tokyo enforcer

Chapter 258 The dragon is lying at home, and the disaster comes from the king's capital...

Chapter 258 The dragon lies at home, and the disaster comes from the king's capital.
Take the giant toad on the plain near Axel in Novice Village as an example, its size is several times that of a human, and this is the lowest level of beast in this world.

It's no wonder that Yoyo has repeatedly dissuaded Uesugi Jun. You must know that the ancient dragon is the top predator standing at the top of the World of Warcraft.

Even beasts are so terrifying, let alone monsters that can use magic attacks.

The big reason why other dead people are unwilling to stay in this world is that it is too difficult to survive in the Suqing world.

It is hard enough to be threatened by wild beasts, monsters and the Demon King's army, but who can bear the oppression and exploitation from the nobles of the kingdom.

When you are alive, if you have no choice but to survive, forget it. After death, no one will be nostalgic for this world that is not friendly to the weak at all.

After all, living a precarious life is already miserable enough, and you have to bear the bullying and exploitation of the same kind. Even nobles have to worry about reincarnation, let alone those at the bottom.

As a result, the population is constantly decreasing, and once humans become extinct, Eris will not only suffer from the crisis of lack of believers, but may also face punishment from the God Realm.

No wonder Lady Luck has to roll up her sleeves from time to time to fight against the Demon King's army in person, and then Akuya, the mentally handicapped goddess, keeps fooling the souls from the earth to reincarnate into this world to destroy the Demon King's army.

After getting the approximate location of the ancient dragon, Jun Uesugi walked leisurely towards the Death Mountain where the ancient dragon was entrenched.

After several days of trekking, Uesugi Junshi and Yoyo finally came to the edge of Death Mountain.

No need to search, Uesugi Jun has already found the figure of the ancient dragon. After all, as long as it enters a certain range, it will be able to feel the huge magic power.

Not to mention Jun Uesugi, even Yunyun felt the frightening aura after getting close to a certain distance.

"Are you afraid?" Uesugi Jun asked Yoyo, whose face had paled a lot.

"Scared!" Yoyo replied honestly.

"Then stand behind me and watch carefully!" After finishing speaking, Uesugi Jun took a few steps forward, and suddenly burst into a sky-high aura.

"It's scary!" Feeling this momentum, Yoyo couldn't help taking a few steps back, then looked at Uesugi Jun with disbelieving eyes and murmured.

But in the next second, Yoyo didn't have time to think about Uesugi Jun's aura, because with Uesugi Jun's aura burst out, a huge head rose from the other side of the mountain range.

Accompanied by the huge head and the hurricane caused by the spread of its wings, the ferocious dragon's head dangled over the mountains and looked towards the place where Atsushi Uesugi was.

"Human! Get out of here, the great Mo'er Gu can ignore you for waking me up from my deep sleep." The ancient dragon spoke.

It's a higher bloodline!
Although Uesugi Jun didn't understand the bloodline classification among giant dragons, but the size of the ancient giant dragon was comparable to a small mountain range, and the wisdom that could speak and judge the threat he posed, Uesugi Jun guessed that this thing was at least a dragon Higher bloodlines.

Is the ancient dragon so easy to talk to?For a while, Yoyo felt that the scene at this moment was very different from the legend.

After all, in the legend, whoever dares to get close to the sleeping place of the giant dragon, disturbs the sleep of the ancient dragon, or covets the treasure of the dragon, will only be greeted by the breath from the ancient dragon.

"Leave if you say leave, who do you think I am! Hand over your treasure, and I can consider keeping your whole body!" Uesugi Jun said arrogantly at the moment.

"Roar! Ants, you have successfully angered the great Morgu. I will draw your soul out and burn it with your breath for 1000 years!" The ancient dragon was obviously angry at this moment. Apart from a piece of Ni Lin, the most untouchable thing is the treasure it has spent countless years collecting.

"What are you talking about with me, even if I give you my soul, do you have the leisure to burn for 1000 years?" Uesugi Jun curled his lips in disdain.

Brother Uesugi, is this the time to talk about this?Yoyo couldn't help but want to complain.

"Ants! Fuck me!" After finishing speaking, the ancient dragon opened its mouth to Jun Uesugi and sprayed a breath that could melt steel.

The flames mixed with the extremely strong sulfur breath moved from far to near, almost reaching the place where Uesugi Jun was in the blink of an eye.

Just when Yoyo was going to use the magic barrier to stop it, she found that the breath that had started to spread was actually gathering in the direction where Atsushi Uesugi was.

Then Yoyo watched as the magical breath enough to destroy a town disappeared in Uesugi Jun's outstretched hand.

What just happened?
But at this moment Yoyo didn't speak, but took out her own adventurer card.

Then a devouring skill appeared on Yoyo's adventurer card, but it immediately faded away.

That's right, the skill that appeared didn't even show the points, so it just dimmed.

This kind of skill Yoyo has seen in a certain document before, and this is the case after some brave men use their abilities in front of others, which shows that they cannot be learned.

In other words, this is an exclusive skill that belongs only to the brave.

In fact, Yoyo was purely misled at this moment. The reason why the adventurer card does not support this skill is because the devouring skill belongs to Jun Uesugi's bloodline supernatural power.

Without the blood of the Devouring Flower, it is impossible to learn, and this is the answer.

"Ants!" Seeing that his breath was inexplicably absorbed by Uesugi Junlai, the ancient dragon began to look squarely at Uesugi Junlai.

After all, Uesugi Jun's aura is not worse than his own, otherwise the ancient dragon would not have asked Uesugi Jun to leave before.

"Winged lizard, you're Maoyan!" Uesugi Jun couldn't help digging his ears at this moment, after all, the voice of the ancient dragon was really loud enough.

"Go to hell!" The ancient giant dragon that had been flying at this moment flapped its wings at Uesugi Jun, and a hurricane suddenly formed, and it spun in the direction of Uesugi Jun.

After absorbing the previous experience of breathing, the ancient dragon did not use magic power to attack this time, but only relied on its own strength to conduct a tentative attack. After all, it has lived for countless years. Although the ancient dragon is proud and arrogant, its fighting wisdom is not bad.

Don't look at the angry look now, but in fact it is just a performance, in order to make Uesugi Jun take it lightly.

And looking at the huge tornado from far to near, Yoyo couldn't help trembling all over.

Before facing the dragon, no one knows the fear of facing the dragon, but now Yoyo really feels how powerful the ancient dragon is.

But it is precisely because of this understanding that Yoyo understands how brave Uesugi Jun is who dares to stand here and dare to speak ill of the ancient dragon, or he has a big heart.

"Small tricks!" After finishing speaking, a knife appeared in Jun Uesugi's hand, and he swung it fiercely at the huge tornado.

In the next second, a series of slashing blows went straight to the tornado, and they met the tornado less than two breaths later. After the two confronted each other for less than a second, the tornado was cut apart by the slashes. in two halves.

And the cut airflow was chaotic, making the area between Uesugi Jun and the ancient dragon a mess.

As for Uesugi Jun's slash, it disappeared after cutting through a mountain range on the opposite side.

"Endless Wind Blade!" Seeing that nothing came out of this trial, the patience of the ancient dragon was directly wiped out.

Two huge magic circles appeared on the wings, and in the next second with the skill of the wings, countless wind blades piled up towards the place where Atsushi Uesugi was.

The speed and number of these wind blades are much higher than when Jun Uesugi and Yujian Kyoya fought before. After all, creatures like giant dragons, even if it is just a simple flat A, are like flying because of their size. It's the same.

Putting away the samurai sword, Uesugi Jun raised his right fist and punched hard in the direction of the ancient dragon!
"Fist of the Golden Bull!"

This punching is different from Uesugi Jun's previous reservations. There are no human beings around here, and Uesugi Jun doesn't have to worry about it so that he dare not try his best.

In addition, Suqing World is stronger than Farmat Continent and the modern world. Uesugi Jun doesn't need to use all his strength, he is afraid that the power of his punch will not be able to attack the ancient dragon from such a long distance.

After all, it's useless to just destroy the endless wind blade. With the magic power reserve of the giant dragon, it's just a skill fight. I'm afraid Jun Uesugi will have to fight it for a month or even longer.

Uesugi Jun didn't have much time to waste here, so if he didn't make a move, he had to threaten or even hurt the ancient dragon.

Seeing that Uesugi Jun's punch directly shattered the atmosphere, and countless cracks opened from the direction of the fist, Yoyo was almost dumbfounded.

While Yoyo was dumbfounded, the ancient dragon felt an unprecedented sense of crisis.After all, the ancient dragon was not blind, so how could he not see the split space.


Must go back!

However, before he had time to step back, the ancient dragon felt a sense of tearing from his body.

At the same time, it finally saw the damage caused to its body by the tearing sensation on its body.

For a moment, the entire body was directly cracked with more than a dozen holes that tore the solid armor along with those space cracks, and a large amount of blood continuously seeped out from the wounds.

What a long-lost pain!

Yes, these wounds only caused pain to the ancient dragon, after all, the distance between Uesugi Jun and the ancient dragon was too far.

So the injuries caused are limited after all. For the ancient dragon, this kind of injury can completely disappear after a little rest. The only effect it can have is probably to interrupt the endless wind blade magic of the ancient dragon.

However, it can cause damage at a distance of more than one kilometer in a straight line. Apart from other things, Jun Uesugi's attack power is recognized by the ancient dragon.

Therefore, the ancient dragon that felt the pain didn't even have time to complain or roar, but flapped its wings and retreated a distance of [-] meters.

As far as it is concerned, retreating [-] meters does not prevent it from attacking, but with this safe distance of [-] meters, Jun Uesugi's attack cannot be effective against it.

Well, the premise is that the reward is when Jun Uesugi can't get closer.

But is this really the case?This is obviously impossible.

For Uesugi Jun, if it wasn't for testing his attack power, he would have too many ways to get in the distance.

The most economical skill here is [Moon Step]!
Yes, as soon as the ancient dragon retreated, Uesugi Jun knew what the winged lizard was planning.

So as soon as the ancient dragon retreated, Uesugi Jun immediately kicked in place, and then the whole person rushed directly into the sky.

Then, under the puzzled eyes of the ancient dragon and Youyou, his right leg tapped on the air.

Accompanied by the explosion, Uesugi Jun never fell from the sky, but instead accelerated towards the ancient dragon.

What the hell!

Uesugi Jun's unreasonable [moon steps] directly shocked the ancient dragon and Yoyo.

Youyou couldn't care about the reaction of the ancient dragon at the moment, because her attention was already occupied by the adventurer card.

At this moment, two spells and skills that can be learned were shown on her card. Among them, the Fist of the Taurus was displayed as space shattering magic by the adventurer's card, and the moon step became an air walking skill.

Among them, the learning points of space shattering magic are as high as 60 points, and the points of walking in the air have also reached 10 points.

What level is this?

The learning points of the most powerful Explosion Magic in the original book are only 50 points, and this magic is a middle school girl Hui Hui who unintentionally uncovered the seal of the Red Devil Town when she was five years old, and released the goddess who is in charge of sloth and tyranny. Released by defeating his other half.

Therefore, the space fragmentation magic that requires 60 skill points is actually a top-level existence.

According to Yoyo's current magic power storage, even if she learns it, the power will definitely not reach Uesugi Jun's level, and the range of fragmentation may not even reach a hundred meters.

Even after using it once, there will be the same side effect of being unable to move after Megumi used explosion magic.

As for walking without empty space, with Yoyo's physique, if you learn it, you can only take one or two steps at most.

Counting on her, it seems that Uesugi Jun can move freely in the air, I am afraid that it is only slightly possible after at least level [-], and it is necessary to improve the physical strength as much as possible.

Of course, ordinary people don't even have the opportunity to learn, and even if Uesugi Jun is lucky enough to demonstrate it in front of him, there are not enough points to learn if it is stored on the adventurer card.

Only a real patriarch's daughter like Yoyo, a properly rich second generation, can get the magic potion that increases the points, and will need such exaggerated skill points to learn magic and skills.

This is why Uesugi Jun used his abilities in front of her. Here, Uesugi Jun didn't want to teach her, but wanted to see if the abilities he had used would appear on Yoyo's adventurer card after he used them.

Of course, Uesugi Jun was busy cleaning up the ancient dragon at the moment, so he definitely didn't have time to check Yoyo's card.

After all, this ancient dragon can be regarded as a high-end combat power in this world, even Uesugi Jun can't fight while being distracted.

And seeing Jun Uesugi rushing towards him from the air so nimbly, the ancient dragon almost shouted that you don't want to come over.

At this moment, the only word left in the heart of this ancient giant dragon is horror.

Being able to move freely in the air, and the speed is so fast, how can you fight?
Having lost the advantage in the air, the ancient dragon has already felt the breath of death approaching.

So at this moment, it can only use tricks such as endless wind blades to keep a safe distance from Uesugi Jun.

Yes, the moment Uesugi Jun ascended to the sky, the ancient dragon was ready for a protracted battle.

After all, in its view, no matter how powerful Uesugi Jun is, he is only a human being, and the human body has limits. No matter what, it is impossible to compare with the magic power reserve of the giant dragon.

So as long as the opponent's magic power is exhausted, there is a chance of winning.

It's a pity that the imagination is beautiful, but the reality is very cruel.

Just when the ancient dragon was preparing for the war of attrition, Uesugi Jun's figure suddenly disappeared into the air.

And when it reappeared, the person had already crossed a certain distance and came to the top of the ancient dragon's back.

When Yoyo and the ancient dragon saw this scene, their eyeballs almost popped out.

But this time, Uesugi Jun didn't give this person any time to react. The moment he appeared, Uesugi Jun stretched out his hands in the direction of the ancient dragon. Pull down.

But this time it's not space shattering, but space distortion, and even the scope of this distortion is far less than before, but the ancient dragon was hit hard!
Yes, with a scream, the ancient giant dragon flying in the sky was distorted irregularly by some kind of force after enduring the Aries power of Jun Uesugi. There was a ball.

The severe pain caused the ancient dragon to make an involuntary sound and scream loudly.

And as the two wings were twisted into several sections, the ancient dragon could no longer maintain the flying state at this moment, and fell directly from the sky.

After a bang, the surrounding dust was lifted high.

Uesugi Jun in the sky also fell down, and that was the end of what Yoyo could see.

Two minutes later, Jun Uesugi suddenly appeared beside Yoyo, and before Yoyo could react, Jun Uesugi teleported her to the ancient dragon whose body was already withered.

What's going on here?
Looking at the ancient dragon with a completely withered body, Yoyo only felt chills all over her body, after all, the scene in front of her was a bit frightening.

"Kill it!"

Then Uesugi Jun's voice came from Yunyun's ear.

"." Yoyo was stunned for a while but didn't react.

After all, in her opinion, the ancient dragons are like this, so they should die no matter what.

In addition, I didn't do anything myself, so I shouldn't do it myself.

After all, whoever kills the prey last, the soul fragments of the prey will be absorbed by the adventurer card of the person who made the last shot due to the breath.

"Yuyou, I don't need the so-called level, or how many monsters do you think I have to kill to get a little strength improvement?" Uesugi Jun saw that Yoyo didn't respond, so he knew what she was thinking.

".I see." When Jun Uesugi said this, Yoyo knew that Jun Uesugi really didn't want to kill the ancient dragon. After all, even killing the ancient dragon could bring huge experience points, but for Jun Uesugi , this kind of experience value is not worth mentioning at all.

The most important thing is that after Yoyo formed a team with Jun Uesugi, she saw Jun Uesugi's adventurer card, and asked Jun Jun Uesugi what skill he wanted to learn because there were still more than 10 skill points on his card.

But he got the answer that Uesugi Jun didn't have any skills worth learning, so let the points be left like this.

Uesugi Jun's answer seemed unbelievable to Yunyun at the time.

(End of this chapter)

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