Start with a colossus riding a face

Chapter 44 Black Hole Induction Is Not Enough

Chapter 44 Black Hole Induction Is Not Enough
After training the Babel bee colony up and down, Lu Entropy was no longer interested in paying attention to the other masterminds and hives who were busy deconstructing the genetic material of the crystal again.

He connected his senses with those of a planetary being who held the crystal.

The crystals are imprisoned in a huge cavity in the stratum by planetary creatures with spiritual energy. The cavity is made up of fleshy walls. Good senses allow Lu Entropy to clearly see every vein, blood vessel, and peristalsis inside these fleshy walls. bee larvae.

In addition, there are countless pitch-black spheres floating in the cavity. These are areas where even light cannot enter after time and space are extremely distorted by spiritual energy.

The crystals that were captured in large numbers not long ago are imprisoned in the sphere.

The big eyeballs connected to the landing entropy sense approached a pitch-black sphere, and let the planetary creatures open the closed time and space.

Bahadun, who was enclosed in a space without a trace of light, was still observing the environment of the crystal strangely.

It is not worried about its own situation. Its life form is destined to be extremely difficult to kill. Even if the Babel bee colony kills these captured crystals, those crystals hidden by it in the river system can still be killed. Make sure it survives.

Suddenly, Bahadur noticed a ray of light seeping in from the pitch-black barrier.

Then, in the blink of an eye, the pitch-black barrier unfolded, and the environment of the crystal changed, and it was placed in a huge cavity made of flesh.

And the most conspicuous thing is the big eyeball that is close to the crystal.

"It's so embarrassing, Bahadun, it seems that the death penalty you are going to execute is not very good." Lu Entropy mocked in the psionic network.

"Question...species...unknown body..."

Until now, Bahadun still didn't believe that this would be the Tower of Babel bee swarm.

Fangs without fangs, claws without claws, quantity without quantity, psionic power huge enough to split a planet in half, and then tell it that this is a swarm of Babel?

"Of course it's the bee colony of the Tower of Babel. Could it be that you, who are so powerful and want to execute us, still can't recognize our spiritual power?" Lu Entropy continued to sneer disdainfully.

"Error...Babel Tower Bee Swarm...Unable to proofread..."

"Whatever you think we are, I don't want to argue with an incompetent loser about my identity." Lu Entropy didn't bother to argue about this, anyway, no matter whether the loser recognizes it or not, a bee colony is always a bee colony, he came to find Ba Hatton mainly serves other purposes.

"Where are the other dependent races, do you know?" Lu Entropy asked a question he was more concerned about.

Bahadur replied: "Question...purpose..."

"Purpose?" Lu Entropy replied very casually: "There is no purpose, just to see if they are as smart as you, run over and get beaten by yourself, and catch them for research by the way."

Hearing this, without even thinking about it, Bahadun directly rejected Lu Entropy.


Make it a traitor under the command of the Void God?
What a joke!
Not to mention that it doesn't know how other dependent races are, even if it knows, it is absolutely impossible to tell the Babel bee colony that has betrayed the Void God!

Lu Entropy was not surprised, rather, the other party's reaction was similar to what he thought.

Lu Entropy said: "I know I can't threaten you. After all, you are not one, but a group. You are composed of the psionic network of crystals. As long as there is one crystal in the universe, you will not be wiped out."

"The survivability is more than one level better than the Babel bee colony. Now you must be secretly delighted at where there are crystals hidden in the river system. We can't destroy you, right?"

Lu Entropy did not collect information about Bahadur in vain. He knew the social composition of the enemy race early on.

Bahadur is an individual, but also a group of individuals. Countless low-intelligence crystals use psionic energy to build a network, and the convergence of information between networks gave birth to Bahadun.

As long as there is only one crystal in the universe, Bahadur will not be completely killed.


The trump card in his heart was directly stated by Lu Entropy in this way, and Bahadun didn't know how to answer for a while.

"Do you know why I told you this?" Lu Entropy asked meaningfully.

"I'm using my last bit of goodwill to remind you, run away quickly, the swarm will grow stronger forever, if you don't run away now, it will be too late later."


"The spaceship has entered orbit."

A shuttle-shaped spaceship with the Galaxy Alliance logo on its deck, after entering orbit into a solid planetary orbit, sent a message to a retired Starship Alliance warship at a distance of 12 kilometers.

The decommissioned battleship used to be the flagship. Later, due to the escalation of the war, it could no longer meet the needs of the alliance army, and because of its sturdy structure, it was transformed into an experimental spaceship.

On the bridge of the experimental spacecraft, a group of aliens of various colors wearing alliance scientific research uniforms are busy operating.

After a while, the alien who presided over the experiment said to the shuttle-shaped spacecraft: "All adjustments have been completed, and we are now ready for testing."


The shuttle returned.

Afterwards, a comet-shaped object was ejected with a long and thin trajectory, and hit the surface of the solid planet, causing ripple-like shock waves on the surface.

Then, the surface of the planet began to change color, and the gray-white area expanded to an area equivalent to two capital cities of the earth at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The shuttle-shaped spacecraft continued to drop similar objects, and the gray-white area was expanding in multiple places throughout the planet.

Looking down from outer space, it looks like a pot of paint is being poured into other colors of paint,
"Is that what you said, Nanoindustry?"

The envoy of the Starship Alliance asked the host of the experiment.

The host said: "Yes, using nanomachines for industrial production, as long as the scale is large enough, the industrial performance will not lose to the current war machine group."

The envoy of the Galaxy Alliance returned to the test planet and said out of curiosity: "Nanomachines have always existed, but the giant nanoindustry has never been able to complete it, because the number of blueprints is too large and the structure is too complicated. How do you solve this problem? questionable?"

The host explained: "Relying on emergence, the chemical basis of the material structure is molecules, and then atoms, then protons, neutrons, electrons, and then quarks...why these particles have no blueprint, but they can form such a universe? How complicated is it? Naturally, it's because of emergent nature."

"There is no need for a complicated design blueprint, as long as the design is made at the beginning so that the nanomachines can spontaneously form this kind of industry after accumulating a sufficient number, and in this way, the emerging structures cooperate with each other to create a more powerful Complex changes, which can bypass the huge blueprint information."

After listening to the host's explanation, the envoy of the Galaxy Alliance asked after thinking about it: "Then how to guarantee the industrial precision?"

The host said: "Naturally, it is guaranteed through a complete industrial system. When these nanomachines form a complete industrial chain, the accuracy will be constantly adjusted in proofreading, just like the computer's carry counting system."

"When the alliance's war industry completely gets rid of the threat of swarm creatures, the offensive and defensive trends will be reversed."

Hearing this, the envoy of the Galaxy Alliance was slightly startled, seeing that the other party did not seem to be joking, he said: "No, but this is not enough. I have fought against those swarm creatures on the battlefield. The changing Babel swarm is missing something crucial."

"Important thing?" The experiment host savored it carefully, and then solemnly said: "Please tell me, we can try to realize it according to your request."

The envoy of the Galaxy Alliance replied: "What the alliance army needs most now is a more efficient, more direct, and hard-to-resist attack method. It is best to let the enemy die, and the enemy will die immediately. They cannot react and cannot defend. "

"The black hole induced strike is actually far from enough to provide the alliance with an irreversible advantage."

(End of this chapter)

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