tokyo enforcer

Chapter 15 President Yamashita...

Chapter 15 President Yamashita
"Can you confirm the donation?" Toshiro Odagiri continued to ask.

"Of course, it's support after all, and you must have useful supplies." Uesugi Jun understood what Odagiri Toshiro meant, and asked if he could order the supplies needed by the Metropolitan Police Department.

Uesugi Jun nodded naturally, but also told Odagiri Toshiro that the donated materials this time may not be of much use to the top management, and are more for the front line.

As for Uesugi Jun's meaning, Odagiri Toshiro also understood, after all, it is impossible for the Hakuba police chief to use gifts every time, right?

In fact, even for commonly used consumables, such as office supplies, as long as it can reduce the pressure on the financial budget, it is a credit.

And this will be of substantial help to Toshiro Odagiri to take a step forward. After all, the White Horse Police Chief may take a step up next year, so the position he vacated is likely to be filled by Toshio Mohoshi.

Once it is filled, Toshiro Odagiri will have a great chance to take the position vacated by Toshio Mohohoshi.

"Naturally, I'll ask someone to prepare a useful list for you later. By the way, when are you planning to go on a business trip?" Toshiro Odagiri asked after nodding his head.

"If possible, I will leave tomorrow. The sooner the better for some things." Uesugi Jun said directly after thinking about it.

"Tomorrow, I will greet Matsumoto-kun." Toshiro Odagiri nodded understandingly.

"We must not disappoint the Minister this time." Uesugi Jun said immediately.

"Your credits are all recorded there, only waiting for your age." Odagiri Toshiro also rarely did not hide, but said directly.

In fact, there are so many people in the criminal department, Toshiro Odagiri can still remember that Jun Uesugi has proved many things since he joined the job today.

At home in the evening, Miyuki Kobayakawa was surprised to hear that Jun Uesugi was going on a business trip for a week.

"I have to go to some things. Only after I have verified it with my own eyes can I feel at ease." Jun Uesugi didn't know how to explain to Miyuki Kobayakawa, so he could only say such ambiguous words.

"I just hope you are safe and sound." Miyuki Kobayakawa said something that surprised Jun Uesugi.

Uesugi Jun knew very well that Miyuki Kobayakawa was a typical Hideyoshi and intelligent girl. Since she said this, it proved that she had already guessed that her sudden business trip was related to what happened today.

"I'll be safe and sound." Uesugi Jun immediately assured his gentle and considerate fiancée.

Still the same sentence, if you don't know that there are dangers that cannot be resisted by human beings, Jun Uesugi can live forever.

But once he knew that this invisible threat existed at any time, Uesugi Jun really couldn't sit still. After all, Uesugi Jun was not the kind of person who pinned his hopes on others.

The next day, Jun Uesugi boarded a direct flight to Denver, Colorado, America.

After getting off the plane in Denver and getting a visa, Jun Uesugi boarded the plane again to Rapid City, South Dakota.

Why did you come here?
In fact, the reason is very simple. Jun Uesugi just wanted to know whether the Golden City in "National Treasure II" existed at the foot of the President Mountain in the suburbs of Rapid City, South Dakota.

After all, Uesugi Jun wants to prove that the fundamental reason why America's situation is the same as that of Neon is that he is eyeing the treasures that can allow him to master extraordinary power the fastest.

Yes, if you want to master extraordinary power as quickly as possible, you can only rely on krypton gold, and treasures worth hundreds of millions of order points in legal income are very few in Uesugi Jun's impression.

You must know that according to the current gold price, it is possible that the 240 tons of gold buried in the Sahara Desert by the Nacional Army is only a little over US$32 billion.

Of course, before confirming the existence of a certain big nose, Jun Uesugi would definitely not choose to go to the desert to eat sand. This is the reason why Jun Uesugi came to President Mountain.

Some people may ask, why not go directly to the Trinity Church in New York to find the treasure of the Knights Templar, the value may even exceed the Golden City, after all, it is full of out-of-print cultural relics.

Then Uesugi Jun would say, first of all, he must figure out what made him come to America suddenly.

It is extraordinary power!
So did the Knights Templar, who were invincible back then, have extraordinary power?
The answer is probably self-evident.

If there really is a treasure of the Knights Templar, then Uesugi Jun feels that it probably cannot be used in the plot of the movie.

After all, Ben Gates is a treasure hunt, and in a world with extraordinary power, it will definitely change.

Maybe there is a team of knights silently guarding the Trinity Church. If it really came to the door like that, it would be thousands of miles to give away the head.

Therefore, the safest thing is to go to President Hill. As for the golden city of the native Indians, will it also be guarded by extraordinary powers, such as the curse of the Feathered Serpent?

On the contrary, Jun Uesugi was not so worried, because if those birdmen hadn't killed Nakafeathered Snake God, it would be impossible for churches to rise up on the land of America.

After all, even if the Feathered Serpent God is willing to endure, those bird people cannot tolerate it, because it is impossible to allow others to snore on the side of the couch.

After arriving in Rapid City, Uesugi Jun did not rush to President Hill, but found a hotel to rest for a day, and then left the hotel refreshed.

After finding a place to change his appearance into a blond-haired, blue-eyed Caucasian donkey friend, Uesugi Jun arrived at President Hill.

Yes, this place of America has special discrimination against the Yanhuang ethnic group. If Uesugi Jun appeared here in his original appearance, it would be a bit conspicuous.

Regardless of whether he can find the Golden City or not, Uesugi Jun wants to keep a low profile.

After a good visit to President Hill, Jun Uesugi came to the back mountain with his camera.

After some searching, Uesugi Jun really found the eagle on the rock that only appears when it is sunny and rainy.

Without reaching in to pull the switch immediately, Uesugi Jun sat on the rock and took several deep breaths. At this moment, he didn't know what adjectives to use to describe his mood.

But there must be excitement in it, and it is still extremely exciting.

After a while, Uesugi Jun calmed down, and then left the back mountain.

He is not Ben Gates, who can open the entrance in broad daylight without being noticed by other tourists, so he is destined to come only at night.

And the sun just went down, and Uesugi Jun touched it back. According to memory, Uesugi Jun came all the way to the place where the organ was.

Without putting his hand in, Uesugi Jun took out a hook and stretched it in, then pulled it hard.

The next second, there was the sound of rocks collapsing not far away.

Although the sound came far away in the night, no one would notice it, because there was no one on President Hill at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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