tokyo enforcer

Chapter 259 Yoyo: I didn't expect that the identity of the second generation of my family would

Chapter 259 Yoyo Didn't Expect The Second Generation Identity Of My Clan To Be Useful One Day
But after seeing the tip of the iceberg of Atsushi Uesugi's strength today, Yoyo realized the reason why Atsushi Uesugi looked down on other skills and magic. After all, he himself was terrifyingly powerful.

She used her best light magic to penetrate the ancient dragon's dizzy pupils, and Yoyo simply ended the ancient dragon's life.

Then I saw the experience value on the adventurer card start to soar. After the value changed, Yoyo found that she had risen a full three levels.

Although these three levels only brought her 3 skill points, and the parameters on the card were only slightly improved, but you must know that this was not the first level zero.

Adventurers in this world, even if they hit a few toads at the beginning, their level will increase rapidly.

But the more experience points are needed in the later stage, the slower the improvement speed will be. Now Yoyo's level is more than 20. At this level, it is basically impossible to upgrade to three levels in one go.

Because only giant dragons, demons and other creatures can satisfy the huge experience value of leveling up.

Obviously, without Jun Uesugi, Yoyo would not be able to challenge this level of existence even if she formed a team.

The most important thing is that it is impossible for others to give up their prey like Jun Uesugi.

As for Yoyo to upgrade alone, the time required for the third level is probably at least half a year to more than a year of hard work.

Looking at the 20 skill points on the adventurer card, Yoyo expressed that she was very conflicted.

Before today, if you had 20 points, Yoyo probably couldn't wait to learn the advanced magic sword of light.

But at this moment, on the adventurer card, there are three spells and one skill.

Two of them are as high as 60 points, namely space fragmentation and space distortion, and the rest of the teleportation has reached 30 points, and the lowest skill point requirement is only 10 points of air walking.

As for the sword of light that was left on the card until the points were full, it has been covered by these three spells and one skill at this moment.

To be honest, the light magic in this world is not bad, and the magic power of the sword of light is not small.

But compared with the space magic displayed by Uesugi Jun, it is far behind.

Yoyo, who wanted to compare herself with Huihui, naturally wanted to learn powerful magic. The original agreement was to go to Axel to find Huihui after learning advanced magic.

But now Yoyo felt that she might have to stay in the hometown of the Red Devil for a while longer.

Because before I learned this, I probably wouldn't be able to get out after I returned home.

Yes, Yoyo may look a bit dull at ordinary times, but in fact she has a super high IQ and outstanding analytical skills, she is cautious and conservative, and simply speaking, she is too honest.

So she actually knows what she needs very well. Apart from being a mess in making friends, she is very talented in combat and magic.

It is also because of this that after seeing the absolute power displayed by Jun Uesugi, Yunyun naturally despises the sword of light that he thought was powerful before.

The magic that can decide the outcome with one blow is also very attractive to Yoyo.

If Huihui hadn't been regarded as an opponent, she might have learned Explosion Magic.

But now that she has a better choice, she may still learn the Sword of Light someday in the future, but that's after learning the three spells and one skill on the card.

Faced with the 160-point demand, Yoyo knew that she needed to go home after looking at the 20 points on her card.

After all, if the 140 skill points are collected through upgrading, Yoyo feels that she may not be able to get them all in her entire life.

But increasing the points does not necessarily require upgrading. The Red Devils have magic potions that increase the points.

Otherwise, how did Huihui learn the 50 skill points of Explosion Magic?

Just relying on her best grades in the class, she got a magic potion to increase points from the school of the Red Devils every time she took the exam.

It wasn't until she collected enough points through potions and learned the explosion magic that she officially graduated, and then left the town of the Red Devils to start her career.

And Yoyo is the daughter of the patriarch, needless to say how rich the family is.

I don't usually talk about it, but now that there is magic on her card that the Red Devils don't have, it is enough to be a legitimate reason to get the magic potion.

After all, the only space-related magic in the Red Devils is teleportation magic. Although this magic is not bad in practicality, it is far behind the magic developed for combat such as teleportation.

Not to mention space fragmentation and space distortion, the two most lethal magics, after all, this is the super magic that Yoyo has seen with her own eyes, which can directly kill the two ancient dragons.

Therefore, if the people of the Red Devils want to keep these two magics in the hometown of the Red Devils, the magic potions that Yoyo needs must be indispensable, and it is foreseeable to use the power of the clan to supply Yoyo.

Although Yoyo may not be able to think so much, she knows that if she wants to learn magic, she must rely on her family.

This was the reason why she was going back home. Of course, before that, she had to go back to the capital with Jun Uesugi and submit the task first.

As for the corpse of the ancient dragon, there is no need to move it back to the Adventurer's Union, because the adventurer's card will record the race and quantity hit.

In addition, the body of this ancient dragon, except for the head and tail, the torso is completely worthless.

After all, where Uesugi Jun extracted the vitality, and did not directly shatter into ashes, Uesugi Jun kept his hand in order to let Yoyo kill the ancient dragon.

As for why Uesugi Jun wants to extract vitality, it is mainly because of what Uesugi Miyuki said before, as a husband, it is impossible for Uesugi Miyuki to bear the responsibility of collecting vitality alone.

So from that day on, Uesugi Jun would never miss any opportunity.

Therefore, the place where this ancient giant dragon can still be used is only above the neck and after the buttocks that have not been greatly affected by the extraction of vitality.

Of course, Atsushi Uesugi doesn't like these materials. When he really needs them, he would rather spend some order points to exchange for perfect materials than collect such inferior products.

As for Yoyo, she really wants to, but she can't move away, and it's hard to talk to Uesugi Jun.

It wasn't until Uesugi Jun was about to return directly after collecting the wealth accumulated by the ancient dragon, that Yoyo couldn't help asking: "Brother Uesugi, is the body of the ancient dragon just placed here like that?"

"The value of this giant dragon's corpse is very limited. If you are interested, just find someone to deal with the follow-up. I don't need it." Shaking his head, Uesugi Jun gave the answer.

"I see." Yoyo replied.

As for the ancient dragon's treasure, Uesugi Jun didn't say how to allocate it to Yoyo, and he didn't ask, after all, it was good that Uesugi Jun gave her the chance to kill the ancient dragon.

"Well, then let's go back to the capital." Uesugi Jun put his hand on Yoyo's shoulder after finishing speaking, and the two of them disappeared on the side of the Death Mountain in the next second. When they reappeared, they had already returned to the adventurer In an alley near the union.

The two immediately came to the Adventurer's Union, and then submitted the task.

Yoyo handed the card to the staff at the counter, and after they put the card on a machine and operated it, the staff who didn't care much at first saw the content displayed on the card, and immediately changed the previous standard.

He directly filled his face with respect, and then handed the adventurer card to Yoyo's hands with both hands.

Although the staff member also knew that Yoyo, who was less than 14 years old, was definitely not the main combat power this time, after all, everyone in the Adventurer's Union now knew that Jun Uesugi was strong.

But this doesn't hinder anything, the ancient dragon died in the hands of a genius girl from the Red Demon clan, and that was the result.

After submitting the task, the entire Adventurer's Guild was in an uproar. After all, the two were attacking the ancient dragon entrenched in the Death Mountain.

In fact, it is normal for this kind of task that requires a strong team to lead a team for a few months, half a year or even longer.

It seems that the two returned in a few days, which is simply an exaggeration, and it also proves how powerful Uesugi Jun is in disguise.

After submitting the task, before Jun Uesugi had time to speak to Yoyo, the girl from the Crimson Demon clan spoke first.

"Brother Uesugi, I may need to go back to the hometown of the Red Devils, and I may not be able to return for a short time. I want to learn the magic you used in the crusade against the ancient dragon." He took out his adventurer card, and clicked on the learnable skill bar.

"Such a high number of points, are they all together?" After reading the adventurer card, Uesugi Jun realized something, and then asked Yoyo.

"No problem, if my father supports me, I can learn at least one of them!" Yoyo was referring to one of the two at 60 points.

"Okay, I just have something to do and I have to leave for a while. That's fine. If you don't see me in the union when you come back, just do your own work. I'll come to you when I'm done." Uesugi Jun nodded and replied.

"Brother Uesugi, can you find out where I am?" Yoyo asked.

"No problem, if you leave a message in the Adventurer's Guild, I can easily find you. If you don't leave a message, I will go to the hometown of the Red Devil." Uesugi Jun said.

"I see." Yunyun knew at the first glance that Uesugi Jun had the means, and then nodded.

"Well, that's it, I'll leave first."

After Uesugi Jun finished speaking, he strode out, and Yunyun followed behind, and the two separated directly after leaving the Adventurer's Guild.

Youyou went to look for the same clan in the hometown of the Red Devils who stayed in the capital. After all, the capital is quite a distance from the hometown of the Red Devils. Having the teleportation magic of the same clan would save a lot of time.

As for Uesugi Jun, after walking to a certain alley, he disappeared directly into the alley, and then the royal capital went to a certain forest on the way to Axel. After appearing, Uesugi Jun mobilized his energy and poured it into In the eyes, the pupil technique of the reincarnation sharingan was activated, the heavenly imperial center.

In the next second, the whole person disappeared directly into Suqing's world.

And when Jun Uesugi disappeared into Suqing World, beside the corpse of the ancient dragon, a figure wearing a white feather coat and long silver hair was standing here at the moment.

After looking at the corpse of the ancient dragon, this figure was silent for a while, then looked up at the sky, as if there was something worth seeing there.

In fact, there is really something worth watching, after all, there are space fluctuations left by Uesugi Jun using the power of Aries in the sky at this moment.

And the space warp doesn't recover as fast as the space shatter, of course, most people can't find it, but the existence standing here at this moment is not in the range that can't be found.

"With such a powerful power of space, does the God Realm have such an 'artifact' or ability?" Eris couldn't help muttering.

As for another power that caused such damage to the ancient dragon, it has been ignored by Eris.

After all, in Eris' view, since it is a reincarnation, it cannot be evil after all.

And as a god who has lived for an unknown number of years, he actually understands a truth, that is, no matter what kind of power, as long as it is used by the good order, it must not be evil power.

Uesugi Jun didn't know what Goddess Eris was thinking at this moment.

After all, he really has something to do, otherwise he wouldn't have left Suqing's world.

As for what it was, it was actually not an earth-shattering event, it was just that Naofumi Iwatani disappeared.

Before leaving, Uesugi Jun gave an explanation and asked Uesugi Miyuki to help keep an eye on Iwatani Naofumi and notify him if there is any news.

As for the other retainers, it wasn't that Atsushi Uesugi couldn't trust them, but they were busy dealing with the internal cleaning incident that Atsushi Uesugi explained before he left.

And this matter has come to an end at this moment, and it can be finished and ready to start at any time.

Don't look at Uesugi Jun only stayed in Suqing World for almost a week, but it has been more than a month for Neon.

Uesugi Jun also knows about the difference in flow speed between the two worlds. After all, the level of Suqing World is higher than that of Farmat Continent.

It is normal for the time velocity difference between the two sides to be large, but this ratio is not exaggerated, only 1:5.

It took more than a month. If the retainers of the Uesugi family are not ready, they are really fishing for fish.

The reason why he hasn't done anything yet is that he is waiting for Uesugi Jun's return.

Even if Miyuki Uesugi can sit in Nihong, Miyuki Uesugi still can’t represent Jun Uesugi in some things, at least when Emperor Nishiki wants to talk to Uesugi’s family, Miyuki Uesugi can’t represent Jun Uesugi under normal circumstances, unless it is a very special event.

Uesugi Jun hasn't planned to tell Emperor Nishiki about exploring another world, so naturally he can't let Uesugi Miyuki replace him.

So after the retainers made the preparations, they waited for Atsushi Uesugi to return without doing anything.

"Then let's do it!" This was the first message Uesugi Jun sent in the group after returning.

As soon as Uesugi Jun sent out the news, the entire neon police suddenly started to act.

It is impossible to hide such a big move from others.

In fact, as soon as Uesugi Jun sent out the news, Odagiri Toshiro sent the document written in advance and signed by Uesugi Jun himself to all the police departments by fax.

After all, such a large-scale arrest operation cannot be done without a clue, and even Jun Uesugi can't bear the pressure of several major associations to unite.

But after becoming famous as a teacher, the situation is different.

In particular, the entry point Uesugi Jun found made it difficult for other forces to intervene. After all, Uesugi Jun is now rectifying the internal problems of the police.

Who dares to talk too much!

As for politics, that was a follow-up to problems within policing.

But anyone with a little brain knows what the purpose of Jun Uesugi's document on rectification and discipline is.

I also know that this cleanup will probably involve a lot of involvement, so the possibility of the previously buried nails being pulled out will be very high.

After all, the group of extraordinary people in the Uesugi family can easily deal with ordinary people, especially the retainers of the Uesugi family seem to have some kind of identification method, but basically no criminals can escape.

This is also the reason why the major forces are worried.

After all, these people always feel that the rectification and discipline action may not be that simple.

But before Uesugi Jun made the next move, these people were unable to determine what Uesugi Jun's goal was.

As time passed, people who followed this rectification campaign became more and more frightened.

Yes, it's a thriller!

Because the number of people arrested in this operation is simply beyond imagination.

More than 9 police officers were 'infighting', but there were actually less than 6 policemen left. As for the other 3 people, they almost filled the detention centers all over the country.

Even the nest cases that appeared in some places were uprooted by the retainers of the Uesugi family, and then had to be temporarily sent to prison for detention due to too many people.

That is to say, Neon had emptied a batch of prisoners in the prison before, otherwise the people arrested in this operation would really have no place to be detained.

In less than a day, more than 3 police officers were lost, some of whom were high-level. It can be said that this disappearance is very shocking.

That is, Jun Uesugi sits in the Police Commission, otherwise, who would dare to do this, after all, this kind of news cannot be concealed at all.

Not to mention that the top management is paying attention, even the general public is paying attention to such actions.

For this reason, Seiko Fuji made a special call to Kuribayashi Nanami and asked her to conduct a live interview with Jun Uesugi on this matter.

Therefore, Jun Uesugi came to the NHK for the second time, and then sat in the live broadcast hall again.

After a brief exchange of pleasantries, Kuribayashi Nanami asked Atsushi Uesugi a question.

"Your Highness, today the Police Commission suddenly issued an action plan for rectification and discipline issued by you personally. So far, many policemen in various places in Nihong have been arrested by their colleagues, and people are panicked for a while. May I ask your Highness? Why did you issue such a document?"

If Kuribayashi Nanami was allowed to choose by herself, she would definitely not be willing to ask such sharp questions, but the stage directly suppressed this.

So no matter how wronged she is at this moment, she can only bite the bullet and ask Uesugi Jun.

"Why? The reason is actually very simple. It is to restore the image of the police in the eyes of the public. I know very well that the general public likes to refer to our police as tax thieves. Just because of this title is enough for me to initiate this rectification campaign. Action." Uesugi Jun returned unhurriedly.

"Just for this?" Kuribayashi Nanami asked in surprise.

"Isn't that enough? How disappointed would the general public be to call it like this, and such a name has proved that the image of the police has suffered a major crisis of credibility. Since I have taken over the post of Minister of Police, naturally You have to be responsible for the government and His Majesty the Emperor.

So no matter how many people are arrested in this operation, even if it will cause panic as you just mentioned, I will unswervingly remove all these black apples from the police system.Even if the number of police personnel will drop sharply after this operation, I must do so. "

 Thanks to the book friends of 'Shen Dong Yue Han' for their support, and to the book friends of 'Dugu Shenglong' for their monthly ticket support. There are still 38 votes left before the next update

(End of this chapter)

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