Start with a colossus riding a face

Chapter 59 The swarm strategy is firm

Chapter 59 The swarm strategy is firm
Above the vast stars, the disadvantage of the Galaxy Alliance side becomes more and more obvious as more and more planetary creatures enter the closed-loop time and space.

Since the body of the small-cosmic planetary organisms has never been attacked, and the gravitational disruptors can no longer prevent the small-cosmic planetary organisms from entering superluminal speed, the war front maintained by the Starship Alliance's fleet is constantly being reversed.

It’s not that the Galaxy Alliance has never thought of changing its strategy. For example, relying on light cones to fight against cosmic planetary creatures, first let the fleet release a strike at a distance of a few light minutes from the cosmic planetary creature, and then immediately hide in the superluminal speed, the cosmic planet It took a few minutes for the creature to discover the enemy's attack, and if it wanted to pursue it at that time, the attacking fleet would have already run faster than the speed of light.

However, this kind of guerrilla warfare is only useful for a single microcosmic planetary creature.

What is emphasized on the battlefield is gang fights, coordination of arms, and unity is strength. It is not a one-on-one fight between big figures in martial arts and fantasy novels.

The river system intelligence network built by the second-generation scouts, no matter how the Galaxy Alliance fleet escapes and hides, as long as it is still in the river system, it is difficult not to be discovered by the bee swarm.

Therefore, every time the Galaxy Alliance fleet launches an offensive against cosmic planetary creatures on the scale of light minutes and light hours, it will soon be intercepted by the cooperation of nearby planetary creatures, caught and destroyed by gravitational blocking waves.

However, even so, the Galaxy Alliance still uses this tactic unremittingly. One is to test what type of attack can cause damage to small-cosmic planetary creatures, and the other is to delay the speed of planetary creatures capturing the star field and win More time to find a solution.

It's a pity that the Galaxy Alliance didn't know that their calculations coincided with Lu Entropy's ideas.

Lu Entropy originally didn't intend to defeat the Galaxy Alliance too quickly, otherwise all civilizations of the Galaxy Alliance would flee collectively. With the current number of bee colonies, there is really no way to guarantee that they can all be intercepted, and there is no way to intercept them all on the fourth and fifth spiral arms. related information network.

You can't allow the river system front to expand beyond the river system, right?
Therefore, before the second-generation scouts of the fourth and fifth spiral arms are completed, Lu Entropy wants to give the Galaxy Alliance some hope that it can turn defeat into victory.

As for whether the Galaxy Alliance will find a way to combat cosmic planetary creatures, Lu Entropy is not worried at all.

Seeing that the attacks that can be understood and those that cannot be understood, all fall on the virtual image constructed by the planetary creature with psionic energy, or fall within a few light seconds around the virtual image of the planetary creature, Lu Entropy knows that the Star River Alliance has not been able to deal with it until now. I also thought that the body of the cosmic planetary creature is still in this universe.

Does anyone really expect to destroy the enemy by destroying the 'virtual image' projected by the enemy?
The route is wrong, the harder you work, the more you fail!
The war lasted like this for nearly three years. Although the huge fleet of the Starship Alliance was defeated steadily and suffered heavy losses, its scale never declined.

The reason is naturally those fortress ships that replaced the role of the war machine group.

Compared with the previous war machine groups of the Galaxy Alliance, they have more super-light speed mobility and combat capabilities, and are equipped with Colossus weapons, which can blow up a planet to pieces with one blow.

As long as they are put into a certain star system, they can absorb star material within a day and produce a full-stacked Starship Alliance fleet.

However, these are nothing serious. Their existence also poses no threat to cosmic planetary creatures, but they are too good at escaping. They often place some sensors a few light days near the anchor point, and they will enter immediately if they are touched. FTL.

Moreover, each fortress ship is more than [-] light-years apart, completely eliminating the possibility of killing them all.

Lu Entropy was too lazy to waste time fighting wits and courage with these fortress ships. Every time he attacked, he mainly focused on the administrative star.

The people are always the carrier of a civilization, no matter how your technology changes, no matter how tall you are, it will be used to serve the people in the civilization in the end.

Mastering the people is tantamount to mastering civilization.

Either the fleet comes out to be beaten, or the administrative star is infected, the Galaxy Alliance can only choose one of the two.

The Galaxy Alliance seems to have a choice, but in fact it has no choice.

So in order to regain the initiative in the war, Lu Entropy was surprised to find that many mobile administrative stars in the Galaxy Alliance that have not been infected are moving towards the center of the river system.

After completing the expansion of the second-generation scouts of the fourth and fifth spiral arms, it is basically determined that the Galaxy Alliance has gathered the remaining administrative stars into the center of the galaxy.

"What are they planning to do? To lure the swarm to make a final decisive battle?"

"The main force of the bee colony can't gather too much to the center of the river system, there is a danger of being sealed into a frozen reincarnation."

"The environment there has a strong suppression effect on the use of psionic energy."

Nunnally and other masterminds are quite wary of the center of the river system, mainly because the battle between the Galaxy Alliance and the Void God was also at the center of the river system.

The Babel swarm and the main force of other dependent races were all left behind by the Starship Alliance's gravitational interference fleet, forcibly catching the supernova explosion of several supergiant stars with their faces.

It is self-evident how much psychological shadow the hive masterminds have on this place.

Moreover, the strong gravitational force at the center of the river system has a strong suppression effect on the use of spiritual energy.

Matter tells time and space how to bend, and time and space tells matter how to move—spiritual energy acts on time and space itself, and relies on changes in time and space to affect the movement of matter.

In other words, if the difficulty of time-space distortion increases, the effect of psionic energy on matter will be weakened.

If space-time is understood as a piece of soft tofu, human hands can easily bend it.

The gravitational force at the center of the river system is like a compressor, compressing this piece of soft tofu to the point that it is almost like a cardboard. If you want to bend this piece of tofu with human hands, you will undoubtedly need to use more force.

Once the bee swarm attacks the center of the river system, although the scope of the spiritual power remains unchanged, the twelfth-level spiritual energy may only exert the physical effects of the sixth-level or even lower level.

However, even so, it will not have a serious impact on the planetary organisms. It carries too many psionic brains. The psychic power released by the level [-] psychic brain is stronger than an unknown number of dimensions.

"There is no need to care about whether it is a trap or not. As I said before, they beat theirs and we beat ours."

"We don't need to care about what the Galaxy Alliance has done, we just need to follow our own pace, step by step to achieve the final victory."

Lu Entropy issued an order to all the planetary creatures in the river system: "Occupying the star field given up by the Galaxy Alliance, the bee colony needs more planetary creatures."

"The rest of the planetary organisms began to build blockades in the direction of the jets on both sides of the river system, cutting off all their superluminal routes from the river system."

"When the number of accumulated planetary organisms is sufficient, it will be the beginning of a full-scale attack."

Kai'Sa thought for a while, and asked worriedly: "Is it too late?"

"Don't worry, time is on the side of the bee colony." Lu Entropy replied.

Gravity compresses space-time, but it has the effect of slowing down time. Compared with normal time, the speed of time in the center of the river system is slowed down!
Coupled with the acceleration of the time when the swarm uses psionic energy, the time difference between the swarm of Babel and the Starship Alliance will only become larger!

(End of this chapter)

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