Start with a colossus riding a face

Chapter 45 This mastermind is too prudent

Chapter 45 This mastermind is too prudent
Lu Entropy was lying comfortably in a wooden rocking chair, with a burning fireplace next to it and carpets on the floor.

Now the cave he lives in has been remodeled, and it is no longer the barren walls of the past. The rock walls and the ground have been smoothed and leveled by the worker bees, no worse than tiles.

After erection, a batch of lights and electrical appliances purchased from the aliens made the whole cave bright and full of civilized atmosphere.

When feeling bored, Lu Entropy can also lie on the sofa and watch the news on the projection TV of the alien civilization.

Lying in the rocking chair, Lu Entropy's thoughts unconsciously drifted back to the time when he threatened the crystal Bahadur some time ago.

Thinking of the other party's reaction at that time, Lu Entropy felt a little like laughing, but in fact he just wanted to scare him.

Although Bahadur's crystals are too weak, there is really no threat to the current Babel bee colony, but if they sincerely disgust the bee colony, the other party can still do it, for example, some crystals hide, and the rest multiply wildly, and then Continuously launch harassment attacks on the bee colony.

Right now, the swarm has to deal with the Galaxy Alliance, but they don't have so much energy to share their strength to find out all Bahadur's crystals and destroy them.

That's why Lu Entropy specifically asked Bahadun for a friendly chat, not because of leisure, but to achieve his goal.

What is the last bit of kindness? He, Lu Entropy, is not the Holy Mother, so where is the kindness coming from?
It's the art of language.

The final result was not bad. From Bahadur's reaction, Lu Entropy could know the answer.

The rocking chair swayed slightly, and Lu Entropy suddenly felt that he had returned to the earth. Suddenly, a message from the bee swarm brought him back to reality.

The information was delivered to Lu Entropy by the former mastermind and current mastermind Nunnally.

Lu Entropy's originally comfortable expression gradually became complicated.

He suddenly got up from the rocking chair, and asked, "When did this happen?"

"Just now." Nunnally said.

The attack on the various administrative stars of the Galaxy Alliance continued, but Lu Entropy handed over these repetitive operations to other masterminds to complete.

Although the fleet of the Star River Alliance is desperately blocking it, causing the speed of advancement to be unable to increase, it still maintains a state of advancement.

Not long ago, the planetary creatures arrived at their respective destination star systems, but they did not find their target administrative planets, nor did they find the Starship Alliance fleets desperately attacking them.

There is not a single artificial object in the entire star system.

"Don't panic, I've expected this a long time ago." Lu Entropy said.

"As expected, it is indeed you."

Nunnally was relieved after hearing this. It hated unplanned accidents the most, because the plan didn't mention that the enemy's administrative planet would also run faster than light, so it acted a little flustered.

In fact, if Nunnally could read minds, she would find that Lu Entropy didn't expect that...

Lu Entropy is not a prophet who can predict everything. He is just an ordinary person who cannot predict the technological explosion of the Galaxy Alliance. It has only been more than a year since the last black hole-induced strike was applied to the battlefield.

The enemy has completed industrial innovation in more than a year, allowing all administrative planets to have the industrial strength to quickly complete planetary-level curvature engines in a short period of time.

The key is that Lu Entropy did not choose to deeply interpret the information transmitted by the intelligence network, otherwise it should have been noticed earlier than the masterminds like Nunnally.

But it doesn't matter, as long as Lu Entropy can think of a solution.

"Nuna Li, do you still remember the psychic intelligence network laid out by the bee colony through infection?"

"The administrative planets of the Galaxy Alliance cannot escape at super-light speed forever. They always stop, and the psychic intelligence network we laid before can provide the bee colony with the locations of those administrative stars. You and the other masterminds respectively command a A group of planetary creatures are ambush a light-year away from these administrative stars."

"After you are all lurking, I will contact the Galaxy Alliance. As soon as I drop the cup, you will immediately attack the administrative stars I designated."


The meeting of the Galaxy Alliance was filled with noisy discussions from representatives of various member forces.

"Thanks to the realization of nano-industrial technology, the alliance can complete such a huge amount of engineering in such a short period of time."

"In the past, the fortress ship could only stay on the blueprint, but now it can be built because of the development of nano-industrial technology."

"As long as the scale of the fortress ships increases, the alliance's reliance on war machines will be significantly eased."

"Those damned swarm creatures can no longer use the war machine swarm to contain the alliance army."

Yes, the road is bumpy, but the future is bright. As long as the alliance does not stop, the road ahead will continue to extend...

Representatives of all member forces believe that the super-light speed of the administrative star will be a historic moment, and it will be the beginning of the Galaxy Alliance's reversal of the war.

Without logistics and the concern of the public, the Alliance Army will definitely not be wary of bees.

The discussion at the meeting was very lively, but after a pop-up window appeared, the excitement suddenly cooled down.

"Report! Received diplomatic communication request from Babel swarm!"

"Then take... wait, what did you just say? Whose diplomatic communication request?"

The chairman of the conference habitually wanted to respond, but when he was halfway through speaking, he suddenly stopped, and realized who he wanted to communicate with the Galaxy Alliance diplomatically.

The eyes of all the members are full of astonishment—the Babel swarm can also be diplomatic? !
Facing the chairman's question, the subordinate in the pop-up window answered in detail: "The Babel swarm captured our ship on the battlefield, and sent a diplomatic communication request to our side through the communication equipment on the ship. , transfer to the meeting?"

After some exchanges, the Galaxy Alliance meeting unanimously decided to establish diplomatic communications with the Babel swarm.

They want to see what the Babel swarm wants to do this time.

"Access." The chairman said.

Lu Entropy's figure quickly appeared in the middle of the meeting. After glancing at the representatives, Lu Entropy said: "It's our first meeting. My name is Lu Entropy. I will represent the swarm to conduct political negotiations with the Galaxy Alliance."

"You are Lu Entropy, the mastermind who dominates the mutated bee colony in the star field of the Dias Empire?"

Lu Entropy nodded, "Yes, it's me."

The Diaz Empire sneered in disgust: "Can the mastermind of your bee colony represent the entire Tower of Babel bee colony? What about the mastermind of the bee colony?"

Lu Entropy smiled meaningfully and said: "There are too many masters in the bee colony, and there will be no masters in the bee colony in the future."

"As for me, as the commander-in-chief who has led the swarm operations until now, I am not qualified. Who is more qualified?"

As soon as this remark came out, the entire Galaxy Alliance meeting was shaken.

They have studied the Babel swarm for so many years, and it was the first time they saw a mastermind who dared to disrespect the swarm master.

Moreover, they could vaguely hear from the other party's words that the Babel swarm after the mutation seemed to have no master, and the decision maker who has been leading the swarm creatures to fight the alliance is the mastermind of the mutated bee swarm in front of them .

The chairman of the alliance asked: "Bee colony creature Lu Entropy, what do you want to talk to us about?"

"Of course it's about surrender." Lu Entropy said.

The Banner Consortium sarcastically said, "You Babel bee colony want to surrender?"

Lu Entropy shook his fingers and said, "No, no, no, it's not the swarm that wants to surrender, it's some members of your Galaxy Alliance who want to surrender."

With that said, Lu Entropy cast his eyes on the representatives, and then spoke solemnly.

"Dias Empire, Banner Union, Inlen Sea Kingdom, Manft Interstellar Cluster, Tranya Alliance, on behalf of Babel Bee Swarm, I request you to surrender immediately and unconditionally, and fully accept the swarm spore infection, Otherwise, the swarm will carry out a devastating blow to all the administrative planets that you have not yet surrendered."

Several representatives who were named suddenly stood up from their seats and glared at Lu Entropy.

"Bee colony creature Lu Entropy, you can't threaten..."

Before the representative of the Dias Empire finished speaking, he suddenly choked up and couldn't speak anymore, as did several other representatives.

They received information from all superluminal administrative planets of the parent civilization that they were attacked by planetary creatures.

(End of this chapter)

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