tokyo enforcer

Chapter 287 Loli God: My poverty-stricken attire embarrasses my family members...

Chapter 287 Lolita God: My poor attire embarrasses my family members
"I see. By the way, which family member are you, Brother Uesugi? Why are you still alone in the dungeon so late?" Bell finally asked the question at this moment.

"I haven't joined the family yet. After all, I just came to Olalie yesterday, and I couldn't wait to come to the dungeon to see it!" Jun Uesugi replied with a smile.

"I just arrived in Olalie, is this the first time I entered the dungeon?" Mr. Rabbit felt that he had been hit hard.

"Don't think too much, I was already very strong. I came to Olalie because I felt that I couldn't rely on myself to continue to become stronger. I hope that I can continue to become stronger with the help of the legendary god Huien." Jun Uesugi looked at Mr. Rabbit. You can tell what he's thinking just by looking at him.

"Brother Uesugi, why do you want to become stronger?" Mr. Rabbit couldn't help asking Uesugi Jun.

"After being strong, power, fame, wealth and even women will follow. Isn't this reason enough?" Atsushi Uesugi was talking about the mainstream thinking of adventurers in this world.

After listening to Uesugi Jun's words, Mr. Rabbit fell silent, after all, his purpose was one of them.

"Bell, whose family did you join?" Seeing that Mr. Rabbit stopped talking, Jun Uesugi could only lead the topic by himself.

"I am now a member of Hestia's family. The family I belong to is very weak. My lord is the only one of my family now." Mr. Rabbit replied a little embarrassed.

"Oh, are you alone? By the way, I didn't quite understand a question. I heard that the blessings of the gods are the same. Is this true?" Jun Uesugi asked Rabbit-kun.

"Yes, the favor of the gods is the same." Mr. Rabbit nodded and said.

"Is it the same?" Uesugi Jun couldn't help but said slowly.

After that, neither Uesugi Jun nor Rabbit-kun spoke much, after all, they knew each other, and Rabbit-kun was still injured at the moment.

After protecting Mr. Rabbit out of the dungeon, Jun Uesugi parted ways with him.

After a busy day and night, Jun Uesugi also felt exhausted from his body. He needed to find a hotel to take a good rest.

As for the matter of joining the family, it will not be too late to talk about it after the rest.

And Jun Uesugi refused to live in the basement of the dilapidated church.

Therefore, before joining Uesugi Jun, he still needs to settle the issue of future residence.

Of course, for a big man like Jun Uesugi, money is not a problem at all.

On the way here, although Uesugi Jun did not collect money by collecting nobles in the passing kingdom due to his strength, collecting money does not have to be bought for zero yuan.

Anyway, Uesugi Jun still has treasures from the ancient dragon's lair in the Suqing world, and it is completely enough to exchange some of them for money.

In fact, if he didn't find it troublesome, he could spend a little time on commercial activities. After all, there is no porcelain in the wrong world.

Get a batch of exquisite porcelain and sell it, it will definitely make a lot of money.

But Uesugi Jun doesn't have the time and thought, after all, money is not worth his time.

After finding a hotel and having a good sleep, when Uesugi Jun got up, it was past noon.

After getting up and washing up, Uesugi Jun went directly to the Adventurer's Guild.

In the huge labyrinth city of Olalie, the Adventurer's Guild is not only responsible for adventurers.

In fact, the operation of the entire city is under the responsibility of the Adventurer's Union, but it's just that the Adventurer's Union has assigned various functions and responsibilities to the powerful family members.

If it wasn't for Uesugi Jun who didn't know the members of the Guberniu family, he wouldn't need to contact the members of the family through the staff of the Adventurer's Guild.

As for the person looking for this family member, the reason is that this family member has almost covered the construction work of the entire city.

It can be said that Olalie can lack the most powerful Loki and Freya families, just like the Zeus and Hera families back then.

But there is absolutely no shortage of several major family members in the second tier, after all, these family members maintain the operation of the city.

Therefore, if you want to find a house and look for the Guberniu Familiars, you are absolutely right. Of course, if you want to buy land and build it yourself, you have to add the Adventurer’s Union. After all, the land is sold by the Adventurer’s Union.

Following the staff of the Adventurer's Guild, he went to the Guberniu family. After Uesugi Jun explained his purpose, he was taken by a member of the family to see several houses.

Uesugi Junzai chose a small three-story building with a small area but a relatively high-grade interior decoration.

Then follow the staff of the Adventurer's Union to the union to complete the remaining procedures.

By the afternoon, Uesugi Jun had officially become a homeowner of Olali. After he walked around and prepared all the supplies that should be prepared, he walked out of the house and locked the door.

Then it's time to find the goddess Hestia. Thinking of this, Jun Uesugi walked to the gate of the base camp of Ganesha and his family.

According to Jun Uesugi's memory and the information he obtained, Hestia will attend the banquet of the gods held by the Ganesha Family Meeting tonight.

If there are no surprises in the plot, then waiting at the gate of the Ganesha Family Headquarters will definitely wait for Hestia to appear.

As for the base camp of the Ganesha family members, Uesugi Jun knows without asking, after all, the huge Ganesha statue is too conspicuous.

Arriving at the gate of Ganesha Family Headquarters, Jun Uesugi began to wait on the opposite side of the road.

Because the pupil skill was sealed, Jun Uesugi could only look around.

Fortunately, because of poverty, Hestia dressed very plainly, which prevented her from entering the banquet too late.

In fact, this 140cm tall, completely loli-looking God of Kitchen Fire came earlier than Uesugi Jun imagined.

Seeing Loli God appearing, Uesugi Jun immediately walked over quickly.

Before God Loli reached the gate of Ganesha Familiars, Jun Uesugi stood in front of her.

"Young man, what's the matter?" the billion-year-old loli god looked at Uesugi Jun with puzzled eyes and asked.

"My name is Jun Uesugi, and I am looking for a god named Hestia, and I want to join her family." Uesugi Jun said condescendingly to Hestia.

"I'm Hestia, but why?" Hestia was naturally happy to see someone willing to join her family, but if she was looking for herself, she needed to ask why.

"I met a boy in the dungeon last night who desperately wanted to become stronger. He is very similar to me, so I think his words must be able to get along well with me. And in the conversation with him, I have to Knowing about your existence, Goddess, I came to look for you." Jun Uesugi explained.

"Is that so?" After all, Hestia had lived hundreds of millions of years, so Hestia naturally wouldn't ask Uesugi Jun why he was here waiting for her.

"So, Goddess, what's your answer?" Jun Uesugi continued to ask.

"I'm very happy to accept you as my family member, but I still have to attend the feast of the gods held by Ganesha at this moment." Although Lolita really wanted to put the Hestia family member on Uesugi Jun's back immediately The imprint of her, but she still has important things to do at the moment.

But before she finished speaking, Uesugi Jun stepped forward and held her hand directly.

"Mr. Goddess, since you are going to participate in the feast of the gods, it is a bit rude to dress like this. If you are allowed to enter like this, the face of Hestia's family will be dishonored, so please come with me, I would rather delay A little time, and don't be in a hurry." Uesugi Jun held Hestia's hand and walked while talking.

Hestia is really speechless at this moment!

After all, she also knew very well that she would be ridiculed by other gods when she walked in with this outfit, which was why she had been reluctant to participate in the feast of the gods.

As a goddess, she didn't want to mess around so much that she didn't even have a decent dress, but in the lower realm where divine power was sealed, she was helpless against the greatest enemy, poverty.

Who told her that the gnawing friend god cared about enjoying herself when she first went down to the realm, but later her best friend Hephaestus couldn't stand it, so she drove her out.

If it wasn't for his family Bell today, she wouldn't come here even if she was killed.

So now being led by Jun Uesugi while talking about this, Hestia opened his mouth several times but didn't say a word.

He was led by Jun Uesugi all the way, and after crossing two streets, he came to a small three-story building with exquisite shape.

Uesugi Jun immediately let go of Hestia's hand, stepped forward and took out the key to open the lock hanging on the gate.

"Goddess, please come in with me!" Uesugi Jun said to Hestia.

"Oh!" When she saw the building, Hestia was a little dazed, after all, she really didn't dare to think that Jun Uesugi would bring her here.

And after following Jun Uesugi into the house, Hestia discovered that after entering the door is the hall, and the kitchen, bathroom, and toilet are each a room.

There are four rooms on the second floor, but Uesugi Jun did not show her around, but took her directly to the third floor, and then opened a room.

"Because I don't know your exact body shape, Lady Goddess, after discussing with the people in the clothing store, I brought a few pieces of clothing of various styles. Lady Goddess, I just choose the one that suits me. Other clothes that I don't need, I will Will return. Cosmetics and jewelry are in the cabinet of the dressing table.

If the Goddess needs to go to the first floor to wash up now, magic water supply and magic heating devices are installed in the bathroom. Only in terms of food, I have not found a chef yet, and I don’t know how to use the kitchen. Please forgive me, Goddess. one time! " Uesugi Jun said.

"It's enough, to be honest, it's far beyond my expectations, but is it really good to choose me, a weak and poor god?" Hestia felt that this useless god suddenly met a The rich young master always feels a little unreal.

"Mr. Goddess, with your wisdom, you should have discovered that my background is not bad. Don't look at my humble attitude in front of you, but in fact I may not have a good temper. That's why I deliberately chose a small family member, especially A family member with a good temper like Bell joined.

Besides, isn't the favor of the gods the same? If I didn't rely on myself and couldn't become stronger, I wouldn't come to Orario. I hope that after joining the family, I will continue to grow stronger after receiving the favor of the gods. "When Uesugi Jun said this, he couldn't help but bring a hint of arrogance in his tone.

"I understand, then let's sign the contract first! Take off your shirt and turn your back to me." Hestia roughly understood what Uesugi Jun meant.

To put it simply, Uesugi Jun is not badly born, and he is more powerful in doing things, which Hestia has already felt just now.

Such a person is naturally unwilling to go to the big family to be angry with those senior members, and then happened to meet Bell in the dungeon, so he found himself specially.

As he himself said, he can get along well with Bell, after all, Bell is not strong at all.

Although it feels like this is going on, the position of Bell as the head of Hestia's family will be very dangerous in the future, but if Hestia is asked to give up such a capable and wealthy child like Jun Uesugi, she will not be able to say no to refuse anyway. .

Let's talk about the next thing!
Now let's contract the child who is automatically delivered to the door first, and then talk about other things.

"Okay!" Uesugi Jun didn't hesitate, and directly turned his generous back to Hestia.

Accompanied by Hestia took out a thin needle, pierced his finger, and then used divine blood to write the pattern belonging to Hestia's family on Uesugi Jun's back in the form of sacred characters.

Jun Uesugi Lv1
Strength: I0
Durability: Ⅰ0
Skill: Ⅰ0
Dexterity: I0
Magic: I0




At this point, even if the ceremony of joining the family has been officially completed, Jun Uesugi will be an official member of the Hestia family from now on.

"Okay, I hope you can work hard to improve yourself in the future." Hestia said.

"Okay, Lady Goddess, please don't worry, I will go out to find a carriage right away, and I will definitely not delay the time for Lady Goddess to attend the feast of the gods." Uesugi Jun said very politely.

"Thank you!" Hestia barely maintained a calm expression.

But in fact, she was almost bursting with joy in her heart at this moment. It was so worry-free to have a capable and sensible child.

When Jun Uesugi went out to contact the carriage, Hestia went downstairs to take a bath first. After all, during the day, she was still working as a Kanban lady at the potato ball stand.

After taking a bath, she went up to the third floor and began to try on the clothes one by one. The last one she chose was a high-end white evening dress that Uesugi Jun specially customized on Earth according to her figure data.

As for the other clothes, Uesugi Jun rented them from Olali’s clothing store. At first, the owner was not happy, but after Uesugi Jun made it clear that he would bring his own god to customize a few sets of high-end dresses, the boss gave in. .

Anyway, the rent and deposit given by Jun Uesugi are not low, and there are also orders. If he is not willing, there are people who are willing.

After trying on clothes and shoes, and then cosmetics and jewelry, it took only an hour to complete a set.

(End of this chapter)

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