Start with a colossus riding a face

Chapter 89 The Human Mastermind Is Too Uneasy

Chapter 89 The Human Mastermind Is Too Uneasy
The movement of psionic power upgrades is not small, because except for Lu Entropy, who refuses to upgrade, all hive creatures will choose to upgrade psionic powers.

It is naturally impossible not to know the land entropy connected to the swarm network.

And every upgrade of psionic power means that at least one civilization will be destroyed.

"Civilization is so fragile."

Lu Entropy couldn't help sighing, his thoughts inevitably recalled the time when he was first captured and sent to the bee colony in the Tower of Babel, so he added a sentence muttering to himself.

"Isn't the Babel bee colony very fragile?"

After learning about the cemetery of civilization, Lu Entropy asked the planetary creatures to investigate many other atoms in the small universe and river system.

Many atomic machines similar to the cemetery of civilization have been found.

It's just that these atomic machines are more incomplete and incomplete compared with the civilized cemetery of the Qize Lian clan.

Thanks to the discovery of these atomic machines, the progress of Babel bee colony in studying atomic organisms has been greatly improved, because the structure of these atomic machines is ready-made, and the bee colony needs to consider more about how to transform these atomic machines It is a low-entropy body that devours anti-entropy.

However, such a good thing cannot bring more joy to Lu Entropy.

With the study of these civilized tombs, Lu Entropy made a bold speculation that the incompleteness of atomic machinery is likely to be caused by different space-time rules.



Of course, these are just speculations, and Lu Entropy has no way of guaranteeing whether this is the case.

It's just that so many civilized cemeteries come from outside the universe, and they are universes with different rules. This is undoubtedly a worrying thing.

It’s fine if it’s a coincidence, but what if it’s a super war involving universes with different rules?
That is undoubtedly a nightmare for today's Babel bee colony. The bee colony's understanding of the outside of the universe is basically equal to zero, and they only know that they are closed in the small universe and can rely on the dynamic changes of the universe. Achieving 'movement' outside the universe, but what's the difference between holding a broken plank on the sea and waiting for the ocean current?

Does this count as mastering the art of navigation?

Obviously not.

Therefore, since the end of the war in the Galaxy Alliance, Lu Entropy has not felt a sense of crisis for a long time, because these graves of civilization have emerged.

Sometimes, the destruction of civilization can be done in the blink of an eye, and it may be too fast to react at all, just like those civilizations in the breeding area.

"What's the situation outside the universe? Isn't it like a farm?"

Lu Entropy muttered to himself worriedly, but even if he asked himself this way, he couldn't give an answer. He pinched his brows, and he couldn't help sighing: "It's really disturbing, the bee colony hasn't even explored this universe yet." , too small."

"Sure enough, it is still necessary to launch a large-scale exploration of the entire universe, right? If you have the opportunity to contact higher-level civilizations, you can greatly shorten the time and obtain more relevant information about this universe..."

The collection of intelligence is very important, but before knowing the tomb of civilization, Lu Entropy is not in a hurry.

Because strength speaks among civilizations, the most essential and pure principle of the universe is physics, and whoever has the biggest fist is the best.

Lu Entropy is very aware of this, so before the bee colony is strong, he is not in a hurry to contact other powerful civilizations.

After all, what if the other party 'reasonable'?
But now, Lu Entropy has changed his mind, and there is no way not to change his attention. In a wider area, there is no information on the bee colony, so how can he continue to develop with peace of mind?
After thinking about it again and again, Lu Entropy made up his mind: "Let's do it this way. Although there are risks, it's better than knowing nothing."

If you don't do it just because it's risky, you can't get anything done.

Just when Lu Entropy was about to explain his decision to the masterminds, a warning in the swarm network caught Lu Entropy's attention. It was a warning that the swarm was about to face war.

"Fighting again? What's going on?" Lu Entropy directly contacted Nunnally, who passed on the warning, and asked about the situation.

Nunnally is responsible for handling the diplomacy between the civilizations of the Galaxy Alliance in the Vosotis galaxy. Why is there a war all of a sudden?
Nunnally said relaxedly: "Small problem, there are civilizations in the Vosotis galaxy that are trying to challenge the authority of the bee swarm and blatantly violate the rules and regulations of the Galaxy Alliance. Now they are going to impose sanctions."

small issue?
Since the main brain feels weak, then there is no problem.

Lu Entropy thought for a while, and then suggested: "There is no need to send planetary creatures over there. The combat capabilities of atomic creatures are still unknown. Just take this opportunity to test their actual combat capabilities."


Nunnally complied.

At the same time, a group of atomic creatures were carried by planetary creatures to the coordinate point marked by Nunnally in the swarm network.


The Kobiclan hegemony group, a dictatorial civilization.

After the end of the Starship War, contact with the Starship Alliance, obtain various technologies, and develop into a space civilization under the leadership of the military government.

The whole they adopted was an extremely authoritarian rule.

However, such a dictatorship cannot avoid the appearance of betrayal by his subordinates. After all, in a huge civilization, there will always be capable and ambitious people.

Fran is such an ambitious man.

From an insignificant figure, through betrayal and killing, he climbed step by step to the current position of the head of the Kirby Crane hegemony group.

"Great head of state, the fleet has completed control of Mosu star!"

"Very good, the next target is Star Durandal." Frank praised unabashedly, and assigned the fleet the next attack target.


As the communication was turned off, the Kobiclan in a cage next to the communication said excitedly: "Fran, you lunatic! Do you know what you are doing!"

"Don't get excited, Cisco, of course I know what I'm doing." Fran said confidently.

"I want to revive civilization and revive glory! You just watch over there and see how I can lead civilization to prosperity and revival!"

"I want you to see clearly what a real head of state is! What a real head of state should look like! You should take a good look at it in that cage!"

Cisco of the Führer's family angrily reprimanded: "You don't know anything at all! The Babel swarm in the Galaxy Alliance opposes your attack on Mesu Star! And you still brazenly choose to invade! Do you know what this means? "

(End of this chapter)

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