Man Tanghong

Chapter 983 The official sword dance is aimed at Yonggong?

After Li Shimin finished speaking, Zhao Chengyong hurriedly explained: "You also nodded at that time, otherwise the minister would not have obeyed."

is that so? !
Doubts arose in Li Yuanji's heart.

Why don't you have any impression?
Could it be that he drank too much and got broken?

Li Yuanji thought about it carefully, but still didn't think of this trouble.

However, when Zhao Chengyong said this, neither Li Shimin nor Chu Suiliang refuted it. Not only that, Chu Suiliang also nodded to indicate that there was indeed such a thing.

That seems to be true.

Then there is nothing to worry about.

After all, it was he who nodded, and Zhao Chengyong and Chu Suiliang followed Li Shimin's instructions, so no wonder Zhao Chengyong and Chu Suiliang did it.

"Since that's the case, then you can do it."

Li Yuanji nodded, pretending to be relaxed and said something.

Zhao Chengyong and Chu Suiliang bowed again.

"The minister has already done it..."

"That's good, then go down."


After dismissing Zhao Chengyong and Chu Suiliang, Li Yuanji glanced at Li Shimin, but did not speak to Li Shimin.

Whether Li Shimin's move is to help check for leaks and fill vacancies, or to test, now is not the time to care.

Li Jing's great victory in Monan completely defeated Xieli and captured Xieli alive. The Tang Dynasty's conquest of the Turks was regarded as a phased victory.

Next is the time to pick the fruits of victory. Under such circumstances, who has the heart to fight against Li Shimin.

Li Shimin doesn't have many people available now, and the confidantes he trained in the past are either recruited or assigned.

Even if there is a disagreement, there will be no big waves in a short period of time.

By the time he has the strength to make big waves, Datang will probably be so powerful that he can look up to him, and he will know how to choose by then.


Time has entered November in a flash, and the weather on the grassland is getting colder. From time to time, there will be a heavy snow that can cover the sky and the earth.

When the snow was as thick as three or four feet, it was impossible for chariots, horses and people to move outside.

However, under such circumstances, Datang still won a comprehensive victory in the Liangzhou battlefield.

After the entire territory of Tuyuhun was conquered by the Tang Dynasty, Li Yuan brought Qu Tutong and other veteran killers to hold a banquet for Murong Shun, and put the knife on Murong Shun's neck to give Murong Shun a choice question.

That is for Murong Shun to choose whether to fully attach himself to Datang, or continue to be the king of Tuyuhun with the support of Datang.

Murong Shun is not stupid, how could he not know how to choose?

Murong Shun chose to fully attach himself to Datang almost without hesitation.

Li Yuan was very happy, he canonized Murong Shun as the King of Xiping County on the spot, and divided Tuyuhun into two, established Xizhou and Pingzhou, completely bringing Tuyuhun into the territory of Tang Dynasty.

Li Gaoqian was appointed as the governor of Xizhou, the general manager of Xizhou, and the governor of Xizhou. He commanded [-] Xizhou soldiers (formerly Tuyuhun soldiers and horses), and [-] Xizhou government soldiers (Datang soldiers and horses transferred from Longyou Road). In charge of all important military and political affairs in Xizhou.

Zhang Pinggao was appointed as the governor of Pingzhou, the governor of Pingzhou, and the governor of Pingzhou. He also commanded [-] Pingzhou soldiers and [-] Pingzhou government soldiers, and was in charge of all important military and political affairs in Pingzhou.

These two prefectures are temporarily controlled by the Governor's Mansion and the General Manager's Mansion of Longyou Dao.

How it will develop in the future depends on whether Datang will continue to expand the territory near Xizhou and Pingzhou in the future. The state and Pingzhou are allocated to it.

And Murong Shun and his family members will return to Chang'an with Li Yuan when Li Yuan's class teacher returns to the court.

Li Yuan had already ordered people to build a big house for him and his family members in Chang'an City, and also asked people from the Ministry of Civil Affairs to allocate a farm for them outside Chang'an City.

After they arrive in Chang'an, they will probably be able to settle in.

As for the fact that the newly built house is too cold and humid to live in, that's not within Li Yuan's consideration.

If Li Yuan was a kind person, Dou Jiande, Wang Shichong and others would not be decapitated after surrendering to Tang Dynasty.

From the fate of Dou Jiande, Wang Shichong and others, it is enough to see Li Yuan's attitude towards them.

So Li Yuan didn't yell at Murong Shun to kill him, but returned his house and farm, which is very kind.

During this period, Datang's victories were far more than Liangzhou. In Liaodong, Datang also gained a lot, with repeated victories.

After the two brothers Xue Wanshu and Xue Wanjun fought back the counterattack of the Dahe Alliance, Chai Shao led the Liaodong Central Army to attack all the territories of the Dahe Alliance.

In two months, the territory of the Dahe Alliance was completely plowed.

Now the Dahe Alliance has been completely conquered by Datang.

Even after the war, there were not many living people left in Liaodong.

In order to fulfill the task of 'not allowing any voices of opposition', Chai Shao is killing with his hands and feet free, indiscriminate, and killing anyone he sees. In Liaodong, he has become Chai who can stop children from crying at night. Hades.

Not only that, Chai Shao became so ruthless that he even killed his own people.

Pang Yu, the former governor and governor of Youzhou, was dragged down from his sickbed and killed with a stick. Li Daliang, the former governor and governor of Jizhou, was also beaten by him for twenty army sticks because of his bad luck in the battle, and it was a heavy stick , almost killed on the spot.

Tudiji's brother and nephew, and the son of Ye Hu, who was a stepping force, were beheaded by him a total of sixteen, and nearly 3000 people were beheaded together with their clansmen.

That is to say, the Tudiji and the stepping strength department Ye Hu kneeled upright enough in front of him, otherwise he might even be equal to the Tudiji department and the stepping strength department.

However, it was not without price that Chai Shao killed so hard.

Of the more than 6 soldiers he brought to Liaodong, the number of casualties reached [-], which is a little more than Li Jing's conquest of Turks and Su Dingfang's conquest of Liang Guo combined.

It is precisely because of this that there are currently so many memorials to impeach him for his inhumane management of the army.

As for his mass murder in Liaodong, no one asked, and no one cared.

The people who were killed were not the people of Datang, how could the officials of Datang meddle in such nosy matters.

There are also officials in Datang who are full of the heart of the Virgin at every turn, but they have not yet reached a high position.

Those who are currently in high positions are all killers who have come out of troubled times, and their murderous intentions are getting bigger and bigger.

It is better to count on Chai Shao to show kindness and put away the butcher's knife instead of expecting their Madonna's heart to overflow.

Inside the Chinese army tent.

Holding the hand warmer in his hand, Li Yuanji read another memorial to impeach Chai Shao, which was urgently sent from Chang'an, and said displeasedly: "It took six hundred miles to expedite, and all the things were sent, isn't it?" Abusing a public device?!"

It is wrong that Chai Shao's army was not benevolent, and the soldiers who conquered Liaodong suffered too much damage.

However, officials of the fourth rank and above in the court, one counted as one, spent six hundred miles to expedite the delivery of the memorial to impeach Chai Shao, which was obviously too much.

Expedited eight-hundred-mile and six-hundred-mile rush are the state’s tools.

For example, urgent reports from the border, or the need to discover the will of the world as soon as possible, as well as some major events that will affect the foundation of the Tang Dynasty, can be used.

Use it for other things, that is abuse.

Chu Suiliang, who was sitting on the lower right hand side, heard this, hesitantly said: "Do you want me to draft a document and send it back for admonishment?"

At present, the most written by Chu Suiliang in the Chinese army's big account are the documents for the order.

Li Yuanji didn't like to intervene in the command of the frontline generals, so there were very few military orders from the central army's tent, but there were many written orders.

It is normal to scold this one today and that one tomorrow.

If he neither commanded the army to fight nor cursed people, what was the point of His Royal Highness King Yong sitting here?

Li Yuanji nodded, and just about to speak, he heard Li Shimin, who was lying on the couch on the left hand side and reading various military newspapers, whispered, "This is not impeaching Chai Shao, but changing Impeach you by law. Don’t you even think about it, is Chai Shao worth all the officials of the fourth rank and above in the ruling and opposition parties spending six hundred miles to impeach him collectively?”

Does he fit?
This is probably what Li Shimin wanted to say most in his heart, but Li Shimin didn't say it, so Li Yuanji helped him say it in his heart.

Li Yuanji thought about it carefully, and found that what Li Shimin said was indeed reasonable.

Chai Shao is just one, and he is really not qualified to be impeached by all officials of the fourth rank and above in the ruling and opposition parties.

Chai Shao's status is certainly noble, but there are many people who are more noble than him in the government and the public, and he can't affect their status any further, so these people can't impeach him because of his inhumane management of the army.

Those whose identities are not as good as his, there is no need to impeach him and offend him because of what has happened, and it is even more impossible to speak out for the death of a group of people who are not Datang people.

Moreover, his battle damage has not yet reached [-]%, and there is still a short distance from [-]%. Although he has killed more people, he has not been defeated, and it is impossible for the government and the opposition to join forces to besiege him.

Even if everyone in the government and the opposition could not understand what he did in Liaodong and wanted to impeach him, it would be impossible for them to collectively use six hundred miles to expedite it.

More importantly, without the three nods from the three provinces, let alone the fourth-rank officials, even Li Shentong and Li Xiaogong, who have contributed to the country and are very favored, would not be so easy to use six hundred miles to expedite .

The three people in the three provinces are all well-measured people, and it is impossible to allow officials of the fourth rank and above in the government and the opposition to use six hundred miles to expedite on a large scale because of Chai Shao's inhumane military affairs.

In his capacity, if he doesn't like Chai Shao's words, if he wants to impeach him, he will impeach him directly, and his impeachment can shake Chai Shao, so there is no need to make such a big commotion.

So this time the turmoil was not aimed at Chai Shao, but at Li Yuanji.

After trying to understand the joints, Li Yuanji also guessed the purpose of this turmoil, "They think that I have fought for too long this time, and the battlefield I opened up is too big, and now I have won some victories, so You want me to stop, you want me to go back?"

Li Shimin curled his lips, and said in a neutral tone: "It's not too stupid..."

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