Chapter 59 Dating
"How much is the bottle of wine you ordered just now?"

Li Shurui asked.

"It seems to be more than [-], what's the matter?"

Jiang Chen replied nonchalantly, as if he meant not thirty thousand, but three yuan.

Sure enough, I didn't spend my own money, so I really don't feel bad.

Li Shurui fell silent.

With her current wealth, it's not that she can't afford to drink more than [-] yuan of wine, but it's unnecessary.

"Wouldn't it be a waste for us to drink this kind of wine?"

Without pretending to be generous, Li Shurui still mentioned,
"I just thought we should have a good drink on our first date."

Jiang Chen also seemed to be belatedly aware that this move was a bit inappropriate.

Naturally, he doesn't know how to taste wine. Li Shurui may be better than him, but he shouldn't be much better.

In fact, for most people, drinking tens of thousands of wine is almost the same as drinking hundreds of dollars.

"...How about I call the waiter over and return the wine?"

"never mind."

Li Shurui shook her head.

Although it feels wasteful, but after all, it is my own treat. I said before that I let the other party order casually, so it is not easy to go back and forth at this time.

Besides, compared to Jiang Chen's kindness to her, a bottle of wine worth tens of thousands is nothing at all, even if Jiang Chen intentionally slaughtered her, she was still willing.

And in addition, it is in such a high-end place as Banqiuting, it would be embarrassing to click and return.

"I'm driving, I can't drink, you'll fix it yourself later."

Li Shurui said calmly.

Jiang Chen was stunned: "How can I drink it all by myself?"

"Take it away if you can't finish it. Anyway, you ordered it, so you have to dispose of it. There can't be any waste of such an expensive wine."

Li Shurui stared at him with threats in her eyes.

This "threat" is naturally quite different from the past.

Jiang Chen showed no signs of fear, and stared at him without dodging or evading, with an intentional expression: "Shu Rui, I never thought you would be so thrifty."

"It's not that you spend money, of course you don't feel bad."

Li Shurui is outspoken.

Jiang Chen smiled.

This is the normal way of communication.

In the past, Li Shurui was like a piece of ice that has been around for thousands of years, cold and solid, seamless and invulnerable, but now she is like a person of flesh and blood.

Therefore, the first step in chasing a girl is the most critical.

As long as you take the first step, you will be more than half successful.

No matter how high the goddess is, as long as she is dragged down from the altar, she is no different from an ordinary girl.

"You think I'm joking when you say I'm here to treat you?"

Jiang Chen said seriously.

Li Shurui didn't answer, obviously she didn't take the words to heart at all.

A bottle of wine for [-] yuan would be considered a luxury even for the elite, let alone a young man who works and studies everywhere.

"Shu Rui, what a coincidence."

Several young men passed by, one of them inadvertently glanced at Li Shurui, and then stopped in surprise.

His temperament is somewhat similar to Liang Zhenlun, but he is more pleasing to the eye than Liang Zhenlun,

"Who is this?"

His eyes moved to Jiang Chen.

"Hello, Jiang Chen, Shu Rui's senior."

Jiang Chen stood up politely, acting neither humble nor overbearing.

The other party looked him up and down, then nodded and smiled.

"Hi, I'm Xiang Xingren, Shu Rui's friend."

After saying hello, Xiang Xingren didn't bother him too much, and walked away with his friends and sat at a table not far away.

Several people kept looking over here, laughing and talking about something.

"Your suitor?"

Jiang Chen who sat down again asked with a calm expression.

"No, I just met in a bar."

From Li Shurui's expression, it can be seen that she and Xiang Xingren should not have a deep friendship.

"They must be discussing the relationship between me and you now, believe it?"

Jiang Chen seemed to have eyes in the back of his head, he didn't need to turn his head to know that he was watching them.

"What does it matter?"

Li Shurui said flatly.

This girl is really different. Some girls, especially those who like to play, even if they have a boyfriend, they will try to pretend that they are single, but she is different. She doesn't seem to mind being misunderstood by others at all, and she doesn't care about other people's eyes .

"I'm not afraid of affecting your reputation outside."

Hearing this, the corners of Li Shurui's mouth rose slightly, a half-smile.

"Isn't that exactly what you want to see?"

Jiang Chen looked upright, and immediately said: "Shu Rui, you think too narrowly of me, it's true that I want to pursue you, but I will definitely not use some dirty tricks."

Li Shurui was noncommittal.

"Bertus, it seems that he was born in 07. This buddy, you really don't show your face."

Seeing the wine on Li Shurui's table, one of Xiang Xingren's friends was quite surprised.

Xiang Xingren seemed to take it for granted. It would be strange for a girl like Li Shurui to find an ordinary student.


Naturally, he would not have guessed who was hosting the meal.

"Botus, two good tasters, I would like to offer you a toast."

Not all young masters are arrogant and arrogant, at least this Xiang Xingren is quite humble and easy-going, and he took the initiative to offer a toast.

"This buddy is nice and generous. This is a big family."

Jiang Chen sighed.

"Do you feel ashamed?"

Li Shurui didn't lift her head.

Jiang Chen laughed dumbly.

"That's not too bad. She is indeed personable, but I'm not bad either."

The knife and fork in Li Shurui's hand paused.

"Have you dined alone with him?"

Jiang Chen asked nonchalantly.

Li Shurui remained silent, the knife and fork moved again.

"That's it. You haven't eaten alone with him. In this point, I'm better than him?"

Jiang Chen talked to himself, brimming with confidence.

Li Shurui didn't hit him, but just concentrated on eating.

"Such a good wine, why don't you drink some?"

"Taste slowly by yourself."

Jiang Chen didn't force himself, while drinking, he muttered: "Such an expensive wine is not as good as a drink."

Li Shurui's expression didn't change, as if she didn't hear anything.

The women don't eat too much. Li Shurui put down the tableware first, and gracefully picked up the napkin to wipe the corners of her mouth. Then, she picked up the bag, took out the wallet from the bag, and took out a credit card.


Looking at the credit card pushed in front of him, Jiang Chen didn't understand why.

"You will check out later, use this card."

Jiang Chen smiled dumbly, and instantly understood the other party's good intentions.

Undoubtedly, because Li Shurui considered his face, she gave him the card and let him pay the bill.

"No need, I will do it myself."

More or less, Jiang Chen was still a little moved, but he didn't intend to accept Li Shurui's kindness.

Although this meal does not cost "a few dollars", mosquito legs are still meat no matter how thin they are. He has to find ways to increase his "investment", otherwise there will be no good returns in the future.

At this time, Li Shurui's cell phone rang, she took out the cell phone and looked at it.

"I'll take a call."

Jiang Chen nodded.

Li Shurui got up and left.

Jiang Chen looked at the credit card that was still on the table, and picked it up.

(End of this chapter)

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