Chapter 60 Accident
After about 10 minutes, Li Shurui came back, and her face was pale, showing a trace of panic.

"what happened?"

Jiang Chen quickly noticed her strangeness.

"Something happened to my dad."

Li Shurui was very anxious and didn't bother to explain. She took her mobile phone and started searching for the nearest flight, and found that there was one more than two hours later.
"Sorry, I have to go back."

After booking the air ticket, the anxious Li Shurui grabbed her bag and planned to leave.

"I'll accompany you."

Jiang Chen followed and stood up.

Li Shurui looked at him.

"Don't get me wrong, I didn't mean to go home with you, I meant to accompany you to the airport. You can't leave your car at the airport all the time, can you?"

Without time to think too much, Li Shurui nodded.

The two walked out quickly.

"Two walk slowly, welcome to visit next time."

Because of drinking, Li Shurui was still driving, and Jiang Chen was the co-driver.

Li Shurui was in a hurry, and when she got out of the parking space, she almost scratched the overbearing Toyota next to her.

"Calm down, you can't do anything in a hurry now."

Jiang Chen handed over the credit card, "Your card."

"Put it in your bag."

The bottle of more than [-] Botus was not finished at all, but at this time Li Shurui couldn't care less, called out the navigation, and quickly drove to the airport.

"What's the matter, uncle?"

Jiang Chen asked.

"heart disease."

Li Shurui's tone was hurried, she had never seen her so flustered before,
"My dad's heart has always been not very good. He was hospitalized for this a few years ago, and today he suddenly fainted."

"Auspicious people have their own appearance, uncle will be fine."

Jiang Chen didn't know how to comfort him either.

Li Shurui stopped talking, and concentrated on driving, hitting every corner on the road, and almost collided several times.

Fortunately, there was no danger in the end, and we arrived at the airport smoothly.

Li Shurui parked the car and handed over the keys to Jiang Chen.

"sorry to bother you."


Jiang Chen said warmly: "Go quickly."

Li Shurui nodded, took her bag, turned and opened the door to get off.

Jiang Chen kept watching her walk into the airport.

"Jingjing, yes, I have to go home, please help me take a few days off..."

In the waiting hall, Li Shurui finished the phone call, held the phone, and exhaled slowly.


Panicking won't solve any problems at this time.

Li Shurui looked up at the flight information, then looked down at the phone, only to find that there were several unread WeChat messages.

Click on it, and there is actually a message from Xiang Xingren.

"I'm really sorry, but I still asked you to invite me to dinner."

Looking at the news, Li Shurui couldn't help frowning.

Invite him to dinner?

What does it mean?
Immediately, she replied with a "?"

"Today was my friend's treat, but when we checked out, the waiter told us that you had already paid for us, Shurui, your senior is really kind."

Xiang Xingren is a smart person. Although the waiter told him that the lady at that table paid the bill, he couldn't guess who the real person was.

The relationship between him and Li Shurui is not so good, and Li Shurui is a girl, there is no need to do this at all, and he also knows that Li Shurui is not the daughter of a rich family.

"Next time I have a chance, I'll treat the two of you to dinner."

Xiang Xingren sent another message.

Li Shurui did not come back.

She definitely didn't help pay the bill, could it be that it was Jiang Chen?
She went to answer the phone, and put the credit card on the table, could it be that Jiang Chen took her card to pretend to be rich?
Think about it.

It seems that this is the only possibility.

Men, who doesn't want to lose face?
Li Shurui found the credit card again from her bag, and then checked the text messages on her mobile phone.

After credit card consumption, there will usually be a deduction notice, but the strange thing is that she has not received any notice until now.

Maybe the cost of a meal is not a big deal, but if you secretly swipe someone else's card to save yourself without the other person's knowledge, then there is something wrong with your character.

Subconsciously, she wanted to call Jiang Chen to question him, but after some hesitation, Li Shurui felt that the other party didn't seem like such a despicable person.

Could there be some misunderstanding?
To be on the safe side, Li Shurui did not choose to dial Jiang Chen's number, but called the bank.

"Hello, I want to check..."

After checking the consumption records of this card, Li Shurui was surprised to find that it was not that there was no chargeback reminder, but that this card did not make any consumption today.

"Thank you."

She put down the phone slowly, feeling a little lost.

I am a trillionaire.

I want everyone to know that this fish pond has been contracted by you.

I treat you.


A sentence is like a magic voice, echoing in my ears again.

Jiang Chen didn't use her card, how did he settle the bill?And how did he pay for Xiang Xingren's table?


The only possibility is that he pays for it himself.

But the problem is, he is notoriously poor, where did he get so much money? !

Li Shurui took a deep breath, and immediately wanted to call to find out what was going on, but at this moment the radio rang.

"Flight CZ3101 is about to depart. Passengers on this flight are requested to prepare for boarding."

Li Shurui raised her head, listening to the repeated broadcast, she could only temporarily press her plan to question Jiang Chen, put away her phone, picked up her bag and walked towards the boarding gate.

At this time, Jiang Chen had already called a surrogate driver, and he was on his way back to Dongda University.

Don't drive while drinking, don't drink while driving.

As a good citizen who abides by laws and regulations, he will naturally not do things that violate laws and regulations.

"Handsome guy, are you a student of Dongda?"


As if he could hear the envy in the driver's voice, Jiang Chen said with a smile: "This car doesn't belong to me, it belongs to a schoolgirl of mine."

Unexpectedly, upon hearing this, the big brother in charge became even more envious, turned his head to look at Jiang Chen, and said sourly: "Handsome guy, what a blessing."

Jiang Chen smiled without saying a word.

In the next two days, Jiang Chen appeared on the hot news of Dongda University again.

The news that Li Shurui's Palamela was used by him spread to every corner of the school.

If the relationship is not close to a certain level, how could it be possible to lend the car?
For a while, the news about the two being in love was rampant. Countless animals beat their chests and stamped their feet, grieved, murmured that they hated each other for taking their wives, and even threatened to smash the car.

But they just murmured and didn't dare to do anything. How could they afford to pay for such an expensive car.

So even though the white Pamei had been parked under the men's dormitory in a fair manner, it was still intact.

of course.

In addition to scolding, there are also some people who spare no effort to support Jiang Chen, saying that this is a great victory for men.

How inspiring is the pauper with two sleeves to counterattack Bai Fumei?How inspiring?
From being a dog licker to being a hero, now Jiang Chen has a faint tendency to become an idol.

"Jiang Chen, I'm fucking convinced, you're awesome."

Even Luo Peng, who claims to be a killer in love, is willing to bow down and admire him so much.

"Lend me the car to drive tonight, I have a game tonight, you know."

"I can't help the tyrant to do evil and help you harm ignorant girls."

"Fuck you, you are amazing, you are lofty!"

In the dormitory, when the two were joking, Jiang Chen's cell phone rang.

It's Li Shurui.

(End of this chapter)

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