tokyo enforcer

Chapter 14 Minister, I want to go out to collect donations...

Chapter 14 Minister, I want to go out to collect donations
And it wasn't just a group of people, Uesugi Jun could see clearly that two men and two women came to the cordon from opposite directions almost in no particular order.

Looking at the two men, Uesugi Jun squinted his eyes, but his mind was flashing memories, because he always felt that there was a man who looked like a woman, and he always felt a little familiar.

When looking at the two women, Uesugi Jun's expression felt a little tense.

"Long time no see, Mumu Police Department." The handsome blond guy with eyes came to Mumu Shisan and stretched out his hand.

"Hello Police Department Megure, I'm Isayama Koizumi, please take care of me when we meet for the first time." After the handsome blond guy spoke, JK, who came after him, also spoke.

"Isayama?" When Mu Mushisan heard this surname, he seemed to be recalling something.

"Hey, Huang Quan-chan, Kagura-chan, long time no see." Another neutral handsome guy said to Huang Quan.

"Greetings from Jiushu, Himezuka-san." Isayama Koizumi replied politely.

"Since you are here, the case above will be handed over to you, Brother Uesugi, let's go." Mu Mu Shisan didn't even have the idea of ​​introducing Uesugi Jun to these people, so he closed the team and left.

Seeing Mekushisan who immediately handed over the case and got into the car to return, Uesugi Jun didn't say much, just got into the car with Kobayakawa Miyuki, and then followed Mekushisan back to the Metropolitan Police Department.

"Chun-jun, one of the two girls is only in high school, and the other is only in junior high school." Miyuki Kobayakawa couldn't help but said after getting in the car and leaving the apartment area.

"Well, there should be nothing wrong." Uesugi Jun said in a low tone.

If Atsushi Uesugi remembers correctly, it should be a third year in high school and a third year in junior high school.

"Are there really ghosts in this world?" Miyuki Kobayakawa's voice visibly trembled.

"Don't worry, I will protect you at any time." Jun Uesugi said to Miyuki Kobayakawa in a very sincere tone.

"I know." Miyuki Kobayakawa felt a little relieved after hearing Jun Uesugi's words.

Then the two stopped talking, Kobayakawa Miyuki didn't want to mention this convenient thing, after all, she was really afraid of ghosts.

At this moment, Uesugi Jun finally remembered the identities of the two men. If Uesugi Jun remembered correctly, the two should be from the 'Night Regional Exchange Section' who did not know which department they belonged to.

As for Isayama Huangquan and Tugong Kagura, they must be from the Ministry of the Environment, the Natural Environment Bureau, and the Supernatural Disaster Countermeasure Office.

"Eating Spirit-Zero" and "Supernatural Civil Servants in the Night".

It can be said that when Jun Uesugi discovered that this world is not a purely Kexue world, he has been praying that there will be no plots about supernatural being mixed up.

But Uesugi Jun knew very well in his heart that his own system had extraordinary power, so how could there be no extraordinary power in this world.

After all, it's not about coming to Tokyo with Hokage or something to make Jun Uesugi resuscitate, because he really doesn't have so many points to waste.

Uesugi Jun was still a little lucky because he hadn't met him before, but at this moment, Uesugi Jun didn't dare to be lucky anymore.

After Megushisan returned to the office, Uesugi Jun immediately searched in the police system.

What to look up, of course, is to look up the relevant names in your memory.

Soon, several names appeared in Jun Uesugi's field of vision, Natsume Takashi, Natori Monday, Inaba Yushi, Kuga Qiuyin and so on.

After just flipping through a few names, Uesugi Jun closed the page. The world must be more complicated than imagined, and he needs to be quiet at this moment.

Looking at Jun Uesugi who was sitting silently on the seat, Megushisan didn't arrange any work for him.

After all, on the first day of work, he encountered such a rare case in several years. Although Mu Mushisan knew that he hadn't said anything, with Uesugi Jun's keenness, he must have discovered something.

It is necessary to give him some time to take it easy, after all, I was shocked when I knew it.

After Megushisan told Miyuki Kobayakawa how to handle the transfer steps of this kind of case, he found that Jun Uesugi, who was thinking about life, had left the office at some point.

On the second day of work, the first case of being a policeman encountered a supernatural case. This was really a big blow, and it really scared Uesugi Jun.

So he originally planned to wait until the public holiday to arrange the plan in a few months, but now he can't wait to implement it.

Boom boom boom!
"Come in!"

With a steady voice, the door was opened.

"It's Uesugi-kun, how do you feel about the work of the first search section?" Toshiro Odagiri was a little surprised when he saw the person coming, but his tone was still very kind.

"Thanks to the minister, everything went smoothly, but the first case I encountered after joining the job was a case that subverted the three views." Jun Uesugi replied directly without hiding anything.

"Subverting the Three Views?!" Odagiri Toshiro immediately thought of something.

"Well, the Megure Police Department called other people to take over this case, but there seemed to be two groups of people, one was a combination of female high school students and female middle school students, and the other was two men." Jun Uesugi continued.

"Is that so, then Uesugi-kun came here to ask about them?" Toshiro Odagiri was a little confused about what Uesugi Jun meant.

"No, I don't care about things beyond my ability. I just want to take a seven-day business trip with the Minister, and I want to go out to solicit some donations and change my mood by the way." Uesugi Jun shook his head and said.

"Seven days? Pulling donations? Are you going to a place far away?" Toshiro Odagiri was a little surprised, because Uesugi Jun's topic changed so outrageously that he almost jumped his waist.

"En." Uesugi Jun only answered one word, but he refused to say more.

Everyone has their own secrets. Seeing Jun Uesugi's reaction, Toshiro Odagiri knew that it was pointless to continue asking on this topic.

"How much can we bring back?" He doesn't care about Uesugi Jun's secret, what Odagiri Toshiro cares about is how much donation he can get.

"It depends on the situation. There should be at least a few million dollars in supplies." Jun Uesugi didn't dare to promise, after all, he didn't know whether the comprehensive plot of Opposite the Ocean was the same as that of Neon.

If it is, a few million dollars is not even a start, otherwise, Uesugi Jun will have to spend a few days to collect several million dollars.

Toshiro Odagiri raised his brows when he heard the supplies worth several million dollars.

The police certainly don't need to look at donations, but donations are a means of demonstrating capabilities.

After all, the budget of the Metropolitan Police Department is limited every year, and it is natural to get some extra donations, the more the better.

And after Jun Uesugi joined the criminal department, the donation he received was tantamount to the credit of Toshiro Odagiri.

(End of this chapter)

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