Start with a colossus riding a face

Chapter 90 These Civilizations Are Too Submissive

Chapter 90 These Civilizations Are Too Submissive
"It's nothing more than being disgusted by the Babel swarm." Fran unconcernedly rolled up a cup with his tentacles, and drank the liquid in the cup in one gulp.

He continued: "But you have to know that emotions can be interfered by external objects, and interests are absolutely supreme in civilization."

"As long as we can complete the capture of the Sadio Alliance in a short period of time, and then give up some of the benefits to the Babel swarm, they will naturally not care too much about this matter."

Looking at the last descendant of the head of state clan silently glaring at him, Fran continued playfully: "And you forgot, now the Galaxy Alliance is a parliamentary decision-making system. This system has an obvious shortcoming, that is, the minority must obey the majority." .”

"Early before the start of the war, I carefully browsed all the rules and regulations of the alliance. The Babel swarm does not have the decision-making power over all civilizations in the entire Vosotis galaxy. It only has one vote of veto. Without the support of the majority of civilizations in China, the military sanctions of the Starship Alliance will not be activated."

"Now, I have sent people to secretly contact more than [-]% of the civilizations in the Galaxy Alliance. They share common interests with us, and interests will guide these civilizations to stand by our side."

"Even if it is the Babel swarm, will it stand on the opposite side of [-]% of the civilization of the Galaxy Alliance for the sake of a small Sadiou alliance?"


Looking at the star map on the screen, Fran stretched out his tentacles confidently, as if embracing the stars.

At this moment, Fran, who was at the pinnacle of power, seemed to feel that he had become the hero of the Vosotis galaxy. In an instant, he could turn his hands into clouds and his hands into rain.

For a moment, Fran was deeply intoxicated by the thrill of power.


Seat of the Star Alliance meeting.

This is a virtual space where all kinds of strange creatures and projections gather.

However, this time the Starship Alliance meeting, the agent of the Kobe Crane Hegemony Group was not notified to participate.

The content of the meeting was similar to what Frank had expected, and it was held because of the aggressive war of the Kobicran hegemony group against the Sadio Alliance.

But the specific progress was quite different from what Fran expected.

In the words of the earth, Fran guessed the beginning, but not the end...

"You have seen this incident. The Kobicran hegemony group blatantly violated the alliance's regulations, and it was without any persecution."

Nunnally expressed dissatisfaction at the meeting, and representatives of other civilizations echoed one after another.

"Yes, yes, on behalf of my civilization, I fully agree..."

"That's right, the behavior of the Kobicran hegemony group is very evil..."

"They are naked aggression..."

"We are sworn to death with evil!"

With the small benefits brought by aggression, you want these civilizations to stand on the opposite side of the Babel swarm?

What a joke!
Are you dying?

How long has it been since the war involving the Vosotis galaxy ended?

These shrewd agents of civilization, apart from trying to deceive the Kobiclan hegemony group and get some benefits from them, have never considered opposing the decision of the Babel swarm at the Starship Alliance meeting.

Were those discussed at the meeting negotiable?


That's a notification!

Nunnally said: "On behalf of the Babel swarm, I demand military sanctions. Is there anyone who opposes it? Those who oppose it can express their attitude."

Then, the meeting was full of echoes one after another.


"I strongly agree with the promotion of the military sanctions resolution."

"Our Martha Alliance hates evil the most. How could we oppose such a righteous thing?"

Thinking about taking this opportunity to see if there is any civilization without brains, Nunnali, who is trying to find more experimental targets and test the combat capabilities of atomic creatures, can only give up this plan helplessly.

"So... unanimous vote?"

"Don't be so cautious, you can raise objections at the meeting." Nunnally said.

Nunnally's inquiry resulted in the silence of all civilized agents.

"Okay, the sanctions are over." Nunnally said relaxedly.


A group of civilized agents didn't react at once, didn't they just make a decision?

Nunnally replied: "All military units of the Kobi Crane Hegemony Group, as well as individuals related to the military, have all been cleaned up."

Hearing Nunali's answer, the civilization agents who reacted felt a chill rise in their hearts.


Cisco broke free from his cage.

Just a few minutes ago, Fran, who slaughtered their head of state and then usurped power, suddenly died of brain death.

At the same time, the soldiers outside also died collectively, in an extremely strange manner.

Although Cisco didn't understand why these people died suddenly, he could vaguely guess that it was the bee swarm of the Tower of Babel.

After all, they possess powerful psychic energy, and no matter how thick the armor is, they can be squeezed into a meat ball by the people in the spaceship.

It is not difficult to understand why these people died so mysteriously and strangely.

"Heh, benefit? Guidance? What do you think you are facing?"

"The Babel swarm did not attack the Kobicran hegemony group, just because they didn't want to. Do you think it depends on the rules and regulations of the Starship Alliance? You can influence their decisions based on your little interest? The entire Vosotis galaxy is Theirs, what benefits do they need from you?"

"I bother!"

Cisco angrily reprimanded Frank's body, venting his anger.

Suddenly, Cisco's cursing stopped abruptly, because he found that a line of text appeared in front of his eyes.

"Are you a decision-making individual of the Kobicran hegemony group?"

Cisco immediately reacted, and said with trepidation: "Yes, honorable individual of the Babel swarm, I was kidnapped by this stupid dictator, and I have absolutely no intention of violating the alliance rules."

"We know this, otherwise you wouldn't be alive today." The atomic creature replied.

With the text gone, the Atomic Creatures continued to project words on Cisco's pupils.

"We contacted you just to inform you that this military sanction is only a warning to the Kobicran hegemony group, and the next one will be the extinction of civilization."

Cisco replied immediately without any hesitation: "I understand! Honorable individuals of the Babel bee colony! After I go back, I will definitely not let similar things happen again!"

At this moment, the sense of fear in Cisco's heart was infinitely magnified, and he knew very well that if he didn't answer well enough at this time, it would be the fate of civilization extinction.

Atomic Biology did not reply. This civilization is too weak to be worth paying attention to. Therefore, they chose to leave after the notification ended. The only answer to Cisco was a long silence...

(End of this chapter)

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