kindly: "Bahadur, what do you mean by this, let me be ordered by you without any rewards, and go to the river system to find a Void God who knows where it is sealed?"

"Consultation...confirmation...yes." Bahadur replied.

very good!

What a 'yes'!
It's been a while since no one dared to be so arrogant!

"Then you can get out now, I don't need to help something worthless." Lu Entropy answered unscrupulously.

Bahadur threatened: "According to the 0132 agreement, the family members unconditionally follow the Lord of the Void, and any violation of this regulation will be regarded as a betrayal and should be executed immediately."

"Death penalty?" Lu Entropy's originally kind smile became more kind.

"It's terrible. I'll wait for you to execute the death penalty, but don't let me wait too long, you know?"

"I'm afraid I can't help but take the initiative to go over and kill you. You must come here quickly."

(End of this chapter)

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