tokyo enforcer

Chapter 142 Mao Lilan: I really didn't want to take the first kill...

Chapter 142 Mao Lilan: I Really Didn't Want to Take the First Kill
One is the neck, the other is the wings, and the other is the head.

The next second, Miyuki Kobayakawa was on the helicopter, and Miss Mori immediately put down her gun and grabbed the bag not far away, and then vomited it out.

The flying dragon she hit was aimed at the wings, which shows the kindness of the young lady.

However, although that shot was not intentional, after passing through the wings of the flying dragon, it directly headshot the soldier on the flying dragon.

The scene of the anti-equipment sniper rifle hitting people, the effect exploded directly.

Miss Maori, who saw this scene through a sniper scope, has a dark history at this moment.

This scene made Miyuki Kobayakawa, who saw everything in her eyes, a little bit stunned. After all, Miyuki Kobayakawa didn't expect that before landing, Miss Mori accidentally won the first kill.

"Xiao Lan, if you don't adapt, I will allow you not to participate in the battle." Miyuki Kobayakawa saw Mao Lilan's reaction was a little bit strong.

"Sister Meixing, I'm fine!" After vomiting, Mao Lilan raised her head again. Although her face was not good-looking, the determination in her eyes did not waver in the slightest.

"Very well, everything is ready, the helicopter is about to lower its altitude." Miyuki Kobayakawa swooped straight after speaking, and then hovered the helicopter steadily at a height of about two meters from the street.

A few seconds later, Uesugi Huangquan also landed not far away, which was the instruction of Kobayakawa Miyuki.

In fact, Sagami Ono Chie wanted Uesugi and Huangquan to stop at another street intersection. After all, in her opinion, as long as the firepower is strong enough, there is no need for so many people to gather together.

But Kobayakawa Miyuki has another consideration, that is, to guard the Government Street side.

After all, Government Street is where government agencies are concentrated. Once it is captured, the adjacent political center can be threatened, and even the Imperial Palace can be reached directly through Sakurada Gate.

Compared with other directions, this direction is the most important.

After all, there are only a dozen or so people in Class Zero, and it is impossible to defend all directions in the face of the troops coming out from the opposite side continuously, so we can only concentrate on defending one side.

This is also the reason why Miyuki Kobayakawa parked the helicopter in front of the intersection of Government Street.

As for hovering, it is helpless at the moment. After all, all smart people are running this way, and they all know that running in the direction of Sakurada Gate can get rescue in time. After all, the rescue team will definitely rescue in this direction first.

Therefore, the streets are full of people at the moment, and the helicopter cannot even land.

But there was no problem with that. After the two helicopters hovered, figures jumped out of the helicopters one by one.

On the first line, Sagami Ono Chie, Tsujimoto Natsumi, Fuji Seiko and Sakurai Aoi stepped forward with AKs and started shooting at the imperial army that was chasing the people.

If possible, several people even wanted to pick up two guns and shoot without fear. Unfortunately, ordinary people and the pursuing army have not been separated, and shooting is easy to accidentally injure.

Compared to the first department, which was busy harvesting heads, the second department where Miwako Sato belonged to was not in a hurry to move forward, but began to evacuate the crowd and let the helicopter land first.

After all, most of the ammunition is on the helicopter, and it is impossible to let the helicopter leave.

Soon, the landing position of the two helicopters was left under the command.

With the landing of the helicopter, the firepower of Zero Lesson was finally released.

For a while, there was a lot of gunfire on the side of the government street, and more than a dozen tongues of flames were constantly spewing out.

Under the command of Miyuki Kobayakawa, the personnel of the two departments quickly used firepower to kill the vanguard of the imperial army and stabilize the situation.

With the zero class blocking the Government Street side and establishing a preliminary line of defense, the people who were fleeing desperately at first gradually calmed down now, and did not continue to rush towards the Sakurada Gate and the Imperial Palace.

Those who were more courageous even stopped after running not far, and took out their mobile phones instead. After all, the sense of security brought by the powerful firepower gave them the courage not to run away.

You must know that it is definitely the first time in recent decades that a battlefield like the Middle East has appeared in the hinterland of Tokyo. This is a rare material to brag about.

Of course, those who escaped with their lives did not dare to get too close. After all, there is only one life, and if you want to eat melons, you have to leave a safe enough distance.

Miyuki Kobayakawa was also speechless about the reaction of the people behind her.

As for the others, no one knew what was going on behind them.

On the helicopter, Nikaido Laiko and Tsuba Kakui were throwing up while holding the bag, and the others were killing their bosses.

Before shooting, his hands were still shaking, but after the actual shooting, all the feelings were gone, and what was left was only the hot blood on his head.

The most important thing is that the imperial army is constantly rushing towards this side, and there is no time for them to stop, think and react.

Others are just a repeating pattern of shooting, reloading, and shooting as many enemies as you can see.

To be honest, it has been about ten minutes since the line of defense was drawn up, and Miyuki Kobayakawa was also depressed by the enemy's reaction.

In fact, this is not to blame for the continuous sending of heads by the imperial army. The main reason is that the army coming out of [-]-chome cannot see the location of Government Street in a straight line, and they have to turn a corner to reach directly.

This caused no one to know what was going on here before turning the corner. The only thing they knew was that there was a loud voice here, and they knew that there was a lot of resistance when they heard it.

And how does this work for the imperial army!
Can the army of my great empire still indulge you Muggles from other worlds!

The next step is naturally that where the resistance is more intense, heavy troops will be needed to crush it.

As for the reverse without resistance, the number of imperial troops is much smaller. It really doesn't take a lot of numbers to achieve good results.

If the shooting distance of the zero lesson is far enough to kill the imperial army on the spot after turning the corner, it is estimated that the opposite side has stopped at this moment.

But the shooting distance was not enough, and Miyuki Kobayakawa could only wait for the Muggle on the opposite side to understand.

Before that, there was only one task for the zero class, to maintain the defense line and wait for reinforcements.

It has to be said that the impact of the invasion in the hinterland of Tokyo has been quite huge, especially after the zero class carried an AK and fired a gun to switch from the peaceful mode to the Middle East battlefield mode, the government departments that are usually inefficient are running crazily for a while.

The Metropolitan Police Department's security team and the Self-Defense Force gathered their teams and rushed towards Ginza within ten minutes after receiving the notice.

With the arrival of reinforcements, different teams surrounded Ginza from different directions, and gunshots almost rang out throughout the central area.

With hot weapons crushing cold weapons, even if the opponent has [-] troops, it will only be a matter of time before they are suppressed.

Unlike the orders given by Miyuki Kobayakawa, some of the teams in other directions even relied on tear gas bombs, and then they held up explosion-proof shields and carried batons or electric batons to frantically beat them, followed by suppression and capture.

 Thanks to 'spire1' book friends for their support
(End of this chapter)

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