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Chapter 72 Galaxy Farming Is Too Bold

Chapter 72 Galaxy Farming Is Too Bold
"Lu Entropy, what are you going to use for those cultivation methods that were secretly copied to create a second brain? This kind of thing is of no use to bee colonies."

Outside the test area, the rabbi asked in the swarm network.

As early as the period when Grand Master Silan opened a school to teach others of the same kind, the bee colony completed the records of these cultivation methods for the psionic creatures in the ring world.

After all, scout creatures invisible to the naked eye are scattered in the ring world. Whether it is inscribed on stone tablets, written some secret books, or taught by example, the scout creatures have recorded them all.

Lu Entropy replied: "It is for the creatures in the follow-up experiments. In the follow-up experiments, these cultivation methods can be recorded on relatively strong and stable materials in words that the test creatures can understand, so that the test creatures can learn."

With that said, Lu Entropy paused, and added: "The rest of the experiments will be left to you."

"You don't participate?" Rabbi said unexpectedly, it can be seen that Lu Entropy seems to be very enthusiastic about this aspect.

Lu Entropy replied: "In the two experiments, I have obtained almost all the information I want. Next, I am going to point out the next development direction for the bee colony. This is more important than the experiment."

"Development direction? What exactly?"

Hearing this, Rabbi, the main brain, couldn't calm down. This is related to the future of the entire Babel bee colony.

The corner of Lu Entropy's mouth subconsciously replied.

"Civilized Ranch."


Lu Entropy summoned a group of masterminds, hives, and even all hive creatures into the psionic network.

Being able to make such a big move is naturally related to very important things, so the mastermind, the hive, and the trillions and trillions of swarm creatures all tacitly kept silent in the swarm network, waiting for Lu Entropy to announce the matter.

"The development of civilization is like sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat. Who is in favor and who is against?"

Lu Entropy's inquiry quickly spread in the swarm network, winning the approval of a swarm of creatures.

Stagnant development is the nightmare of civilization, a lesson learned from the history of the swarm of Babel.

When a civilization stagnates, one day other civilizations will catch up with it, surpass it, and finally destroy it.

This is very sad, and the swarm of Babel must not be such a tragedy.

Seeing that no individual objected in the swarm network, Lu Entropy continued: "Well, no one objected. It seems that everyone's opinions are very unified, which is very good."

Lu Entropy declared: "From now on, this is the unchangeable development principle, and the bee colony of the Tower of Babel will continue to develop and progress forever."

"In order to achieve this, I am going to make a big plan, the Xinghe farm plan."

There is a turmoil in the bee colony network. They know it in Galaxy, and they know it in the breeding farm. Although there is no breeding in the Babel bee colony, the aliens in the Galaxy Alliance are engaged in breeding. From the aliens, the bee colony has learned about this kind of concept.

However, with Xinghe and the breeding farm, the creatures in the bee colony can't understand it.

It can't be to transform the entire river system into a livable planet for organic organisms, and then produce a large amount of organic matter, right?

"What's Xinghe Farm? What do you breed?" Mastermind Kai'Sa asked.

Lu Entropy explained: "Cultivate civilizations and induce these civilizations to explore higher-level psychic energy. Bee colonies only need to be supplemented with time-level acceleration to obtain higher-level psychic brains in a short time."

"This point has been verified after two rounds of preliminary experiments conducted by the rabbi. Therefore, the bee colony has obtained the No.13 spiritual brain. The next step is to expand the breeding problem. The bee colony needs to be in the universe. Circle an area to use as a breeding ground."

Lu Entropy continued: "I guess it's not good to breed too much at one time. After all, our breeding experience is not rich, and it is easy to tear the eggs if we take a big step, so we set a small goal first, and circle a river system first. As a civilized farm."

The swarm creatures are clear, and the logic is very simple. Just a star system, and only one or two days of time acceleration, can bring No. 13 psychic brains to the swarm of Babel, then if it is a piece of With the river system as a breeding ground, it is not impossible for the psionic energy of the entire Tower of Babel bee colony to jump hundreds of levels at once.

Even, the bee colony can be more ambitious, enclosing the supercluster of galaxies where the Vorsotis galaxy is located as a civilization breeding ground.

In this way, is the research on psychic levels still a problem?Still need to count on the lottery?
Listening to Lu Entropy's words just now, the mastermind Nunnally asked uncertainly: "Are we going to drive out all the civilizations in the Vosotis galaxy?"

Lu Entropy objected: "No need for this, these civilizations in the Vosotis galaxy still have to leave us with other technological trees to complete."

"Anyway, there is no shortage of river systems in the universe. We can use the river system near Fusotis."

Lu Entropy's next move is to complete the occupation of the river system near the Vosotis galaxy.

If the Tower of Babel bee colony wants to grow and develop, this step must be taken. For the universe, even the vast galaxy is just a drop in the ocean.

Graner said with some doubts: "It's too far away, 115 million light years, and it will take a lot of time to go back and forth."

Such a long distance means that it is difficult for the bee swarm creatures in the Vosotis galaxy to provide support for the bee swarm in another river system, which is very bad.

Lu Entropy asked strangely: "Don't those alien civilizations in the Galaxy Alliance have wormhole technology?"

Mastermind Moston said: "Uh... the part responsible for high-energy physics research all escaped into the small universe, and the civilizations in the Vosotis galaxy are still replenishing their missing technologies."

It seems that a long time has passed since the end of the Starship Wars, but in fact it has not. It has been more than a year. It still takes some time for the alien civilization to make up for the missing technology.

Although time can be used to speed up and allow these alien civilizations to speed up the recovery of technology, it is too dangerous to do so.

Lu Entropy dared to give more than 20 years to those spiritual creatures in the experimental area, but he did not dare to give these alien civilizations unrestricted development for more than 20 years. Even if he could share what he saw and heard from these civilizations, Lu Entropy still felt unsafe .

He pondered for a while, and finally made a decision: "Then use the local method, create a small universe with a relatively small space, and then open two space tunnels in the small universe that can enter and exit the main universe, and let a planetary creature use psionic energy Pull one of the tunnels near the next river system faster than the speed of light, and the problem will be solved."

It's just a wormhole, and it's not like he can't do something!

At the same time, among the vast stars, a crystal is still maintaining a superluminal speed, rushing to the distant piece, the barred spiral galaxy closest to the Vosotis galaxy.

At this moment, Bahadun still harbored some expectations that he shouldn't have in his heart, but he didn't know that some unexpected situations were quietly unfolding.

Tower of Babel, Bee Swarm, Galaxy Alliance, the fear you gave me will be returned to you tenfold!

This time is not far away!

(End of this chapter)

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