Start with a colossus riding a face

Chapter 73 Some jokes are too accurate

Chapter 73 Some jokes are too accurate
Astronomical observation is a very boring thing. You need to stay away from the hustle and bustle of the city all day, do nothing to concentrate on staring at the sky, or listen to various bands of the universe with headphones.

If you don't really love the field of astronomy, it's hard for someone to persevere.

And because of such a special occupation, it is often difficult for people engaged in this field to achieve the so-called "success" defined by the public.

Fortunately, the civilization built by the Puton people on Dele Star paid enough attention to the starry sky. At least these observers who were far away from the big cities and did not choose to be the screws of the labor force, looking up at the starry sky day after day, did not Will be labeled as 'not doing business properly'.

On this day, two Putonians were on duty at the observatory as usual.

One of them left temporarily to make a cup of warm agar tea for the two of them. The observation station was set up on the top of a mountain at a very high altitude, and the observers had to face the thin and cold air at high altitude every day.

When he came back with two cups of tea, he found that his colleague was still bent over the observation mirror engrossed, in a state of concentration, as if a thief had discovered some peerless treasure.

"Daddy, what are you looking at?"

"The star area of ​​ seems that a black hole is forming." Dadi explained his discovery in the observation mirror while lying in front of the observation mirror, without any intention of leaving the observation mirror.

The colleague picked up a cup of agar tea and took a sip, habitually said: "Did you read it wrong? I remember that there are no stars approaching the end of the year in the A-039 star area."

No wonder he didn't believe it. He had only seen the A-039 star area a few days ago, and there wasn't even a single massive star there. How could a large amount of mass suddenly appear to form a black hole at that location?

"If you don't believe me, come and see for yourself. Is this increasingly obvious gravitational lens still fake?"

Seeing that his colleagues didn't believe Dadi, he waved directly, signaling the other party to come to the observation mirror and speak with facts.

The three-fingered palm of the Puton man rests on the handle of the observation mirror, and there is an obvious gravitational lens effect in an area on the observation mirror, because the gravitational lens distorts the light, so that the positions of the stars behind are obviously shifted .

The colleague only felt that the world view had collapsed, and said in shock: "My God! I remember that there were no stars in that area when I observed it a few days ago. How could a black hole form? Where did these masses come from?"

Duddy thought for a while, and then said, "Aliens?"

The colleague immediately gave Duddy a speechless look, "Can your fantasy not always be involved in rational thinking?"

Duddy laughed, and then replied: "I'm just joking, let's liven up the serious atmosphere, too serious atmosphere is too depressing to discuss."

As he spoke, Duddy conjectured: "It is impossible for space-time to lie. Time-space tells matter how to move, and matter tells space-time how to play. Since the phenomenon of gravitational lens appears, it means that a large number of mass, that is, a wandering black hole."

"However, why didn't we observe a star in this position of the A-039 star area before? I think this is probably a special kind of dark star."

The A-039 star region is not a lot of mass to form a black hole out of thin air, but the A-039 star region already has so much mass, but the current Puton people lack observation technology, so they have not found that there is a black hole in that area. So much quality.

This is the speculative explanation given by Duddy, and my colleagues did not refute it, because it is very reasonable, otherwise, how can I explain that there is a lot of extra mass in that star area out of thin air?

Is it really expected that aliens have moved a lot of mass into that star area, and they are piling up to form artificial black holes?
Don't be silly, those scholars in the scientific community will curse and say that they lack the most basic scientific literacy.

Hearing Dudi's conjecture, the colleague suddenly said: "The dark star you mentioned, do you mean..."

Duddy affirmed: "Yes, in theory, celestial bodies composed of dark matter, the detection of dark stars in the universe requires the detection of gamma rays, neutrinos and antimatter particles in the universe, but the current technology is not up to the standard. The high precision required for detection."

The colleague was puzzled: "Even if it is a dark star, we have never discovered its existence before, but how can we explain the appearance of the gravitational lens?"

The mass of the dark star is not weaker than that of the star, and it may collapse into a black hole. The observation technology of the Puton people can't find it, and all aspects can be consistent.

But there is a problem here.

A dark star can collapse into a black hole, and its own mass will not change much. Just like letting a star collapse into a black hole, it does not mean that the mass of the black hole has increased, and the mass of the black hole is still the same as the original star. the quality of.

It was through the obvious gravitational lens that they discovered the obvious gravitational lens in the A-039 star area, and then they noticed the anomaly in this star area. If it is a dark star, it means that they should have been in the A-039 star area a long time ago. , Just through the obvious gravitational lens of the dark star, it is found that there may be stars in the A-[-] star area.

In this regard, Duddy explained: "If the cooling of the matter inside the dark star and the heating of the dark matter can maintain a balance, the dark star can exist stably in the universe, and if this balance is broken, the dark star may collapse into a star. Or a black hole."

"If two dark stars collide there, there is no doubt that this balance will be broken."

Yes, not one dark star, but the meeting of two dark stars, which makes the black hole in the A-039 star area appear.

In this way, the logic is straightened out.

The colleague thought about it, but still felt that Dark Star's speculation was not very reliable, so he asked.

"Is it possible that two wandering black holes collided?"

If it is a small-mass wandering black hole, it is understandable that it has not been discovered before.

Duddy said helplessly: "I may have thought about this, but the collision of black holes will produce more obvious gravitational waves, and our radar has not received similar gravitational wave signals."

"If it's possible, I don't want to believe in Dark Star's conjectures. After all, if it's not necessary and doesn't add entities, it's a bit unreliable to use something in a theory as the basis for speculation."

The colleague nodded knowingly, and replied with some excitement: "No matter what the facts are, today will be the day when we will be recorded in history."

Astronomical phenomena are there, no matter whether the facts are the same as they speculate, the result will not change.

Being the first group of discoverers to discover this major astronomical phenomenon means that they will soon become the focus of civilization and be recorded in the annals of civilization...

Unbeknownst to the two Putonians as they talked, how accurate their joke was that the planetary beings were using psionic energy to construct a microcosm.

The Puton people saw the so-called astronomical spectacle of "a large amount of extra mass collapsed into a black hole out of thin air". The astronomical anomaly in the A-039 star area is indeed a masterpiece of aliens.

It was a group of Babel swarm creatures using psionic energy to bend time and space, and in the A-73 star area 039 years ago, they created a small universe that could envelop planetary creatures.

The one in the center of the gravitational lens is not a black hole, but a small universe that is bending space-time and gradually taking shape. After the construction is completed, these obvious gravitational lenses will no longer be visible.

At the very center of the small universe that is taking shape, there is a planetary creature there.

The planetary creatures outside who help bend time and space with psionic energy send an object to the center of the small universe with psionic energy, and transmit a string of information in the swarm network.

"You hold this and install it on your body. You bought it from the aliens in the Galaxy Alliance. It's called a collapse bomb. It contains antimatter. After detonating the antimatter, it will form a miniature black hole, and then cause the target to collapse into a black hole."

"It's dangerous, be careful when you install it."

The volume of the collapse bomb is very large, roughly equivalent to the volume of three Starship Alliance battleships.

The planetary creature at the center of the small universe observed the collapse bomb with psionic energy from the same race, and then asked puzzledly.

"...This collapse bomb is useless, right?"

"With my psychic power, it is very easy to create a black hole. You only need to bend the space-time to the extreme, so that the space can first form a mimic black hole, and then let the mimic black hole devour matter, and soon you can form a singularity. stable black hole."

Other planetary creatures replied: "That is to say, but the bee colony knows too little about the situation in the river system next door. What if there is a powerful civilization in the river system next door?"

"What if that civilization can block your psionic energy at once?"

"According to Lu Entropy's mastermind, this is something for you to commit suicide. If in an interstellar war, the enemy understands the bee swarm, but the bee swarm does not understand the enemy, it will be the same as dying."

I have reservations about Lu Entropy's talents in other aspects, but his military talents are beyond doubt. Since Lu Entropy said that there is danger in this aspect, the bee colony is likely to be in danger in this aspect.

That being the case, the Tower of Babel bee colony must prevent this possibility, because all this is for the survival of the bee colony, and the survival of the bee colony is above all else!
The planetary creature in the center of the small universe was puzzled: "But if that's the case, I feel that this kind of collapse bomb will be even more useless. My spiritual power can be blocked at once, which means that the enemy can disarm me in an instant. , How could I have time to commit suicide at that time?"

Other planetary creatures replied: "Install it, it's a layer of insurance against the eventuality, if it doesn't work, it's useless, if you find it useful but don't install it, then it's too late to say anything."

"What you said makes sense."

The existence of the bee colony is above all else. After thinking about it, the planetary creatures in the center of the small universe also approved the assembly of the collapse bomb.

At this time, other planetary creatures asked the planetary creature in the small universe that was about to be completely enveloped by the small universe.

"Have you remembered everything Lu Entropy Mastermind told you before?"

The planetary creature replied: "Remember, the first thing is to hide yourself, not to be discovered, not to be noticed is the greatest degree of safety, and the second is to collect information as much as possible without being discovered, so that the bee colony can survive the possible transgressions." In the interstellar war in the river system, it has an advantage at the beginning."

"Conversely, if I was captured and the unknown enemy obtained information about the bee swarm from me, and the bee swarm knew nothing about the unknown enemy, it would mean that the entire Babel bee swarm was half a foot away. Crossed the red line of genocide."

Other planetary creatures said: "Yes, hide yourself and collect information. You don't need to do other things. Your mission is not to fight."

With the complete completion of the construction of the small universe, the gravitational lens caused by the distortion of time and space caused by psionic energy disappeared, and the planetary creature completely disappeared from the main universe.

"You can go."


After the small universe is formed, there are two wormhole tunnels, one of which stays in place, and the other moves towards the outside of the Vosotis galaxy at a superluminal speed.

(End of this chapter)

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