tokyo enforcer

Chapter 210 Jianggu 0: Forced to join when needed, forced to quit when not needed, what the hell am

Chapter 210 Jianggu·Zero: Join when you need it, quit when you don’t, what the fuck.
What I have to do now is to study hard to enrich myself and be a good boss of the Maori family, instead of catching mistresses and looking for cats and dogs to deliver couriers.

So after Atsushi Uesugi announced that his life was over, the first thing Mori Kogoro did was to close the detective agency and move.

As for where to move, it is natural that the building that Atsushi Uesugi bought through the Suzuki family before was built one by one.

This place was transferred to Mao Lilan by Uesugi Jun, and the next building that could not be returned to the Tugong family was transferred to Uesugi Huangquan.

The reason why the two properties were transferred to the two daughters was that Atsushi Uesugi was thinking about the social aspects of the two daughters in the future.

After all, the headquarters here is not suitable for receiving outsiders, not to mention Uesugi Huangquan and Mori Ran, even Uesugi Jun himself is asking Nikaido Tong to find a suitable site to build his own home.

Of course, this is not something that can be done overnight. According to Nikaido Tong’s understanding of the main house of Jinguji, Uesugi Jun wants to build the main house. Once the area is selected, the first thing to do is to buy all the selected areas. real estate.

After those property owners sell and leave, they can find a construction team to push for reconstruction.

Yes, this time there is no need to bother Miyuki Kobayakawa, after all, this main family is actually a cover for outsiders, and it is specially used for outsiders to visit.

The real core of the Uesugi family is the Special Disaster Countermeasures Division. After the number of staff increases, Uesugi Jun will transfer all non-retainers out of here.

Having said that, it wasn't just Mori Kogoro who changed this time, but Fei Li also made changes.

Like Mori Kogoro's choice, Feili also closed down her own Mili Law Firm, but Feili did not quit Kuriyama Green who had been with her for several years.

Instead, he asked his daughter to hire this young lady who knew everything about her, and let her be Xiaolan's personal assistant.

The previous Maori family rented out directly to collect rent, but Feili and Maori Kogoro spent more time socializing.

This is also the fundamental reason for the two of them to wear high-end clothing recently, take care of themselves meticulously, and pay attention to their words and deeds, because the couple now represent the face of Miss Maori.

Although it feels like a bit of nonsense, it is actually the case.

Of course, these matters have nothing to do with Uesugi Jun, he still has his own affairs to deal with.

A few days later, Toshiro Odagiri came to Shinagawa District to find Jun Uesugi.

"Uncle, do you have any good news to tell me about your personal visit this time?" Uesugi Jun felt that the increase in personnel should be settled.

"Xiaochun, I don't know if it's good news or not. I brought your opinion to Chief Baima before, and he nodded in approval, but things didn't go as smoothly as expected." Toshiro Odagiri shook his head Said.

"So what exactly is the specific situation?" Uesugi Jun continued to ask.

"I think what Xiaochun wants to know most is the result, so let's talk about the result first. After discussion and discussion with the National Public Security Commission, it was agreed to increase the staffing of the Special Disaster Countermeasures Section. Chun, your expectation is only to add one department member." Toshiro Odagiri replied.

"Only one department?" Uesugi Jun's tone suddenly sank at this moment.

"Yes, just one department! And it can't be added in the future." Toshiro Odagiri replied affirmatively.

"Is this what Noda meant?" Uesugi Jun continued to ask.

"Xiaojun, Chairman Noda has been transferred from the committee, and the new chairman is from Yinyangliao." Toshiro Odagiri waved his hand quickly and said.

"What's going on?" Uesugi Jun felt targeted.

"I didn't know before, but Chief Baima told me that this is an unspoken rule of the Jianhaohui and Yinyangliao. The two committees take turns presiding over the work. The previous term was Chairman Noda, and this term is Chairman Abe. It's grown." Toshiro Odagiri continued to explain.

Hearing this, Uesugi Jun knew that he was being targeted, but not the fact that he was being targeted.

Simply put, the timing was wrong!
It's Yinyangliao's turn to be in charge, and he definitely won't allow the strong rise of the affiliated forces of the Jianhaohui, right?

Suppression is a matter of course, as long as Jianhaohui's voice in Chaofan circle does not exceed Yinyangliao, the number of people in the special disaster countermeasures class will not be able to go.

Even if it is the next turn of the Jianhaohui to be in charge, Yinyang Liao also has ways to suppress the expansion of the Special Disaster Countermeasures Division from other aspects.

As a core member of the Swordsman Club, Jun Uesugi can only accept this result even if he is dissatisfied.

After some calculations, there were 23 classroom members except Atsushi Uesugi, and 2 more people were added after the transaction with Toshiro Odagiri. In addition to the addition of 11 people in a department this time, Jun Uesugi’s staff increased to 36 people.

In other words, the number of subsystems has increased to 12!
There are eight people in the current group: Kobayakawa Miyuki, Uesugi Koizumi, Sagami Ono Chie, Fuji Seiko, Tsujimoto Natsumi, Futani Rei, Mori Ran, and Nikaido Kiri.

With the remaining 4 places, the needs of the retainers must be met first.

The vassals without subsystems include Aoi Sakurai, Aoi Tsuba, Raiko Nikaido, and the five daughters of the Miyano sisters.

Here Sugi Jun will not choose who to eliminate, because he has already selected the target to eliminate.

"Uncle, can you tell me the reason of Chairman Abe? I suddenly want to hear what their basis is." Uesugi Jun asked Odagiri Toshiro with a sudden smile.

"What the committee means is that the special disaster countermeasures department is an elite team, and the three departments correspond to the Kansai, Kanchu and Kanto regions respectively." Odagiri Toshiro said with a sigh.

"Eleven people are in charge of a large area, is Abe's mind okay?" Jun Uesugi said he was shocked.

"Xiaochun, Abe said that the Special Disaster Countermeasures Division mainly plays a supplementary role. After all, the Ministry of Defense has countermeasure branches in various regions, and Tokyo also has teams from the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, so the Special Disaster Countermeasures Division is not under pressure. If it is large, naturally there is no need for so many staffing. In addition." Toshiro Odagiri was hesitant to speak when he said this.

"What else?" Uesugi Jun continued to ask.

"In addition, the Metropolitan Police Department has only so many staff. The increase of the Special Disaster Countermeasures Division will inevitably lead to a decrease in the number of staff in other departments of the Criminal Department. You also know that the manpower of any department of the Metropolitan Police Department is in a very tight state. What will you do in the future? Those who want to sit in the ministerial position." Toshiro Odagiri stopped here.

But Jun Uesugi understood what he wanted to say, that is, starting to be harsh on other classrooms now would make other people complain, and it would not be conducive to leading the criminal department in the future.

After taking a deep breath, Jun Uesugi asked Toshiro Odagiri: "Then next time, I think there is something wrong with the head of the criminal department?"

"Xiaojun, how could this be a problem, after all, the criminal department is the private land of the Swordsman Club! It's up to Mohoshi Toshio to stay or stay." Odagiri Toshiro was obviously asking about Uesugi Jun's attitude towards Momohoshi Toshio when he was re-elected next time.

"This person is too cool. Anyway, he will reach his grade by then, so it is very normal to retire!" Uesugi Jun looked down on this person, and of course he was unwilling to help him out.

"I understand!" Odagiri Toshiro said with a smile.

"Hmm!" Uesugi Jun's complexion improved a lot when he heard that he was promoted to the Minister of Criminal Affairs without any mistake.

"Then Xiaochun, how will the staff be transferred this time?" Toshiro Odagiri continued to ask.

"If there is a suitable one, it will be transferred from the police system, and if there is no suitable one, it will be found from the outside, so there will be no problem?" Uesugi Jun asked directly looking at Odagiri Toshiro.

"Of course there will be no problem. Although Abe has limited the number of people in the Special Disaster Countermeasures Section, he did not say that they must be transferred from the police system. Everything depends on you, Xiaochun." Toshiro Odagiri said directly.

In this way, Jun Uesugi changed from the original 16 quotas to 36 quotas. In other words, only the list he submitted was the police officer of the Special Disaster Countermeasures Section. It doesn't matter if you're not a police officer, as long as you're not a criminal anyway.

"Uncle, please run away!" Uesugi Jun said.

"Xiaochun, don't talk about these outsiders. Without your support, uncle wouldn't be able to make it today! I will rely on you to take care of me in the future, so I won't delay your time any longer. Let's get together again when we have time!" After finishing speaking, Odagiri Toshiro stood up immediately.

As an old oily man, of course he knew what Uesugi Jun said to see off the guests, so he must leave sensible.

"Okay, uncle, go slowly!" Uesugi Jun immediately sent Odagiri Toshiro out of the headquarters.

After Odagiri Toshiro left, Uesugi Jun called Fuji Seiko into the office, and then told Fuji Seiko what happened just now.

"Master Patriarch, do you mean that the special disaster countermeasures class will basically be limited to three departments and will not change?" Fuji Seiko frowned slightly upon hearing this.

"Well, there should be no doubt that the Onmyo Office will not give the Special Disaster Countermeasures Section a chance to grow. So I would like to ask you about how to allocate the personnel of the three departments more appropriately." Jun Uesugi continued to ask.

"Considering that after the beginning of the new year, there will be more people going to the Central Police University, I think that the departments of the two ladies will be directly reduced, and Miyamoto Yumi will be the head of the third department, and the people who will be added later will directly add three departments. That's right." Fuji Seiko said after thinking about it.

"What about the staffing?" Jun Uesugi continued to ask.

"My idea is that all the retainers of the Uesugi family will be transferred to Qianhui's department, and the personnel of the first department will be determined." Fuji Seiko said after thinking about it.

After listening to Jun Uesugi, he understood who the members of the first department were, and the fact that the head of the department was Chie Sagami Ono was definitely the same.

The members are Uesugi Koizumi, Mori Ran, Fuji Seiko, Nikaido Kiri, Tsujimoto Natsumi, Sakurai Aoi, Miyano Akemi, Miyano Shiho, Nikaido Laiko and Tsuba Kaki.

"Will concentrating all the retainers together take up resources?" Uesugi Jun couldn't help but asked Fuji Seiko.

"If the head of the family is afraid that the other two departments will have nothing to do, then there is no need to worry. Neither Lai Zi nor Tsuba Kakui are combat personnel. As long as the head of the family can bestow the symbol (subsystem) of their retainers, It would be too easy to ask them to go out and find something to do for the other two departments, and we also need to use this method to establish the status of retainers over others in the classroom." Fuji Seiko took it easy Said.

Uesugi Jun understood what Fuji Seiko meant after listening to it. Simply put, it was because the other two departments had no one who could tell good from bad.

Therefore, their work needs to be forwarded by members of the first department, otherwise they will not have any source of cases, and the entire department will be in a state of idleness.

In other words, after the second and third divisions were assigned by Fuji Seiko, they were completely reduced to tools for members of the first division.

Fuji Seiko also wanted to use this method to let people now and later understand what status the retainers of the Uesugi family have in the Special Disaster Countermeasures Division.

As a result, some capable and ambitious people will automatically move towards the Uesugi family, so that the department heads of the latter two departments basically have little power to speak of.

Seiko Fuji is planning to expel Miwako Sato, Wataru Takagi and Yumi Miyamoto in disguise!

As for the Sakuragawa brothers and sisters, after Miyuki Kobayakawa is no longer available, Jun Uesugi can directly withdraw their police status, and then transfer Yumihara Saki out of the Special Disaster Countermeasures Section, and it's over.

"I need to think about it carefully." After thinking about it, Uesugi Jun, who didn't immediately agree, said.

"I understand!" Uesugi Jun said, Fuji Seiko naturally understood.

After Fuji Seiko left the office, Uesugi Jun stood up.

After the personnel problem is solved, it is the turn of the choice to solve the problem of the number of subsystems.

It's time to meet One Falling Valley Zero.

That's right, the person Uesugi Jun wants to eliminate this time is Fuguya Zero.

Uesugi Jun's status is different, and he doesn't have to care so much about the outlying organization of the Dark Council, the winery.

Naturally, there is no need to keep Fugu Zero in the group. After all, he was forced to join in order to keep an eyeliner who broke into the winery, and hoped that he would consume more of Miyuki Kobayakawa's works.

But now my daughter-in-law is very busy, even Chaofan cosmetics are taking time to make, so there is still time to take care of Jianggu Zero's needs.

Moreover, Jianggu·Zero was removed, and the chat restrictions in the group were also lifted.

The most important thing is that after Nikaido Laiko entered the group, Uesugi Jun was really worried that she would slip up by accident. After all, Furutani Zero's ability to analyze information is very good. This is why Uesugi Jun must eliminate Furutani. · Zero reasons.

A few hours later, Jiang Gu Ling was in the temporary rental house.

When Furutani Zero opened the door after a day's work, he immediately found Jun Uesugi sitting on a chair in the living room.

"It's you! The contact person!" Looking at the familiar figure, Jiang Gu Ling immediately knew who was coming.

"That's right, it's me!" Uesugi Jun replied with a nod.

"Why are you looking for me?" Jiang Gu Zero asked very vigilantly at the moment.

"Anxin, this time I'm looking for you not to give you any tasks, but to tell you that you still failed to pass the test of the organization in the end!" Uesugi Jun shook his head and said.

"What will happen then?" Jiang Gu Zero asked a little uneasy.

"Your expression makes me very happy. Since I have become dependent on the system, why don't you work so hard that I can't give up on you? Go to sleep, and everything will be over after you wake up." As he said, Uesugi Jun pinched After making a handprint, black feathers fluttered in the room.

"You are. Shang." Before finishing speaking, Fuguya Rei fell down in front of Uesugi Jun.

If it's just to take back the permissions of the subsystem, Uesugi Jun doesn't need to come in person at all.

Uesugi Jun came here to release the seal left in Fugu Zero's tongue and brain, and to completely seal his system-related memories.

This seal is not a separate seal, but it leaves behind the Li Sixiang Seal Immortal Chakra that can be induced on the body and re-clothed.

In other words, if anyone forcibly wants to undo the seal in Jianggu Zero's mind, he will definitely activate the Li Sixiang seal first.

After doing all this, Jun Uesugi left a strong hint to Fuguya Zero that he would lose his life in search of lost memories.

After leaving behind, Uesugi Jun took back the subsystem.

Then Uesugi Jun studied the body of Kabuya Rei.

Don't get me wrong, it's not that Uesugi Jun has any interest in male sex, but wants to see if the power Fugu Zero once obtained by relying on the subsystem is also taken back after the subsystem is recovered.

And the answer is no!
This also proves that unless the system is voluntarily disengaged due to violation of the rules, even if the master Jun Uesugi takes back the system, the power obtained through the system still exists.

In other words, the system recognizes the contribution made by those who maintain order. Order points are actually rewards. Since they are rewards, they will naturally not be taken back when no mistakes are made.

It's cheap for you!

As for the order points and funds left in this quota account, Uesugi Jun will not leave them to Jiang Gu Zero, and they will be confiscated directly. Anyway, there are not many.

After all, this little money counts as his rental fee during this period, and it has allowed him to gain power beyond ordinary people. No matter what, he earned it.

Uesugi Jun would not have the idea of ​​using the Order Points and money belonging to Fuguya Zero on him.

After dealing with Fuguya Zero's matter, Uesugi Jun returned to the headquarters, and then summoned all his retainers.

"I called everyone here today because I have something to talk about. By the way, have you and Mingmei's new ID cards been processed?" Jun Uesugi asked.

"It's been done, even the entry has been taken care of." Miyano Akemi nodded and said.

In fact, according to the names on the new ID cards, the two women should be called Akimi Sera and Shiho Sera.

Yes, even with Uesugi Jun's protection, the two sisters dare not use their original surnames anymore, so they directly chose to inherit their mother's surname.

Here, Shiliang Shiho, formerly known as Haibara Ai, is the younger sister who was adopted by Akemi Sera and changed her name. The two were invited by Jun Uesugi to join the police system with their special talents.

"Very good, then what I want to say is that because the number of people in the group has increased, the group space of only 100 cubic meters in total cannot be rented at 10 cubic meters per person, so it will be reduced to 5 cubic meters per person in a while, and there are crowd spaces inside If it contains more than 5 cubic meters, it’s best to take it out now, so as not to find your own things after adjustment.” Uesugi Jun said directly.

"Master Patriarch, why can't I understand what you're talking about!" Nikaido Laiko asked directly, raising his hand.

"You'll understand in a while." Uesugi Junbai said after glancing at Nikaido Laiko.

"Natsumi, why do you put so many weapons, clothes, and sundries in the portable space?" Seeing Tsujimoto Natsumi constantly taking out various things from the portable space with an embarrassed smile, Seiko Fuji had a look on his face. asked speechlessly.

By Natsumi Tsujimoto's side, Aoi Sakurai and the other members who didn't know the subsystem were completely stunned.

"Master Patriarch, I took them all out!" Natsumi Tsujimoto, who was sitting next to a pile of sundries, replied after not digging out.

"Okay!" After finishing speaking, Uesugi Jun began to adjust, and then directly distributed the quotas of other subsystems to those who did not have them.

"Those who feel that there is not enough space in the future, go to the mall to buy by themselves. I have already raised some permissions for you. You must know that with the increase in personnel in the future, the 100 cubic meters of space will be even less. At that time, I will It will definitely be rented to newcomers first, after all, this is considered as a newcomer's benefit after joining the family.

Then you guide those who just got the quota today, don't let them buy things blindly.There is one thing to pay attention to here, you must have swordsmanship, except for Qianhui who is special, Zhibao is too young, Mingmei is not suitable to appear on occasions that are too high-profile, and I will take all of you to the swordsmanship level in a week. evaluation.

So give me practice in actual combat this week, especially Lai Zi and Aoi, you must learn how to fight with swords, I don’t care what happened in the classroom before, but after joining the Uesugi family, you must improve your own strength, although I don’t need you Go fight, but at least don't let me resist for a few minutes when someone comes to you.

During this week, Huang Quan gave me a good training with them, especially Lai Zi and Aoi.Except for this week, we must not let them relax in the future. At least one hour of actual combat every day must not be missed, and don't show mercy to me during training. I need them to at least persevere until the rescue arrives in case something happens. strength. "

As for guiding the newcomers, Uesugi Jun has no interest at all, so let the experienced seniors guide them.

"I see, brother!" Uesugi Huangquan nodded and said.

"In addition, I will increase the loan amount to 500 million for you this time, and you can make up for the lack of it before. Remember to buy the meditation method and practice hard, and strive to increase the essence attribute to 100 as soon as possible, so that you can buy spiritual power seeds. This is the most important thing right now." Jun Uesugi continued.

That is to say, Kobayakawa Miyuki, Uesugi Yomi, Mori Ran, and Fuji Seiko do not need loans, otherwise the stock of order points in the group bank is still a little hanging.

However, after lending these 3700 million order points, it can greatly enhance the strength of the women present, which is completely acceptable to Jun Uesugi.

 Thanks to the monthly support of the three book friends 'Breath of the Sky', 'Model Husband' and 'gshahdf', it is still far from the next update

(End of this chapter)

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