Start with a colossus riding a face

Chapter 60 The Star Wars Curtain Falls

Chapter 60 The Star Wars Curtain Falls
To Hometown Star——

Mother, when you received this message, it should have been a long time from my side.

The offensive of the Babel swarm is still so fierce, I hardly have time to reply to your message, please forgive me for not replying to your message for such a long time.

Well, maybe you don't feel the time gap at all, but it's been a long time on my side.

I have a lot of things I want to say to you and my father, but after thinking about it, I'd better forget it. I will talk to you after the war is over and I go back.

Are you guys still panicking?
After all, from your perspective of time, not too long has passed.

What I want to tell you is that please don't worry too much. Your child is an excellent fighter. Our fleet has been working hard to slow down the pace of the enemy's attack. The effect of this tactic is remarkable. The creatures are tired of chasing those fleets controlled by our remote control, and the speed of attack has slowed down more and more. The current situation has tended to be stable.

Although these fleets cannot escape the result of being destroyed in the end, a new fleet will soon be assembled on the fortress ship, and the transformation is equivalent to no loss.

After the Union Army finds a way to inflict damage on the enemy, all problems will no longer be problems.

Please believe that the Alliance Army will build the most solid barrier for the people, and your children will always guard you at the end of the galaxy.

— Fleet correspondent Barod.


After Lu Entropy finalized the strategic plan, the planetary creatures of the bee colony occupied the outer edge of the river system voluntarily given up by the Galaxy Alliance in an encircling posture, and then launched an attack from the outer edge to the center of the river system.

The stretching battle line reached 64 light-years. These huge living planets wandering among the stars are like messengers from hell, and there are countless wrecks of warships passing by.

If the battle location is in a star system, occasionally a poor star will be hit by a black hole-induced blow flying around, causing a violent big explosion.

The swarming advance of the bee swarm is a nightmare for the Galaxy Alliance.

Although the Starship Alliance's fleet tried to concentrate its superior forces, it tore a breakthrough in the hundreds of thousands of light-year-long front of the bee swarm by breaking the surface, preventing the bee swarm from gathering and advancing the front.

It's a pity that the strategic thinking is fine, but the strategic weapons are really not powerful.

The fleet of the Galaxy Alliance has never been able to effectively kill the small-cosmic planetary creatures, resulting in a zero battle loss ratio for the planetary creatures for a long time.

In order to prevent the advancement of planetary creatures, the decision-making staff of the Galaxy Alliance can only choose to expand production capacity and let the fleet take a suicide attack, using the sacrifice of the fleet to hold back the enemy's progress.

Of course, Lu Entropy could tell what the Galaxy Alliance was planning.

But Lu Entropy is not in a hurry to tell the Galaxy Alliance with practical actions that this tactic is meaningless. Under his command, the targets of planetary creatures are also mainly concentrated on these incoming fleets, slowing down the pace of advancement in disguise.

Naturally, this is to temporarily paralyze the enemy and prepare for the final step of the war.

The gravity blocking ship of the Galaxy Alliance cannot stop the super-light speed of cosmic planetary creatures.

Originally, according to the original strategy, as long as the scale of planetary creatures increases to equal the number of administrative stars of the Galaxy Alliance, each planetary creature is responsible for an administrative star as the target, and quickly reaches the target star at super-light speed to carry out infection. All civilizations in the entire Galaxy Alliance will be infected. It will be fully infected in a short time.

At this stage, the war will be over, and the entire Galaxy Alliance will become a piece of meat on the cutting board of the Babel swarm.

At present, planetary creatures have indeed surpassed the administrative star of the Galaxy Alliance, and they can be pushed flat in one go.

But now on the battlefield, the administrative planets are all concentrated in the central area of ​​the river system. If they are pushed flat in one breath, it will inevitably mean that most of the planetary creatures in the bee colony must gather in the central area of ​​the river system.

Lu Entropy worried that the Galaxy Alliance would use the center of the river system to do things like it did in the decisive battle against the Void God, so based on the principle of prudence, he planned to further expand the number of planetary creatures on the basis of the current scale. The tone pushes the enemy completely flat.

This time does not need to be very long, just another year. Lu Entropy can spend 500 years concentrating on the study of closed-loop time and space, and he still has the patience to spend a year waiting for the number of planetary organisms to increase.

However, what Lu Entropy didn't expect was that just before he was about to let the planetary creatures launch a full-scale attack, the Babel Bee Swarm received a request for surrender from the nearby Starship Alliance fleet.

After questioning, Lu Entropy learned that part of the Galaxy Alliance had left.

The upper strata of the Galaxy Alliance can no longer see the victory of this war, and they can't break through the superluminal blockade built by planetary creatures that stretches hundreds of thousands of light years.

After a collective vote, the Galaxy Alliance created a small universe by relying on the huge energy in the center of the river system, and collectively escaped to the outside of the universe.

It's just that not all of these civilizations in the Galaxy Alliance are willing to enter the small universe, and some of them can't let go of the same kind they care about, so they choose to stay and surrender to the swarm.

In the end, it lasted for so many years, the intensity of the war was so great, and so many civilizations were destroyed, the interstellar war in the river system originally provoked by the Void God came to an end in this somewhat anticlimactic way.


After the war subsided, Lu Entropy did not wipe out these alien civilizations.

The main reason is that it makes no difference whether to kill or not. These civilizations infected by bee spores are under the surveillance of bee swarms. They no longer pose any threat to the Babel bee swarm, and even have benefits.

After all, the partiality of the Babel bee colony is too serious. In the entire Babel bee colony, only Lu Entropy has a deep enough understanding of time and space, and the talents of the other masterminds are all focused on genetic modification!
Therefore, based on various reasons, after Lu Entropy delineated the territory of the Babel bee colony on the outer edge of the river system, he lived a lay-back life of self-cultivation and rest. Let the Babel bee colony collectively enrich the knowledge reserve first.

However, those alien civilizations don't seem to want to stop there...

"What? Formed the Galaxy Alliance? Do you think the swarm treats you too gently?"

Lu Entropy looked at the alien messenger on the other end of the communication speechlessly. Did this group of alien aliens really think that he would have any sympathy for aliens? !

If it weren't for the shortcomings of the bee colony that need to be made up for, you aliens would have been nourished long ago!

Seeing Lu Entropy's reaction, the alien messenger hurriedly explained: "Master Lu Entropy, please don't get excited, please allow me to finish my sentence."

"It's like this..."

After some explanations, Lu Entropy gradually understood.

Alien civilizations are not like bee swarms, and they will not become chaotic if they increase in number. Communication between civilizations is inevitable, and communication means building a huge alien society in the river system.

However, if this river system civilized society is not controlled, it will always be in a state of disorder and chaos. In the future, the newly born civilizations in the river system will fight back and forth, and finally the river system will be riddled with holes.

Therefore, an order entity is needed to sit in charge.

This order entity used to be the Galaxy Alliance, but now the Galaxy Alliance has been defeated by the Babel swarm.

Therefore, these extraterrestrial civilizations want to rebuild the order of the galaxy with the bee colony of the Tower of Babel as the core, that is, another galaxy alliance.

(End of this chapter)

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