tokyo enforcer

Chapter 254 Miyuki Uesugi: Holy Son, I give you what you want...

Chapter 254 Miyuki Uesugi, Seiko Uesugi, You Can Take What I Give.
Teng Seiko is not only extremely smart, but also quite powerful.Sagami Ono Chie has been in the social circle since she was a child, and she understands the rules of the game of the aristocrats very well. In addition, her own ability is not bad, and she is decisive in killing, so she is also a very difficult target.

Not to mention Nikaidou Tong, who was able to seize the opportunity of his cousin to jump ship directly, and then soar to the top, how could his mind and means be poor.

As for Sera Akemi, who came from behind, she was in the dark world before joining the Uesugi family.

Although according to Xiaolan's conversation, she still has her own lover, but her younger sister Seliang Shiho doesn't have one. After Shiho grows up again, it's basically a certainty.

With such a sister on the sidelines as an adviser, Shi Liangshiho wouldn't suffer even if he wasn't thinking about it.

Uesugi Miyuki's retainer defense line, unless the foreign vixen has strong strength and superb means, there is basically no hope of breaking through the defense line and threatening Uesugi Miyuki's status.

Not to mention that apart from these four major cadres, there are other retainers who can form another line of defense.

Among these people, Fei Mi can at least be sure that Suzuki Sonoko must be among them. There is a certain possibility of Tsujimoto Natsumi and Sakurai Aoi. After all, the characters of these two women tend to admire the strong.

I can't guarantee the rest of Fei Mili. After all, everyone is educated in modern society, and it is possible to agree or not.

"Mei Xing, I already understand what you mean. But neither I nor my husband will interfere with Xiao Lan's feelings, no matter who she chooses, it's the same." Fei Mili chose a smart answer.

After all, she has seen that Jun Uesugi's commitment to Xiaolan is more of a previous promise, but she has not seen it in terms of feelings anyway.

As for Mori Kogoro, who was at the side, he was already closed to himself with envy at the moment. As for his daughter's matter, Mori Kogoro had no opinion.

Because he has no choice, for him, the best way to revive the Mori family is to let Mao Lilan improve enough strength, use the method of Jun Uesugi to create an island in Neon, so that the Mori family It is to regain the glory of the ancestors.

But the fourth option is also very attractive, because the possibility of Uesugi Miyuki's continuation of the Uesugi family's bloodline for ten thousand years is very small, otherwise Uesugi Miyuki would not be able to open this hole, and this would give others a chance.

Once conceived, this is undoubtedly the heir of the Uesugi family.

Not to mention anything else, when he grows up, he can at least inherit one of Arnus and Uesugishima, which will also be of great help to the Maori family.

Some people may think that Mori Kogoro's idea is a bit wrong. After all, Mori Ran is married to Uesugi Jun, so how can there be things about Mori's family.

In fact, the reason is very simple, because Fei Mili is pregnant.

Yes, after getting the subsystem, Mori Kogoro sees the hope of longevity, and his and Fei Mi's physical fitness has also been improved.

And the current Feili is not yet 40 years old, let alone a new birth, even if there are a few more, with her current physique, it is not a problem at all.

In addition, after she became pregnant, Miyuki Uesugi checked her to confirm that there was a boy in her stomach.

Knowing this situation, Miyuki Uesugi supported Atsushi Uesugi to talk to Kogoro Mori and Mimi.

And this is also the reason why Kogoro Mori is struggling at the moment. After all, Neon people's patriarchal thinking has lasted for too many years.

Now that she has a son, Mao Lilan, the daughter, does not have to take on the need to restore the glory of the Mao Li family.

Even when his strength really rises later, he can stand up by himself, and he doesn't necessarily have to pin his hopes on Mao Lilan and his unborn son.

This is also the reason why he did not speak against the fourth choice, that is, he is not selfish, otherwise he would have opened his mouth to persuade his daughter to marry Jun Uesugi.

After all, someone who is more selfish, like Jizhi Fan's father, probably has already agreed to it at this moment, and then tried to persuade Mao Lilan.

Concubine Miles' answer is actually a disguised refusal, because no matter whether Mao Lilan has Kudo Shinichi in her heart or not, she will definitely find it difficult to accept being Uesugi Jun's concubine and sharing Uesugi Jun with other women. Love.

Both Jun Uesugi and Miyuki Uesugi could hear this from her answer.

Neither Atsushi Uesugi nor Miyuki Uesugi had thought about implementing this matter. They came to the Maori couple just to confirm their thoughts, that's all.

After all, only by confirming the thoughts of the two, Jun Uesugi can avoid detours in the matter of separating the family.

Now it seems that Mori Kogoro must be persistent in regaining the glory of the Mori family, so the separation of the family is certain.

And looking at Mori Kogoro's expression, apart from the fact that the fourth attitude is not obvious, he prefers the second choice.

"Well, I understand." Uesugi Miyuki gave an understanding answer.

"Let's talk about Xiaolan later. After all, today I'm mainly here to confirm what the two of you intend to establish a branch." Uesugi Jun also followed suit.

After Uesugi Jun finished speaking, Fei Mili understood what Uesugi Jun meant.

After finishing talking with the Mori couple, Jun Uesugi and Miyuki Uesugi returned to the garden on the sixth floor.

"Miyuki, how is the recent progress of blood transplantation?" Uesugi Jun asked Uesugi Miyuki.

"Jun-kun, do you have any plans for this now?" Uesugi Miyuki knew Uesugi Jun's intention to establish the Blood Warlock Association.

"No, the road has to be taken step by step. What I mean is that if the progress is not smooth or there is a bottleneck, the current success rate is enough. I hope you will return to Ni Go Hong, you also know that Neon is our real foundation. I don’t feel relieved without you watching from the base camp.” Uesugi Jun said directly.

"It's okay like this! I just got a little bored recently." Uesugi Miyuki's words are not echoing, but sincere. After all, she prefers mechanical things to biological research.

"That's the best." Uesugi Jun nodded with a smile.

"By the way, Jun-kun, after returning to Nihong, I should be the president of the Blood Warlock Association!" Uesugi Miyuki suddenly said to Uesugi Jun.

"Will you be the president?" Jun Uesugi looked at his wife in surprise, after all, he knew that his wife was not interested in fame and power.

"Jun-kun, you dote on the son too much." Miyuki Uesugi explained the reason.


Uesugi Jun felt a little wronged. In fact, he chose Fuji Seiko as a habitual arrangement.

It can be said to be trust, but it is definitely not a favor, after all, he has not had such an idea before.

And since Meixing brought up this matter, it proves that other cadres must have complained to their daughter-in-law.

As for who it is, Uesugi Jun doesn't need to know, because it doesn't make sense.

Uesugi Jun only knew that his daughter-in-law had brought up this matter, which proved that he was definitely not the only one talking about this matter.

It seems that I didn't think much about my assertiveness before, and the attitude I showed made the other retainers feel unbalanced.

Although Uesugi Jun can ignore it, after all, Uesugi's family is his, and he doesn't care about anyone's opinion at all.

But now that he thought about it a little more, Uesugi Jun felt that other retainers dared to complain to Uesugi Miyuki.

After all, there are only two important positions on the Neon side for the Uesugi family, one is the chairman of the Police Commission, and no one can let Uesugi Jun.

And the other is the position of the president of the Blood Warlock Association. According to the current composition of the Uesugi family, the most suitable candidate for the position of president is Uesugi Miyuki.

The second is Uesugi Huangquan, which is not even suitable for Mao Lilan, let alone Fuji Seiko.

It's no wonder that Miyuki would say that she dotes on Fuji Seiko too much, after all, this is the result of this decision.

"I see! Seiko over there" Uesugi Jun originally wanted to say, but he came to talk to Seiko Fuji.

But Miyuki Uesugi interrupted him and said, "Let me talk about the Son of God."

"Okay! Then Miyuki, when will you return?" Uesugi Jun nodded and didn't say anything more, but directly changed the subject and asked.

"Tomorrow, after all, there are some things that need to be disassembled and brought back to Neon." Miyuki Uesugi said after thinking about it.

"Is the headquarters building also taken away?" Uesugi Jun asked Uesugi Miyuki.

"Take it away, after all, didn't you plan to use the building as the headquarters building of the Blood Warlock Association." Uesugi Miyuki nodded and said.

"Then Arnus's side," Uesugi Jun said.

"It doesn't matter. I have already considered the possible situation, so I have already built a hydroelectric power station here. Apart from other things, it is still no problem to meet the power supply needs of Arnus, so don't worry about energy. In addition, we They have all left, and there is no powerful person here, and the technology is too easy to leak if it stays here."

Miyuki Uesugi's words are not unreasonable, after all, after the opening of the [Boundary Gate], news cannot be blocked.

Moreover, the center of gravity of the Uesugi family is still on the Neon side, so it is useless to leave some advanced equipment here, and it is easy to attract the coveting of interested people.

This is also the reason why Uesugi Miyuki plans to take away all the supporting facilities of the building, leaving only a low-tech hydropower station here.

"As long as there is no problem with energy. After all, there are people from the Suzuki family in the construction. Even if we are not there, they are still watching. If there is any problem, they can notify us at any time." Nodding, as long as Miyuki Uesugi is considerate, That's fine.

When it comes to this point, it is considered that the discussion is over for the business, and then, naturally, it will be the matter between husband and wife.

On the second day, Uesugi Jun was busy with Uesugi Miyuki to put all the former special disaster countermeasures department building and supporting floors into the mirror space, and then Uesugi Jun returned to Neon with Uesugi Miyuki and Sera Shiho.

After returning to Neon, the two did not immediately go to Uesugi Island to relocate the building, but got busy separately.

After Uesugi Jun came back from here, he went directly to the Police Commission building in Shinagawa. Even if he delegated the affairs of the Police Commission to Toshiro Odagiri, he still needed to know and sign for some matters.

Uesugi Miyuki also has things to do on her side, and the first thing is to deal with the president of Seiko Fuji.

As for the relocation of the headquarters building of the Bloodline Warlock Association, there is no need to worry at all. It will not be too late to start when the Uesugi Island project is planned.

After the two transfers, Miyuki Uesugi found Seiko Fuji who was waiting here in a store in Kyoto.

Seiko Fuji is in charge of the Kyoto area, while Uesugi Yomi and Mori Ran are in charge of Tokyo and Osaka respectively.

"Ma'am, are you looking for me about the Blood Warlocks Association?" Of course Seiko Fuji knew that Uesugi Miyuki would not return to Neon for no reason, and then look for herself alone.

So there must be something that made this lady, who usually stays at home, leave the laboratory.

Among the recent events, Fuji Seiko thinks that Mrs. Uesugi is most likely to come forward in person, which is probably the only one.

"Holy Son, I told Jun-kun that I will be the president, I hope you don't think too much about it." Uesugi Miyuki didn't beat around the bush, she just nodded and said.

"How come, I also think it is most appropriate for the position of president to be held by the wife." Although Fuji Seiko answered in this way, she must still be very disappointed in her heart.

It's not that she is greedy for power, but that she has secured this position, which means that her status in the Uesugi family is higher than that of the other cadres.

She knows this, and so do the other girls, otherwise how could the other girls talk to Miyuki Uesugi.

Although the other women didn't have any harsh words, they only expressed one meaning inside and out, that is, Teng Seiko is not suitable to sit in this position. After all, the position of the president of the Blood Warlock Association is unusual.

In fact, it is best for Uesugi Jun to be the president, and when Uesugi Jun obviously does not want to join the team, it is the turn of Uesugi Miyuki to be the president.

Not to mention that Fuji Seiko is not Uesugi Jun's concubine, even if it is, it should not be her turn.

After all, the Bloodline Warlock Association represents the extraordinary power of the Uesugi family in Neon. Unless Seiko Fuji takes the place of Miyuki Uesugi's wife, she is not qualified to be the president.

This is also the main reason why Uesugi Miyuki asked Uesugi Jun for the position of president after the other women brought it up.

It is also fortunate that the Bloodline Warlock Association has not yet been listed, otherwise there will be some rumors that are not conducive to the relationship between Miyuki Uesugi and Seiko Fuji.

"Holy Son, there are some things that you can understand even if I don't tell you. I also know that you don't mean that, so you don't have to pay too much attention to it." Uesugi Miyuki immediately comforted her.

"Ma'am, I'm really sorry, I lost my head before." Teng Seiko breathed a sigh of relief at the moment.

After all, he was blinded by greed in his heart at the time, so he did not refuse Uesugi Jun's appointment.

When Uesugi Miyuki came, Fuji Seiko remembered that the position of president had a special meaning in the Uesugi family, and taking over this appointment meant that she wanted to replace Uesugi Miyuki.

This kind of self-indulgent provocation is too serious, no wonder the other women are given eye drops.

Fortunately, Uesugi Miyuki said bluntly that she would not pursue the previous matter, otherwise Fuji Seiko would have to be quite psychologically prepared.

Of course, whether Teng Seiko just remembered it on the spur of the moment, or knew it all the time, but didn't want to give up and pretended not to know, that is something that only Teng Seiko knows in his heart.

"Holy Son, this time is not an exception." Miyuki Uesugi smiled with an inexplicable meaning.

"There will be no next time." Fuji Seiko knew that Miyuki Uesugi was beating her.

"But, it doesn't matter if it's just Jun-kun." Miyuki Uesugi was silent for a while before speaking.

"Ma'am." Teng Seiko felt that she seemed to be hallucinating for a while.

"It's just Jun-kun's words, it doesn't matter!" Now that she has spoken, Uesugi Miyuki doesn't mind repeating it again, even though she is not feeling well at the moment.

"Ma'am, what is this?" It's no wonder Seiko Teng asked tentatively again at this moment.

After all, what happened just now, Fuji Seiko will inevitably not think too much.

"Holy Son, Jun-kun and I have a very high bloodline, and it is extremely difficult to give birth to offspring." Miyuki Uesugi explained to the point.

"That" Fuji Seiko just said this word.

"If there is one, it will carry forward, if not, it will last for a hundred years." Uesugi Miyuki knew what Fuji Seiko meant, so she gave the answer very happily.

"A hundred years is not a long time." Teng Shengzi couldn't help but flashed a light in his eyes.

For ordinary people, a hundred years is enough to turn them into dead bones.

But for the retainers of the Uesugi family, this time is really nothing.

Even though none of the vassals have achieved longevity yet, for this group of vassals who have obtained enough subsystem places, it is less than ten years.

Except for Qinnan Soue, Mogami Kyoko and Odagiri Toshiro, who will take a little longer, the minimum quota for others is also 1500.

Based on the minimum average income of 100 per person per day, each subordinate can generate 25 points of income for the retainers.

1500 people are 37500 points a day, and 13687500 points a year. If you want to accumulate 1 million order points to buy moon elves, it will take less than ten years.

After all, it is possible to get tens of thousands of points a day if you really work hard. You must know that 100 points are only counted separately for arrest or execution, and the seized wealth has not been counted.

In foreign countries where no food or drink has been harvested, there are actually very few criminals with only 100 crime points on their bodies, and most of them emitting red light are hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands.

Then these incomes are only based on the income of a group of retainers who do nothing and lie down directly.

Among the retainers, except for Nikaido Laiko and Tsuba Kaki, basically they would not choose to lie flat with salted fish.

Then the time to obtain the moon elf physique will only be shorter, and once obtained, it will directly live forever, and a mere hundred years will be nothing to them at all.

"It's best to settle the matter before Chun-kun goes to explore other worlds. I hope to give Chun-kun enough motivation to survive, do you understand?" Uesugi Miyuki directly stated two reasons for letting go.

"Ma'am, I understand." Hearing this reason, Seiko Fuji admired Miyuki Uesugi a little bit.

After all, if it was her, it would be impossible to make concessions for this reason. Don't underestimate a woman's possessiveness.

Of course, Seiko Fuji also understands that when a man is getting better and better, a smart woman should make a choice like Miyuki Uesugi.Rather than carry out the so-called strict defense, and finally make men disgusted, and eventually lose everything.

The concept of monogamy in modern society is not applicable to people like Jun Uesugi.

(End of this chapter)

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