Man Tanghong

Chapter 973

Ran Wei was established by Ran Min, the king of Wu Mourning.

Ran Min was the adopted grandson of Shi Hu, Emperor Zhao. Shi Hu treated him well, and he also offered his loyalty to Shi Hu. After Shi Hu died, he supported Shi Zun as emperor, but Shi Zun was killed by Shi Jian. .

He killed Shi Jian to stand on his own feet, restored the Han surname Ran, and issued the famous order to kill Hu.

Killing 20 barbarians in three days, the method is quite cruel.

However, he was later defeated by Murong Ke, the Taiyuan king of the former Yan, and captured by Murong Jun, the king of Yan of the former Yan.

This Qianyan is the Yan Kingdom that Murong Fu wanted to recover in "The Eight Parts of the Dragon".

It can be said that Ran Min, the king of Wu mourning, has been entangled with Wuhu all his life.

In the first half of his life, he was loyal to the Jie people among the five Hu people, and in the second half of his life, he frantically killed the Hu people, and was finally killed by the Xianbei people among the Hu people.

His descendants are unable to reproduce his past feats, nor are they able to recover the Ran Wei he established, but it is still possible to find all the emperor's tombs in Wuhu and dig them out to avenge him.

And he was trained by Shi Le's nephew Shi Hu, so he must know some secrets of Hou Zhao, and it is reasonable to know the approximate scope of Shi Le's mausoleum.

Maybe he had figured out the approximate location of Shi Le's mausoleum after he established Ran Wei, but because he had become the emperor at that time, he couldn't do things like steal graves and dig graves, so he temporarily put this matter on hold.

After he died, his descendants restarted the matter.

"I heard that at the beginning of the Sui Dynasty, the tomb of the Murong family was burned and excavated a lot. They did it, right?"

Li Yuanji couldn't help asking after roughly guessing the whole story.

Not only did the Ran family quarrel with the Shi family, but they also had a big grudge with the Murong family.

It is impossible to leave Murong's glaring tomb unexcavated and keep looking for Shi Le's hidden tomb.

After all, it is easier to win the battle with a bright eagle catching a chicken than playing hide-and-seek.

Then, after hearing this, Li Junxian not only didn't nod, but shook his head and said: "I asked, and they said that they didn't do it, but the Hebei Rebel Army at that time did it."

Li Yuanji didn't know what to say for a while.

Facts have proved that every uprising process is a process of a group of demons dancing wildly.

And among this group of demons, there are always figures of Tufuzi.

Facts have also proved that when you bury your elders in the soil, don't make such a big fuss, let alone put too many funeral objects in it.

Otherwise, sooner or later someone will dig it up.

For example, the tombs of the emperors of the past dynasties are the tombs with the most funeral objects, so they are often visited by people.

At the end of the New Dynasty, most of the tombs of the emperors in the Western Han Dynasty were visited by the Red Eyebrow Army. At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, all the tombs of the emperors that could be excavated were visited by Cao Cao.

Tang, Song, Ming, and even Qing, one counts as another, and the end of the emperor's tomb is similar.

And almost all of them were patronized when the previous dynasty perished and the latter dynasty was about to flourish.

The only one who broke this curse seems to be the Sui Dynasty.

At the turn of the Sui and Tang Dynasties, Yang Jian's tomb was not very passive.

This may be because the anti-kings were born in a wealthy family, or the anti-kings related to the wealthy families accounted for the vast majority.

After all, everyone is a person who wants face, and they stood up on the bones of the former Sui Dynasty, and then went to peep at Yang Jian's mausoleum, then it would be shameless, and maybe other forces would use this as an excuse to attack , so it is better not to move.

"Facts have proved, don't bully people too much, otherwise you won't get peace even if you die."

Li Shiji seemed to have been inspired by the fact that the tomb of Emperor Murong was excavated by the rebels, stroking his beard with sincere emotion.

The reason why he said this was because the Murong family had tortured the Han people in Hebei and other places miserably when they ruled Hebei and other places.

After the Han people in Hebei and other places rebelled, they went to dig their graves to vent their anger and revenge.

Of course, the proportion of raising food and salaries may be larger.

But people are short of food and wages, and they don’t steal other people’s tombs, but they are the first to think of your tomb. If there is no anger or resentment in it, is it possible?

Li Shimin nodded in agreement, but if he was asked to build a tomb for Li Yuan without any valuable funeral objects inside, he might not be able to do it.

Because he couldn't be afraid of being stolen or coveted, he didn't put any valuable funeral objects in Li Yuan's tomb.

Because that would be accused of being unfilial, and even criticized by the world.

So even if he knew that it might be missed or stolen, he still had to put a lot of funerary objects inside.

Because the vast majority of funerals are actually for living people to see.

The process of the emperor's burial is what the living people like to watch and talk about most.

At this time, Li Junxian cupped his hands and said: "How to deal with those goods, I ask His Highness to decide..."

Li Yuanji thought for a moment and said: "Shipping all the goods here, I will send people to transport them back to Chang'an later."

Although some of those goods came out of the tomb, which was unlucky, but they were all goods that Shi Le snatched from the hands of the Han people with a knife, and they had to be returned.

Don't say that Shi Le is dead, he has no objection, even if Shi Le is alive, if he has an objection, he has to return it.

"What about the natives?"

Li Junxian hesitated for a moment, and asked cautiously.

Li Yuanji was stunned for a moment, and said a little funny: "Do you want to keep them?"

If Li Junxian didn't want to keep those Tufuzi, then he wouldn't have asked such a question at all.

After all, no one here would care about the life and death of those Tu Fuzi.

According to the laws of the Tang Dynasty, stealing graves and digging graves is a capital offense.

Although the tomb they excavated had nothing to do with Datang, the place where they excavated must have been included in the territory of Datang, and the crimes they committed must be convicted according to Tang law.

Li Junxian obviously wanted to keep them, so he specifically asked how to deal with them.

Li Junxian nodded embarrassingly, and quickly explained: "But the reason why I keep them is definitely not that I want them to help me steal graves, but because I think they are digging soil and digging holes underground. Has the ability that ordinary people can't match.

In the future, when I meet Jiancheng and need to dig the ground to move forward, I can use them just in time. "

Li Yuanji chuckled, waved his hands generously and said, "You don't need to explain, you can keep them if you want, it's not a big deal. As for whether you will use them to steal graves in the future, that's your business.

As long as you don't violate my Great Tang's laws in my Great Tang's territory, then I won't care about you either. "

In other words, if you are not in the territory of Datang, you can do whatever you want?

The people in the tent were wondering at the same time.

Li Shiji couldn't help curling his lips.

Isn't this encouraging Li Junxian to send those native masters to steal and dig graves outside the Tang Dynasty? !
This is what Mingjun should do, what Mingjun would do?

This time, Li Junxian has seen a huge amount of gold and silver hidden in the emperor's tomb, and he has a group of people who can steal graves and dig tombs. After encountering a large tomb that is not within the boundaries of the Tang Dynasty, can he bear it?

"Thank you, Your Highness!"

Li Junxian bowed to thank him with a grateful face.

Li Yuanji waved his hands and said, "Okay, if you have nothing else to do, you can go down."

Li Junxian nodded, bowed and exited the Chinese army tent.

As soon as Li Junxian left, Li Yuanji couldn't wait to smile and said to Li Shimin: "When we go west in the future, we must take him with us."

The funerary objects in the tombs of the emperors in the West are not inferior to those in the East.

When Westerners invaded the East in later generations, they even took off the murals and took them away.

When the Tang Dynasty moved westward, why should we hold back?
If you don't dig the ground three feet, you will be sorry for the professions such as Faqiu Zhonglang and Mojin Xiaowei created by Cao Cao.

Li Shimin rolled his eyes speechlessly and said, "It's not a gentleman's job to spy on someone's tomb."

Li Yuanji was amused by Li Shimin's words, "Is there a gentleman here?"

There are killing talents up and down here, not like a gentleman, but like a butcher.

Li Shimin stared and said: "There are no gentlemen here, but it is not the work of a famous gentleman to peep at someone's tomb. Once you inherit the great line of my Tang Dynasty in the future, and this kind of thing spreads, how can I, Li Shi, have any face to speak of?" ?”

Li Yuanji laughed and said: "Didn't I tell you that I will not inherit the great rule of my Tang Dynasty?"

Li Shimin stood up abruptly and said, "Do you really want your father to pass the throne to Chengde directly?"

Li Yuanji smiled and said, "Why not?!"

Li Shiji had almost stuffed his head under the desk right now.

Is this what he can hear?
If a little bit of information leaked out, would he still be alive? !

Li Shimin patted the table and scolded: "You are nonsense! There is no such precedent in all dynasties! Moreover, if the ruler is weak and the minister is strong, disaster will happen! Have you forgotten how the country of the former Sui Dynasty came about?"

Li Yuanji smiled calmly and said: "With you and I watching, things like the former Sui Dynasty can't happen in my Tang Dynasty."

So should I bang my head on the table and knock myself out?

While pretending to be dead, Li Shiji shouted in his heart.

"It's better if you and I stare at each other. You and I sit on it. Since you don't care about that seat, why did you fight for it with me and my eldest brother?!"

Li Shimin said angrily.

Although what he said was a little too much, and he was a little outspoken, but he still said it.

This was what was in his heart, something he had hidden for a long time, and he finally said it out.

Li Yuanji also stood up, suppressed the smile on his face, stared at Li Shimin calmly and said, "I got it, we can live whether we sit or not, but I can't live if you and brother get it.

Why do you say I want to rob? "

Li Shimin opened his mouth, but didn't say another word.

Because it's a fact.

Li Yuanji took Datang's power for the sake of his own life, and he couldn't refute this.

He couldn't ask Li Yuanji to give up his life, could he?
In that case, Li Yuanji would kill him first!

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