tokyo enforcer

Chapter 253 Mori Kogoro: I'm so jealous...

Chapter 253 Kogoro Mori, I'm So Jealous To Death
"That's for sure! Why do you ask this?" Jun Uesugi didn't understand why Miyuki Uesugi said this suddenly.

"What about the daimyo's concubine or the king's concubine? Who do you plan to choose?" Miyuki Uesugi continued to ask.

"Uh Miyuki, I didn't..." Uesugi Jun had never thought about this question before.

Well, as a man, sometimes it is inevitable to be a little bit elated, which is normal. After all, a large number of retainers are all good-looking and can fight, but Uesugi Jun has only thought about it so far, and he can't even think about it. Only once in a while will YY look.

"Jun-jun, listen to me! In my life, the one thing I regret the most is actually superimposing the blood of the moon elves too early." Miyuki Uesugi, who was sitting in the courtyard watching the moonlight, said with dim eyes at this moment.

"Why?" Uesugi Jun asked a little puzzled.

"Because after that, there was a feeling reminding me that I have a high-ranking blood in my body, and it would be very, very difficult to give birth to a boy and a half girl for the Uesugi family." Uesugi Miyuki has always wanted to give Uesugi Junsheng a My child, it was just delayed by various things.

"Mei Xing, I will always be with you. Don't worry too much about the child's affairs. After all, fate is always so unpredictable. Maybe one day you will suddenly be favored by fate. Besides, don't you still have your biological technology?" , we may not be able to make our wishes come true, so don’t think too much.” It wasn’t until his wife mentioned it that Uesugi Jun realized that he had neglected this point.

This is not to blame Uesugi Jun, mainly because Uesugi Jun has never thought about this matter at all.

Especially since he is still young, and his lifespan has no end in sight, it is normal that he does not plan to have a child.

"Mr. Chun, science can't solve the problem of vitality that high-ranking bloodlines need to conceive, unless one day I'm lucky enough to find a world that won't resist, and cruelly extract all the vitality of that world, so that I can qualify for breeding. Otherwise, I will have to wait I will store it slowly by myself, but I don’t know how many tens of thousands of years will be able to meet the conditions at this time.” Uesugi Miyuki said the secret induction and the conclusion of his secret experiment.

After listening, Uesugi Jun couldn't help hugging his excellent and kind wife, because Uesugi Jun knew that it was impossible for Uesugi Miyuki to extract the vitality of a world.

After all, she is too kind, and extracting the vitality of another world means extinction of all life in a world, and this runs counter to the style of the system.

So don't worry about being cruel or not, the system alone won't pass.

It is precisely because of this that Uesugi Jun understood why his wife brought up the matter of the princess.

"Miyuki, in fact, I can wait for tens of thousands of years." Uesugi Jun said softly.

"Chun-kun, let's not talk about the neon side, but since I have come to this continent, I can understand the customs of this continent!" Uesugi Miyuki looked at Uesugi Jun and continued.

"Miyuki, you are very strange today." Jun Uesugi understood Uesugi Miyuki very well, knowing that she is not such a generous person emotionally.

So at this moment Uesugi Jun is more inclined to his own daughter-in-law to test himself at the moment.

"Chun Jun, I can clearly feel that the relationship between us is more like that between an old husband and wife. Of course, I am not blaming you. After all, we have already experienced passion since we were young. Sometimes, the relationship between old couples tends to be flat, which is normal. To be honest, I don’t want to share you with other women. No woman who has accepted the concept of modern society is willing to do so.

But I still brought it up, which proves that I have thought it through.In fact, if I can continue the bloodline of the Uesugi family, I will definitely not let go of this hole.Even if you will go to steal fish to find excitement in the future, I will still stick to this point, but the problem now is that I can't do it.

As for the issue of continuation of future generations, I will have to face it sooner or later, starting from your status as a daimyo and a king.I don't want to be forced by the rumors around me in a few decades, or someone you suddenly bring to beg me to let go of this hole one day. In that case, I will feel very hurt.

In addition, compared to the people who know everything now, I don't want you to come to me with people I don't know at all.The most important thing is that now that I have let go of the opening, the pressure of bloodline continuation is not on me alone. "Uesugi Miyuki said helplessly.

Uesugi Jun understood what she meant after listening.

There is no heir, which is a big problem for both the Nihong family and the nobles on the Falmat continent.

Uesugi Miyuki also accurately predicted that once there are similar rumors, she will definitely be the target of public opinion fire if she doesn't let go.

Here, with the increasing importance of Uesugi Island and Uesugi Kingdom in the future, those forces that want to obtain more benefits but cannot find a way will 100% focus on increasing the number of princesses.

This is not a problem that Miyuki Uesugi wants to face. After all, she may not be the one who will hear the rumors, and even her parents will be under pressure.

You must know that even the delay in the birth of an heir to the Neon family is a big problem, let alone a kingdom in a different world with a Western fantasy background.

Originally, Uesugi Miyuki planned to discuss this matter with Uesugi Jun after a while.

But after Uesugi Jun proposed to explore another world in the near future, Uesugi Miyuki planned to take this opportunity to talk about it.

Why Uesugi Miyuki thinks this is an opportunity, mainly because Uesugi Miyuki thinks to give her man one more reason to live. When he encounters difficulties in another world, his desire to survive will be stronger.

Don't you see that the R Dragon Emperor in the high school Long Zhonglong, for the sake of Oupai, all kinds of small universes are constantly exploding.

This is actually a good proof, although Uesugi Jun is not so lustful, but it is more because he doesn't want to feel sorry for Uesugi Miyuki, it has nothing to do with Liu Xiahui, after all, the man's true nature.

But when Uesugi Miyuki took the initiative to open the mouth for him, it was different.

Men, for their own desires, in many cases, they can really surpass gods.

Are those time management gurus so awesome from the beginning?

No, they were all tempered by desire.

"Indeed, if you open your mouth and no one can conceive a descendant of the Uesugi family after I accept the concubine, then it is not a problem with you and other princesses, but a problem with me, the king, right?" Uesugi Jun looked Uesugi Miyuki said a little speechlessly.

"Jun-kun, there is always a price to pay for your love!" Miyuki Uesugi looked at Jun Uesugi and said with a dark smile.

However, Uesugi Miyuki's move can at least prevent those purposeful forces from giving Uesugi Junsai women in the future.

Although Uesugi Miyuki doesn't have a thorough understanding of human nature, she also knows very well that creatures like men cannot stand the test.

She really didn't want Uesugi Jun to suddenly bring a woman with a special purpose into Uesugi's house one day, which would not only waste the resources in Uesugi Jun's hands, but also cause a lot of disharmony in the family.

The most important thing is that she has never been good at dealing with this kind of thing, nor does she intend to deal with it.

Instead of sitting back and watching the situation step by step, it is better to start making corresponding arrangements directly after predicting in advance.

In fact, it can be seen here that Miyuki Uesugi is actually a smart woman who knows how to judge the situation.

If there is only a short life of several decades in a hurry, then if Uesugi Jun dares to cheat, Uesugi Miyuki will definitely blacken and add a hatchet to Uesugi Jun.

But when the life span is so long that even he doesn't know it, the concept of ordinary people is really not suitable for superhumans.

Miyuki Uesugi, who has always been a nerd and likes to study, feels that if she allows herself to deal with those intrigues every day in the future, she will definitely make her want to kill someone!

And a powerful man is destined to have a woman by his side. Before the situation develops beyond his control, it is completely acceptable to set up a good situation first and find some helpers to set up a defense line to deal with these possible future events. .

The most important thing is that this can leave a deep impression on Jun Uesugi, thus ensuring his absolute status in his mind.

"Miyuki, but I didn't intend to play tricks!" Uesugi Jun said helplessly.

"I believe this now. I am very clear about Chunjun's feelings for me. But the future between us will be very, very long. How long can the current guarantee last? Human nature cannot stand the test. It's not that I'm pessimistic, but that for a man as good as you, I think it's impossible to monopolize him.

In fact, sometimes women are really strange. Men are not good enough and feel unmotivated. They are too good and worry about gains and losses. Whenever they have contact with women, they will be suspicious, and eventually even to the point of breaking up.And it seems that someone like you who is too good and powerful is like a magnet, and I can't stop those violent winds and waves. "Uesugi Miyuki said with dim eyes at this moment.

"Miyuki, you, it's easy to think too much." Atsushi Uesugi felt helpless in the face of Uesugi Miyuki who was thinking in this way. After all, the two had not been married for a year.

Of course, there is really nothing new between the two, which is true. After all, they have been together almost since they were young, and their relationship has long passed the passionate stage.

"Chun Jun, I will let you go, and you can choose to do it yourself, but even if it is confirmed, I will not allow you to hold the ceremony for a hundred years. Even if it is only a superficial monopoly, please let me have a longer period of time." Time." Uesugi Miyuki said.

"Although I haven't thought about it yet, I promise you that I will make corresponding arrangements until the day you nod your head." Uesugi Jun said with a little guilt.

"That's good! By the way, Seiko mentioned one thing to me before, that is, the current positions of Huang Quan and Xiaolan are a bit awkward." Miyuki Uesugi continued to speak.

"Embarrassed?" Uesugi Jun was a little confused.

"Chun-jun, whether it's this side or the Nihong side, you don't intend to divide up this small territory, do you?" Uesugi Miyuki asked.

"That's for sure!" Uesugi Jun nodded and replied.

"Then how to establish the separate status of Huang Quan and Xiaolan? Besides, is it really necessary to establish a separate family now?" Uesugi Miyuki asked Uesugi Jun.

"Yes, the environment and circumstances have changed. There is really no need to establish a branch family. If it must be established, it can only be established in modern society. This is really a bit of a headache!" Uesugi Jun couldn't help touching forehead.

"Huang Quan doesn't need to worry. I have already mentioned some future ideas to her, and she has no objection." Uesugi Miyuki opened her mouth and helped Uesugi Jun solve one of the troubles first.

After listening to Uesugi Miyuki's words, the Uesugi family only knew that their daughter-in-law had already started their own layout in the family, and it was not unacceptable for Uesugi Huangquan to have his step-sister become a concubine.

Among the two girls, it was Mao Lilan who was really difficult to deal with.

After all, Uesugi Jun voluntarily agreed to Mori Kogoro to let Mao Lilan become the head of the branch family, which contributed to the fact that Mao Lilan became Uesugi Jun's righteous sister.

"Let's talk with Uncle Maori and Aunt Mili. In fact, territory is not difficult to find. Neon and this world are not enough. I can also find other worlds to help Xiaolan lay down a territory." Jun Uesugi said .

"It's not the two worlds that the Uesugi family mainly develops, so it will inevitably give outsiders the impression of exile!" Miyuki Uesugi couldn't help reminding.

"Indeed, if such a result is really caused, there will inevitably be such rumors from the outside world, so I want to talk to them." Uesugi Jun then said.

"I also support you to discuss it. After all, Xiaolan is the only one in the family who can't settle the matter without asking for her opinion." The reason why Uesugi Miyuki didn't directly go to Mao Lilan to talk like Huang Quan was because Mao Lilan was Benefactor of the Uesugi family.

As for another benefactor, Suzuki Sonoko, Uesugi Miyuki felt that there was no need to look for it, because Suzuki Shiro's motive for sending his daughter was too obvious.

"Have Uncle Maoli and Aunt Miles returned to Neon?" Jun Uesugi asked.

"No, Xiaolan asked their husband and wife to stay and take over her work before she left, so they are all here, downstairs at this moment." Uesugi Miyuki knew that Uesugi Jun did not use the pupil technique, otherwise she would not have asked this problem.

After taking a look and finding that the two were still watching TV at the moment, Uesugi Jun took Uesugi Miyuki and disappeared into the garden on the sixth floor.

In the next second, the two came downstairs and took the elevator.

At this moment, Mori Kogoro and Fei Mi were notified of the visit of Uesugi Jun and his wife.

"Xiao Jun, why are you back?" Fei Mili asked Uesugi Jun after the elevator arrived and Uesugi Jun and Uesugi Miyuki walked out.

"Miyuki asked me to come back for something, so I stopped by to see you." Jun Uesugi would still say the polite words.

"I think you have something to come to us, kid!" Mori Kogoro's detective attributes at the moment were simply beyond the charts.

"Since Uncle Mao Li saw it, I will not hide it. This time, I want to talk to Uncle Mao Li and Aunt Mili about Xiaolan's future." Jun Uesugi was invited to sit down by Fei Mili , nodded directly and said.

"Xiaochun, just say what you have." Feili said very gently, without the tone of Moori Kogoro.

"It's about the separation!" Uesugi Jun said directly.

"Are you ready to split up now?" Hearing about the split, Mouri Kogoro's expression suddenly became serious.

"No, actually because the situation is different, I haven't thought about breaking up the family at all recently." Uesugi Jun shook his head and replied.

"Boy, what do you mean?" Mori Kogoro asked a little annoyed, after all, this is different from what he said before.

"Husband, watch your tone!" Fei Mili said seriously from the side.

"Aunt Li, don't worry about it. Although my status has changed, you are my elders, and this has never changed." Uesugi Jun is not a person who forgets his roots.

"Uncle Mori, don't worry, that's not what Jun-kun meant!" Uesugi Miyuki also persuaded.

"Then tell me what you're thinking, don't hold your breath." Mouri Kogoro said to Uesugi Jun after taking two deep breaths.

"Uncle Maori, according to the current situation, whether it is Arnus or Uesugi Island, I can't divide the territory for Xiaolan. So now Xiaolan has four choices, the first is to rely on Xiaolan's own efforts And the resources of the Uesugi family got a territory on the Farmat continent.

The second is that after Xiaolan is strong enough, she creates a small island in the neon territorial waters. With me, Emperor Ninchi has to pinch his nose to recognize this matter even if he doesn't want to.Third, I'm afraid I will explore the new world soon, and I can fight for Xiaolan's territory in the new world.

However, because the influence of the Uesugi family will not extend to the new world, so letting Xiaolan go to work hard in the new world will inevitably give outsiders the impression that Xiaolan is squeezed out by the Uesugi family.And this is what I want to make clear to you in advance, after all, neither Miyuki nor I have this intention. "

Having said that, Uesugi Jun will stop talking.

Instead, Kogoro Mori asked, "Boy, didn't you say there are four choices? What about the fourth?"

"It's to marry Xiaolan, right?" Fei Mili suddenly asked.

"Yes!" Uesugi Jun nodded directly.

"What!" Mori Kogoro shouted after opening his eyes wide!

"Xiao Chun, you didn't mention anything about Huang Quan at the beginning, so there is only one result, that is, Huang Quan accepted the fourth choice, right!" Fei Mili looked at Uesugi Chun and asked.

"Aunt Miles, I took the initiative to talk about Huang Quan." Uesugi Miyuki took over the topic and said.

"Miyuki, is this your idea?" Fei Mili seemed to know Uesugi Miyuki for the first time, and she couldn't help asking, after all, she was a strong woman, and it was natural that she couldn't accept polygamy.

"Yes, Aunt Miles, I also have my own difficulties!" After speaking, Uesugi Miyuki directly expressed her concerns.

After listening to Uesugi Miyuki's words, Fei Mi didn't say anything.

After all, it involves the issue of heirs. Whether it is in Neon or on the mainland of Falmat, this issue is unsolvable.

Especially now that Jun Uesugi's status has risen to the level of daimyo and king, this problem has become particularly prominent.

Uesugi Miyuki had no choice but to choose to let go.

And from Fei Mili's point of view, although this kind of voluntary opening is not in line with her personality, it has to be said that it is a very smart approach.

Feili knew that none of the cadres of the Uesugi family's retainers were fuel-efficient.

(End of this chapter)

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