tokyo enforcer

Chapter 141 Wherever you look, don't take prisoners...

Chapter 141 Wherever the eyes see, don't take prisoners
Yes, Miyuki Kobayakawa did not plan to set off after receiving the order as Jun Uesugi said.

This is because Miyuki Kobayakawa found a reason to leave early after careful consideration.

And the reason is very simple, that is the meaning of Zero Lesson itself.

Yes, the zero class organized by Atsushi Uesugi is a classroom of the Metropolitan Police Department that specializes in dealing with similar incidents.

After all, this is the responsibility of Zero Section. As for why Zero Section discovered the abnormality before the major forces, it is because the section leader disappeared here for two days, and Zero Section's attention here is completely justified.

It was precisely because of this that Miyuki Kobayakawa dared to set off early. Anyway, Atsushi Uesugi was not around, and she was responsible for all matters.

Five minutes later, the Roman-style palace with a huge magic crystal inlaid in Jun Uesugi's mouth finally appeared on the street of Ginza 5-chome.

"Notify all members that there is an abnormal situation at Ginza [-]-chome, and immediately send the police to the destination." Miyuki Kobayakawa immediately issued this notice in the office.

Hearing the announcement, everyone immediately stood up, opened their respective office doors, and gathered towards the elevator in the center of the leisure garden, all armed.

Soon, all the people in the Zero Class headquarters took the elevator, and then came to the seventh floor where the helicopter was parked, and then divided into two teams and started boarding the plane.

Miyuki Kobayakawa and Uesugi Yomi immediately started the helicopter and opened the roof on the top floor.

The driver of the first series here is Uesugi Huangizumi, the person sitting on the co-pilot is the chief of the department Sagami Ono Chie, and the people behind are Tsujimoto Natsumi, Fuji Seiko, Sakurai Aoi, Nikaido Laiko and Tsubaki sunflower.

Miyuki Kobayakawa is driving the second series, Miwako Sato is in the passenger seat, and Tsubasa Takagi, Yumi Miyamoto, Saki Yumihara, Rokka Sakuragawa and Kuro Sakuragawa are in the rear.

Although Miyuki Kobayakawa said earlier that Nikaido Raiko and the other four did not need to participate in this battle, she did not say that she would not participate in this operation.

As for the significance of the four of them joining, it is actually very simple, that is, to guarantee logistics.

To put it bluntly, it is to deliver supplies to the combatants when they have no time to spare. If the two sides fight with hot weapons, Kobayakawa Miyuki will definitely not bring Nikaido Laiko and Tsuba Kaki.

But if the opponent is a cold weapon, there is no need to worry so much. In addition, Miyuki Kobayakawa also wants to let the two well-protected girls see the blood, even if they don't do it personally, they still want to let them feel the atmosphere of the battlefield.

As for the Sakuragawa siblings, Miyuki Kobayakawa heard from Jun Uesugi that these two are ruthless people who dared to commit suicide without incident.

People who can be cruel to themselves must not be affected by too bloody scenes.

As the helicopters started to lift off, they had just climbed to a height suitable for flying when anxious and panicked voices came from the police communication channels of the two helicopters.

"This is the Ginza [-]-chome duty station. An emergency has occurred. The Ginza [-]-chome duty station has an emergency incident."

Hearing this voice, Miyuki Kobayakawa immediately called up the Ginza [-]-chome screen.

Miyuki Kobayakawa equipped the helicopter with holographic projection technology, allowing everyone to see what happened at Ginza [-]-chome.

"This is the Special Disaster Countermeasures Division of the Criminal Division of the Metropolitan Police Department. In 4 minutes, we will arrive at the scene to carry out armed suppression of disaster incidents. Repeat, this is the Special Disaster Countermeasures Division of the Implementation Department of the Metropolitan Police Department. We will arrive in 4 minutes." Carry out armed suppression of disaster incidents on the spot!" Kobayakawa Miyuki directly picked up the communicator and said.


As for the Special Disaster Countermeasures Section of the Criminal Department that Kobayakawa Miyuki said, that is another name for Zero Section.

After all, the original intention of Jun Uesugi was not to specifically target supernatural disasters, so the special disaster countermeasures class was chosen for the name above, to the effect that as long as the special ones are within the scope of disposal anyway.

When hearing Miyuki Kobayakawa's communication, the staff of the Communication Center of the Metropolitan Police Department headquarters were a little confused.

After all, many people really don't know that the criminal department has this classroom, and of course there must be people who know.

However, none of these people has the right to command Zero Section. You must know that Zero Section is directly under Toshiro Odagiri, and it is not even Zhuxing Dengzhifu but the old white horse.

Before the two of them spoke, it was not easy for anyone to speak.

In addition, Miyuki Kobayakawa expressed her intentions, even if Toshiro Odagiri and the old white horse knew about it, they would not say a word.

After all, people are dying every second in Ginza at this moment, and they will not have any objection to Miyuki Kobayakawa's intention to carry out armed suppression.

The only hope is that Miyuki Kobayakawa can arrive as soon as possible. In addition, they also want to see what kind of means the zero class formed by Atsushi Uesugi has.

So when Miyuki Kobayakawa finished replying, the communication center basically pretended not to hear it, and just mobilized other forces of the Metropolitan Police Department for reinforcements.

"Gentlemen, you have also seen what happened in Ginza at this moment, and the worst has happened. The enemy is definitely an army from an unknown world. They are massacring our compatriots and invading our country. So, grab your guns, Hit me back fiercely. Listen to my order, and don't take prisoners wherever you look." Miyuki Kobayakawa immediately issued a killing order.

"Hi!" Everyone replied at the same time.

"Then Xia Shi, Xiao Kui, and Xiao Lan, take out their guns. The other party has an air force similar to that of the Dragon Knight in the game, which will affect our landing. Let me eliminate them." Miyuki Kobayakawa saw the Dragon Knight through the Ginza camera, Naturally, snipers are needed, otherwise it may really affect the landing of the helicopter.

After all, the Flying Dragon, who has never seen a helicopter, has a high probability of coming up directly.

Restricted by the rules, Miyuki Kobayakawa could not modify the helicopter to carry anti-aircraft weapons, otherwise Miyuki Kobayakawa would not need the three girls to use Barrett to snipe, but opened fire directly.

After receiving Miyuki Kobayakawa's order, the three women picked up the big toy that Miyuki Kobayakawa put on the helicopter.

When it was about to approach Ginza, the helicopter's hatch was opened to one side, and three gun barrels protruded from the two helicopters aimed at the wyvern raging over Ginza.

Didn't aim at the dragon knight, after all, it was the dragon itself that affected the landing of the helicopter.

Ten seconds later, bang!boom!boom!Three beeps sounded back and forth.

And in the sky above Ginza, about a few hundred meters away, a blood hole appeared on each of the three flying dragons.

 Thanks to the four book friends of 'T336', 'Four Seasons Mu Mu', 'Alloy Armor', 'Phantom Thief Kidd 2003' for their monthly support
(End of this chapter)

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