tokyo enforcer

Chapter 260 If I get reckless, I won't even let my allies go...

Chapter 260 If I get reckless, I won't even let my allies go.
Listening to Uesugi Jun's categorical words, the audience in front of the TV series felt Uesugi Jun's determination, but those high-level executives felt the full malice from Uesugi Jun.

"Your Highness, I believe that the general public will have a new understanding of the Police Commission after this rectification campaign." Nanai Lilin did not forget to compliment her.

"We didn't do this to win the trust of the people, and trust can't be seen in one action. This action just proves our determination. I have always said to the people below that our profession as a policeman is not Administer justice for those who have been wronged.

We are only those who maintain order, and have nothing to do with justice, nor are we the spokespersons of justice. We only maintain the order that weaves a peaceful environment.So no matter who dares to violate the order or even provoke the order, then he must be prepared to pay the corresponding price. "

When Uesugi Jun said these words, he looked at the camera with a serious expression.

not good!

To suffer!

The general public didn't hear anything from this, but felt that His Highness Uesugi Daimyo was a real person who would not fool the public, and did not give any high-sounding aura to the police system he mastered.

And with such a person leading the police system, the police in the future will definitely be more trustworthy than before.

But the high-level people heard only Chi Guoguo's murderous intent at the moment.

Yes, it was Chi Guoguo's murderous intent. They finally understood why Uesugi Jun had calmed down before. It turned out that it was not a good talk, but a big move.

In fact, if you really have a brain, you will understand that facing a bright neon is the strongest, an Abe, no matter how famous he is, is just a Muggle, what qualifications does he have to bear the dissatisfaction in Uesugi Jun's heart? .

Now that Uesugi Juntu saw him poorly, everyone suddenly realized, but it was too late.

After all, Uesugi Jun has already stated his purpose now, and with his character, since he dared to speak out, he must be pinched with his hands.

And as news from across the country continued to spread, all the high-level officials in Tokyo also understood who Uesugi Jun's goal was.

"How dare he?!"

Such roars came out in the offices of many people in power in many regions at about the same time.

After all, Jun Uesugi has made it clear that he wants to target the cases that occurred because of real estate in the 80s and 90s.

And there are too many big and small people involved in these cases, and after all those years, almost all of these people have taken to positions of power as long as there is no accident.

Now that Jun Uesugi is showing off his chariot and horses like this, how can these people not be angry.

But no matter how angry they are, they are just incompetent and furious, because they have to face the dimensionality reduction blow from the extraordinary force of the Uesugi family.

Even if the Uesugi family made it clear that they were only implicated, but they just wanted to mess with you, who would dare to object?

No one dares!
Yes, no one dares to stand up.

It's not that I don't want to, but I dare not.

In fact, some of the people here are also related to the extraordinary forces. After all, no matter how high the extraordinary forces are, they also need secular white gloves to stand on the bright side.

It's not that this group of people didn't contact the extraordinary forces behind them, but there really wasn't a single force that stood up and offered protection.

In fact, in the face of Uesugi Jun's arrogant and domineering actions, of course the seven major forces would not have tried to stop Uesugi Jun from acting recklessly.

But before they could act, there was an overwhelming pressure of terror in the sky above Tokyo.

Yes, after Uesugi Jun finished the interview, he flew directly over Tokyo, and unreservedly released his terrifying aura.

The extraordinary forces who felt the terrifying pressure all stopped their movements in unison.

Because they felt the threat from Chi Guoguo in Jun Uesugi's momentum, and felt the desperate gap even more.

After all, among the supernatural powers in the entire Tokyo at this moment, it is difficult for the superhumans below the fourth level to move even under the momentum, and in the entire neon supernatural world, there are not many who have reached the fourth level.

Of course, this does not mean that Uesugi Jun can coerce Tokyo.

In fact, there are many shrines and temples in Tokyo, and there are some existences that can stand up to Uesugi Junshi.

But no one showed up from the beginning to the end, why?
The reason is very simple. First of all, Emperor Ninchi, he did not object to Uesugi Jun's reckless behavior.

As the Emperor of Neon, he actually knows better than anyone else that if this country continues like this, it will really die.

But he couldn't make a move. Although the emperor's lineage has a deep foundation, it can't hold other forces to unite to resist it.

But Uesugi Jun didn't have so many worries, because he had already expressed his meaning clearly, that is, whoever makes me unhappy, I will make him even more unhappy.

As for how many people will die among them, would a high-ranking transcendent care about those Muggles in the world?

It can be said that Uesugi Jun did not directly target several major forces, which is already very face-saving.

Under such circumstances, the only Emperor Ninji who can take the lead suddenly fell ill and pretended to be dead. Who would dare to jump out and say no to other forces.

The Tenman priest of the shrine did not dare, because he wanted to use the power of the shrine, and he alone did not count.

As for the old monk in the temple, although there is no such restriction, he knows how difficult Uesugi Jun is to mess with.

Count on these old silver coins to stand up and raise others' guns, so save it.

Apart from these two alliances with deep foundations, even Yin Yang Liao is not enough to stand in front of Uesugi Jun.

Because Uesugi Jun only cares about the avatar of the gods, the ghosts and gods of Yinyangliao are nothing in front of Uesugi Jun.

Not to mention these ghosts and gods who are far inferior to the ancient monsters, even if the legendary Nine-Tails resurrection and the release of Baqi are nothing more than adding a rich vitality to Uesugi Jun, that's all.

In the past, Uesugi Jun may not have such strong confidence, but since he bought Kekedi, he has mastered time and space at the same time, and Uesugi Miyuki's ideal power is also assisted.

As long as the gods do not come out, Uesugi Jun even dares to go to the Vatican to challenge the Pope.

It is precisely because of such a strong self-confidence that the momentum released can be called terrifying.

That is to say, Jun Uesugi's aura was aimed at the place where extraordinary people gathered, otherwise Tokyo would already be in chaos at this moment.

After all, how could ordinary people be able to withstand the aura that even a third-order superhuman could not hold back? It would be the best end for them all to roll their eyes and faint.

It was precisely because of Uesugi Jun's threat that the follow-up things went very smoothly.

When a new day comes, a small group of people in power in the government affairs systems of major cities will no longer be able to come to work.

None of them were imprisoned in prisons or detention centers, but all of them committed suicide.

Yes, for those who were not enough for punishment, the Uesugi family chose to wait for the next harvest, and those who were enough for punishment would simply die.

But it was such an arrogant move that no news spread throughout the neon.

In fact, some family members of the perpetrators originally planned to gather together to cause trouble, but after contacting other people, they received a warning from the police.

Yes, after feeling yesterday's aura, Tsuchimikado was really scared this time.

After all, only when he personally felt the desperate gap, did he understand how tyrannical Uesugi Jun was.

In order for Jun Uesugi to calm down and stop worrying about Yinyangliao, Tsuchimikado directly asked the Public Security Committee to cooperate with the Metropolitan Police Department.

What makes the Public Security Bureau speechless is that when a large number of troops were sent out to assist, a small number of people were directly arrested by the people of the Police Department.

Although the people from the Public Security Bureau were very angry and directly responded to the bosses of the Public Security Committee, it was useless, and Tsuchimikado ignored it.

And not long after, the Police Department issued confessions one after another, and the senior officials of the Public Security Department looked at each other in dismay.

Of course, the high-level people who can stay at this moment know that in any government department, a small number of people will have problems.

In fact, for Jun Uesugi's outburst this time, everyone thought that it would not end so easily, but they did not expect that the Metropolitan Police Department representing Jun Uesugi would be so strong and domineering.

The arrest of the police was still secondary, and the bosses of various departments even put out a uniformly printed repentance letter, and then committed suicide in their own room.

In addition, more than half of the family property of these bigwigs was later donated to the foundation that has been funding the Metropolitan Police Department all year round.

If it hadn't been for the tax payment before the donation, Emperor Ninchi would probably have some objections, after all, these people are fat leeks.

In addition, the amount of harvest this time is really large, such a huge amount, even Emperor Ninchi cannot ignore it.

Fortunately, in the eyes of Emperor Ninchi, the systematic tax payment means that Uesugi Jun is sensible, otherwise he couldn't help but contact Uesugi Jun.

And once he contacts Uesugi Jun, it means that this action may end here.

In order for Uesugi Jun to cut more leeks, to free up enough places for this country to break through class solidification as much as possible, and to add a little new vitality, Emperor Ninchi has been pretending to be sick.

Of course, Uesugi Jun didn't care what Emperor Ninchi thought, and he didn't want to do anything for the country. Now he just wanted to reap a good harvest.

As for venting his anger, it was just an excuse. After all, Uesugi Jun wasn't too angry about the personnel incident last time, and he didn't have to be angry with a Muggle.

Even, if there were not enough leeks in the modern world, Jun Uesugi might not have chosen to keep his base camp in the modern world.

After all, the rule that the strength of the other world is king is more obvious, and there are many fewer constraints.

For now, plus Naofumi Iwatani, Jun Uesugi can choose from four worlds.

But there are gods in three of the four worlds, and the boss standing behind the wave that is about to swallow the world by Naofumi Iwatani is also a self-proclaimed god.

Therefore, there is no difference between these four worlds for Uesugi Jun. Uesugi Jun will definitely choose the modern world that has enough leeks and is the most familiar.

But if Uesugi Jun once discovered a world without gods, or a world in which gods and past tense, he would probably be more inclined to such a world.

Still the same sentence, no one wants to have an extra father on their head, the stronger they are, the less they want someone to stand on their head.

While the retainers of Uesugi's family were harvesting leeks happily, Uesugi Jun had already left Neon.

However, he did not smuggle to the world of Suqing, but went to the mainland of Farmat, because he has not achieved the main purpose of coming back this time.

As for Nihong, Uesugi Jun is not worried. If someone really jumps out to make trouble after he leaves, his wife will let them know that he is not the only one who can suppress Nihong in the Uesugi family.

After the space transformation, Uesugi Jun appeared on the hill of Arnus.

Without stopping, Uesugi Jun went straight to the Temple of the Underworld.

Seeing Uesugi Jun's arrival, the female priest at the gate of the Underworld Temple warmly received him.

This attitude is completely different from the previous time in the Temple of Bernag.

As for the reason, it is easy to understand. After all, any priest hopes that the temple he is in is luxurious enough.

This has nothing to do with the priest's own greed for enjoyment. The main reason is that the more luxurious the temple is, the more it can prove the strength of the sect and attract believers to worship.

Again, ordinary people have a kind of blind obedience.

That is to say, Arnus is still under development. After Arnus is built, it is basically self-evident what kind of grand occasion this Temple of the Underworld will have in the center of the mainland.

After explaining his purpose, Uesugi Jun followed the female priest who led the way to the main hall deep underground.

Uesugi Jun came not to ask to see the gods. In fact, the high priest of the Temple of the Underworld would not communicate with Hardy just because of Uesugi Jun's request.

You must know that although praying to God is something they must do every day, they also know that when the gods send oracles, it is often when the gods have something to do.

At other times, the gods on the Falmat continent basically didn't respond.

Uesugi Jun came here just to let Hardy know that he was going to another world.

Atsushi Uesugi believed that the legacy left by Hardy would definitely let her know after he used it.

After all, Yu Canjin said that this thing will reveal the coordinates of the world, so this thing must have a positioning function similar to a subsystem.

In fact, before encountering Yuyatsu, Uesugi Jun knew that this thing would reveal his position anytime and anywhere.

So when Uesugi Jun went to Suqing World, he didn't bring this with him, but stayed with Neon.

However, there are obviously a group of malicious self-proclaimed gods in the world of shield bravery. Uesugi Jun would not dare to enter such a world from the neon side.

It's not that he is afraid of exposing the coordinates of the modern world. After all, Naofumi Iwatani has been summoned, which proves that the coordinates of the modern world are probably not a secret to that world.

Uesugi Jun was mainly afraid that he would be targeted as soon as he went in. After all, Uesugi Jun didn't know whether the group behind the wave would attack him regardless of his care.

That's why Uesugi Jun chose to come to the Underworld Hall. In this way, as long as Uesugi Jun used the divine relic to open the passage, Hardy could feel the opposite world immediately.

If there was a threat that she couldn't even deal with, she would prevent Jun Uesugi from entering.

This is the purpose of Uesugi Jun coming here, for an extra layer of insurance.

"Your Majesty, I'm ready to start!" Kan Uesugi Jun said softly, and then poked the void in front of him with the God's Relic.

In the next second, a black vortex channel was formed in front of Uesugi Jun.

He didn't step in at the first time. The passage opened by Jun Uesugi this time is not small. Although it can't be preserved for a period of time like Hardy opened up, at least it won't disappear after a few breaths.

After all, Jun Uesugi has powerful space energy, so it is no problem to stabilize the current passage for a while.

After waiting for several minutes and seeing that there was no reaction, Uesugi Jun disappeared in place.

However, after he left, the space channel poked out by the gods did not disappear, but was temporarily stabilized after being infused with some kind of power.

On the other side, in the palace hall of the Meromag Kingdom in the world of shield bravery.

"What's going on? Mai Yin, are you alright?" Naofumi Iwatani, who was suddenly escorted to the palace hall by the soldiers of the Knights, hadn't figured out what happened for a while.

He didn't notice that everyone was glaring at him as if they were seeing a bad guy. At this moment, he was just instinctively showing kindness and caring for the vicious woman who deceived him.

But in the next second, Naofumi Iwatani only saw his companion Mai Yin hiding behind Motoyasu Kitamura.

"Mai Yin?" For a moment, Iwatani Naofumi didn't understand what happened.

But right now, that's not the most important thing for him.

"King, all my property and shield equipment were stolen while I was sleeping, please catch the culprit" For Iwatani Naofumi, this is the most important thing right now.

But before he finished speaking, he was stopped by the roar of Ottocle Meromag 32.

"Shut up, wicked man!"

"What do you mean?" After being suddenly shouted angrily, Iwatani Naofumi asked in a very incomprehensible whisper.

"Poor adventurer Mine, I'm really sorry, can I trouble you to testify again?" Ottocle Meromag 32 was fascinated by his eyes, and then said.


"Huh?" This time it was Iwatani Naofumi's turn to be shocked.

"Shield Hero-sama said that it was still dark, and approached me, and forcibly tore off my clothes."

"I was very scared... and screamed, so I finally escaped from the guest room and asked for help from Mr. Yuan Yasu, who happened to be staying in the same hotel as him." Mai Yin, who was hiding behind Yuan Kang, pointed her finger at Naofumi Iwatani, crying.

"Huh?" What was she talking about?
Naofumi Iwatani looked at the sobbing Mai Yin, only feeling confused.

Because last night, after saying goodbye to Mai Yin, he immediately went back to his room, lay down and fell into a deep sleep, and had no memory of these allegations at all.

"If Mai Yin hadn't agreed to call the knight in the morning, I couldn't help but kill you." Kitamura Motoyasu said to Iwatani Naofumi in a voice full of anger.

"What nonsense are you talking about? After dinner yesterday, I went back to my room to sleep." Iwatani Naofumi defended himself.

At this point, Iwatani Naofumi finally found out that Kitamura Motoyasu was wearing the chain armor he bought!
"It's the chain armor, are you the one who stole things at night!" Naofumi Iwatani felt that his anger had risen.

When I woke up early in the morning, I found that the equipment and money had been stolen. Not only did I miss breakfast, but I was also brought here by members of the Knights to accept vicious accusations.

"Who is stealing something at night? This is when I met Mai Yin when I was drinking alone in a tavern yesterday. After we drank for a while, Mai Yin gave me this chain armor as a meeting gift." Kitamura Motoyasu disdainfully He said with a smile, while hugging Mai Yin who was leaning on him.

Hearing this answer, Iwatani Naofumi was stunned.

But before Iwatani Naofumi could react, an atmosphere similar to a court was filled in the palace hall.

 Thanks for the monthly ticket support of 'chging' book friends, there are still 32 votes away from the next update

(End of this chapter)

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