tokyo enforcer

Chapter 211 Those who follow me prosper and those who oppose me perish...

Chapter 211 Those who obey me prosper and those who oppose me die
High investment means high return. Besides, these points are borrowed, not directly given.

After all the girls had an excited discussion and spent the borrowed points for novice consumption, Jun Uesugi coughed twice to indicate that he was back to the topic.

"Son of the afternoon, I have carefully considered the matter you proposed, so there is no need to bother, and all Sato, Takagi, Miyamoto, and Yumihara will be transferred from the Special Disaster Countermeasures Section. As for the Sakuragawa siblings, their police status will also be cancelled. Seal the memory and let them go."

If the Special Disaster Countermeasures Section can be expanded according to the previous plan, Jun Uesugi will naturally keep Miwako Sato and others. After all, veterans are needed to bring newcomers.

But after being restricted by the people of Yinyang Liao to kill the number of people in the Special Disaster Countermeasures Division, Jun Uesugi changed his mind.

That is to regard the special disaster countermeasures department as the family's private land, a pure department that only family members can survive.

As for the others, those who follow me will prosper and those who oppose me will get out. Since the ideas don't agree with me, don't let me stay here to be an eyesore. Why should outsiders continue to enjoy the benefits that are left to family members.

"The head of the family is wise, this is the best!" Teng Shengzi immediately praised.

The relationship between her and Miwako Sato and others is actually not bad, but as a retainer, it is natural to think about the family, right? This has nothing to do with other things.

I have enjoyed the benefits of the special disaster countermeasures class, but I am unwilling to contribute to the family because of ideological issues, so why keep it.

"Master Patriarch." Nikaidou Laizi originally planned to say something, but before he opened his mouth, Nikaidou Tong covered his mouth.

"Sorry, Patriarch, my sister" Nikaidou Tong was about to say something, but was interrupted by Uesugi Jun's wave of his hand.

"It's okay, I know that Laiko and Miyamoto have a good relationship, and I don't have any other opinions on Sato and the others, but because the expansion plan of the Special Disaster Countermeasures Section failed, the number of people was limited to death, so I plan to serve as the Special Disaster Countermeasures Section The family's private land, so it is inappropriate for non-family members to stay here, after all, the family members will continue to increase in the future, and there is no place for Sato and the others here."

After Uesugi Jun finished explaining, Nikaido Raiko immediately nodded to express his understanding.

After all, even she has recently understood what a family is, and family members and non-family members are the same as the difference between relatives and outsiders.

It is completely understandable that Uesugi Jun does not leave a place for Sato and others. After all, Uesugi Jun eats and drinks Uesugi Jun’s food.

In fact, looking back, you will find that Uesugi Jun really has nothing to say about the person who is about to be transferred.

"Master Patriarch, if I'm the only one left here, will the relationship between the family and Lixiao be exposed?" Sagami Ono Chie asked worriedly.

"No, based on what you have to sell every week, it's normal to stay. After all, except for me, the special disaster countermeasures class is basically female, and no one would want me to transfer you away." Uesugi Jun waved He waved his hand and said.

In fact, if you really want to call Sagami Ono Chie out of the Special Disaster Countermeasures Section, that's fine. The same is true. Anyway, those who want to doubt will doubt at all times, and those who don't doubt will also not doubt at all.

"Master Patriarch, how can we replenish the missing personnel?" Teng Shengzi asked.

"After the transfer of Sato and others, counting the outsiders, there are currently 14 people in the classroom, of which 4 outsiders, I haven't consulted yet, that is to say, the difference is 22-26 people, if you have any ideas Those who want to be recommended should be brought directly. As long as they are confirmed not to be the shadows of other forces and are willing to serve the family, I can give them a chance to investigate for a period of time.

Then I want to make a point here, that is, there are only Lai Zi and Aoi in the logistics of the special disaster countermeasures class, and the others are all front-line personnel, so those who have a firm stand and are at odds with us should not be recommended to me.Similarly, if you can't deal with a person full of sin, don't recommend it to me.

In the end, the heads of the three departments remain the same. Qianhui, Huang Quan and Xiaolan are still the same. Shengzi, you follow Huangquan, Xiaotong, you assist Xiaolan. And Xiaokui." Uesugi Jun paused at this point.

"Master Patriarch, can I say something?" Sagami Ono Chie suddenly spoke at this moment.

"Tell me!" Although Uesugi Jun didn't know what Sagami Ono Chie wanted to say, it probably had something to do with the division.

"That's right. I had a lot of police officers I knew when I was in the police academy, and I hope to recommend them to the head of the family, so I'm afraid there is no place for Xia Shi and Xiaokui in the first department!" Sagami Ono Chie replied.

In fact, Sagami Ono Chie knows that Tsujimoto Natsumi and Sakurai Aoi are very good talents, but the relationship between these two people is not as close as Fuji Seiko and Nikaido Kiri.

If possible, Sagami Ono Chie intends to bring Sera Akemi with her, after all her sister is highly valued by Kobayakawa Miyuki.

But Sagami Ono Chie also knew that Sera Akemi was not suitable to follow her, after all, she received too much attention.

Who knows if there are people from the winery among the people who are paying attention, if it undoubtedly destroys the owner's plan, I can't afford it.

Therefore, I don't want anyone else at all, and just gather those classmates who wanted to curry favor with me when I was in the police academy.After all, for Sagami Ono Chie, those who want to curry favor with her are the ones who are most aware of current affairs, and they are also the least likely to refuse to become a retainer of the Uesugi family.

In addition, the police academy also proved that those people's talents are not as good as their own, so that they can be cultivated with peace of mind without worrying that these people will have thoughts that should not be born in the end.

The only trouble is that there are too many people to choose from, and you need to carefully consider each one. After all, staying with a mediocre person will be a burden.

"I understand. In this case, Xia Shi will be assigned to the second department, and Xiaokui will go to the third department." Uesugi Jun nodded and said.

"My lord, how many supplementary quotas are there for the three departments?" Fuji Seiko obviously didn't want Chie Sagami Ono to take up 10 quotas at once, so she asked.

"Before I confirm the attitude of the remaining four people, there are only 22 places. Among them, I decide to give Qianhui 10 places, and the remaining 12 places will be divided equally between Huang Quan and Xiaolan." Uesugi Jun said after thinking about it.

"I'll understand!" Fuji Seiko and Nikaidou Tong looked at each other, then shook their heads slightly before speaking.

Although the two women were not satisfied with the result, Jun Uesugi had to obey what he said.

Of course, in actual calculation, the strength of the second and third series is far stronger than that of the first series.

After all, there is only Chie Sagami as a group member in the first line, but it is precisely because of this that Chie Sagami can eat alone.

"Oh, by the way, there is one more thing I forgot to mention, that is, the scope of the recruitment of personnel this time is not limited to the police system, as long as they are talents and non-criminals, they are all within the acceptable range. But Xiaotong, I Here is a special reminder to you, don’t dig the wall of the emergency countermeasure room. Then you can decide on your own age, I believe you are all smart people. That’s it, the meeting ends!”

In fact, Uesugi Jun didn't intend to delegate the recruitment this time, but after the incident with the Shinigami elementary school student, Uesugi Jun thought about it carefully.

Indeed, finding familiar characters should be able to obtain corresponding luck blessings, but it will also bring corresponding troubles.

For example, Nakamori Aoko and Kuroba Kaito from Ekoda Ward.

Uesugi Jun had planned to invite them to join the special disaster countermeasures class before, but now Uesugi Jun has no such idea.

Even Koizumi Hongko and Natori Monday, who were originally planning to invite, Uesugi Jun directly gave up.

When he didn't know about the Neon Beyond World, Uesugi Jun didn't mind ignoring it, but now that he knew about it and went, that would be a provocation to other associations.

So Uesugi Jun simply let go of the right to supplement personnel, to see if his retainers can surprise him.

Three days later, when Jun Uesugi communicated with the Sakuragawa siblings, they sealed their memories of the special disaster countermeasures class.

As for the other four people, Uesugi Jun did not seal their memories, but modified the restricted range of the seal of Tongue Eradication, so that the four people were not allowed to say anything related to the special disaster countermeasures class, and then told them that they were transferred the result of.

To be honest, when several people left, their faces were not good-looking, especially Yumi Miyamoto was holding Laizi with tears in her eyes.

But Raiko Nikaido can't help it. Although she is usually confused, she also knows that after the establishment of the Uesugi family, the first person in the family who can change Uesugi Jun's mind must be Miyuki Kobayakawa, and then Uesugi Yomi and Mori Ran.

As for the others, Qianhui, Xiaotong, Shengzi and Xiaozhibao can only make suggestions, as if they and Kuijiang don't even have the right to make suggestions.

Of course, Nikaido Laiko, who is already used to salty fish, is not dissatisfied with this, anyway, she is just a dawdler.

Miwako Sato and others were sent away, and the Special Disaster Countermeasures Division also welcomed newcomers.

Jun Uesugi, who was chosen by Chie Sagami Ono, didn’t know any of them. He only knew that five of them were members of the clique during the police academy, and the other five were from the social world. small family members.

There is only one common characteristic among the ten people, that is, only Sagami and Chie Ono follow the lead.

Of course, when Sagami Ono Chie approached them, it was not in the name of the Uesugi family recruiting retainers. If it was in this name, it is estimated that the threshold of the Sagami Ono family would be broken.

In fact, no one would use this name, and Jun Uesugi didn't need to explain it specifically.

From the perspective of the outside world, the staff of the special disaster countermeasures department has undergone a major change. Uesugi Jun only left Sagami Ono Chie and gave her the right to recruit personnel, which is to buy the mysterious organization in disguise.

As for the people who were transferred, after some inquiries, someone got the news from Uesugi Jun through Nikaido Laizi, that is, the Public Security Committee only allowed the Special Disaster Countermeasures Division to retain three departments.

In the case of the Special Disaster Countermeasures Section with five police departments, only two of them can be transferred to stabilize the interior of the classroom, and even those who have accumulated merits in the Special Disaster Countermeasures Section and reached the police rank in the Special Disaster Countermeasures Section will be transferred from the Special Disaster Countermeasures Section.

Therefore, Sato Miwako and Miyamoto Yumi, who were not as good as the two righteous sisters, naturally became victims. As for Takagi Wataru and Yumihara Saki, no one would care.

The members of the first series settled down at a super fast speed, and the second series did not slow down much.

Uesugi Huangquan had no other candidates except Tugong Kagura, and Tugong Kagura was impossible, so Uesugi Huangquan directly handed over the quota in his hand to Fuji Seiko.

Seiko Fuji also unceremoniously transferred four companions from Okajima Prefecture, who were all familiar to Uesugi Jun. The two men were Minamoto and Takeshi Yamada, and the two women were Mayi Kawaai and Miwa Makitaka.

Then the remaining two places have not been moved for the time being. After all, she also has to leave two activity places for Uesugi Huangquan, in case Uesugi Huangquan has someone to talk to after he goes to the police academy.

Even Seiko Fuji made it clear to Uesugi Huangquan that the two male members transferred this time, if Uesugi Huangquan or Uesugi Jun have suitable personnel, they can be transferred back at any time.

At the same time, Fuji Seiko also explained to Uesugi Jun why these two people were transferred. It was because these two people were really suitable to be used as tool people.

After all, murderers don't walk around in Tokyo, and most of them are criminals who can't reach the level of execution. Therefore, it is very necessary to find two tool people to do some investigations that they don't want to waste time.

Compared with the directly full first series and the half-full second series, the third series is a bit stretched.

So far, a total of two people have come, one is Suzuki Sonoko who is full of energy. This is the immediate reaction of the Suzuki family after Xiaolan accidentally revealed that she needs to recruit members as the head of the department.

As for the other person, Sho Iwazumi was recruited by Aoi Sakurai. This man was a member who was an intern with Aoi Sakurai at the beginning, and he belonged to the type with a simple mind and well-developed limbs.

In Sakurai Aoi's view, as long as this person can pass the test of executing the prisoner, he will definitely be favored by the Patriarch to stay.

As for Nikaido Kirito, except for the people in the Super Disaster Countermeasures Room, she has no one to recommend for a while.

It was Uesugi Jun who couldn't stand it anymore, so he gave Nikaido Tong a trick, asked her to go to Okashima Prefecture in person, and pulled in a detective named Koshimizu Nanatsuki from there, and then reluctantly let the third department More than half full.

In addition, Toyama Ginshiro and Hattori Heizo later came forward to intercede, so Toyama Kazuha and Hattori Heiji were stuffed in for an internship, and finally there were eight personnel in the three departments.

Of course, when the semester starts next spring, there will be only four students left in the three departments, Nikaidou Kiri, Sakurai Aoi, Iwaizumi Sho, and Koshimizu Nanatsuki.

In fact, according to Jun Uesugi's idea, he planned to throw both Nikaido Tong and Sakurai Aoi into the school to increase their diplomas.

But the two women were unwilling. After all, one didn't want to be delayed by studying to increase her strength, and the other didn't want to read books at all.

So Uesugi Jun could only let them go.

And when the girls were busy forming the team, Junren Uesugi had already appeared in Kumamoto, Kyushu.

"Natsume-kun, long time no see!" Uesugi Jun came to Natsume Takashi's room again at the home of the Fujiwara couple.

"Long time no see, Section Chief!" Natsume Takashi, who is still a member of the Special Disaster Countermeasures Section, saluted Uesugi Jun.

"How are you doing recently?" Uesugi Jun asked unhurriedly.

"Thanks to you, although there are occasional twists and turns, at least it's safe and sound." Natsume Takashi was talking about various things that happened when the monster's name was returned.

"Well, that's good. I'm here for one purpose this time, mainly to ask for your opinion!" Uesugi Jun said.

"My opinion? What's your opinion?" Natsume Takashi asked not quite understanding.

"Do you want to join the Uesugi family as a retainer of the Uesugi family?" Uesugi Jun asked immediately.

"Hey kid, have you started a family yet?" Fat Cat asked before Natsume Takashi answered.

"Madara, Uesugi's house has always been there, but it just disappeared before." Uesugi Jun replied after taking a look at Fat Mao.

"Uesugi is indeed the same, time flies so fast!" Madara said after being stunned for a moment.

As a big monster who has experienced the Warring States Period, Madara is no stranger to the former daimyo circle family.

"Yeah, since Madara, you understand what the Uesugi family represents, you might as well popularize the science when Natsume-kun consults you, and then Natsume-kun, I will give you three days to think about it, and I hope you can give me a clear answer." Jun Uesugi After speaking, he left directly.

"Teacher Kitty, can you tell me what the purpose of the class leader's visit this time is? I don't quite understand a lot of what he said." Jun Uesugi's words were indeed a bit difficult for Takashi Natsume.

"Although I don't know whether he has taken a fancy to you, or is it a friend account in your hand. In short, if you agree to Uesugi Jun to become a retainer, then according to the rules of the Warring States Period, you must be loyal. I don't know, but I'm clear, that is, once you agree, you have to leave this house first." Fat Cat scratched his chin with his paw and said slowly.

"This..." Takashi Natsume couldn't help but change his face when he heard this. After all, he was used to the warm atmosphere of the Fujiwara house, and he didn't want to leave.

"Don't worry, what I said above are all disadvantages, and there are definitely advantages. When you enter Uesugi's house, Uesugi Jun will definitely give you some means to save your life. With your innately huge demon power, as long as you get a way to use the demon power, you will be considered me in the future." There is absolutely no monster who can threaten you if you are not around." Madara didn't know how to think about it, but she still didn't hide this point.

"Teacher, with you here, I don't need those things!" After pondering for a while, Natsume Takashi finally shook his head and said.

"Natsume, if you reject that kid, you will lose your extra income now." Madara couldn't help but reminded.

"Mr. Cat, this salary has basically become your snacks and drinks." Natsume Takashi couldn't help reminding.

"You bastard, haven't you eaten the bean paste buns from Nanatsujiya!" Fat Cat yelled dissatisfied immediately.

"Hey, I ate it, but even if I can't eat it often in the future, I don't want to leave this house!" Holding the fat cat in his hand, Natsume Takashi whispered.

"Then don't wait for three days. Just call that kid later. That guy's temper is not as good as you imagined. If you wait three days before refusing, he will probably cause you some trouble." Madara couldn't help reminding.

"Teacher, the head teacher is not that kind of stingy person!" Takashi Natsume shook his head.

"Natsume, just do as I tell you!" Madara said forcefully.

"Okay, I'll make a call later!" Takashi Natsume had no choice but to reply.

Almost an hour later, Natsume Takashi called Uesugi Jun and formally rejected Uesugi Jun's proposal.

And half an hour later, the greasy policeman Kubota Yoshinobu who followed Uesugi Jun to Fujiwara's home for the first time came to the door and took away the police card from Natsume Takashi.

"This kid is quite sensible." Fat Cat said happily, shaking his head with his salary card in his mouth.

Because when Kubota Yoshinobu made it clear to Natsume Takashi when he came, since he rejected the adult's kindness, the two parties will only have a transaction relationship in the future, so the police certificate must be withdrawn.

If Natsume Takashi needs help with something in the future, and he is willing, he can negotiate the price first, and after the matter is over, he will send money through the salary card that has not been taken away.

Similarly, if Natsume Takashi needs to trouble Uesugi Jun, as long as he can pay the price, then it's fine.

"Teacher, don't be greedy. After all, we basically didn't do anything during this time." Natsume Takashi was quite open-minded.

"Natsume, that kid doesn't need this kind of money." The fat cat knows a lot better than Natsume Takashi, a young man who is still in the ivory tower.

On the other side, Jun Uesugi, who put away the phone, was heading towards Kanto at the moment.

Uesugi Jun will not be disappointed with Natsume Takashi, and even Kotoko Iwanaga, who is going to ask next, rejects him.

After all, these two people are very special, Natsume Takashi is better, Iwanaga Kotoko's Uesugi Jun knows the answer even if he doesn't ask.

But Uesugi Jun still had to make a trip. After all, these two people were invited by Uesugi Jun to join the special disaster countermeasures class.

After all, one more friend is better than one more enemy.

Especially since these two are the protagonist's fate, it's never a bad thing to have a good relationship, and it won't take much time to go on a trip and explain what to say clearly.

A few hours later, Jun Uesugi, who saw Kotoko Iwanaga, was rejected as expected.

Unlike Natsume Takashi, who needs a fat cat as a staff member, Iwanaga Kotoko has the title of God of Wisdom among monsters. In terms of IQ, she should not be lower than Fuji Seiko, otherwise the monsters would not be able to choose her.

Of course, the two sides still prefer to get together and disperse, especially Iwanaga Kotoko does not want to have a bad relationship with Uesugi Jun. After all, this is a strong man who can kill the president of the Ninja Association.

Maintaining the cooperative relationship is the most important thing. I have no objection to Jun Uesugi's withdrawal of the police certificate, Kotoko Iwanaga. Of course, the salary card is still retained like Takashi Natsume.

After questioning these two people, Jun Uesugi returned to Tokyo.

In a quiet single room in a tea room, Uesugi Jun once again met Mogami Kyoko and Kotonan Soue who had already debuted.

"Section Leader Uesugi, Jiu Shu greets you!" Kyoko Mogami, who had been passively cultivated in etiquette since she was a child, greeted first.

"Chairman, long time no see!" Although Qinnan Zuojiang spoke slowly, his attitude was much better than when we met at the entrance of the amusement park.

 Thanks to 'Ziyan Shenwang', 'Four Seasons Mumu', 'Zance', 'Haitian Qingyise', 'Mao Qingping', 'Fox12345', 'Dust Wind', 'Big Tu Ha Ben', 'Mother Niya' Supported by monthly tickets from 38 book friends, including Dela', 'Daming', 'The Boringist', 'SnowDust', [-] votes away from the next update

(End of this chapter)

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