Man Tanghong

Chapter 982 Drink celebration wine with you

Chapter 982 Drink celebration wine with you

Li Yuanji saw that Li Shimin had stopped talking, and the other people in the big tent had no other opinions, so he immediately said to Zhao Chengyong: "Send the message as I said."

After Zhao Chengyong agreed to withdraw from the big tent, no one spoke in the big tent, and the atmosphere became a little depressing. Even the few soldiers who came to report the victory put away the joy on their faces and stood quietly. Where.

Li Yuanji waved his hands and said casually: "Okay, on the day of great joy, everyone should be happy and don't make a sad face."

Although everyone didn't have a sad face, they were obviously relieved when they heard this.

The smile on his face rose again.

Li Shiji echoed with a smile: "We should be more happy, but we can't just let the common people celebrate, we have to celebrate too."

Li Yuanji thought about it for a while, nodded his head and said with a smile: "It makes sense, then tell the soldiers in the camp to celebrate one day. We will celebrate when Li Aiqing leads the army back to the camp."

Since Li Jing, the protagonist, is still in Monan, the celebrations in the Chinese army camp should not be too exaggerated.

Otherwise, it would be a bit ostentatious, so it is just right to celebrate for one day, and the rest will be celebrated after Li Jing comes back.

Li Shiji also felt that it was just right to celebrate the day, so he nodded without hesitation and said, "Well, I'm going to tell the soldiers in the camp to cheer them up."

As he said that, Li Shimin left the Chinese army account cheerfully.

After Li Shiji left, Li Yuanji smiled and said to the soldiers who reported the victory: "You have worked hard to come here from Monan day and night, and you will stay in the big tent of the Chinese army for a while to celebrate Li Aiqing's great victory with me." Let's win."

The soldiers who reported the victory were naturally overjoyed when they heard this.

Although according to the rules of Baojie, Li Yuanji should reward them at this time, but Li Yuanji did not reward them, but gave them something more important.

That is to invite them to drink together.

You must know that those who are qualified to drink with Li Yuanji are all high-ranking officials, and the worst ones are school lieutenants of the real power faction who carry guerrilla generals or other generals on their backs.

For example, low-ranking officers like them, whose status is equivalent to that of a captain, or even a senior officer, are not qualified to drink with Li Yuanji on weekdays.

Now that Li Yuanji had invited them, they had enough time to attend the banquet.

By the time the banquet is over, they will have a resume to brag about.

Yes, it is resume.

For junior officers and even ordinary soldiers, having a drink with Li Yuanji is an important experience.

It will be easier to schedule promotions in the future.

After all, I have met, drank, and chatted with the commander-in-chief. Isn't it easy to go up a level or two?
It is impossible for each guard, each governor's mansion, and each general manager's mansion to go to the commander-in-chief and ask the commander-in-chief if he remembers this person because of the promotion and dispatch of an official from the ninth rank, or an ordinary soldier?
In that case, the commander-in-chief will doubt whether the chiefs of the guards, the governor's mansions, and the governor's mansions are qualified.

Therefore, as long as you have a banquet with the commander-in-chief, you will be promoted by one or two ranks as a matter of course.

If it is remembered by the commander-in-chief and put into the entrainment, then it will be no problem.

"Chu Suiliang, go prepare the banquet."

In the overjoyed expressions of the soldiers who reported the victory, Li Yuanji smiled and gave Chu Suiliang an order, and then said to the other generals who were still in the big tent: "Everyone, please stay and have a banquet together, and come with me." Congratulations to Li Aiqing's great victory."

All the generals naturally agreed with a smile.


Chu Suiliang moved very quickly. After he left the big tent and met the cooks in the army, tables of delicious food were sent into the big tent.

Almost all of them are meat, and the cooking methods are almost all steamed, boiled and roasted.

This is the mainstream way of cooking in this era.

Cooking methods such as frying, frying, and frying have either not yet prevailed or have not yet been invented.

The cooking standards of the cooks in the army cannot be said to be particularly high, but they are not particularly low either. They may not be as good as the cooks in the palace, but they are better than most of the cooks in the folk.

Whether the cooked food is delicious or not depends mainly on who is eating it.

If it is for ordinary soldiers, it should be cooked.

If it is for the generals, the color and aroma will at least be different.

If it was sent to the large tent of the Chinese army, it must have a good color and fragrance.

"You don't have to stick to it today, eat and drink with openness."

After everyone in the big tent had wine and meat in front of them, Li Yuanji raised his glass and said with a smile.

Naturally, the generals raised their wine glasses politely, and sang 'Da Tang Wan Sheng' in unison, before they began to drink and eat meat.

The soldiers who reported the victory seemed a little excited. One by one, they imitated the appearance of the generals, raised their wine glasses in a hurry, and followed suit.

After agreeing, everyone was still too excited to contain themselves.

They were also the loudest when shouting 'Datang Wansheng'.

From their faces and eyes, Li Yuanji saw a sentence, "He called us all the gentlemen".

Maybe among them, some of them may only have this chance to be called Qing once in their life.

So it is reasonable for them to lose themselves in this claim.

Some people may not understand this kind of excitement, so let's make a metaphor.

For example, let’s say you are an ordinary person, and one day you are invited to an indescribable place to have dinner at the same table with an indescribable person. When they raise a glass to invite you to drink together, they call you comrade.

Are you excited?
You must be excited, and maybe you will regard this as the most glorious thing in your life and brag about it for the rest of your life.

This is the reason why several soldiers who reported victory were excited.

Li Shiji, who had gone to arrange for the soldiers to celebrate, returned to the big tent. After entering the big tent, he saluted first, and then said with a teasing smile: "Your Highness, you will not wait for me..."

Li Yuanji laughed and said, "I also want to wait for you, but the wine bug in my stomach and my desire to celebrate Li Aiqing's victory won't allow it."

In a word, the atmosphere in the big tent was directly pushed to the peak.

Everyone laughed presumptuously.

Li Shiji also laughed and joined the banquet.

The banquet lasted from morning to evening, and from evening to midnight, until the moon was in the middle of the sky and it was very cold inside and outside the tent.

After Li Yuanji ordered Chu Suiliang to send everyone back to their respective tents, he fell headlong into the case several times.


The next day, when Li Yuanji opened his eyes again, it was already noon.

There was a commotion outside the big tent, as if the soldiers were still immersed in the joy of the Monan victory, but inside the big tent was warm, but there was an inexhaustible smell of stench and grass.

Li Yuanji rubbed his head, which was a little swollen, a little dizzy, and still slightly uncomfortable, and greeted outside the big tent.

The figures of Zhao Chengyong and Chu Suiliang appeared together in the big tent.

Li Yuanji rubbed his head and asked, "Have you arranged the things I explained yesterday?"

"Return to Your Highness, the arrangements are made."

"Return to Your Highness, arrangements have been made."

Both Zhao Chengyong and Chu Suiliang bent over and answered one after the other.

The difference is that Chu Suiliang said two more words than Zhao Chengyong.

But that doesn't seem like much of a concern.

Li Yuanji withdrew his hand, nodded and said, "That's good..."

After saying this, he ordered: "Today, send four groups of people to report victory, one to Liangzhou, one to Daizhou, one to Youzhou, and one to Chang'an.

At the same time, let the people who returned to Chang'an to report the victory spread the word to the three provinces, and let the three provinces spread the news of the great victory in Monan all over the world.

Let everyone in Datang know that the Turks who have bullied me for several years have been conquered by us.

The Turks have also avenged their vengeance for bullying me, Datang.

Since then, the only person they can hear, see, and speak is most useful is me, Datang.

Since then, they can stand up straight and say to everyone, 'I am from Tang Dynasty'! "

When Zhao Chengyong and Chu Suiliang heard this, they felt very cheered up, and their chests stood up involuntarily, but they did not rush to agree, but looked at each other with unnatural expressions.

Li Yuanji looked at the two people suspiciously and said, "Why, you can't do this?"

Zhao Chengyong hesitated for a moment, gritted his teeth and said, "That's not..."

This is not a big deal, how could he, the personal guard commander of Prince Yong's Mansion, not be able to do it?
It is no exaggeration to say that what he said now is more effective than many third- and fourth-rank officials. What can be done, many third- and fourth-rank officials may not be able to do.

The reason why he hesitated was because there were other inside stories.

Li Yuanji asked in confusion, "What is that?"

Zhao Chengyong gave Chu Suiliang a look, motioning for Chu Suiliang to say.

Li Yuanji's eyes also fell on Chu Suiliang, and at the same time, there was a trace of doubt in his heart.

In the end what happened?
It can make these two close ministers of his hesitate to speak.

Chu Suiliang hesitated, opened his mouth several times but didn't speak.

Probably didn't know how to speak.

At this moment, Li Shimin, who had been pretending to be reading on the side of the big tent, suddenly said, "Don't make things difficult for them. They won't say it because of me."


Li Yuanji froze for a moment, then looked at Li Shimin suspiciously.

Li Shimin slumped lazily on the hu couch, pursed his lips, and said casually: "I explained to them what you just told them last night. They probably have almost done it now."

Li Yuanji suddenly realized, no wonder Zhao Chengyong and Chu Suiliang hesitated, it turned out that Li Shimin had already explained.

They were his people, but they obeyed Li Shimin's orders, so it was difficult for him to answer his questions.

After all, although the relationship between him and Li Shimin looks very harmonious, it is actually the enemy of life and death.

Whether he or Li Shimin, as long as they are alive, they will always be enemies.

This was formed at the moment when the Tang Dynasty was established, and there is almost no possibility of resolving it.

(End of this chapter)

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