Start with a colossus riding a face

Chapter 68 The Psychic Powerhouse Is Too Fearful

Chapter 68 The Psychic Powerhouse Is Too Fearful

This has indeed helped to a certain extent. Many psychic powerhouses at level 500 have been promoted to level [-], and the number of psychic powers at level [-] near the door has gradually increased to more than [-].

However, with the passage of time, until No.30's eight-circle outer ring collapsed due to the shrinkage of space, no one with the highest level of psionic power had broken through No.13.

The failure to break through for a long time, coupled with the collapse of the No.30 eight circles of the outer ring, has greatly dampened the union of the various ring worlds, gradually different voices appear, and internal fighting is inevitable.

It could be suppressed at the beginning, but as time went by, when the first psychic supreme died, a war with long-standing contradictions broke out.

In the midst of life and death struggles, the Great Master Silan had an epiphany when he was dying, and broke through to the No.13 level.

He quickly ended the chaotic battle, and drove through the gate in a spaceship made of the strongest plants in the nuclear ring world.

As soon as he passed through the door, Great Lord Silan felt several majestic spiritual energy that completely subverted his previous cognition, instantly imprisoned and dominated his body, and solidified his consciousness together.

When Lord Silan regained consciousness, he was a little surprised to find that a huge projection appeared in front of the spaceship, and in the projection was a creature he had never seen before.

The other party was wearing clothes, and had the same limbs as the low-level meat slaves in the ring world. The hair on the body was sparse, and only the hair on the head was developed. What impressed Master Silan most deeply was the other party's eyes, the eyes of this creature There are actually two colors of black and white.

Great Zun Si Lan can assure you that he has never seen such disgusting eyes in his life.

"Great Lord Silan, don't pretend to be dead, or I will let you really die."

Through the senses of planetary creatures, Lu Entropy looked at the psionic creatures that came out of this test area. They had bluish complexion and a single green eye. There were six in total, which looked like spiders.

The mouth grows on the forehead, the nose grows on both sides of the cheeks, and the position of the human mouth is a ring-shaped organ, which is the creature's ear.

So far, Lu Entropy has seen all kinds of rotten things, but the appearance of this thing really makes Lu Entropy, who has already seen a lot, a little off-putting.

In the spaceship, a warning is received from the psionic energy shaking the air inside the spaceship.

Great Master Silan, who just wanted to move, found that except for his mouth, his body was still imprisoned. No matter how he struggled with spiritual energy, he remained motionless.

This guy's psychic power is terrifying!
"Dare to ask who is senior?" Great Master Si Lan's heart sank.

Lu Entropy replied: "The person who commanded the bee colony to create your experimental area, those rings were built under my command. Oh, by the way, I also left a transparent monument near the stars."

" are the Holy Patriarch?!" Great Master Si Lan gasped desperately through the nostrils on both sides of his cheeks in shock.

There is a legend in the ring world that when the universe was the oldest, the earliest life was born, and it was also the earliest psionic practitioner.

The psychic practitioner lamented the loneliness and barrenness of this universe, so with boundless power, he extracted matter from the scorching sun and shaped 38 ring worlds.

After shaping all the ring worlds and leaving a crystal monument near Lieyang, the psionic practitioner finally fell into the Lieyang exhausted and disappeared.

Psychic practitioners of later generations uniformly referred to this practitioner as the 'Holy Ancestor'.

Great Zun Si Lan was shocked, he did not expect that the legendary ancestor did not fall into the fierce sun and die, this news was too shocking.

Lu Entropy was silent for a while, and he didn't know how to answer the other party.

"...I am not the holy ancestor you said." Lu Entropy said.

Lu Entropy, who didn't want to waste too much time with the creatures in the experimental area, reminded: "Instead of caring about whether I am a holy ancestor, you'd better care about your own civilization. I'm ready to clean up the experimental area."


Clearing up, the Great Master Silan naturally understood what it meant.

Although he didn't quite understand what this 'Holy Ancestor' said about the test area, he could understand the general meaning.

"Why? You are the holy ancestor of the ring world, why did you do this?"

The terrifying spiritual power that can be felt in the body all the time makes the Great Master Silan have no doubt that what he is facing now is the legendary 'Holy Ancestor'.

However, Great Lord Silan couldn't figure it out, since he was the legendary 'Holy Ancestor', why did he threaten to slaughter the ring world?

"First of all, I'm not a holy ancestor, and I can't compete with you in terms of blood." Lu Entropy reiterated impatiently.

"Secondly, don't worry about the reason for doing this. You just need to know that we are going to destroy the ring world. This is not a discussion with you, but a notice."

Lu Entropy's words made Master Silan's heart sink to the bottom of the valley.

Lu Entropy continued: "In principle, your civilization should be completely cleaned up."

"However, I found that your second brain's manufacturing called a cultivation method in your words, which is quite interesting, so I allow you to keep the inheritance."

"Of course, the cleanup will still be all cleanup. I don't plan to let any of you survive. Don't have unreasonable expectations. It will be very painful to die."

Seeing that the psionic creatures in this experimental area are still shocked by the news that civilization is about to be destroyed, they have not recovered.

Lu Entropy didn't bother to talk nonsense anymore, and ordered the planetary creatures to throw Lord Silan together with the spaceship from the tunnel back to the test area.


In the test area, the Great Master Silan who broke through No.13 has been away for many years.

His breakthrough has greatly inspired the enthusiasm of the spiritual masters, and they have been retreating for many years, just to step into the No. 13 level of spiritual power.

Because the high-level forces have chosen the relationship of sublimation, and because the establishment of the boundary zone has eased the pressure of survival, the various ring worlds have gradually become harmonious, and the relationship is no longer as tense as before.

On this day, the abnormal movement of the door suddenly awakened all the old monsters who had stopped in the submerged training from the submerged training, and they drove out in their own ships.

I saw a stream of light shoot out from the door, approaching the No.17 ring.

The psychic old monsters who thought it was some peerless rare treasure drove their ships and chased after him.

When they arrived at the surface of the No. 17 ring world where the object fell, what they saw was a completely incomprehensible scene.

The Supreme Master Silan, who broke through the No.13 psychic power many years ago, was seriously injured and fell in the ruins of his own ship. With this ruins as the center, a huge giant with a radius of hundreds of kilometers radiated outward. pits.

These psionic old monsters feel that their three views have been subverted.

"what happened?"

"Oh my god! Isn't that the ship of Lord Silan!"

"Isn't that ship made of ten-thousand-year ginseng wood from the nuclear ring world? Such a solid thing will be smashed into this appearance!"

"What is beyond the door? It can actually injure a dignified thirteenth-level powerhouse like this!"


The psychic old monsters had different opinions, but in the ruins, the Great Lord Silan, who was still breathing, still echoed in his mind for a long time, the exchange with Lu Entropy just now.

He knew that the annihilation catastrophe of the ring world was coming!

Those disgusting eyes...that indifferent words...

A wordless feeling of heart palpitation gradually spread from the depths of the heart of Grand Master Silan, which could not be suppressed...

The thirteenth-level psionic powerhouse is scared!
(End of this chapter)

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