tokyo enforcer

Chapter 209 Mao Lilan: I'm miserable... what... Sister Huang Quan is even worse... oh, it'

Chapter 209 Mao Lilan: I'm so miserable. What. Sister Huang Quan is even worse, that's okay
(Announcement, the chapters are merged again. It is too troublesome to think about the chapter name. By the way, I am here to ask all book friends for tickets, collections, and subscriptions!)
It's all done for the sake of the wife of the head of the family. Miyuki Kobayakawa doesn't need to worry about these small things, otherwise what's the point of assisting Nikaidou Tong.

"Okay, go ahead, I won't bother you anymore." Nodding, Uesugi Jun disappeared in the third basement floor.

When he reappeared, Uesugi Jun had already returned to the office.

The next second there was a knock on the door outside the office.

"Come in!" Uesugi Jun said immediately.

"Hey, you're here, Section Chief!" After the door was pushed open, Nikaido Riko came in and said in surprise.

"Have you knocked on the door a few times?" Uesugi Jun asked Nikaido Laiko.

"Well, I've been here twice!" Nikaido Raiko nodded and said.

"Why don't you let Xiaotong ask me first?" Uesugi Jun asked.

"Xiao Tong is busy practicing breathing in the room." Nikaido Laiko said with a pursed mouth.

"Okay, I know about this, what's the matter?" Uesugi Jun asked.

"Chairman, today is the time when Xiaolan sends Kudo Shinichi away. You asked me to remind you. You won't really forget it, right? In addition, the Hattori Police Superintendent and Director Toyama in Osaka would like to invite you to have dinner together recently. Fan, let me ask you when you have time, and more." Nikaido Laiko said.

After Uesugi Jun's status in the Metropolitan Police Department was elevated through the Swordsman Association, more and more people contacted Nikaido Laiko.

"Ginshiro Toyama, you can ask him to set a convenient time. As for other people, when you reply, you can ask the identity of the other party, and the people from the Metropolitan Police Department will tell them that I am temporarily unavailable. If it is Jian The people in the Haohui, the official members, will notify Huang Quan.

After we go to the Swordsman Club for ratings, we will add Xiaolan and let them take turns to help me deal with these things to gain experience, and remember to ask Xiaotong to help me watch them, after all, their experience is still lacking.As for the peripheral members, let the other party contact the Son of God. Uesugi Jun replied after thinking about it.

"I understand!" Nodding his head, Nikaido Riko did a good job in this.

"By the way, when is Kudo-kun's flight?" Jun Uesugi continued to ask.

"There are still 15 minutes left, I should have boarded the plane by now." Looking at the time, Nikaido Raiko replied.

"Well, let's do this first, you go and reply one by one!" Uesugi Jun waved his hand and said.

"Okay!" After speaking, Nikaido Raiko turned and left the office.

After Nikaido Laiko left, Uesugi Jun disappeared into the office.

After the two transfers, Jun Uesugi had already arrived at Haneda Airport, sensed it for a while, and then disappeared again.

In the next second, the person had already appeared beside Mao Lilan. At this moment, Miss Mao Li was standing on the roof of a building outside the airport.

Looking at the plane that is about to take off in the distance, Miss Mao Li's eyes are full of reluctance at the moment.

"Xiao Ran!" Jun Uesugi said after coming to miss Maori.

"Brother, why are you here?" Miss Mao Li's eyes were red and swollen at the moment, obviously she had just shed tears.

"Are you very reluctant?" Uesugi Jun asked.

"Hmm!" Miss Mao Li nodded slightly without any embarrassment at the moment.

"Yes, my childhood sweetheart for more than ten years, from vague to clear and then to separation, this feeling is unforgettable enough." Uesugi Jun couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Listening to Uesugi Jun's words, Ms. Mori did not answer, but continued to look in the direction of the plane.

Soon, a plane soared into the sky, and disappeared far away in the neon airspace after cutting through the sky.

"The relationship is broken!" Standing beside Miss Mori, Uesugi Jun suddenly said.

"Brother, what did you say just now?" Miss Mori, who didn't hear clearly, turned her head and asked Atsushi Uesugi.

"Look at your own character column! You will understand after reading it." Jun Uesugi said when he saw the absent-minded Mao Lilan.

Hearing this, Miss Mao Li just opened her character bar, and in the next second, she found that the heroine template on the task bar had changed to the girl of luck.

Although the following narration has not changed in any way, the change of the title means that the destiny has changed.

To put it simply, Miss Maori's fate has been deflected from the moment the Shinigami elementary school student left Neon.

"Brother, why did this title change?" Miss Mao Li asked a little flustered at the moment.

"The male lead has already left, and without the male lead, the female lead herself ceases to exist! Xiaolan, your relationship with Kudo-kun has been broken!" Uesugi Jun said unhurriedly.

"It's not true, my lord brother, tell me, you're joking, okay?" Xiaolan said, tears streaming from her eyes.

"Xiao Lan, I can't touch this kind of fate title worth hundreds of millions." Uesugi Jun shook his head and said.

"How did this happen! Why did this happen!" Miss Mao Li didn't understand why this happened at all. At this moment, her emotions completely broke down and she burst into tears.

Looking at Xiaolan who was crying, Uesugi Jun did not step forward to comfort him, he is not a person who knows how to comfort.

Xiaolan, there are all kinds of helplessness in life!

But this sudden change of title, your brother and I are really innocent. Although I really want to separate you, I really didn't know that the situation would become like this.

"If you want to catch up, my brother can help you. Maybe you will change back to the title of the United States after you catch up." Uesugi Jun came over after the cheap sister cried for a long time and gradually stopped. said to her.

Looking at the eyes that were swollen again, Jun Uesugi still couldn't calm down in the end.

"Thank you, brother and lord!" Miss Mao Li, who was kneeling on the ground, finally shook her head with pear blossoms.

"Uncle Maori and Aunt Mili, I can protect them." Since he was not cruel, it was rare for Uesugi Jun to encourage Miss Maori regardless of his own interests.

"My lord, I can't let my father down and my mother worry." Although there were 1 impulses in her heart, Miss Mao Li finally shook her head after being stunned for a moment.

"You have really grown up!" Uesugi Jun couldn't help sighing.

"But the price of growing up is so painful! It's like there are countless knives piercing my heart!" Miss Mao Li burst into tears again.

"Think about your sister Huang Quan, and you will find that you are not miserable at all. Your parents are still alive, and your wish to get them back together has come true. Life can be said to be smooth sailing, but the childhood sweethearts who grew up together have been broken. That's all." Uesugi Jun really didn't know how to comfort the cheap sister, so he carried the other cheap sister out.

Sure enough, people are incomparable!It's better not to compare. After comparing, it's easy to base your own happiness or pain on the happiness or misfortune of others.

"If Elder Sister Huang Quan knows that you said such things, Elder Brother Huang Quan will definitely be angry!" After hearing Uesugi Jun's words, Miss Mori couldn't stop crying.

After all, Uesugi and Huangquan are really miserable. Both of his parents died when he was young, and he was rarely adopted. When he was looking to have a perfect life, he lost everything.

Her adoptive father died, and she was seriously injured and became a disabled person. After waking up, she could not speak and could only bear the distrust of her boss in silence. The marriage was cancelled, and even her fiancé refused to see her even once she woke up.

Compared with Uesugi and Huangquan, what is the separation of Miss Mori's fate with the Shinigami elementary school students?

In fact, Ms. Mao Li knows very well in her heart that if the relationship is forced to continue, the first result will be to put the parents in danger.

The safety of a family in exchange for a relationship is more important in the end. The former Miss Maori might hesitate and make a difficult decision, but now she will only give up, but she will not be confused.

Breaking up in love is painful, especially for a single-minded person like Miss Maori.

But even in pain, there is a limit, and it is nothing compared to the safety of the family.

If any accident happened to the parents because of the wrong decision, then Ms. Maori might not be in pain, but regret for the rest of her life.

"Xiao Lan, although my brother and I personally think that it is a great thing for you to separate from Kudo-kun. But I also know that first love is unforgettable. You must know that your sister-in-law and I grew up together as childhood sweethearts, so I will not say Let you forget Kudo-kun's words, but I believe that time will heal the wound on your heart sooner or later, and let you welcome a new life!" Jun Uesugi said while patting Miss Mori's head.

"Thank you, brother and lord!" Miss Maori nodded and said.

"People say that if you work hard, you will forget everything you don't want to remember, so in order to relieve the pain, how about I assign you a task!" Jun Uesugi said.

"My lord brother, what is the mission?" Miss Mao Li asked with all her might.

"Learn to spend money, learn to enjoy, and regain your status as a noble daughter. In addition, the separation between you and Kudo-kun is due to the fact that your strength is too weak. If you are strong enough to protect everything, you can protect everything. So adding it to become stronger, can such a task be carried out well?" Uesugi Jun asked.

"Well, I can!" Miss Maori replied very positively.

After all, as members of the former daimyo circle and as descendants of the Maori family, Miss Maori can be regarded as the daughter of a nobleman in retrospect, so the word "recovery" is appropriate.

"Then this is my support for you! I also gave the same share to your elder sister Huang Quan. The Uesugi family will be your representative when you go out in the future. In addition, the glory of the Mori family will wait for you to revitalize it, so don't let your brother be with you. Is your father disappointed?" Uesugi Jun continued to speak.

Looking at the newly added 500 million order points and 3125 million US dollars in the account, Miss Maori was so shocked that she even forgot to answer.

In fact, the ten-digit number has a strong impact. You must know that after the US dollar is converted into Japanese yen, 3125 million will become more than 31 billion yen.

You must know that the children of the poor have long been in charge of the family. It seems that Miss Maori has been exposed to firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea when she was in her prime. How could she not understand the value of money.

Because of this, her reaction was stronger than Uesugi Huangquan's reaction at that time.

After all, living with Mori Kogoro, the living expenses are really stuck.

All of a sudden, from the first stage of the food market, there is no freedom, and it goes straight to the top eighth and ninth stages of real estate and nationality freedom. It is already very good if it is not too exciting to be chaotic.

"Hey Xiaolan, are you alright?" Seeing that Miss Mori was completely dumbfounded, Uesugi Jun quickly shook Miss Mori's shoulder and asked.

"I'm sorry, brother, I'm so rude! But brother, is it really okay to give me so much money?" With a slightly trembling voice, Miss Mori asked Atsushi Uesugi after standing up.

"I am so poor that I have lost my love. As a brother, I really can't think of any good way to comfort her, so I can only give her the money I have left. I hope she can be happy." Uesugi Jun patted Miss Maori said behind her head.

"My lord!" At this moment, Miss Mao Li couldn't help but tears flickered again in her eyes.

"Okay, stop crying. Look at you now, you are crying ugly. But this is the best appearance, and it is time for outsiders to know what you, the most affectionate childhood sweetheart, will look like after Kudo Shinichi's death. " Uesugi Jun said while taking out the phone.

"Moshi Moshi, Uesugi-sama, what can I do?" After the phone rang a few times, Suzuki Sonoko's voice came from the phone.

"Sonoko, Xiaolan is still very sad, can you help me comfort her and relax with her?" Uesugi Jun asked Suzuki Sonoko on the phone.

"It's okay, I've got it on me, I don't know where you are now, I'm going to find Xiaolan!" Suzuki Sonoko has been very worried about Miss Maori, who is also a childhood sweetheart.

"Yuanzi, you better not come, you are in class now!" Miss Maori, who had asked for leave, walked to the phone and said.

"Xiaolan, what are you talking about? Is there anything more important than comforting your best friend? No, absolutely nothing. Hurry up and tell me your address, and I'll come to you right away." Suzuki Sonoko hurriedly urged, not sure if he planned to skip class.

"Okay, I will send Xiaolan home, you can go directly to the Mori Detective Agency!" Uesugi Jun hung up the phone after finishing speaking, then pulled Miss Mori and disappeared on the roof.

On the other side of the sky, on the plane flying to America, another conversation was going on in the first-class cabin with only three people.

"Shinichi, try to forget Xiaolan slowly from today! There is no possibility between you." Yukiko Kudo looked at the Shinigami elementary school student who was obviously in a trance, and couldn't help but said.

"Mother, what are you talking about? I will fly back to see Xiaolan during the winter vacation next year." The Shinigami Elementary School student was completely puzzled as to why his mother would say such a thing.

"Shinichi, I think you should be very clear that Uesugi Jun will never allow you to contact Xiaolan again." This time it was Yusaku Kudo who spoke.

"Father, why do you have to say that?" The Death Elementary School student still refused to face the reality and said.

"Xinyi, you are very smart and know what I'm talking about. You should learn to accept the reality. There is no possibility for you and Xiaolan." Yukiko Kudo also echoed.

"So, how did you judge that Uesugi Jun will definitely hinder me?" The Shinigami primary school student raised his voice at this moment, causing the stewardess outside to look in.

That is to say, Yusaku Kudo had already thought that this would be the case, so he directly booked the entire first-class cabin, otherwise he didn't know how many people would pay attention at this moment.

"Since you must listen, let me tell you. First of all, have you considered what will happen to you after you get together? You will definitely get married." Yusaku Kudo asked.

"That's for sure!" The Shinigami elementary school student didn't even bother to blush at the moment, and replied abruptly.

"Then who will marry whom?" Kudo Yusaku asked.

"Of course it's Xiaolan who will marry me." The Death God pupil's voice became softer as he spoke.

"It seems that you have also discovered that Xiaolan cannot marry you. After Uesugi Jun recognized Xiaolan as his younger sister, the Mori family became a branch of the Uesugi family. Since you have said that Uesugi Jun believes that Xiaolan is the Uesugi family The patriarch of the separated family should know that it is impossible for the patriarch to marry outside, and the future marriage can only be done with a prostitute.

Shinichi, our Kudo family used to be a part of the daimyo circle. Although it has also declined, I absolutely cannot marry you. The Kudo family can't cut off my surname, and our Kudo family can't afford to lose that people! "At this moment, Yusaku Kudo is not so much analyzing the elementary school students as the god of death, but warning him.

"Xin-chan, mom and dad are doing it for your own good too!" Kudo Yukiko looked at the Shinigami elementary school student who was obviously hit and couldn't help comforting her.

"There's more!" The Shinigami elementary school student obviously didn't admit defeat so easily, and continued to ask.

"What do you think Uesugi Jun likes about Xiaolan?" Yusaku Kudo looked at his son who refused to give up, and asked again.

"." The Shinigami elementary school student didn't speak for a while, not sure if he couldn't answer or didn't want to answer.

"If you don't speak, I'll make it up for you! Jun Uesugi is looking at Xiaolan's fate, right? You can still be safe under the influence of your fate, which shows Xiaolan's fate How powerful she is, after getting rid of your influence, she will definitely soar into the sky. Do you think Jun Uesugi will let you go back to Neon to continue to influence Xiaolan?

Son, look at how much Atsushi Uesugi has done for your death, you should know how much Atsushi Uesugi valued Xiaolan.As far as I know, there is cloning technology, but it will never reach the level in Jun Uesugi's hands. Do you know how shocked I was when I heard that a person was cloned in more than ten days?

The powerful technology that it represents, with this kind of technology, and your various descriptions of the headquarters of the Special Disaster Countermeasures Division, I can be sure that what Jun Uesugi has mastered is definitely beyond the times.To reveal this kind of technology for your business, one can imagine how much Atsushi Uesugi thinks of Xiaolan.

People who have mastered such a powerful technology will not be able to find out whether you have returned to neon?Maybe you will be under Uesugi Jun's surveillance throughout your life in America in the future, so it is definitely very easy for him to prevent you, an ordinary person, from seeing Xiaolan.

Recognize reality, face reality, and accept reality!If you really want to fight, maybe you desperately go back to Neon, and you may see a Xiaolan who has completely forgotten you. Uesugi Jun is not a generous person. He can definitely do some things. . "

After Yusaku Kudo finished speaking, Yukiko Kudo couldn't help holding her distraught son in tears and added: "Shinichi, we are just ordinary people, and we can't offend extraordinary people. Even if you don't care about your own safety, you still do it for me." Think about it with your father.

Mom doesn't want to force you, but since Uesugi Jun has paid, he must be rewarded, and there is only one thing we can repay him, and that is to never bother Xiaolan.So from the time Xiaolan joined the Uesugi family, you are already people from two worlds. "

How could the Shinigami elementary school student not know all this!
Not only is he not a fool, but he is very smart.

In fact, since Kudo Yusaku mentioned this, he already knew the result, and even after a little reflection, he understood Uesugi Jun's layout.

But so what, because all this is self-inflicted.

Whether it was Xiaolan who picked up the gun and was bloody fighting in Ginza, or joined the Uesugi family later, it was all caused by herself.

If I hadn't been so curious that night, not only would I not have been attacked by gin and given medicine to make me smaller, but I would not have brought life and death crises to the Maori family. Naturally, I would not have given Jun Uesugi any opportunity to make plans, and there would be no today. everything of.

This is the reason why the Shinigami elementary school students are unwilling to accept the facts!
But it's too late to talk about these things now, and the pupil of the God of Death can only take his endless regrets towards the world where there is no more Miss Maori.

As for what kind of future awaits him, no one knows.

A few days later, under the influence of Uesugi Junbetsu's pupil technique, Miss Mouri, who gradually got out of the haze in her heart, finally returned to school and started a normal life.

I have to say, for this cheap sister, Uesugi Jun can be considered heartbroken.

Of course, there is an episode here, that is, when Mori Kogoro learned that Uesugi Jun gave his daughter more than 30 billion yen to cultivate the so-called aristocratic temperament, he stood in the room for a long time and laughed silly.

Then I ran to the second floor to find Atsushi Uesugi who hadn't gone out. For the first time, he bowed to Atsushi Uesugi with respect and tears to express his gratitude.

Although he knew that Uesugi Jun also gave Uesugi Huangquan the same amount, he also knew that there was a big difference between Uesugi Huangquan and his daughter.

The most important thing is that Jun Uesugi expressed the meaning of treating everyone equally, which is what Kogoro Mori is grateful for.

After all, they are also separate families, so there is still a big difference between the surname Uesugi and the surname Maori.

From this moment on, that sloppy Mouri Kogoro is gone forever.

The detective agency was closed. After all, would a famous detective have a high status as the elder of the Chaofan family branch?

This is obviously impossible, and with the more than 30 billion yen in his daughter's hands, he is still a detective!
 Thanks to the monthly support of the two book friends of "Everyday Ordinary", "Raining Hail", "Relativity of Love", and "abdy", there are still 75 votes away from the next update

(End of this chapter)

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