Start with a colossus riding a face

Chapter 71 The Eternal Civilization is Over

Chapter 71 The Eternal Civilization is Over
The resistance of the ring world is endless, but this can't slow down the planetary creatures at all.

After the planetary creatures wiped out the garrison points near the door, they approached the huge rings around the red dwarf stars at the speed of the third universe.

Those hidden heroes in the ring world are falling every moment.

No matter how stunning, magnificent, and unique they were during their lifetime, they all turn into atomic clouds that can be seen everywhere in the universe after death.

Occasionally, Lu Entropy could still hear some of these people clamoring with psychic energy, "Let me, the Heavenly Demon King who dominates for a lifetime, come and meet the Heavenly power of the Holy Ancestor!" and so on.

Generally speaking, it's quite boring, and Lu Entropy really can't understand why these psychics don't get together and go directly, instead of giving away batch after batch of gourd babies to save grandpa.

Although it is useless even if they get together, at least it can save him some time.

Just when Lu Entropy was complaining in his heart, he was a little surprised that the psykers in the ring world actually used their spiritual power to lift pieces of ring fragments that fell on other ring worlds after the ring collapsed before. Slammed towards the planetary creature.

He took a closer look and realized that it turned out that some tricks were used here. Directly using psionic energy was not enough to lift these fragments, so these psykers used psionic energy to destroy the atoms on the edge of the ring fragments, and released Nuclear energy is used to propel these ring fragments.

Great idea, but not very useful for bee swarms.

Among the batches of psykers who came to kill the planetary creatures, some used psychic energy to shout at Lu Entropy.

"Holy Ancestor! I know that I can't compete with your mighty power, but there are some things that I must ask clearly even if I must die!"

It was Great Lord Silan who was shouting. I didn't expect this guy to survive for such a long time, but Lu Entropy himself has long been immortal, and he didn't bother to care why the other party's lifespan was so long.

Lu Entropy thought that the other party was going to die, and it would be too miserable to be a fool until death, so he agreed.

"Okay, you can ask. I just want to ask you some questions. Let's treat it as an information exchange."

"Why do you have to destroy the world? You created this world, why do you have to destroy it? Why are you so ruthless?" asked Silan the Great.

Lu Entropy replied calmly: "Because this is just a preliminary experiment, the purpose is to collect enough experimental data and explore higher-level psychic powers. There is no need to deliberately retain any miscellaneous things such as civilization and race. Anyway, you can make a batch when you need it.”

"Now it's my turn to ask you." Lu Entropy said.

"Why do you have to send them in batches when you fight? This fighting method is obviously useless, isn't it? At this time, we should all go together. Don't you know that unity is strength?"

In the void, the virtual image of Lu Entropy projected by the planetary creatures, with huge fingers pointing at the batches of psykers rushing over to die.

The planetary creatures received orders from Lu Entropy, and in an instant, the surging rivers of psykers turned into patches of atomic clouds.

Such a tragic scene directly made Grand Master Silan look dull and unable to speak.

"Forget it, you don't need to answer, I don't care what you think, you are all going to die anyway."

Lu Entropy murmured to himself in a lack of interest, and then said to the Great Master Silan: "Where did you put the civilization inheritance I told you before? I will pay attention when I clean you up later."

Great Master Silan regained his composure and forced himself to reply calmly: "Holy Ancestor, we can give you the cultivation method, but you must agree to one condition for all the creatures in this world..."

Before he could finish his words, he was interrupted roughly by Lu Entropy, who asked with an absurd expression.

"Did you misunderstand something?"

"The reason you are allowed to leave behind civilization inheritance is only because your cultivation method feels special, so you are allowed to leave your own traces in this vast universe. Don't feel good about yourself. What do you think you are? The protagonists of the world? You If we don’t leave civilization inheritance, the universe will be destroyed?”

"Do you know that before your civilization appeared, how many civilizations wanted to leave traces of their own civilization in this universe? This is a kindness given to you, and you actually use it as a bargaining chip?"

Following Lu Entropy's series of words, the hearts of all the psychic races in the ring world became heavier and heavier.

During these long years, because of what Lu Entropy said to the Great Master Silan before, there have been many rumors that the holy ancestor coveted the cultivation method of the ring world.

So, I thought about negotiating conditions on this, and if I couldn't beat it, I would threaten it with the cultivation method.

You can destroy us, but you will never get what you want!

But now, Lu Entropy's reaction made them feel desperate.

Lu Entropy continued: "You think I don't know, you secretly sealed some of the same kind in some containers, let them enter a state of suspended animation, and tried to avoid cleaning up?"

"You think I don't know, and you plan to let those same kind of people who are sealed in containers to feign death to rebuild civilization after escaping this cleanup?"

"You think that I urgently need your cultivation method, so you feel that there is room for negotiation with me, and you are going to make a promise for those of the same kind who survived before you die so that I will no longer interfere in this world?"

"I know everything. The reason why you have resisted until now is to see if any of you can break through to the level of psionic power in this last bit of time. It turns out that you are just like that."

Seeing the batches of psykers rushing towards the planetary creatures to die, Lu Entropy didn't even bother to take another look. He thought he would gain something, but in the end he didn't gain anything. 'illusion.

"Since you don't even want to keep the inheritance of civilization, then I don't need to use my spiritual power so restrained."

With the end of Lu Entropy's words, tiny electric arcs emerged from the atom clouds that were constantly dispersing in the battlefield.

A small photosphere appeared near the planetary organisms, but the photosphere was so bright that even the light of the red dwarf was overshadowed, making it appear very dim.

All kinds of armies of psykers were startled by this mutation.

"What's going on? What's that?"

"It's electrons! The electrons outside the nucleus of the atom have left the atom and are gathering towards the ancestor!"

Those psykers from the age of technological psionics recognized what was going on right away.

The extranuclear electrons of many atoms in the atomic cloud are deprived by spiritual energy and gather into the light ball near the planetary organisms.

"Could it be... God?!"

Accompanied by a suddenly realized exclamation from a powerhouse in the era of technical psychic energy, the surrounding psychic powerhouses asked questions one after another.

"What is that ball of light?"

With some excitement, excitement, and fear, the strong man explained with psychic power: "Electrons have mutual repulsion characteristics, and it takes an extremely large amount of psychic power to control two electrons to approach each other, close together, and then The more electrons are gathered, the demand for psionic energy will also increase geometrically, and once the level accumulated by the ancestors is released, everything in the ring world and even the blazing sun at the center of the world will disappear!"

"It's perfect! I, Canglan Warrior, devoted my whole life to researching nuclear energy, just to make the destructive power of martial arts go further! I never expected, I never expected to see such an exquisite world-destroying combat skill in my lifetime! No regrets!"

I don't know if Grand Master Silan heard the martial idiot's exclamation of Canglan Warrior, and finally showed his submission in the lowest posture.

"Stop! Stop! We are willing to hand over the inheritance of civilization!"

"No, I've already given you a chance." Lu Entropy replied flatly.

"May there be no bees in heaven."

In an instant, the spiritual energy is released, and due to the Coulomb repulsion between the electrons, after losing the suppression of the spiritual energy, the high energy level is released to the low energy level in an instant.

Some psykers with faster thinking, after such a consciousness popped up in their minds, they didn't think anymore.

And more psykers, unable to even realize this, entered death.

Circles of ripples appeared in the space and spread out. This is the wave of time and space. The terrifying energy level and even time and space have obvious distortions.

This violent explosion is not weaker than a supernova explosion in the universe.

everything is over.

(End of this chapter)

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