Man Tanghong

Chapter 974 Fang Xuanling and An Xiuren Live Like Years

Chapter 974 Fang Xuanling and An Xiuren Live Like Years
After Li Shimin, who was hated by Li Yuanji, had nothing to say, he glanced coldly at Li Shiji, whose head had already been stabbed a few times, and said, "What are you doing here? Are you free? The gathering place I asked you to build has been established. Are the people, cattle, sheep, and horses distributed?"

Hearing this, Li Shiji quickly pulled his head out of the case, shook his head like a rattle and said, "No, it's not over yet, I'll do it now."

After saying this, Li Shiji scrambled and escaped from the camp of the Chinese army as if he had been shot in the buttocks by an arrow.

After Li Shiji left, Li Shimin clenched his fists, rolled up his sleeves, sulked, and left the Chinese army camp.

Seeing the continuous swaying of the curtain that had been raised twice in a row, Li Yuanji took a deep breath and let out a long breath, expelling the depression in his heart and chest.

Datang has such good conditions, why don't you want to establish an unprecedented hegemony, and always fight in the nest?

If fighting in the nest can rejuvenate the country, then the Song, Ming, and even the Qing with fierce party struggles may have unified the whole country.

But judging from the endings of the Song, Ming, and Qing Dynasties, fighting in the nest will not only fail to rejuvenate the country, but will also defeat the country.

The civil and military competition in the Great Song Dynasty, and the competition between civil servants not only caused serious internal friction in the Song Dynasty, but also caused the Song Dynasty to have no unified rhetoric or ideas when facing foreign enemies.

The internal party disputes among civil servants of the Ming Dynasty were serious, so that the Manchus entered the customs, and only half of the Ming Dynasty was left, and the civil servants were still busy with party disputes.

As for the Qing Dynasty, it doesn’t matter if we don’t mention it, its internal struggles were much more lenient than the Song and Ming Dynasties, and even worse.

It can be seen from this that Wo Lidou was the greatest harm in all dynasties of the Central Plains.

Although Li Shimin is a hero of a generation, and one of the rare emperors in history, he still couldn't avoid fighting in the nest.

Even now, Li Shimin has lost all his power and has become a commoner, but what he thinks most about is fighting in the nest, not helping someone to achieve an unprecedented hegemony, or stepping out of the Tang Dynasty, in the Tang Dynasty Build another Datang outside.

If Li Shimin, and even the vast majority of people in Datang can give up fighting in the nest, run Datang together, and create great achievements together, then whether it is the current Datang or the historical Datang, it will surely be so brilliant that it cannot be added.

It's a pity that neither Li Shimin nor the vast majority of people in Datang can give up fighting in the nest.

This is the history of the past, and the curse that the past experience has placed on them.

In history, many people have tasted the sweetness of fighting in the nest, and found that dealing with their own people is far easier and less troublesome than dealing with the enemy, and they will involuntarily go to fight in the nest.

After they have tasted the sweetness of Wo Li Dou, they will be deeply obsessed with this taste, and do this kind of thing to the extreme.

Those who follow me will prosper, those who oppose me will perish, and I would rather teach me to bear the world than teach the world to bear me. These are important manifestations.

These words sound domineering, but they are filled with a strong taste of fighting in the nest.

If everyone can let go of their quarrels, look at the borders of their neighbors together, remember the borders of their neighbors, and can think about one place and work hard on one place, then who would say such things?
All those who are in power, and those who are about to be in power, can only say that the whole world is the land of the king, and that the shore of the land must be my race.

All the nobles, all the gentry, only think about which neighbors have not been conquered, how much land, how much money, and how many slaves they can get after conquering.

Everyone is only worried about the neighbors not having enough land, not enough money, and not enough slaves.

Rather than worrying that my family is overwhelmed and not squeezed enough.

Therefore, uniting and looking out together is the foundation of rejuvenating the country. If you only stare at the country, you will only fight in the nest, and there will be no good end.

Every time Li Yuanji encountered this kind of thing, he would think that this might be a yoke put on the Han people by the heavens, and this shackle was not used to protect the Han people, but to restrain the Han people.

The purpose of its existence is to restrain the Han people and prevent the tiger, the Han people, from going out to eat other animals. Its function is to give other animals a way to survive.

After all, in the thousands of years before the Qing Dynasty, the Han people were at the top of the world in all aspects. Once the Han people walked out of the Central Plains and set their sights on all places outside the Central Plains, they coveted everything outside the Central Plains. States and other nations are likely to disappear completely from the earth.

Some people may say that before the development of science and technology, and before the transportation has not reached modern standards, even if the Han Chinese went out, they would not be able to spread across the world, let alone conquer the world.

Then you are wrong.

During the period of Emperor Yan and Huangdi, the area occupied by the Han people in the Central Plains was only a corner.

The Han people finally conquered the Central Plains through continuous annexation and digestion.

In the earliest days, the way of annexation and digestion was to entrust important ministers or royal families, let them establish a country in various places, and take them as the main body to take root, multiply, and develop in various places.

When people in various places are highly similar or nearly unified in customs, culture and other aspects, then these places become a corner of the Han family and a border of the Central Plains.

The latecomers only need to further complete unification and integration on this basis, and then these places can be completely turned into a corner of the Central Plains.

This is how the Central Plains was formed.

And when the territory reaches a certain limit and the existing transportation can no longer meet the needs of the rule, new transportation methods will emerge as the times require.

For example, Qin Zhi Chidao.

If new forms of transportation are not coming, so will new forms of domination.

For example, the four major Khanates enfeoffed by Kublai Khan.

Therefore, whether the Han people can spread all over the world and conquer the world, the problem is not in technology or transportation, but in ideology.

If this ideological shackle is broken and the Han people are allowed to go out, then the Han people will have ways to spread all over the world and conquer the world.

Whether it is to imitate the enfeoffment methods of Yu, Xia, Shang and Zhou to slowly digest and integrate, or to emulate the Yuan Dynasty to establish unique regimes to rule these places, it can help the Han people spread all over the world and conquer the world.

If these two methods cannot meet the needs of the Han people, those in power or great sages will come up with new methods.

In the history of feudal dynasties in the Central Plains for more than 2000 years, the way of ruling the country is not static, but has been changing.

From the county system at the beginning, to the nine-rank Zhongzheng system, to the three provinces and six ministries system, to the cabinet system and so on.

They are constantly changing, constantly making adjustments according to the needs of governance.

So once the Han people have gone out, they must be able to think of a governance method or system that meets the needs of governance.

So everything is not an obstacle for Han people to go out, only thinking is.

What Li Yuanji needs to do now is to break this thinking.

However, breaking this kind of thinking cannot be done by means of advocacy, nor by means of making statements and propagandizing to so-and-so.

Because in this day and age, no one will recognize it, and no one will understand it.

So it must be broken in the most traditional and simple way.

That is to do it directly.

When it is done, everyone sees the benefits and shares the benefits, and then tell them the reason and lead them to do it together, then they will flock to it.

After all, no matter how many principles, no matter how inspiring preaching, there is no real benefit to work.

Whether you learn this or talk about that, it's not as real as fighting local tyrants and dividing the land.

The result... is self-evident.


In the following half a month, Li Shimin didn't know whether he had been shut out or was still sulking. He didn't show his face, and Li Yuanji didn't rush to quarrel with him, but signed in a hurry.

Li Shiji's signature was required to establish gathering places, disperse the resettlement of the people, and distribute sheep and cattle to the people.

Li Jing, Li Shenfu, Xie Shufang, Li Junxian, Hou Junji and others fought victorious battles and conquered some Turkic tribes. The documents for nuclear power and the corresponding reward documents also needed to be signed.

The cattle, sheep, horses and captives in each storage point are also required to sign for the delivery of the cattle, sheep and horses in the storage point with the three provinces and the Ministry of Civil Affairs.

Li Yuanji completely turned into a signing machine, frantically waving his name and various opinions on various documents.

In addition to signing, we must also pay attention to the battles in the three battlefields of Tuyuhun, Liangguo, and Dahe Alliance.

On the side of Tuyuhun, Murong Shun has officially declared war on his brother Dayanmangjiebo. The slogan of the declaration of war is "Unify Tuyuhun and rebuild the Murong Clan". Participated in the war under the banner of the restoration of the country.

Therefore, not only Murong Shun's soldiers and horses participated in the battle, but also Datang's soldiers and horses.

In the middle, Datang occupies an absolute dominant position, not only dominating all battles, even the [-] Tuyuhun cavalry under Murong Shun have to obey Datang's dispatch and cooperate with Datang's soldiers and horses to fight.

Li Yuan, Qu Tutong, Li Gaoqian and others gradually let go of themselves in the process of conquering the rebel Tuyuhun, Dayan Mangjiebo, and helping Murong Shun 'restore the country'.

Some strategies and tactics that they dared to think about before were used by them.

All kinds of fancy operations emerge in endlessly.

The fire ox formation, fire sheep formation, and fire horse formation have repeatedly appeared on the battlefield between Datang and Tuyuhun.

Fang Xuanling and An Xiuren were terrified by Li Yuan's and others' coquettish manipulation. They almost wrote a book every day, and begged Li Yuanji to transfer them away quickly, otherwise they were afraid that they would not survive this year.

Especially An Xiuren, as Datang's nominal commander of the Longyou Dao army, and as Datang's nominal commander in charge of conquering Tuyuhun's rebellion, it really felt like years.

Every day when he opened his eyes, several old men surrounded him, instructing him on how to form troops and how to fight.

He is completely unable to express his own opinions, and he is also completely unable to dominate the war that is nominally commanded by him.

More importantly, he clearly cannot have his own opinion, nor can he lead this war, but he still has to have his own opinion, and he has to lead this war.

Why is this?

Because every time the old men finished pointing him out, they would ask him what he thought and what he was going to do.

It's okay if he doesn't answer, because the leader is a person who doesn't want to reveal his life, but his whole family, even the three clans, can't afford to offend. The accomplice is still the head of the An family and his elder brother An Xinggui.

(End of this chapter)

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