Start with a colossus riding a face

Chapter 67: The Test Direction Is Too Correct

Chapter 67: The Test Direction Is Too Correct

"Can the spiritual power level be broken through?"

Lu Entropy was startled. At present, the generation of psychic energy is due to the structure of the brain. Isn't the improvement of the level of these creatures' psychic energy just changing the structure of their own brains? !
The level of spiritual power is determined at birth.

Because not everyone can be like a bee colony, whose brains are like parts that can be replaced at will.

In the last psychic slime civilization, only a few individuals with twelfth-level psychic abilities were cultivated through the method of survival of the fittest.

As a result, these civilizations in the ring world are good, and the level of spiritual power can be used to break through!

"From the observation reports of the scouts, this is the case," the rabbi said.

Lu Entropy asked in amazement: "How did you do it? Take out the brains of your companions, transform them, and then plug them back in?"

Due to the huge amount of information, Lu Entropy didn't bother to browse the information sent back by the individual scouts in the test area, and directly asked the mastermind Rabbi.

The rabbi replied: "They used psionic energy to create a second brain in other parts of the body. Through this reconstruction, the new brain transcended the biological limitations of psionic energy and completed self-transformation."

Good guy!
This really touched Lu Entropy's knowledge blind spot, one body and two brains... Will there really be no split personality?

Sure enough, life will always find a way out, and this is the second time to speed up. As a result, life has found this kind of psionic upgrade route for overtaking in a curve.

As expected of me, I can come up with such a brilliant idea!
However, there is a problem here...

Lu Entropy asked the rabbi: "Since there are two brains... Does that mean that if the two brains use spiritual energy to maintain the brain structure, it will be difficult to destroy it?"

If this can be established, then it is anti-entropy directly!

There is no need to eat to absorb nutrients. In the final analysis, it is still necessary to maintain the activity of brain cells. Why can't we rely on spiritual energy to maintain activity?
The two brains eat each other's spiritual energy, and they are immortal!

"The brain is not a simple object, but a sophisticated chaotic structure. A slight touch will cause an unpredictable response to the life. Psychic energy can control the movement of particles but cannot simulate chaos. The brain is not capable of thinking, and the original biological brain will die if it is destroyed." The rabbi's explanation made Lu Entropy's rampant brain hole restrained.

The second brain does not have the ability to think, and it does not even possess biological properties. It is a material structure composed of particles governed by psionic energy.

It can be understood as a structural extension of the original biological brain. The original biological brain provides free will to control psionic energy, which is input into the second brain, and the second brain is responsible for outputting psionic energy.

"Then isn't this second brain just a kind of psionic amplifier made with psionic energy?" Lu Entropy said with some disappointment.

"It can be understood in this way, but I think it is easier to explore the spiritual brain above level [-]." Rabbi put forward his own opinion.

"Why?" Lu Entropy asked strangely.

The rabbi replied: "Because this is more proactive. Compared with mutation breeding or species evolution, the second brain is not mixed with any randomness, and is completely constructed by the subjective will of intelligent life. Perhaps it can be concluded from this A complete psionic system."

A complete psionic system...

Lu Entropy felt that his expectations were not very high. After all, even the Galaxy Alliance did not research anything.

Not to mention the Tower of Babel bee colony, Quan Te relied on a lottery to push up the psionic level, and the use of psionic technology still depends on his brainstorming.

But in any case, the complete psionic technology is still very attractive, Lu Entropy sighed: "If this is the case, it is not bad...Huh? There is something moving!"

Just as Lu Entropy and Rabbi were talking through the psychic network, there was movement in the tunnel in the test area.

A wooden spaceship passed through the tunnel and out of the test area.

Without the command of Lu Entropy, the planetary creatures who had been waiting for a long time immediately imprisoned all the molecules on the spaceship with majestic spiritual energy.

At the same time, the space near the spaceship is compressed with psionic energy for the first time, creating a time deceleration area that is much lower than the normal flow rate of time and space.

"Did it come out alone?" Lu Entropy asked.

"Yes, this living individual overcomes the gravitational pressure alone and passed through the tunnel."

"Confirm the power level immediately." Lu Entropy said.

"Psychic level eleven."

Driving the spaceship through the tunnel alone, but only has eleven levels of psionic power?
Hearing the report, Lu Entropy frowned, and then directed: "Look for the second brain in this creature, and confirm the psionic level of the second brain."

Not long after, a report came from the swarm network.

"Psychic level thirteen."

Sure enough, it was because the second brain had reached level [-] or above!
Lu Entropy was overjoyed, and contacted Rabbi, the main brain: "Rabbi, is this okay?"

The second brain uses psionic energy to bring molecular matter together, and if it loses the maintenance of psionic energy, it will naturally disperse.

How to incorporate this kind of thing into the genes of the bee colony has become a problem.

The rabbi replied: "Small question, in the final analysis, its second brain is also constructed of molecular substances, but the structure is always maintained by psionic energy, and the part maintained by psionic energy is replaced by molecular chemical bonds, and then this blueprint of the brain structure is replaced. By expressing it in the genetic language of the bee colony, one can obtain a gene of a thirteenth-level psionic brain."

"In general, it is much easier than compatible Bahadull's crystal basic unit."

Compared with the gene that absorbed the crystals that time, this second brain is really not difficult, at least there is no need to consider the issue of activation temperature, just replace the place where the spiritual energy connects the substance with a chemical bond connection.

"That's good."


Great Lord Silan, even in the pantheon of strong men like clouds, is still at the apex.

At that time, the nine newly promoted twelfth-level psionic supremes initiated an exploration declaration in the Pantheon, and a large number of twelfth-level psionic supremes went to the outer ring world, the outermost circle of the ring world.

Constantly traveling and searching, it took more than 300 years to finally find the 'gate' inscribed on the crystal tablet by the ancestors.

In fact, they could have found it earlier, but the civilization in the outer ring has always held a hostile attitude towards them, which caused serious obstacles to their search for the door.

After finding out that only psychic powers above level [-] can pass through the door, outside the door, the psychic powerhouses on the side of the nuclear ring world built a foothold and chose to cultivate there.

Since then, the world of the nuclear ring has announced that it will demarcate a demarcation zone on the nuclear ring, accept the residents of the outer ring world, and promote the unity of the ring world. Experience to strive for a breakthrough to No.13 level psionic power.

Under the threat of the end of civilization, many psychic powerhouses of the ring world have gone to the foothold built outside the door of the nuclear ring world, abandoning their previous suspicions, putting aside their past grievances, and generously sharing the results of their practice.

(End of this chapter)

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